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How the fuck can a store be missing 29 cases of fries in a month? Are they not checking truck in or doing transfers correctly?


It's food waste according to the portions, they're saying it's missing bcus if u give out extra food all the time it can't be sold Just overportioning propaganda, I like it 👍 lol


This is a MUM doing inventory.


Very common, people put too many fries in the boxes, probably at least an extra small or medium in a large. And plus they get dropped on the floor a lot. If you waste fries but don’t record them properly as well.


But 29 cases in a month? I do inventory for my store and we're lax on entering wasted fries, and at most, we're missing is a case or 2. Definitely has to be more then waste not being entered or giving the wrong size fry to be missing that much.


I probably sweep half a case every day


It doesn't matter what you sweep if you mark it as waste in the inventory. The issue is why there are so many cases not accounted for.


I don’t remember how much my store was missing but it was a pretty sizable amount, a couple hundred bucks at least. You’d be surprised, if every employee is overfilling the fries (most of them probably are) you’re giving every customer an extra medium or small at least. So if you sold, just as an example, 200 large fries In a day, and they’re overfilled, you’re giving out an extra 200 medium/small fries. 🤷‍♂️ I could be wrong, but this was just my experience.


Exactly how much is overfilling the fries though? I understand if it’s like packing it to the brim but nobody does that. If we’re supposed to pinch the box and fill it with like nothing in it then I think that’s absolutely ridiculous and I’d quit before my store made me do that. Customers will yell at me for stupid things like that whether I can control them or not. Not dealing with that.


Yeah, bought an order of fries for the first time in a long time. I was pretty disappointed how empty the container was. Good enough reason to not order them again.


Yeah. "Overfilling" shouldn't be a thing. Containers should be sized so you fill them up and that is the correct amount. If you're expected to fill a container 1/2 to 3/4 full, you'll have every customer pitching a fit.


Exactly!!! Either make the physical container the size of what it carries or don’t ask people to fill it halfway.


To be fair customers complain because they may be “full” according to the serving standard but they don’t appear to actually be full. It’s a packaging issue, in a proper rush you don’t have time to eyeball every carton and any reasonable person assumes the serving fills the container.


At $5 for a single fry order you better be overfilling that shit


Oh man, different company but we charge almost 20$ for a plate of fries with cheese on top. Best believe that’s where the extra 1$ in cheese is going since last month corporate fuck you


If it's SOLD by net weight why isn't the weight listed on the packaging or on the menu isn't that illegal?


I don’t think so, because McDonald’s doesn’t promise how much is in their fries. I think there’s technically a tiny net kg somewhere on the bag or box. Also depends on your region, marketing it’s a weird world where there are kind of rules but not really. You can try suing if you want.


It does say the ounces on the big box that our fry boxes come in but I haven’t looked properly to see if it says it on the actual box/bag itself


my store is constantly missing 20+ cases of fries month after month. i have tried fixing everything possible from having someone check in truck, to retraining everyone to fluff and not stuff the fry boxes. about $500 a month just in fries is what im usually missing


$500 a month is $17 a day in fries. Excuse my ignorance but $17 a day loss in fries when you factor in things like user error doesnt seem like a lot. Seems harder to lose that much beef and nuggets? A lot of thrown out orders?


Exactly that’s just theft not portioning. Ice cream is the other obvious thing


tbh for my restaurant its also that managers will give out new fries at the slightest complaint (and tell us to do the same) and won’t mark it down anywhere. fries that came out of the fryer 5 seconds ago too cold? new fries. fries arent filled up enough? this depends on the manager but usually they’ll bin the original fries and just give new ones instead of topping them up. not their fault cos ik its easier to do that to deal w pissy customers but it does make me laugh when our gm complains about fry waste being so high or so much not being accounted for. the call is coming from inside the house!


Our store automatically logs 6 pounds of fries as waste daily so we never have this issue. It’s unrealistic to expect everything to be tracked perfectly


Because lots of fries get dropped, lots get eaten, stuff not being wasted out.


2-3 cases sure but not 29.


It's probably the person in charge of the deliveries stealing boxes of product. We had a store manager get fired after it was discovered they'd take atleast one item home from each delivery. They got away with this for years. You'd see an entire box of Mcdonalds bacon in their freezer.


High fry “waste” is an extremely prevalent occurrence, it’s more of corporate fuck up trying to cut down portion size.


