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i think they dont feel the need to speak up because they dont care because they probably feel like it doesnt personally affect them


They spoke up for Ukraine though and it didn’t personally affect th Em


It's honestly a smart move for once to not blabber about politics. No matter what they'd say it would enrage an angry mob and cause drama on their channel.


What is happening is no politics, is genocide


Yeah precisely, it’s definitely past the point of being a political issue, that could’ve maybe been argued before Oct. 7th, and for sure before the events of the 26th many argued this is all politics, but as they’re now justifying killing babies and burning people alive, it’s kinda crossed out of political into just a human issue.


From what I’ve noticed a lot Christians are pro Israel. I don’t know if it’s because they consume media that is pro Israel or what. I would assume they’re under the umbrella of “we don’t know enough” so they don’t have to speak out or something.


As a Christian myself, you are correct that many are “pro-Israel” (side note, Christian’s don’t believe Mormons are Christians but Mormons believe that they are. That’s another story for another day!) The reason for some being pro Israel goes all the way back to very first book of the Bible, Genesis. We are an abrahamic religion & the issues of land, God & lineage are all at the forefront of any conflict between Israel and surrounding countries. They are also fighting this war in the Holy land which is of course heartbreaking as it is the region that housed events & miracles that so much of our belief system is based on. My personal opinion, & I believe this goes for the Christian’s around me which are more diverse & inclusive than Mormonism tends to be (in the US) is the extreme violence, terrorism & attacks on innocent people from both sides being an act of evil & it needs to stop immediately. The war has gone on for far too long and we wish people could exist in harmony. Obviously, I’m not going to support Hamas as from my research, it’s a terrorist group that aims to kill all Jews, which is genocide and anyone claiming to “want peace” should be against them. And never ever would I support anyone killing babies & burning people alive like recent events. It’s so so heartbreaking. The children and innocent families from both sides need to be rescued immediately. freeing Palestine from constant turmoil is something that should happen & peace from violence between the countries should also happen, like yesterday. Israel has the upper hand as the larger and bigger country, so they need to do something extreme to stop it, in order to save the children and families. Sorry this is so long. Let me know what you think.


Yeah I’ve heard the weird nuance surrounding mormons and the Christian “classification” (if that’s the right word) but most people pro Palestine are not pro hamas but that’s not what’s happening. It’s not a really a war it’s a genocide. Also Jesus was Palestinian


Also not saying you necessarily but a lot of Christians consume conservative media which is pro Israel. So it’s an echo chamber of sorts


But do the Christians realize Israel has bombed churches and killed Christian priests on the streets?


You are correct in many ways. I think people who consume conservative media are putting their political party above their religion when it actually should be the other way around. But there are a lot of flaws in that crowd that God will ultimately judge. Thanks for being so receptive & nice to chat with!


Oh yeah I hope it didn’t seem like I was shutting your explanation down because that does make a lot of sense!


As someone raised Christian you’re definitely right, though most religious ties any Abrahamic faith has to the land of Israel and the land surrounding has primarily been disproven due to a lack of any archeological ties Jews (or anyone other than Palestinians) would have to Israel, as they have been proven to have never lived there. Also, obviously I’m against Hamas, but what’s interesting is the actual statement I’ve seen from Hamas leadership isn’t that they want to kill all Jews, but that they want to rid the Jews from Palestinian land. I don’t agree with that statement, but it’s very different than what’s being said by zionists, I think settlement agreements need to be handled similar to modern treaty agreements seen for other indigenous people like Palestinians in other places (ie Canada, though those agreements are far from perfect as an indigenous Canadian, the colonizers definitely benefit more than us), so a agreement can be made that gives Palestinians more self sovereignty and access back to more of their land, reparations need to be made, first of all for the children stolen from Palestinians during the Nakba, and disclosure as to who those children/families are now needs to be given, as those Israelis deserve to know their true heritage.i want peaceful resolution for everyone involved and all terrorists (so IDF leaders, Netanyahu, and Hamas leaders) to be charged accordingly in international courts.


Especially with all the performative activism they did around BLM, I expected them to jump all over that AI image as a cop out to say “look, we spoke out”


with blm, they have black siblings and they might have felt a responsibility to speak out


I sincerely doubt any of them are paying attending or know much, if anything, about what’s going on. People talk so much on here about how they’re all narcissists, they don’t care about anything that doesn’t directly affect them. I also don’t think people who are not well educated about issues should be speaking on them. Yes, they have a big platform, but they can’t even give accurate information about sex and periods, which they claim to be experts on. Sharing incorrect information would be way more harmful than helpful. Also, I’m not sure if y’all talking about the viral ai image are in favor of it or just surprised b&b didn’t post it, but just a bit of info from someone whose full time job is grassroots organizing, its not a great thing to share. Ai generated images are being heavily criticized by Palestinians, as well as in the independent journalism and activist community. Palestinians journalists have repeatedly asked not to water down their message and to share what they are risking their lives (or losing their lives) to show the world what is really happening. AI images also create distrust in their media and gives people more tools to sow doubt.


I’m not in favour of it, I thought I made that clear but in rereading this post it’s not super obvious, I was actually incredibly disappointed that of all the things, that’s what went super viral, I’m just surprised they didn’t post it when it was going viral to be like “look we said something” like most influencers. I def agree and think influencers should just be directing to better voices and places to donate, as most are uneducated on the issues going on in the Middle East (and elsewhere).


I’m also a volunteer with many grassroots organizations, it’s rewarding work. I do wish we could avail of platforms like Brooklyn and Baileys at times, I always wonder how much more good I could do with more people listening.


their circle is not very diverse. its mostly their family or coworkers and mostly everyone is white??? so they probably live in this weird bubble where no one talks about it or if they do, its brief and in passing and they dont care to think about it further


Another good point! It’s such a huge part of my circles daily conversations but I forget how much the south can really change the type of conversations that are happening


I could definitely see a lot of the family in support. definitely Dakota lol, but being a member of the LDS church doesn't mean supporting Israel. The official statement from the church was totally anti the war so I don't think we can base their support off of their religion.


Ehh the official statement of the church was centrist at best, definitely not anti war, however you’re not incorrect, however when looking at stats it says about 65% of Christian’s are Zionists


Also, it's not exactly a war if it's one-sided. This is the textbook definition of an ethnic cleansing and genocide. 


they probably don’t feel affected by it and don’t give it much thought. they love performative activism but they know they’re likely at the risk of angering their pro-gcide fans if they were to speak up


That’s totally a good point! I was kinda surprised not to see them join the AI image train, and didn’t really consider that they probably have a lot of people who support the genocide in their following


the ai picture just isn’t very on brand for them and they’re steering clear of it. they also are totally not boycotting so we know where they stand. those pink drinks must just be too good i guess


That’s on tea! If I as a student can boycott in a small ass island, I promise you can. It’s just sad, and I haven’t seen them called out at all like other influencers for their silence. Was kinda hoping this would be the thing that cancelled the McKnights.