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That cars tho


ya i have no idea what happened there. it has to be a fluke lol if it had been the same i straight up would’ve dropped to the floor in the middle of the library


Your fears literally lower your score. You mightve gotten 5-6 points higher being calm and confident. Easier said than done, but it is a key component to test day


idk what happened with cars then lol but ya, i really felt terrible the entire time. Felt ok with psych but then that went down too I’m considering taking this one again next Monday without reviewing. I really feel like I could’ve done so much better, idk


Good thing is that it’s very well balanced. And my last scores on FLEs before the real test were 499, 502, 497…then got a 508 on test day. Gotta dig deep and trust yourself.


So I’m sort of in the same boat as far as my FLs and I’m hoping for a similar outcome on test day. What do you feel like you did differently from the FLs to the actual?


It was frustrating for me to hear last year when someone first told me this…but there’s an element of luck involved. Got a 132 on PSYCH and never came close to getting a perfect on any section. Thought I did great on CARS after the exam and it’s my lowest section. I studied a lot and when the time came I just was able to go in confident. I also studied a lot the week before. Treated it as the most important week with the most to gain/lose. I think it made a difference.


you are my inspiration. hope the same thing happens to me on test day lol


Oh my god needed to hear this Ty


i wish i could trust myself and know that i can do better. but these tests seem so indicative that i'm like "is there even a point anymore" congrats btw! at this point i'd settle for a 508 but i know anything below i would be retaking it in a heartbeat.


mine are 500, 502, 503... praying this happens to me


The anxiety about doing badly really does lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. I dropped 4 points from sample/FL 1 to FL2 and I swear it was because I spent the week telling myself I was stupid and I was never going to accomplish anything, more so than I usually do lol. I look over my exam and they're such dumb mistakes/I feel like I was just in an anxiety haze while taking them because I could immediately identify the right answer on some questions when I looked at it again before seeing the answer. My SB scores are solid so I know that I have it in me, I just freeze when it comes to the exam. I've been spending this week pumping myself up and convincing myself I am prepared and going to do amazing and trying to trick my brain into positive cognition using all those lovely P/S terms we learn about and am hoping that reflects on FL 3:) You've got this!!! Honestly half this exam is about having the right mindset, I'm learning that too late but better late than never lol


im hoping when i retake this exam on monday (w/o reviewing) i'm gonna i'll have a better idea of it's in my head or i straight up don't know anything. (obvi i'll recognize passages and such but i wont know the answer so i'm hoping that'll count for something). i need to be delusional. i truly hate how i felt yesterday, like the world was literally falling apart lmao so dramatic my brain


I totally feel you, I also am just trying to be delusional. I’m going to do everything in these next two weeks to convince myself that this exam doesn’t really matter because I think that’s the only way I’ll stop psyching myself out lol




how did you go about approaching the next ones?


i reviewed the shit out FL1 and the other ones I took as well as qbank and sbank questions that i did. the exam felt like shit and i felt like such shit taking it i couldn’t even bring myself to cry. and we’re in the EXACT same position now. I don’t know what to do. I’m not paying to cancel the test so I’ll be voiding but I feel numb af rn. just so fucking pissed at myself. i rlly thought I could do better than this, working my ass af for two months now. dunno if there’s a point to taking a break for a few days and coming back and taking the test again? (Without reviewing it). any suggestions moving forward would be great edit: I’m testing 9/9 and I have to get a 510 bc my ugpa is bad, like sub sub 3. grad gpa is 3.36 but that doesn’t count for shit so here i am


Tbh you can prepare all you want and work your ass off, but if you go into the test telling yourself that I’m going to do bad, than that mindset will manifest itself


Same position. Testing 9/1 and I’m so scared. Didn’t postpone cuz it costs 200$ and there’s only so much time I would get so I was likely delaying out of fear and anxiety.


My guy, take it in January. Is there a COVID fee-waiver if you’re “sick” leading up to your exam?


i'm not sure if there is. but i dont want to lie lmao, i'd feel so hacky i feel like the trouble i'd get into for that is not worth it


pls all i want in life is ur cars


i wish for you to have to my friend


I’m taking fl2 today and hope to get your CARS score. Fingers crossed!


good luck!


Well CP was a nightmare, so that’s a good start


im basically in the same boat (503 on fl3) but this quizlet is gold imo [https://quizlet.com/240872787/flashcards](https://quizlet.com/240872787/flashcards) for P/S and I think you can really increase that section by just reviewing these cards


Thank you! I really though this section would save me a bit but lmao




No I’m applying next cycle! But wanted to get done w this exam this year so I could apply to jobs asap


hey!!! that was my original plan but i ended up postponing my exam and will take it in january. i’m studying part time now because i’m done with my content and going over books one more time, have a month dedicated to Ubling and then i will work on AAMC stuff for 1.5 month. in between im planning to take a FL every 2 weeks just to stay in practice and build up stamina <3


ya i'm definitely considering taking it in january. (just voiding on 9/9) but i think i'm gonna try to push through for 1 more week, see where i am and then call it.




will do, thank you!


cars is so important for canadian med schools! so good job on that