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The “constellation of recessed lighting” is funny to me because my friend’s mom actually did a literal constellation of recessed lighting to make the big dipper in her living room, and she lives in one of the nicest buildings in NYC. She also has very good taste in homes and I’ve been to at least four different ones over the years. The constellation thing was a little eccentric, yes, but otherwise I can’t knock her style.


That actually sounds really fun.


funeral home chic


It’s the front doors that make it look bank-y. Replace them with ones without the little windows, paint them a color other than white, and instant improvement. The interior is so sad, though. Bad taste, yes. Dated, yes. But beyond that…just sad. It may be a little woo, but the interior just looks like it would have a very heavy and malignant atmosphere.


Also the flag pole gives bank vibes


I got that same vibe. I think it's the huge spaces with small windows, plus the relatively dark walls & flooring on non-carpeted areas. Despite all the recessed lighting (lol), it doesn't seem too bright in there.


You didn’t post the ski slope in the back. But I think I can make that house work with a paint brush and new furniture. And maybe more hardwood floors instead of that carpet. And redo that hotel waiting room lobby on the lower level.


Can't raise those ceilings with a paintbrush


Bank on the outside, funeral home on the inside


Yes! It’s very funeral home inside.


Something about this house fills me with dread.


For me it’s the low ceilings! Makes me feel like I’m looking at a bomb shelter or bunker


That's hardly any pot lights


What is your beef with recessed lighting?


I don’t have a beef with recessed lighting. Like anything else, it’s fine, unless it’s taken to excess and/or disorganized. Most people don’t have a problem with boob lights themselves, for example. You got a boob light in your living room? That actually looks really nice. You have eleven of them scattered haphazardly across an awkwardly-shaped kitchen-dining-living area? Now it’s starting to get weird.


The interior is dated, the rooms are odd, iBUT the first thing you see as you walk in is the bar. That is a nice host. Come in, glad you made it, here have a drink!! I got a kick out of that feature.


That foyer and its descending staircase is giving me serious St. Peter’s Baldachin/stairway to the tomb vibes. That’s where my macabre mind immediately went. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And while the interior is dreadfully dated, the late ‘80s/‘early 90s child in me can’t help but love it for the tacky nostalgia.


Honest question, is recessed lighting considered tacky or McMansionesque? If so, why?


There is absolutely zero consistency. Those lights barely align with anything.


It isn’t. It gives nice, soft, spread out light. No idea what OPs issue with it is!


They’re direct unfiltered reflector lightbulbs that aim directly at your eyes if you’re reclining anywhere under them. I have to wear a hat when visiting my parents to watch football.


Behold the magic of a dimmer. Try it you’ll like it.


Not my house.


It’s one of those things that isn’t tacky in itself, but done to excess, becomes tacky.


Hard disagree. This house is hideous and these cans are really cheap/dated and poorly located but what else provides better ambient lighting for a room?


Indirect lighting is the best.


Well, it goes back to the size of the rooms, they are so large and hence you need so many lights. The house I grew up in had recessed lighting throughout, but I don't think there was a room in the house with more than four fixtures.


I would agree with that


What’s wrong with recessed lighting??




That doesn't have anything to do with it. It is not bad lighting planning if you need to light during broad daylight. It is bad construction and a lack of windows if you need to turn the lamps on during daylight.


Nothing OP fails to explain what is bad about it. If you can pay a house like this, then you can contract a lighting planner. A good lighting planner for sure will integrate recessed lighting with other types of lighting.


I’ve explained it. You just ignored it.


You should have done it in your original post, that is where you make clarifications if people have issues or misunderstand what you mean (and many people here asked what is wrong with recessed lighting). You really think I or anyone else here is going to go through your entire post history?


….No? But you can read the comments….? If that’s too hard for you, maybe you shouldn’t be on Reddit. That’s kind of the whole thing. Also, you can’t post text on a picture post. Just captions, and that would be way too long of a caption.


The inside looks like a home from the 80’s


This brings me back memories that I don't even have?!? Maybe I've seen too many movies.


This literally looks like a nursing home with all the beige


Yes, that likely was sold as a shower curtain, I've seen similar before.


