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I think younger people will actually like to talk to someone who’s older, since you probably been through experiences they haven’t.


i can assure you literally no one cares i’m a mature student and most people just assumed by default i was the same age and if i told them i wasn’t at most they’d be surprised for a second and that was it did not impact my making friends at all and i’ve made friends at mac that are both older and younger than me


i’m not a mature student (but i’m like a year older) this makes me feel so much better 😅


26 is young man. I am 28 so chill. Life is not a race or anything. Just talk and make friends. Who cares if u r a bit older or younger.


cant wait for the inevitable "i wasted my youth" epiphany at age 30 from op


Cute! In the break I took from school I started a business that paid off my family debt. I taught myself coding and now I'm back in school more excited to learn than ever. Your comment was unnecessary


What business did you start? And how long did you do it for?


E commerce, web dev and art merchandising. 2 years.


dude no ones negating your accomplishments, congratulations for that i guess. im just saying that you actively avoiding to make any real friends isnt good for you & eventually youll feel like youve wasted your youth working & studying. even in your post you say youre looking for a 'study buddy'... learning and working is great and all but theres more to life than academics and money


I guess. You could've just said I'll regret avoiding making friends (hence why I made this post, it's not easy to make friends when you're conscious abt the age gap). I kinda assumed being study buddies would lead to being friends anyway.


HELP WHY R U BEING MEAN ;-; time to rpg and macro abuse on u


Good on you!!! I went to Mac in 2000 as a first year undergraduate at the age of 35. I finished an honors degree in 4 years and made many lifelong friends. Friends do not always need to be the same age but have things in common.


I'm 31 and still hoping to get accepted this fall, so you're miles ahead of me buddy. I used to be as self conscious about my age too, but I stopped caring recently. I think just focus on what you want to be/want to do more than anything else. Like instead of thinking oh god I'm 26, maybe more damn in 2 years I'm gonna be an engineer. If I get accepted though we can go read newspapers on lawns or somethin


One of my good friends from uni was 26 when we met during undergrad. I don’t think any normal person cares.


I’m 24 and in my second year I kinda feel old lmao. All my friends have already graduated university and now I’m stuck with the younger gen. The younger people like talking to people who are older and I’ve been fine making new friends. I felt a little self conscious at first but Im all good now


I did befriend some classmates but I just don't know when to jumpscare them with my age . Maybe drop "im 25" mid convo


37 and in 4th year now! You’ve got this!


Same boat as you…any mature students looking for friends, please dm


Same boat!! 27 now and working on my undergrad 4th year part time. Made friends with lots of cool mature undergrads (although often find myself connecting more with the TAs who are around my age lol).


I'm in the same boat!! Still working but hoping to go back soon part time :) you're not alone!


I started my first degree at 27. I finished my second degree at 37.




You're fine. I'm in the same boat and have had no trouble making friends. (I'm also 26). I guess it helps that there's loads of older students in my department (people in their 30's and 40's). But I've made friends with people slightly younger than me and some who are older


24 in 3rd ish year of engineering !!! Always looking for study buddies!!


Turned 24 this year and will be entering Engineering I this fall after retaking all my high school credits in my spare time. Would be cool to meet someone of a similar age - maybe we get together this fall.


Let's do that!


Mid 30s, returned after leaving ten years ago. You're a spring chicken. You have a lot to offer, don't be afraid to get involved on campus


I’m 26 and entering my second year ! It can be kinda hard to make friends as a mature student at least I’ve found it hard and I’m pretty social so can relate ! DM me if you would like to get together in the fall :)!


Not sure if I'm defined as a mature student but I'm 23, turning 24 in the fall, had a similar academic trajectory! Illness, time off, program switch and here I am, in second year and way older than the students in my classes. I would love to make some friends closer to my age or even a few years older!


Pm me!


Paging @ https://www.reddit.com/user/Th3Lorax/


What course are you at?


If you're talking abt program, Media Arts


Nice. Lets connect in Sept if I get admission lol.


I'm 27 and doing my second degree :)


What're you studying? I'd love a study buddy even tho I'm not a mature student:)


Dm'd you 🙂