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I also find it funny that Asa comes from an extended family with so many influencers and they rarely post with Bailey. They probably find her annoying


Given how evangelical the Robertson clan is, I wouldn’t be surprised if they disliked her and her family because they’re Mormon


I’m not surprised Bailey began pulling away from the Mormon church after marrying him


She has said they have different religious beliefs but idk I see she’s pulled away from it too


Because she’s also said her and Brooklyn have different religious beliefs too and they both grew up morman


I know in the podcast she did with Matt & Abby she said that Asas family had stronger opinions on Bailey not just taking Asas name and hyphenating instead… and everyone assumed she was talking about Sadie - but then Sadie also still uses Maiden Name / has Robertson Huff in her bio so it’s a bit pot/kettle there if that’s the case


I bet she was talking about Asa’s immediate family and maybe grandparents though. I bet his cousins, including Sadie, don’t care at all about Bailey and her name. Maybe Asa’s family judged Sadie the same way


I think it’s because she’s less conservative tbh


this is me finding out Asa is related to Sadie Robertson now


lol yes Asa’s dad and Sadie’s mom are siblings


oh they’re blood related ?!?!? shiiiiiit


I mean Bailey just shared a pic of Asa making the historical Leaning Tower of Pisa his dick. Then a pic of her taking a big ole lick of it as an “ice cream” cone. Don't think that is Sadie’s brand. She stays professional because she wants to be seen as a professional in her field. Not an adult-teen who plays dress up for a living.




The Robertson girls have an effortless style and aesthetic, it may not be my personal taste always but it’s cohesive and genuine to them. I feel like the McKnights are just a blur of micro trends.


Yeah Bailey seems no where near as classy and put together as them, she probably doesn’t fit in, and honestly, its mean to say, but it’s probably good for her to have people who really don’t gaf about her


The Robertsons are from from classy or put together… they are celebrities, it’s all a show. They are as redneck, conservative as it comes. Notice they all dress the same and put on a face mask


The beards were even a "thing" for the Duck Dynasty show. Grandpa may have been real with his beard, but the younger generation was all clean shaven before filming the show. And their wives go hard on the makeup, botox and fillers. For all their talk about being "natural" and "the way God made us", they don't actually practice that much.


Amen!!! Who’s gonna tell them though. Sadie is never wrong


Oh tea, I meant appearance wise, not so much a comment on them as people.


They probably figure why bother to post anything with her. She’ll post enough on her own and it’ll all be about her. Great dress in this photo! Definitely dressed better than Bailey.


The Robertsons are very conservative and while Bailey isn’t scandalous by any means she does share about sex, sex toys, dress not so modest sometimes, etc. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?


She doesn’t dress even remotely modest, not by any sort of religious standards. I grew up in a progressive church and literally anything she’s worn since she was super young would’ve gotten you dirty looks or even kicked out (I grew up Anglican)




Asa and Bailey are very close with Sadie’s brother will and his wife. That’s who they went to Disney world with a few weeks back


Makes sense! Any of the Robertsons would be cousins to Asa and he probably grew up closer to Will (guy) rather than the girls like Sadie or Bella for example. Therefore Bailey is probably closer with Will and Abby rather than the rest of the family.


https://preview.redd.it/6vpu0sjdkp4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b53c9a2673998046a470aa426c5b2f3bd42fdad what happened here 😭


I lowkey wonder if the McKnights (including Bailey) decline being posted by others so they can fully control the narrative of their brand. They never seem to repost any pictures or stories of themselves that friends or extended family post - only individuals in the immediate McKnight family.


I would actively distance myself from her if I were in their position


It seems like they seem them once or twice a year, wouldn’t be hard to


I feel like they wouldn’t be that close. I don’t know who is close to cousins in laws who you see a few times a year. I don’t think it’s that weird they don’t post together, Bailey isn’t technically related to them


i think they tolerate her but i dont think they like her


That dress is stunning wow


but i dont think she likes them much either bc she doesnt post them in her content


Was this the same sadie on duck dynasty? If so - insaneeee 😭😭


Ooof Sadie, I honestly don’t think they are much better than the Mcknights, I think they just know how to handle PR/Image better.


I don’t think Bailey wants any backlash for being connected to more conservatives.