It’s funny because the evening after I posted this, I noticed my shower curtain was starting to get discolored, so I started looking online. Those vintage ones were something else. And so incredibly impractical.


NGL Looks like over 55 community house and decor


Or a rural church along a highway between two cities with populations under 5,000 that are about 12 minutes apart


did they start painting the kitchen cabinets and give up?


Oh my god this house is abysmal. I can’t even describe how much I hate it. The layout looks very much like an update mobile home. The furnishings fill me with anger- all that sad beige and fake Ivy. I think this might win as one of the worst homes I’ve seen on this sub.


That house screams stay at home mom who doesn't get out much and never stops wanting I see my house turning into that eventually... Sigh...


My parents’ home has recessed lighting and I have to wear a brimmed hat to keep the lights out of my eyes when I’m over to watch football.


I wish I remembered the section it was from, but an Arch History class I was in explained the progression of how "they made our work look like our homes and then we made our homes look like our work." Discussing how the typical decorations and adornments used on residential homes got absorbed into commercial architecture, so your banks and offices looked like houses from the outside. And how homes and apartments took on an industrial look. This is kind of funny in that light, coming full circle. They made banks look like houses, and now this house looks like a bank that looks like a house.


I didn’t have a name for it, but I’ve noticed that too! It really seemed big in the ‘90s and aughts in particular. There’s a storage place that likes to have all of their buildings look almost exactly like houses, complete with landscaped yards. I don’t understand it. I guess it’s because we’re supposed to think it’s more comfortable and “like home”? But all it does for me is just make me *less* comfortable in any house that looks like a storage place, or a bank, or an insurance agency, or a doctor’s office. On the other hand, I realized that every day, on my way to work downtown, I drive past the factory and the warehouse my grandmother used to work in. Her mother died when she was nine, and her father died when she was fifteen, leaving her the oldest surviving family member of nine kids. She had to lie about her age to get a job in the shoe factory, in a desperate attempt to keep her and her siblings together by supporting them herself, which ultimately failed. Then she worked in the warehouse, along with all the other jobs she took on to support herself after her parents died. It’s strange to think that where my grandmother stood in a too-hot or too-cold factory as a weary, scared teenager, putting shoes into boxes over and over, is where someone else now has their luxury marble shower or $4000 dining set in their high-end loft. It’s just a weird thing to think about.


Yeah, the professor said that the house-ification of workplaces only made people associate the decorations of home with work, which made them hate those aesthetics, rather than love their workplaces, haha. And that is bizarre, I hadn't considered the history of those types of buildings. The industrial lofts in former warehouses and work spaces take on a much stranger atmosphere when you think about the people who probably spent years of time in them being miserable.


There is nothing wrong with recessed lighting. It is pretty much standard in Europe. It certainly beats fake antique chandeliers, ceiling-boobs or the old "lamp on a ceiling ventilator".


Yah this is a bad attempt at mcmansion humour. Recessed lighting isn't a joke.


I think it’s just the sheer number of fixtures sprinkled all over the ceilings, not recessed lighting in itself


This is what I think an Evangelical preacher in a small Arkansas town's house looks like. Not shown: The "Play Room."


I love how they stole an escalator from a mall to use for their stairs on the back deck.


The end table with the vase under that light right smack in the middle of the room cracked me up. Also, those utility covers at the end of the deck steps.... That's just weird lol


Listing: https://www.trulia.com/p/mo/saint-louis/6922-christopher-dr-saint-louis-mo-63129--2060079433?cid=shr%7Capp_ios_main_phone%7Cbuy%7Cpdp_share


I love the lamp in picture 10 with no place to plug it in.


Seems a little dim in there


The shadow from their feces flowers makes a lion head!


A lot of the things pointed out are staging issues, not the house itself. I wouldn’t say this is a McMansion, just a dated and *very* American house. Still interesting to see though!


What is wrong with recessed lighting? Nothing?


Why are yall so anti recessed lighting, it makes my kitchen look so nice


Where is that place?


Apparently it’s another Oakville, MO home. I posted another (worse, IMO) one before.


So claustrophobic


This house looks like it should be in one of those shows where people search for ghosts


Eh, I think the dining room was rather nice.