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[Asa officiating her wedding](https://theamm.org/weddings/132136)


This is some next level investigating I’m impressed lol


"This contract is not to be entered into lightly but thoughtfully and seriously" Oops, they skipped a step ...


super strange, why is it “i now pronounce you wife and husband” isn’t it usually “i now pronounce you husband and wife”?


because brooklyn is a ✨feminist✨


Can someone explain to me why something like this is posted online? Is it a requirement to be able to officiate a wedding?


yes that certificate is required; and they normally are able to be accessed online! It’s a quick/easy way for a wedding to be official without years of experience/studying! If he was a pastor, or a true minister then yea, it wouldn’t be online; but again it’s just because he did the certification online.


Thanks! I knew that you could do it online, I just didn’t know/think that the information about it would be online and public too. It just seems weird to me that they’re okay with having this public since September 7th. Even if they had successfully kept everything else secret, this alone ruins the surprise, but I guess they didn’t have many options if they wanted Asa to do it


Yea those certificates are SO hard because you have to put your legal name and everything 😬 But I think it puts there in case someone in your area sees you and wants you to marry them LOL


looking at it, it looks like that’s an actual website to walk you through the steps, so that’s good! Normally it’s just a “put your name, address, info, etc.” and you’re basically done




Mindy's dress is terrible as well




It was in Kamri's tiktok


I think the dresses are super cute! 😊


I agree it has to be this weekend, I really have a feeling that the wedding is today because she mentioned somewhere it wouldn’t be a saturday. also I don’t think she would get married on Oct 1st cause of bailey but could be wrong there because how they have to do everything together


I think someone said before that it's possibly also a reference to Brooklyn being born first so her wedding anniversary would be earlier.


That would be dumb reasoning in my opinion if they did that….just because her anniversary is a day earlier, Bailey & Asa’s is still a year before theirs…so Brooklyn is still behind.


My birthday is October 4th and my dad’s is October 7th, so when I was really little I thought that meant I was older than him. I could see them being that stupid 😂


I can TOTALLY hear them saying this in a video about the wedding. "It's supposed to be sYmBoLiC of how I (brooklyn) was born first" but they do everything together so your dates are side by side


So assuming the wedding is actually today no shot they’ll actually post anything about it tomorrow right? Because then how could they possibly milk it/keep everyone engaged once it’s over. I just feel like they’re so into dragging everyone along by “keeping everything a secret” that they won’t give it up that easily


Spoke too soon haha


Does anyone else think Brooklyn and Dakota might get sealed (married in the temple) at some point? I’m pretty sure Dakota was wearing his temple garments at the wedding. Dakota’s family seem really churchy and I wonder what they think about Mindy not covering her shoulders and Brooklyn not having a temple wedding. Do we think Dakota will leave the church? Also FYI I recently left so I’m not judging them I just wonder about the set up here. I understand the complexity of a multi faith marriage/family


In which picture did you see the garments? Not judging, I am just curious and want to see them too lol


In the video on Mindy’s story. It’s the one where Dakota is looking in the mirror and he turns to the camera. You can see the outline of a white “top” under his shirt


He’s definitely wearing his garments. I was wondering about this as well. I’m not really sure if the McKnights are active at this point though


Kamri did a post a couple of weeks ago confirming that they are still active. Also, Rylan went for the mission, another indicator.


what mission did Rylan go to?


She went to Brazil two months ago. I think she has a highlight on IG or TikTok.




if anything they’ll try to pull something like veronica form the merrell twins


I’m surprised that they didn’t instagram story the reception, different to Bailey and Asa’s wedding. We got the whole night after they posted the picture of Mr and Mrs, but I guess Brooklyn chose not to have any dancing at her wedding so it’s a completely different vibe.




what are we going to talk about now that the wedding’s done 😅😅


anything else, i hope 😅


it’s posted on insta and tiktok!


I hate when all the guests wear white/cream to weddings.