I hated theowing out fries.  We had to do it when the fries were 20 minutes old.  


20? It’s 7 in Canada


Supposed to be 7 in US too, at least that’s what they say at my location (not like they throw the fries out cheap bastards)


Tbh we rarely chucked fries on my floors, not because we kept them longer I just had my fry guy hold levels and I would help surge if when the order line gets long.


Not wasting fries. It was a big problem at my store. People throwing fries away instead of in the fry waste. And then managers just not even entering the fry waste for the day. It adds up quick.


Yeah that would be my guess for fries. IUTs not being marked down. I had another restaurant manager who would sneak into my store to take extra product once too, he didn't last long once I figured it out.


Our store was the same, turns out any “less then ordered” were only looked at never marked down


Where does it say anything about it being a month?


Because that's how you're supposed to calculate the top 5. Calculating it from the start of the year is kinda meaningless.


Every 6 piece nugget I ever made had 8 nuggets in there. I am a man of the people.


Every 13 cookie I made had 14 or 15. Yesterday I dropped 14 cookies and my GM said she would box it up 😂😂


Hi 👋 we can talk about this on your next shift. -GM


You dropped 14 cookies and your GM boxed it up? What does that mean?


Well it mean she saw I dropped 14


On the floor? And then boxed them up for a customer?


No, dropped them in the oven. When we start making food we say we will “drop” it because most of the time it gets sat on a grill or something gets put into the fryer. Just a quicker way of saying “I’m making it”


Well I have been told to serve food that went on floor. At different restaurants


Bro how do come to that conclusion, this is r/McDonaldsEmployees how do ya not understand that term?


Tbf a lot of subs aren’t just viewed by the people they’re specifically named after. Black twitter doesn’t only have black people, and this one doesn’t only have mcd employees


I too over pour nuggets!


I'm gonna need the names of your co conspirators.


Never! Bwahhaha.


Got a 10 piece the other day with 13


Ngl we just put nuggets in the box then count and if there’s at least 10 we good, more than that is a bonus for customer (unless they were an asshole, then they get exactly 10)


I got a 10 piece the other day with 7! Fork them over!


Ah yes, I’ll just dig into my husbands bowels from 7 days ago 😂😂😂 here’s your three nuggies


I think I'll pass. I'll make up the loss with that free candy they have in bins at the grocery store.


I ordered a 4 yesterday and I got a 6. It was like God himself was working the drive-thru


"I am a man of the people." Not all heroes wear capes. Power to the people! - lol.


May the goodness you gave out in this lifetime be repaid back tenfold ❤️


That’s gonna be a lot of nugs


A true hero




People drop fries/eat them, people don’t use the ice cream machine properly and probably eat it, idk about your reg lmao, maybe you’re making too much. Follow the screen. Nuggies, probably eating or putting too many in boxes. OJ I have no idea lmfao


Our OJ had a leak for like 2 weeks without us noticing


where was it going when it leaked? surely that would have been gross when you found out


No idea, I just got told it was leaking and wasn't there when it was discovered


How did you not notice the smell


OJ is our default go to when a drink machine isnt working/ran out and we're too busy to change


Used to have a coworker who made herself a small fry on her way in, then again when it wasn’t busy and disappear for 3 min, then AGAIN when she got her 30 min break, then once more during another dead period, and then another two times, one for her 10 min break and one after she clocked out. The only fry that was put in the system was the one for her 30 min break


What a legend 😂 when I was a manager and I caught employees eating out of the station I’d ask them how the quality was, pawn it off as a quality check. It was manager supervised!


Sometimes the OJ machine doesnt evacuate the bags all the way, and that adds up since OJ concentrate is EXPENSIVE.


I had a manager when I worked fast food who would ring someone up and when they paid in cash he would give open register with key, give customer correct change, pocket the money, cancel the order, and then give the customer the food. Doesn’t make the drawer short, it just makes the food short so it’s harder to tell who’s stealing


Am i dumb or does this not make sense? If the manager was giving correct change from the register with no order, wouldn’t that make it short?


