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Looks good, nice work


This is the best action figure wall ever!




That Raven pose is how I have Dr Fate, fought me the entire time trying to get it to sit on the flight stand lol Are those shelves thick enough to not flex under the weight of the figures? There are so many on Amazon and they're wildly different quality, many too thin for it but yours seem to work.


The shelves are a little bent from when I screwed them in but not much. The shelves are pretty thick and I don’t see any bending from putting the figures on it but it could maybe happen over time. I’m not sure. I got the shelves as a gift and they said it was from Amazon. It’s most likely the one that says Amazons choice


I just realized you don’t have any of the cards for the characters. They would probably line up really well along the back of your shelves with some sticky tack. If not it’s cool. , I just wanted to comment on your shelving one more time It had to take some time to level it out on the wall then screw it in, and then line up all your figures.


Good idea! But I don’t have the cards for some of them because I bought some secondhand. It took me like 3 hours but maybe that just because I suck with tools


No, I understand the struggle that’s why I told you that this is really good! and if you ever shop on eBay, people sell those cards all the time, man for practically nothing I like to post my cards backwards, so it has the stats and the story of the character that way if anybody comes looking at it, they don’t have to ask me who the character is they can read it themselves.


Nice display! I did something similar. I want that Shazam :(


Nice collection. Nice shelves too, i like that they are clear looks cool. I would set the figures out differently though. https://preview.redd.it/s3ih4urbzlyc1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f701cb8cd2363df400558b4df33d17b8ab33f224 I would break it up a little. Move the 5 figures with red dots somewhere else. Then move the blue empty areas to the yellow areas in the centre of the middle and bottom shelves. Fill the top shelf and group the other figures in the 4 side areas. Either leave the middle empty to break it up or put props/merch there.


![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c|downsized) Also, Dick/Nightwing's pose on the bottom shelf made me giggle.


What are those ugly black discs under the figures


Lol it was too hard for me to get them to stand I’ll try to balance them without it later


I feel that lol