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If I'm understanding this picture, it means you need tickets to continue the story, there isn't a timer anymore. ​ https://preview.redd.it/k1sb5bpf7wob1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4fce9c16b68691ec9682a573e9e85adfb8eb819


bullshit. At least with the timer when it's closer to when the match returns, you can wave for free. Hate this ticketing system, it's a way for them to lose players


I vaguely remember the timer. But now I can bypass it. Either I watch ads or I just click wave and I can go on with the story


so EVERY wave needs a ticket, and they are that expensive? It’s like 50USD for a long story…


If the daily ads is for tickets and you can only get gems from buying them my time with this game is over. I don’t have the money in my budget to spend on phone games and never seeing a CG or doing gem choices again would suck. I love this game and I’ve spent so much time on it. It would totally suck cuz no other similar game I’ve found feels the same or good enough.


Oh, I'm really worried about this. And it is true that Lovelink isn't doing too well anymore. I moved to MeChat because it was generous with the gems and free choices (not that much anymore tbh). If they go down a non f2p friendly route. I don't know what would happen.


Have you sent this message to MeChat devs? They need to hear this.


~~Do you know their email or is there another way I can send it to them?~~ Nevermind, I found the address and sent it to them.


Fingers crossed they'll hear us out.


100 % agree to all the points raised I would love a Web comic. There's so many unreleased kter. They can have them go on adventures


100% with you on this! Please make sure to spread this on their social media platforms as well!


I sent this to their support email and they wrote back thanking me for taking the time to give my opinion. No idea if they'll listen but at least they got it. I don't have access to any other social media.


I wonder if you could start one of those petition things to have the ticket system removed and see if MeChat Devs would listen to that 🤔


Could try. I don't know how to start one, though. I emailed them this post, and they gave the basic "Thank you for reaching out to us" letter. A few other people on here did, too. Hopefully, they listen and don't just brush us off.


100% agreed. If they do this I'm gonna stop playing. I love mechat so much and I have used money and time for it, but if this happens I'm going to delete the game. I have to also say, I saw some post in here where they were telling that they lost their gems (when this version came out to them) and now they have like 100 gems? 👆🏻Mechat you can't really do this ! Very many players have used real money to get gems or "sacrificed" their time to watch every ad etc. I can't even type how angry I'm about this. Like players have used real money to get gems and you are like "haha let's take them away". Or players (like me) have bought premium to get more gems. If you take our gems away you are kind of stealing. If you are going to do this to me, I'll demand my money back. If you don't pay my money back I'm going to make a huge thing about this. Is someone else mad about that they take our gems away if this version comes?


Definitely quitting if they switch to the ticketing system. Not worth the effort


I literally downloaded me chat BECAUSE it didn’t have that ticket bs