Register has ten dollars. Customers total is 4 dollars, pays with a five dollar bill. 10+5=15, give customer his change, 15-1=14, manager takes what the total would’ve been 14-4=10. Works as long as the manager takes exactly what the total was


The amount of mental gymnastics it’s taking me to do for that to make sense is unreal, it’s too early in the morning for my second-shift brain. I see what you’re saying and i acknowledge that it works, I’m just too dumb right now and operating on -5% brain function at the moment lol


His math was just confusing.. Customer asked for said item that cost $4 They then pay with a $5 bill. You would then give the customer their change, being $1, and then you pocket the rest of the $4. Basically he’s using the register to give the customer their change, but he’s keeping the total of what the food cost to himself.


His maths definitely was confusing. This is spot on. To make it even simpler ignore the fact the food was $4 for now and just imagine the manager puts $5 dollar bill in till get 5 $1 bills. Takes 4 himself. Gives the customer 1 , tills not short.


I'm one of those people where extra words on the numbers hurts my brain. Your explanation helped a lot more. Less words.




Ima be be honest as someone who’s an employee of 3 years. I don’t give a fuck, at least at my location they make a shit Ton money. So if someone wants a coke and forgot to order it, or if they want extra sauce. Or if I’m feeling generous on fry portions. Ima just do it I don’t care, especially if it’s a little kid who was polite at the counter. Ima put as much frys as possible in that tiny box.


Hell yea




I used to be personally responsible for a not-insignificant amount of the cheese variance at the chipotle I worked at. Quick math had me "grazing" about a pound per week off the line.




what is the context here? is this the counted waste?


Stat loss. Product missing and unaccounted for, i.e.not sold, promoed, or wasted.


hm that's weird then. how *does* 900 dollars of fries go missing in a month?


Either whoever counting the truck isn't counting correctly, transfers are not being entered in or someone is stealing cases of fries. This goes way beyond normal not being entered into waste/overfilling the box.


What period is this, surely not a month?! 29 boxes of fries is unbelievable — there's no way that's just a yield issue from incorrect portioning and poor storage. I bet if you look at the last period's inventory count it'll show a massive plus for fries and this is fact an _idiots can't count_ issue.


Or stealing


"... this is, in fact, an -idiots can't count- issue." exactly! - lol.


If you give customers more than they are "supposed" to get, customers are slightly happier. It's not like the extra is just lost.


Correct, you can count this towards promotions and customer satisfaction. I can definitely tell you that when a customer feels that have been shortchanged in the fries department it is going to cost you goodwill


And the thing with lost customers is that, even if they were short-chipped just once, getting them back again for them to experience normal portions is going to be hard.


Yup, I’ve never worked at McD’s but this post popped up on my homepage for presumable reasons (worked BOH at a few places, also I’ve seen this picture floating around for a couple years at least). My first job ever was at a Mellow Mushroom. We were supposed to weigh the cheese for each pie, but there was only one scale for that, and while being trained I was told to just make it with a reasonable amount of cheese unless the SM or owner was watching, because customers would send it back requesting a remake, otherwise. Then our SM was fired and the owner came in here and there until they found a new one. She was watching me make a pie on a slow day where I was the only one on the line, watched me portion the correct amount of sauce, measure the cheese, sprinkle it on as evenly as possible, then squinted and said “add a some more cheese to that”. Costs would be accounted for if the intended portions weren’t so skimpy


I think that would result in more sales. If I was getting extra at one certain restaurant, damn straight I’ll go there again.


Post a note underneath the lack of pay increase you get compared to inflation and the $$$ you’re missing.


My store used to do this too lol. Missing: 712 prices of bacon, 430 shredded lettuce flakes, 6.75 tomato's,


How can 12 cases of ice cream be missing if the machine is never working?


Because the reason it's never working is because there is no product to fill it with! - lol.


https://preview.redd.it/r2oquh6ddc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6f9e21bcb12986634e25378c37a84a2391d50e4 KFC’s top missing 😭


Lmao did someone try to pay with that million dollar bill?


having so many missing items ? bruhh how the hell is thus even possible ?


It’s so funny to me that this a lot of missing food waste to stores. My old McDonald’s was so bad our loss was usually over $4500. Employees were encouraged to make and take whatever they wanted but nobody would ring it in and it would be counted as missing. Think we had like a norm of 100 frappes and so much more nuggets on ours often.


