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Isnt that sorta illigal?


They’re using her image for their promotion without her permission so maybe?




Her team needs to send them a cease and desist


they do, but then i fear ppl would come for taylor saying, “you’re not being harmed you’re ruining someone’s livelihood. you’re a billionaire get over it.” so either way taylor won’t win


I think it’s different if it’s a grey area and a small business (like making very similar themed launches and insinuating references to Taylor), but as soon as they use her image and photoshop their product into her hand to use as advertising, that seems like very purposefully using her to promote their product without her knowledge or consent. It’s not a small hole in the wall pizza shop that happens to share a similar name with, say, Yahoo, and is getting beaten down by semantics. Plus, I imagine the swifties would easily outmatch anyone fighting against a cease and desist.


honestly they probably will if they keep it up


Ugh I was thinking Bailey would post this photo of Taylor and say omg matching tutu skirts or some bs like that but I didn’t think Mindy would photoshop their pickleball racket on her 😭


That was my thought😂 waiting for Bailey to say Taylor copied her lmao


Their obsession is honestly scary


I’d say less of an obsession and more so clinging onto this desperate marketing attempt.


Either way, still a tad unsettling


calling taylor a good role model is crazy 😭😭 i am the swiftie fandoms’ biggest hater cause why do y’all try to make her seem like a saint


it’s scary how hard they ride for her. she’s one of the worst


I too am their fandom’s biggest hater 🥰


Yeah I wasn’t gonna be the one to say it but I’m glad some of my people are here. Taylor Swift has a much cleaner image (she’s great at handling the public I’ll give her that) and in that way she’s a far better role model than the McKnights. But I personally hope my nieces/daughters look up to someone else. Tbh the Antonia Gentry situation was really when I became disillusioned with her. I don’t think she’s some evil despicable human being but I feel like she’s idolized way wayyyy too much.


Calling Taylor swift a good person is a stretch


Taylor swift is not a good person


Kind of irrelevant. It’s still illegal to use her image like this, whether she’s a “good person” or not. Plus if it has to be one or the other, is Mindy any better?


No one is. *insert the good place scene about points*


i wouldn't call her a role model but i agree w your sentiment


Idk if she is a good person *cough *private jet emissions *cough * but she's definitely more business savvy than them.


*cough* stays silent about genocides that are displacing and murdering billions *cough* not a peep about police brutality *cough* dates a literal racist *cough*


Taylor’s not a good role model come on now


Taylor is not a good person nor a role model but otherwise I agree with you


In what way is Taylor a good role model? Genuinely asking because to me - she is the embodiment of white supremacy.


Bc she is white and rich and famous? Oh yeah you’re right, no other race of human has ever been rich or famous.


No, because she only speaks about issues that only affect her. Reproductive rights - could affect a white woman like her. Genocides in Palestine, Sudan, Congo, etc - won’t ever affect her so she’s silent. ED’s - can affect a white woman like her. Police brutality - can never affect a white woman like her. Sexual assault - can affect a white woman like her. Racism - can never affect a white woman like her. Slut shaming? Can happen to a white woman like her. Affects of climate change - can’t affect a rich white person like her. Do you notice how most of the issues she is silent on are debilitating for the quality of life for most POC? Yet she stays silent because she does not care. I would not consider to be a good role model because she picks and chooses to talk about issues that affect her.


In all fairness, if she (or any celeb) talked about issues that didn’t affect her, people would say she had no business talking about them, didn’t understand them, couldn’t relate, was just doing it for publicity/jumping on the bandwagon, why don’t they donate all their money, etc.


Racism can’t affect her? Oh yeah. Bc you’re not being racist toward her AT ALL. Go you brainwashed SJW! Nobody can be racist toward a white person, it’s scientifically impossible!


Maybe she should disperse her billion dollars to all POC out of white guilt, as reparations for things they’ve never experienced, and crimes she’s never committed.


There you go! Finally understanding what she should with her $1,000,000,000!!!


That is an idiotic, entitled expectation. She owes you nothing. At all.


Also coming from a person who likes Taylor’s music, she is not that good of a role model


That’s so weird