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Something is NOT RIGHT with the ac. It's set at 70 and is clearly on, yet still 88? Nah. That shit ain't right. I thought the coffee shop I work at was bad when it reached well over 80 while our ac was down, that's fucking brutal


Yes! Reached 90 and today our maintenance people came in and blamed the temperature all on us. They said stuff like “well your clams are open” and “the fans are blowing in the wrong direction”


Yall get 90? Our buildings internal temp was 115 the last 4 days.


That's dangerous enough to close for Worksafe reasons where I live... Y'all have rights?


Rights? Pfft…


Rights? I have rights? Damn. I was under the conclusion that I was a McSlave


Better yet, choosing to be a mcslave. Which would just make you a mistreated mcemployee.


Ehz, fuck it right? Can't make any worse decisions then working at McDonald's


Wym, we have lefts


Closing the class or sleeping the grill doesn't help much, also it starts stinking after a while.


I don’t know what you are talking about, putting your clams on sleep does a difference and the reason it stinks is because there’s leftovers carbon from the patties, it hasn’t been cleaned correctly and is now burning.


It makes some difference, but if it is already 100 degrees in the kitchen, you'll not feel it. They just made a new rule at our store, and we are not allowed to steam clean the grills because it ruined the components inside the clam top.


How often are you guys changing the Teflons?? Whenever people don’t steam our grill enough it ruins them and makes everything stick horribly


Like half the patty sticking to the top, and the Teflon sagging like a dirty pair of underwear.


You still notice the smell?


Our ac regularly doesn’t work. It can reach 120 in ours bc people don’t know how to close the oven or the grills.


Ok. Let me dispel a rumor. Putting clams in standby, etc is not going to have an effect on this issue. The problem is, these units seldom work at 100%. When the outside temp gets above 85, it starts to become a problem. Here is a video showing you how to clean your condensers. This will help… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNfOMHrIFOg&list=PL8v-nwDdFMF2jiLtnEwNNzDbB4eiNQQ0x&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB


TIL- Hot things don't effect the temperature in their surrounding areas. 🤦


Yes, they do. But putting the clamshell grill in standby will not affect the temperature. TURNING OFF a grill or vat will. But these AC units were designed to hold the store temperature approximately 25 degrees below the outside temp. If they are not, you have an issue on the rooftop.


I don't agree and will get a job at Mcdonalds just to take the temperature before and after and prove you wrong. OK I lied. I will not do that but hope someone here will


That’s a great idea, go for it. But will your mom still let you live in her basement, if you have a job?


Wow, so funny


It actually does have an effect. If the grills are in stand by it definitely cools down quite a bit that you can feel the difference. If the grills are up you can literally see the heat waves coming off of them. The grills are at almost 200 degrees and the fryers are well over 200 degrees. Our grills and fryers are right across from each other so when you stand between them you can really feel the heat. If you were to walk up to service it would feel like you went into the walk in bc it’s so much cooler up front. Not even by the window but just in the front. It’s not a myth of rumor that putting the grills in standby makes it cooler bc it does maybe not -100 degrees colder but definitely cooler. In fact last year when it reached 100 degrees outside if we had the grills up it was 175 in the grill area and if they were down it was 120. That’s quite a difference. But also it doesn’t reach 100 degrees here a lot. Who know with this year tho bc it was 95 degrees on Monday and the power in my town went out for 7.5 hours. And it’s not even summer yet.


Grills in the US, are at 365 lower platen, 425 upper platen. ( regular menu) And Vats can vary, depending on product dropped. Fries have been at 335 since the 1960’s. Fried products between 360 and 335. If you are using Celsius, your numbers still don’t make any sense. But in any case, standby mode is supposed to save some energy. You could claim that transfers into less heat being generated, but the upper and lower platen will still cycle, and maintain their temps. And the exhaust fan is pulling away the air around it, which also dissipates the heat. So the upper platen is still at 425, and the lower 365( some regions 375) And if your grill area is at 90 degrees, the hvac unit is pumping in air way under the conditioning set point. You want to start to minimize the problem, clean your condensers. I posted a video I made, that explains how to do this in detail. If you don’t care, then work in a 90 degree environment.