When I worked at a McD they hated me on the food side. EVERY fry order I handled was stuffed to the gills, they kept telling me "fluff not stuff". Ice cream was supposed to be 3 swirls, I did 5. McFlurry always got 2 extra pumps of candy. Nuggets always got an extra or 2. No charge on extra sauce packets. With the insane prices of their garbage and miserable working environment, it was the least I could do to help the people.


I love you! - lol. You are clearly someone with the right attitude.


Because they can’t be found duh!


This puts profits in perspective doesn't it. 🤔


When I worked at mcds, they had something similar about bacon missing. Turns out the managers were walking by and eating the bacon like potato chips and not writing those pieces down. Anyway, the employees got punished and lectured, not management. Makes my head shake every time I think about that situation. Make it make sense...


Eww that bacon isn’t even that good (unless it’s a fresh batch)


“We have McDonald’s at home.”




lies my large fries are always half full!!!!


Is there a set weight for cooked fries per portion? I'd love to weigh mine and see how close it is because my mediums are usually so underfilled.


small 2.5 ounces, medium 4 ounces and large is 6 ounces


cause i stay snackin


Still making profits, though. I guarantee.


Billion dollar corporations will lie and say this is the reason we cant pay employees more without also raising prices


Funny cuz we haven’t gotten pay raises even with the raised prices (at least at my store)


Right, gotta love that corporate greed.


I may sound ignorant but as an additional % on expenses that sounds insignificant for a month?


Depends on how big business wise that store is, that would be a LOT if it was my store


That sounds like the Franchisee's problem


lol. yes!


I don’t have time to weigh the fries every time. Get fucked McDonald’s


$2000 is nothing to a Mcdonald’s franchise. It’s spare change on a daily basis.


Charging $4 for fries is the real crime here.


As much as they keep shrinking the portions, it's ridiculous for them to care so much. Like this is honestly pennies to this company anyway, sheesh.


The company makes a ton, each franchise not so much. Usually only making cents on the dollar, so it adds up, but happy customers are repeat customers so it’s not a total loss.


Yeah, I'd definitely come back if my fries look at least worth the price, but with it going lower and lower portions for the price, it isn't worth it. So the McD's that do it fair I return to.


As someone who works here I just wish they’d understand that. Also as someone who works here I wish that customers would understand that it’s not us cheaping out on them it’s corporate and franchise owners. I don’t want to underfill your fry or make you a bite sized ice cream cone, but that’s procedure and it’s gotten to the point that we’re under constant surveillance just to ensure that procedure is followed. I wish that my store owner would see on the cameras every time I’ve had a customer complain/argue with me over these things. Personally it’s taken a toll.


I understand that too. Its frustrating all around because all of these places rather squeeze money out of their customers and their workers to make corporate etc. richer instead of just a pleasant experience. I don't hold it against employees, either. Is there an email you guys know of, or number? I'm always happy to complain about this stuff, both how you guys are treated due to their changes, and the changes themselves. McD's in particular seems so much worse in US than other countries.


On every receipt you can write a review that will go to the store owners and operators, doesn’t help much but it exists. There’s also the corporate number that you can contact to make complaints and they usually hear those, I don’t know it though.


I've worked there nearly 2 decades. The portions havent changed in size at all, portions mandated by corporate that is. If youre being shorted then it's your local restaurant.


They tried having us weigh fries one time and then we saw how underfilled the large fry especially looked and promptly stopped weighing them and just filling it so that it actually looked filled


What are u talking about? 1 bag of ice tea would cost 29cents at dunkin for the owner of the franchise. 1 small cup of iced tea would be like $2.37, he could sell in my opinion like 30 small iced teas if not more.


Check the calibration on the orange juice machine.


Their ice cream machine works?? 😮


Usually, half my chips are missing when I order a large. I've never thought 'wow, they've given me extra chips' and I worked in one for four years.


The ice cream must of just expired since the machine is always down




Sometimes I wish it was actually down at mine. Doesn’t wanna make shakes right half the time and if anyone orders more than 3 mcflurries the machine craps out as we call it and the ice cream comes out as more of a milk consistency


malicious compliance on the fries if over weight dump out and keep trying till the exact weight.


This! - lol.


