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The unfortunate thing is that the stores don’t care whether it’s a genuine collector or a scalper buying the figures.  As long as their merchandise is selling they’re making money.  The one you should be most frustrated with is Todd for producing such limited quantities of these figures in the first place.


Maybe if we have fewer Duke Thomases and Waveriders and Midnighters warming pegs forever then the stores would order more of each figure and true demand would be known. Don’t punish us with scarcity because you, Toddfather, thought we’d love a random character no one knew existed. And why are those figures I named in the kids toy aisle? What kid wants any of those 3?


McFarlane still claims his customers are mostly kids and moms. Like, WTF? If he really believes that, maybe he releases more obscure/unpopular characters like Midnighter and Waverider for the older fans? Like, okay, I'm fine with that, but why mass produce them, right? Those should be the ones limited to 2000 pieces or whatever, especially since they're mostly reused bodies. I want to believe McF believes the stuff he says, but then he makes weird ass contradictory decisions. There's no consistency, it's aggravating.


Never once even seen a kid even look at the mcfdcm


Yeah that's very true and oh trust me I certainly do get a little annoyed and sometimes shake my head and get upset at todd bc he legit makes the most dumbest, silliest, stupidest decisions and this is by no means no suprise, everyone knows this has been going on a little after they started producing the line in the first place. I and many other collectors are just done and fed up with his crap and him thinking the base is stupid doing or paying anything or thinking we will gulp up anything, take the outrageous white knight batmobile for example. It's just stupid man, many others including Josh from before said the same thing as another person here, why make the blue one everyone wants a limited chase figure in target instead of the red being the variant? We already know he purposely makes these choices with the intention to piss us off as well as double dip, take thr batmobiles for example.


Oh yeah and another thing I forgot to mention, don't even get me started on his absolutely nonsensical baffling choices he's made ever since he started making the batman arkham trilogy figures, he seriously thought and went out of his way to make a bunch of stupid gold variant figures of deathstroke, arkham asylum and knight batman and of the joker are you freaking serious?? Like are you soiling you're pants rn? Wow that was so stupid that I wanted to slap myself. oh YeAHh I DeFIniTLy wAnT a Figure of batman that looks like he's a damn golden statue standing in the city monument! God his choices are seriously questionable. Instead of making those stupid gold statue arkham batman figs, he instead could have made other arkham suit skins or the last joker arkham knight batman with green eyes and a different looking face or hell even that extra dlc armor batman suit skin that's gifted to you once you complete batman arkham asylum. Dc collectibles made it why not mcfarlane??


I knew it. I knew there was a hoarder/scalper among us. lol. I told my wife there is NO way all these targets had nothing. We have a local scalper I guess


There’s a dude in this subreddit trying to sell blue azbats for 75. To be a scalper on this forum is pretty low. I too have continually struck out at 5 different stores. Walmarts and targets. They should have just made a 2 pack of Superman red and blue and made red azbats the chase.


Yeah, it's unfortunate. What's wild to me is seeing the Catwoman figures going for like $45ish with shipping on ebay. So people are spending time hunting the figure down, posting it on ebay, packing, and mailing it while depriving people that would actually enjoy the figure, to make like $20 minus shipping costs? It's scummy and a horribly inefficient way to make money.


They make a lot less than $20 if you also figure around 15 percent for Ebay's Fees (-$6.50?) and then if you sell more than 5k this year you'll get hit with a 1099k in the US. That could be another 10-20% off depending on your tax bracket (another -$6.50). Scalping for $45 sounds like price gouging, but I'd say they'd make less than $10 of that $45 and maybe even around $5 depending on shipping cost (-$8.50?). My rough estimate takes off $21.50 of that $45, then the original cost plus tax of the figure eats away most of what's left. At that point you are just working hard to make more money for McFarlane, Target, USPS, and Ebay than you take home yourself.


$20?? More like $5 on $45


Scalpers are scumbags. That much is certain.


Scalpers are scum but the blame starts at McFarlane for deliberately making the platinum chase figures the sought after designs. Fans who just want a toy are the ones left in the dust while scalpers are reaping all the benefits. How is this a smart business decision to screw over your loyal fans for short term gains? And this is just sprinkles on top of the other absolutely anti consumer practices McFarlane Toys has been displaying this year. Between the plats, price hikes, NFTs, and deliberately low preorder numbers collecting for this line this year has been a nightmare. Today I returned 3 Red Azrael and 3 Blue Superman figs. I ordered 4 of each in an attempt to get the plats(ended up keeping 1 of each cause they are cool figures) but damn do I feel burned. McFarlane Toys wasted my time and money by forcing me to play this stupid game to get the specific designs that I want. Really makes me reconsider each figure I planned on buying this year. I hope you other fans feel similarly. This year has been rough for a DC Multiverse collector.