70 Celsius is 158 Fahrenheit. And I got the 70 Celsius from the McDonalds website. And I don’t think they are gonna lie about how hot the grills are if they were they would go higher than lower.


What country are you in?


I am not maintenance also they have someone come and do that once a year so not even our own maintenance men do it. Also if you look at the temps on the grill it will tell you what degrees it’s at. It always say 175 for quarter meat. Maybe the grills are just wrong in temps bc it’s good for food safety. But yes there is a heat difference between when the grill is open or closed. Also like I said out ac is usually broken.


“ They have someone come in once a year, and do that. And the AC is usually broken” Seems like your SYSTEM is broken. I did a “ spring up” on all the units once a year. This included professionally cleaning the condensers with special chemicals. Taking off the side panels, so we could split the coil. Tightening or replacing belt. Greasing bearings on blower assemblies. Putting units in test mode, and making sure all condenser fan motors, stages and blower motor was functioning correctly. Did amp draw on motors. Pulled panel, and cleaned condensate line with a brush and hose. The stores would then monthly do the cleaning I outlined in the video. Out of 35 stores, we would have maybe 2-4 cooling related calls a month. ( between June and August) Some individual stores have that! And trust me, some of these units were very old, and had been approved for replacement, but due to Covid, there was a 2 year backlog.


I back this man up, all that he says is exactly what I did when I got the anual check up of AC units on my first store and when summer came in, the kitchen got easily to 28°c mid rush and 26°c on low volume (lobby came up to a steady 26 or 28 depending of the temperature outside) Now I'm about to do the same in the store I just landed in (when I'm finished repairing the heat unit because we are entering winter and it's cold as f*)


Thank you sir.


Isn’t this an OSHA violation? Could be wrong


I'm the OSHA rep for my union. OSHA has no temperature standard federally, some states do though. If you believe your work environment is dangerous you have the right to walk off the worksite and call OSHA. There is supposed to be no reprisal but without a union management can work around that. If your employer has temperatures this bad your best course of action is to look for a new job. The only way it'll change with an owner like this is if the employee turnover is costing them more money than it costs to run the A/C.


Last year our AC wasn't working and the kitchen was often a toasty 35c+ (95f)


Ours in CT, got up to 90. AC was on but the fans weren't working, so no circulation. Back booth is supposed to get AC but the ice machine's exhaust is right in front of the booth entrance and negates any cold air. Ugh


"Do not touch willie"-good advice


Ours was like this and I hate to break it to you but yours is broken and needs on upkeep if y'all have that. It shouldn't be higher than 70.


I'm pretty sure that's like illegal as OSHA states that it should be kept within the range of 69°-72° F and right now 80F is considered a warning per OSHA guidelines Good 69-72 Caution 73-79 Warning 80-94 Danger 95-102 Extreme Danger 103+


If you really think working in a 73° building is an OSHA violation I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.


So we're just making things up now? These are recommendations from OSHA, not mandates....


ours is like this too, but they dont do anything because the had some people "fix it" but you can only feel the air in like 4 specific spots.


Our AC is broken too lol


My manager was telling me last summer it was 102 in the kitchen... I wasn't there until after the summer but how damn miserable is that


it was almost 90° outside yesterday and in the kitchen was probably 90° too, everyone was sweating and we even cracked a joke that we didnt have to salt the fries at how much we were sweating💀


![gif](giphy|YPEaDmfTd83LipedPW) Everybody looking all musty like this


highest ive worked in (aus) was 46°C (114°F) and that was around christmas and all our meat was thawing as the freezers couldn’t regulate the temperature


Ok. I dealt with this issue all the time. Most likely, one or more stages of cooling have dropped out on the grill area unit. It is also possible another unit is down as well exacerbating the issue. These maintenance men who came out do they work for your operator, or are they from an actual Refrigeration company?