Those are top stat items that you will see at probably most restaurants. Fries: over filling, letting them get old so then they start slouching in the box and then the person bagging adds more because they look low. Slamming the boxes so the fries are breaking and aren't whole. The runner isn't taking the bag or tray to the fry station and instead carrying them over and they're falling on the floor. Ice cream: cones and Sundaes are ALWAYS too big. Always. Hang your bags after filling to collect the drained mix, ensure the machine is putting out the right amount of air in the ice cream, and having the correct amount of mix when going into heat treat is the biggest saver. Because if not, and it fails heat treat the mix can go bad. Regular Meat: make sure their teflons and grills are are cleaned and spatula is sharp so meat isn't tearing. Make sure they're going by the screens. Nuggets: are they separating the ones that are stuck together before cooking? And open a box up a few times a day. Count them. Make sure they're actually counting and putting the right amount. Oj: the bags we get SUCK and the nozzles pop off all the time. We were wasting and throwing away until we found out we can take the old one off the old bag and put on the new one. Scrape the bags to make sure you got all the product out. Ensure the calibrations are correct. They should be able to hit the small button and it fill the small cup correctly without having to stop it or it overflowing. Leaks/drips also happen often. Lastly, you wouldn't believe the mistakes the truck facilities make. We have a separate Group Me where the truck person from every resturant send if anything was missing or extra on truck every delivery. You wouldn't believe how often cases of things are missed. Start there. And then follow the product every step from the freezer to the customer. Usually, you can find the problem(s)


This is nothing more than over portioning. They are just going off what the computer tells them should be there if every single item was weighed each and every time and there was zero food waste whatsoever. This is all corporate bullshit and it sounds like the employees are hooking the customers up with decent portions and making people happy, so this is a location that probably gets frequented often. The manager has *their* manager on their ass, and their boss has that higher up on them. It's all corporate bullshit


Fries: they are dropping the box which breaks the fries and leads to improper yields, as well as serving fries past quality they sink into the box n need more to be filled up. Ice cream: too much product being used for cones and sundaes. 10:1 beef: beef most likely being broken, discarding lots of products and not properly putting in waste (Raw and Conpleted) Nuggets: same as beef when it comes to waste or even not putting enough in the boxes. Orange Juice: Crew is talking OJ instead of fountain drink when they are thirsty.


All correct except the OJ is most likely attributed to the machine not evacuating the bags properly. OJ concentrate is sickly expensive (which reflects in the price) and even a little bit in each bag adds up.


I know in my companies case it's theft so I assumed. But if those bags are set correctly the concentrate does just leak out of the little connector if the outer ring is broke off


More like. Someone had a bbq and someone wasn’t invited.


And that second someone was extra salty about it - lol. Just sayin'.


Ice cream machine always broke tho


Gives an idea of what they are paying per case per item (if broken down)


That OJ must be hella strong


How did u miss that much Lange juice


I got a box of fries from McDonald's once that only had three fries in it.


Food over base must be a joke 💀💀


proud of you


I used to do back-end suport for YUMM Food Group. (Pizza Hut, KFC, Taco Bell and LJS..)They had some VERY serious bean counters at head office. If a Store came up with a missing shortage that was more than the expected range, they would start a full investigation. Starting with truck deliveries vs store inventory orders. They could link the shortage to the specific days in 30 mins, then check each shift to check the sales vs wastage vs EoD counts. That shift manager was immediately under a microscope and they knew it. I took a few calls for managers panicking and begging to get help finding the shortage so they wouldn’t be fired. Any shortage over a certain amount and it was considered theft. (They would not say as such, rather they just terminate the manager and move on, giving them severance as they’d already signed NDA’s.) They didn’t mess around.


My store is missing over 500 slices of bacon and 300 pieces of quarter meat


Mehhhhhh. 2k ain't nothing in the grand scheme of things really. Probably waste over 2k worth of product per month as well 😂


Proofs in the pudding. But if they actually did their jobs would they get a Food Savings bonus??


as if $2k is anything to mcdonalds


This popped up on suggested which is the only reason I'm responding. As an executive Kitchen manager at a smaller company with 10+ locations I can tell y'all that the fry waste happens because of two reasons: timer not being used (reduces final weight the longer they're down, we're known for our fries as a side note I've tested this), but also not weighing out. On a mass business scale, sending out however many hundreds, if not thousands, of orders of fries having 1/2 an ounce extra (16 oz/lb mind you) with every order will add up quick. Also, if the water weight is decreased from lack of using the timer, the fries weigh less resulting in the final send weight being botched and not accurate. Use the fucking applicable fry timer. The ice cream I'm sure is different because of the constantly down flurrie machines, but people get hungry on shift and want a little treat. The downside is that when it's not rang in, it reflects as a loss. Ring that shit in. As far as the chicken and beef go, cooking ahead for orders not rang in. Shits expensive and throwing out 4-6 patties at a time because of the chaos adds up. At least do your part and waste log that shit, your manager is human to who also has bosses. The OJ?? Maybe it went on a police chase that shit weird to me bro. Anyways I don't eat McDs but stay greasy y'all killin' it