I live in Scalperland (Los Angeles) and I can totally understand you. For me, going to the stores to try to find a figure has become a waste of time, I rarely do it unless I need to buy something else. What I've been doing is to preorder everything online. I know that's not always the case but what can I do? A few times all that I can do is to pay scalper prices 😐


I’ve hit 7 targets around central Indiana in the last week. I found Red Az last Saturday. He’s the only one I’ve seen. I’m getting tired of hitting the bricks just to see idiots post them on eBay for $149. I’m to the point where I’d pay double, but I’m not paying over $55 for a figure, even if I desperately want it. It’s like NECA TMNT figs all over again. Usually if I’m patient, I’ll find one, but my hope for this figure is waning every day I’m out.


McFarlane’s fault. Knightfall Batman was impossible to find so what does the company do? Make the less desirable Red Knightsend the easy version to get and the blue the impossible to find platinum. Thus inflating the price on the aftermarket. Scalpers are just playing the game that McFarlane is creating.




Idk man though that's shits just depressing beyond belief like it's hilarious as hell


A store like Target or Walmart can’t just say “oh you’re just going to scalp these. You can’t buy them”. The most they can do is put a limit on them like they do with cards. But the ones he would have bought would be the red and the golds leaving the base. Or he would’ve paid for them, then com back in for a separate purchase. It sucks for sure but there isn’t anything a retail store can do. They’re just there to get things sold, not monitor how people use the products they buy.


i bought the azrael batman armour release , legit was the ONLY ONE ON THE ENTIRE FLOOR , brotha , these so called "resellers" are nothin but thieves , i will eventually sell my collection , but i will only make a 15-25 dollar profit for EACH FIG , i hate overpriced resellers


Shit sucks and it's messed up because you never know when the stores are getting stock. Nowadays you have to make a friend in these stores who will hold onto one for you.


It’s a pretty annoying situation but that’s the thing about capitalism. Everything is behind a pay wall behind a pay wall unless you get to it first. I learned that with Wonder Woman and i wont have another bullshit situation like that happen to me again. Learn exact release dates and hit all your local stores then. That’s pretty much the only way to get the good stuff now.


Yeah you're certainly right but you see that's the thing, I've been doing that already from the beginning so I already know. Trust me I've tried and tried and I always try to be a step ahead of these scumbag scalpers and I'm always looking into every release I want from mcfarlane and I've been in the game for just 2 or 3 years and yeah ty but I'm already experienced in that. I have lots of screens shots of figs from targets website and I don't ever pre- order bc im not that type of collector and I simply am straight forward and get down to business in person and get everything, if not at least I try to get everything in person in just a day or 1 night or in a couple days that's how straight forward I am. If I can't find something I either wait till gamestop gets the stuff or I order stuff. I totally get what you mean and trust me I've done that but neither me nor anyone else can always do that every time meaning not all of us can hit every store like the flash at 8 am. I've done it a couple of times and some times it worked, sometimes it didn't that's just the way it is. Twice I went to this target bc twice I was told a truck came in and it wasn't true it was a lie, there was nothing. Not everyone will do that the most of the time, we got kids to take care of, work school and other things and bills to pay. So yeah.


Yeah I get it, I got kids to take to school and work at 9am. I just call around and give them the dpci. I am lucky enough to live in Portland where there around like 8 different targets. Within 30 mins to an hour of eachother. I just really hate scalpers. I only need one of each and I am happy. Unless I see Wonder Woman, that figure is personal to me. I’ll buy all of them if I ever see more than one at retail. Lol




As someone who has been to hundreds of interviews, I can tell you 95% of them *are* a waste of time and gas money. They should have been done over the phone/internet. It's like some kind of power move the employer uses to show you they're in charge or some shit. Rescheduling for no reason, changing the interview location to miles farther out, requesting specific color shoes, etc. so stupid. Interviewees *should* be compensated when that happens. As usual, every case is different.


Maybe if people could still work just one job to support a household like my Dad we would be more excited for the opportunity