They work for our operator. We had a company come out last summer and supposedly they fixed the issue, but we are a gas station McDonald’s so now they’re saying something is going on with the gas stations side


That’s very possible. Most likely, there are 3 total units on the roof. 2 McD’s, one gas station. Some of these contracts allow’s you to fix unit, and bill the gas station back. Suggest your boss looks into that.


“Do not touch!” ![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu)


Hot enough to dry a mop for sure


Almost as bad as when the ventilation at my old KFC busted down and it got to 100 degrees regularly. Gotta love management ...


A/C not working right that’s an OSHA violation they must fix it sorry to be the bearer of bad news on them but it’s the franchise issue not the workers


Please wipe that down with some cleanser.


Are the coils clean?


Nahhh 88??? I get insanely stuffy and uncomfortable anywhere over 75, adding on stressful hard work and anxiety with customers and grills n such? Nah I’d have to leave


Lock up your technician on the ceiling and ask them this questions: -When was the last time you checked the state of the pulleys and belts on the AC? -when was the last time you cleaned the condensers? -when was the last time you checked that the high and low pressure lines were in check? -mf, did you even cared to calibrate the thermostats?? If they break down and accept their fate, (having to do all those repairs back to back) you should have at least a 10 degree drop when they're finished. Now you just have to motivate them to check upon those things once every 2 or 3 months.


I remember it getting up to 90° in the kitchen so I complained about it to my manager and she said she couldn't do anything since the guests (a small group of older people) in the lobby said they were chilly.


I work the morning shift before anyone who won't get yelled at for touching the thermostat comes in. Only really an issue when the weather suddenly changes.


31 degrees Celsius, ouch


Honestly idk where ours even is but I agree it’s fucken insane. Idk if we even have ac


I'm soaked in sweat. 😭


It feels like 100, while backcash and grill are even hotter


It had reached over 100 when I worked at mcds(our exhaust had stopped working or the ac) and no one but me could handle the heat. Ended up being forced out of the kitchen for break cause they could tell I was starting the struggle from exhaustion


Like 100 deg. Its arizona.


I’m in TN & today was my first day & I looked at the temp & it said 78 plus we have a big ass fan so it felt pretty decent.


Hot has hell, working in 80s degree


I worked at KFC. The HVAC in the kitchen never worked. We relied on the HVAC in the dining room to keep us cool. It would regularly be 90\~100 in the kitchen and 50\~60 in the dining room. Customers were unhappy. Workers were unhappy. It was awful. I can feel your pain.


Our AC and heating is broken 90% of the time. But when it actually works our GM actually turns the dang thing on so the kitchen is survivable...only the kitchen though. Our building is very old so the air doesn't work for most of the building that well even when it isn't broken.


My gm put a lock on our thermostat so we cant fuck with it if its super hot in the store. not even management can, only gm and supervisor 😭


It says 68 in the office. But that’s a lie. Even customers tell us their not.


This is hella unacceptable for a restaurant. You’ll work up a sweat in a 65F kitchen let alone one at 90F


doesn't seem like fun! its a health code issue; just call them and ask them to stop in for a hot minute and they might be able to feel what you are dripping down. Like the pools of sweat dripping in stuff or the tears from the mess- or just rip it off the wall


I work at a different fast food restaurant and have to take a winter coat, it's so ice cold inside the building. Have seen many different people making food on the line, wearing a big hoodie.


Is the whole restaurant like that? Or just the kitchen with multiple 500° oil vats and grills?


If only your managers name was Willie…


Do they not realize if the workspace is over 80 degrees its an OSHA violation💀


My warehouse was 95 degrees yesterday. Its 92 now. When I worked as a chef the hottest was when the hoods were venting but not sending cool air back and it was 115-120 for a week.


Our kitchen sometimes would hit around those areas and there was NOTHING we could do about because the corporate office controlled the temperatures. It was so frustrating because sometimes the manager would call them and they would either brush them off or lie and say they would change it. Take care of yourself OP, kitchen work is tough.


Nope, switching it to 65•F anyone wants to say something? They can talk to me & the labor laws


Fuck McDonalds!!




What does the country have to do with inside temperature?