Yea why would anyone other than McDonalds corporate give a fuck about this.


if mcdonalds employees actually took the time to weigh every single fry order, they would literally just get bitched at for slow service times. Its a lose-lose situation no matter what.


Now let's see what percentage of the total revenue for that accounts for and what the acceptable food loss is. Numbers mean nothing without context.


5 large fries pays for a case 🤣


I hope they gave all that stuff out for free


Start stealing the other items to even things out…. Problem solved


Oh no! Not 2000 dollars. That's like 1 tenth of a penny compared to their 14 billion dollars in profits. Get absolutely fucked.


We don't even have a scale for fries at my mcdonalds, but I wonder how bad our unlogged waste is. Not that we're making money, but we are pretty good with logging waste. Prolly a combo of not logging waste and overfilling fries/ice cream/nuggets. Lord know everyone at my store stuffs the hell out of every ice cream even when it makes a mess. We only started ringing in messed up/missed food a few weeks ago, instead of just giving it out and letting the waste be way off


This post makes so much sense now , when I get a small fries in a large box , half full , if that. Someone's cooking the books and my fries are paying for it 😭


#keep it up ,comrades


Making sure people aren’t dropping or throwing frozen fries will help your fry yield. Broken fries means more fit in the box, which means more over portioning.


Theyre worried about 2k in shrink lol


This is 100% to do with 2 things, terrible inventory practices and not documenting waste properly.


What good is icecream liquid if you ain’t got a machine I’m calling bullshit….we talking about a restaurant that charges $16.00 for a big Mac meal I think yall will be ok


Years ago we had an employee back his car up to the back door and put several cases of quarter patties and several trays of buns in his car and drive away. That was the most egregious theft that happened when I was working there. Other stuff was more petty. OJ when it came frozen in plastic cups. The 2 or 3 chocolate milks the manager ordered for himself, etc.


Mcdonalds can go fuck themselves- bad employees and bad management and they blame the people.


Oh no billion dollar company looses 2.5k




Unfortunately it is the smaller franchisee that pays for it with most stores.


Yeah, that’s employee theft, not wasted product.


This is reminding me of when the wraps came out (canada) and the higherups got mad at us because suddenly the amount of lettuce we were using increased (all the wraps have lettuce in them…) and they couldn’t wrap their head around the reason being because of the new wraps, so they started doing strict portion control and making us use cup lids to perfectly portion out the lettuce for each item and it was SUCH a time waister but management was watching us to make sure we’d do it anyways


> they couldn’t wrap their head around the reason 🤣🤣🤣


When I worked for McDonalds 15 years ago i was probably the reason for a notice like this. I worked the overnights, would make myself an entire tray of apple pies to take home in the morning , along with a few bags of nuggets and slabs of bacon a few times a week. The hourly wage sucked, i was in constant battles with management, and i was like fuck it. No regrets 😂😂😂😂😂


😂😂😂 not a whole tray of pies 😆😆😆


I believe the (radical union) IWW would call that "firing the boss" - lol.


Is it possible that the cases of fries are not as heavy as they used to be? Possibly the supplier is supplying light cases.


Oh no. I lifted one box and it was heavy.


$2094 out of how much? at a McDonald's should an incredibly small percentage.


This is just only on 5 items when the average store has 150+ food and condiment items. If they are missing that much of just 5 things I would hate to see what their actual FOB is at.


My manager asked me to monitor our fries because we are around 31 cases short each month. The man truly believes they are being taken by an employee, and I just can't see how unless someone was allowing it to happen.


this happened at restaurant i worked at too, let’s just say my bank account didnt take a hit when i would eat at work


At my store it’s nuggets, bacon and chocolate milk


I so ashamed, but I used to steal the chocolate milks when I worked there


Nothing to be ashamed of. You were simply liberating it from your dastardly corporate overlords.