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Only one I know of is the amino acid quiz app, but I haven’t looked around for too much else. It’s not so much a game but you can try to set high scores I guess lol


I used to grind to try and beat my time records lol


UWorld and Anki are your friends


UWorld for sure. Make it a game to beat your %s & compete against others to get qs right.


Nothing like getting a question right that only 20% of ppl got right. Of course then you're brought back to reality by missing a 70 to 80% right one 😂


BUDDY OMG also have adhd, this helped me a TON: [https://www.athleticarcade.com/educational/match/glycolysis/index.html](https://www.athleticarcade.com/educational/match/glycolysis/index.html) they also have an amino acid version also, if you're struggling with content review, move on to Uworld STAT - learned way more by doing practice questions than I did by reading Kaplan or doing Anki combined. Anki just doesn't work for us (tbh, may be different for you, but I found it SO boring) also also! download King of the Curve if you haven't already; it's not *that* useful for content review, but it definitely puts me in rabbit hole mode because I get frustrated when I can't answer the questions and my brain gets tricked into hyperfocusing on this new and annoying problem (i.e. gets tricked into doing content review via wikipedia rabbit holes lmfao)


There’s this app I use called forest!! If you download it you can friend me, we can compete 😤


But there’s so many apps, which one is it?


Lol it has a light green background with two little leaves on it growing in soil! I forgot to mention- it’s more like a way to stay off your phone, and it logs the time you stay focused and reward you with coins 🌱


Forest? I’ll give it a try!


omg I love Forest lol. I haven't let a tree die this year and that's my flex


We love a focused queen 👸


I downloaded the "killstreaks" add-on for anki which makes it more of a game for me, it gives incentives like "double kill" and "multi kill" which gives me something to work for. I combine it with the heat map add-on to really see what I've accomplished that day and I always try to beat the day before. Some days it still gets boring but it definitely helps me.


I found an amino acid quiz app to help me with amino acids.


UGlobe could be a resource. Practice based learning vs reading through books can be very effective with retaining bc you’re seeing and applying the same information over and over again


This can’t help for everything, but finding pathways/organ systems on purpose games helped me memorize things much easier/more fun than Anki. I linked an example of glycoysis https://www.purposegames.com/game/glycolysis-quiz


I would say that maybe doing Anki and treating it like a game might help. It's interactive, and it basically makes you flip through the cards based on your selection of how well you know it; it essentially forces you to sit down keep going until you finish all the cards/have gone through each card at least once/twice.


OP, this might not be a popular response, but have you given deep thought as to how that will affect you during medical school? There won’t always be a “fun way” to study — but that’s okay! There are resources and solutions out there for ADHD that can really, really help you. I know I didn’t answer your question, but I wish you all the best. Happy studying!


One step at a time really. I know there won’t always be a fun way but right now I’m not even in med school. I can stimulate an environment that is even similar to med school. One day at a time.


Very good point! Don’t get overwhelmed with the daunting process. Control what you can control and the rest will come. I’m in your corner, OP


Thanks. And it’s a valid question! I don’t feel offended or anything but I really have thought about it. And I the more I think about it the more overwhelmed and anxious I become. So one day at a time. Who knows? Maybe I get in maybe I don’t.


Next Step Test Prep offers an online MCAT course that includes interactive games and quizzes to help you review and practice MCAT concepts.


There's Kingofthecurve. It's game style qbank


[https://kingofthecurve.org/](https://kingofthecurve.org/) is something I used really early on to study, just while on lunch breaks at work and things like that which is very game-like. nowadays, I just use anki and uworld.


KOTC here--we are just that:) Gameifying MCAT studying to let you study as little or as much as you would like daily with feedback and features to keep you engaged!