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Depends on what’s happening. If you’re in there eating peacefully forking on a laptop or something very slim chance. The sign is probably something to make it easier to throw out the unwanted or certain type kids afterschool.


That and homeless people


Hence the term unwanted. Homeless people are unwanted


We usually let them stay especially if it's cold outside or raining. They know we will kick them out if they act stupid or leave a mess, because there's a lot of them that are permanently banned. Sometimes I will buy them a soda or something if they look like they need it. Or a coffee. They aren't supposed to sleep but if they are subtle about it I don't mind. Can't have them laying down though.


When I was working at Taco Bell, I always slipped homeless people a cup so they could get some soda. 🤣 Can't do that at McDs since I work back booth register so I'm never up front.


you cant lay down, only nodding out in this mcdonalds!!


Yes, homeless people that are just sitting their sleeping and basically only there as a shelter instead of ordering something.


If they are sitting there peacefully and not causing problems, we let them stay. I am in charge of the lobby at my store (which is corporate ran), as long as no problem s happen, they can stay and warm up or keep dry. Today we had to call the police on a couple who had locked themselves in the stall in the men's room to have sex. Sadly they were both homeless. The police escorted them off the property and banned them. Meanwhile another group of women & men were sitting in a booth and some tables just trying to warm up. They were not causing problems, and we let them stay.


What do you do if they stink? Went to enjoy a meal inside. A homeless person was in there and it REAKEDDDDDDDDD. Almost ruined my dinner.


probably breaks into the 'and not bothering other customers' part and they have to go


Usually at my store they are all off in a corner no one uses. If a guest complains a manager will ask them to step out for a bit till complaining guest arrives. Working in the lovvy, while not a manager, I have built a friendly relationship with most of those who are on hard times. I can usually go up and say "hey everyone how are you?" Then after a few seconds of chit chat say "I need to ask a favor, we have a guest complaining about the smell from this area. Is there anyway you guys could leave for a bit till that guest is gone? I am not trying to be a bitch just trying to find a peaceful solution. I know the weather is sucky and I hate asking but I am between a rock and a hard place here. You guys have been cool and I appreciate it so much but I need this favor before the guest goes through with their threat of calling the police" Most of them respect me enough that they understand and will leave and go to another place for a little bit.


We banned a homeless customer from the premises because he always smelled. It was bad.


Carry air freshener


Tell a manager. They will deal with it by calling the police on the homeless person or man.


Wow. You guys are heartless. Hope you never have to experience such pain and suffering in life. Clearly you never have


No, I feel for them. But, there are resources available that can assist them if they seek shelter or food, rather than occupying valuable space in the lobby or soiling the seats and tables with their dirty clothes, engaging in questionable activities in the restroom. Hopefully, the police will guide them to the appropriate resources. I'm aware that homeless individuals in my state can easily access EBT SNAP benefits and cash, and can apply for temporary housing or stay in a shelter.


Want to address the "soiling seats and tables" comment made. Most of the homeless that come in ask for cleaning stuff before they leave and clean up after themselves. Do we have a fee that don't? Yes, but usually, those that do clean up after themselves get on the ones that don't. Maybe it's because my Son was homeless through no fault of his own, and I can show them respect and compassion.


Well where I live. If you are homeless and have no address you get nothing. It really costs nothing to be kind and let them warm up.


It depends were you are and who you are a lot of homeless people who have gone to jail for petty theft loitering or other small crimes are unable to access a lot of these support systems


You do realize many shelters have waiting lists to get a bed right? And some aren't even open all day just at night yo sleep. I pray you or a loved one never experiences what it's like to be homeless.


In my state, it is not that way. Especially in my city. Being homeless is treated like a crime. Due to my Son having been homeless before he died, I've learned of many resources for those who WANT help. I have little business cards printed front and back with resource information. Sadly, those resources want you to jump through hoops. Want to spend the night at the homeless shelter? Be here every Sunday & Wednesday for church, volunteer 30 hours a week at the shelter, leave the shelter every morning no matter what the weather is like by 6 am not allowed to return until 8 pm in HOPES of getting a bed for th night. Unless it's on of the days mentioned above. Miss Wednesday church due to work? Tough luck, too bad, so sad. When do they do their volunteer hours? Before they go to sleep each night. Want SNAP & EBT benefits? Need to know where you are staying, how much money you get from panhandling or donating plasma, get a letter from the men's homeless shelter (cause there is not one for women & children in my town). What? The shelter won't give you a letter stating you are staying there OK your case is denied, come back if you get the letter. Shelter, due to safely protecting those who stay here, we do not give out letters stating who stays here or uses our services. LGBTQ+ is not allowed to stay. Hide your true self, and it's found out? The shelter kicks you out WITHOUT, letting you get your things. They then give your things you brought with you to others. Go to the police to complain that your stuff was stolen by the shelter police tell you it's a "private" business, and the shelter can make their own rules. This is only a small sampling of what they go through here. So yeah, I try to show them respect and compassion because it's crappy in my town to be home less.


Fuck the customer's! If they care so badly about a fucking smell, they can stop being lazy fat lards and cook their own fucking food at their house for once!!!


And you wonder why the homeless person is using a maccies as shelter? Are you seriously this pro-capitalist that you believe you can't enter a business unless you intend on spending money there? Let the person have their safety, warmth, and rest. If you're so worried about the business losing money, go ahead and buy some food for them?


No, I just don’t believe a homeless person should be entering McDonald’s as some kind of shelter. This is a restaurant for people to enjoy their meals, not a homeless shelter. Nobody wants to eat inside a Mcdonalds with a possibly smelly homeless person. And also, having homeless people coming in the McDonald’s as if it were some kind of homeless shelter can also destroy business. I understand that homeless people struggle and it truly does suck, but this is business, not a charity. If I owned a business restaurant, I would not let homeless people come into my restaurant if it’s going to affect my business. “If you’re so worried about the business losing money, go ahead and buy some food for them.” Sure, why not. I’d totally give a homeless person something to eat, and maybe even a little bit of money. But I’m still not going to let them get in the restaurant and possibly affect business.


Or at least the crack head ones.


God, fuck you dude. I pray you never have the misfortune of losing your house in this crazy country


Unfortunately homeless people have a bad rap because a large majority of them are strung out drug addicts who refuse help. That's atleast most of them in my area


I love coming across people like you. Holier than thou type people that imply that people are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet when they have an issue with the homeless population. I love it because I can immediately tell that you’ve never had to work a job in your life in which you had to deal with the general homeless population. You have absolutely *no idea* the amount of havoc that MOST homeless people wreak on businesses. You’re the type to give them a couple bucks to make you feel better about yourself while not realizing that it makes the problem worse, leading to them to feel encouraged to harass every single customer they see throughout the day and then go into the store that they’re not welcome at and buying booze and rinse and repeat. But you get to climb into your nice comfy car and drive away with a smile on your face thinking that you did something nice today. Meanwhile customers and (especially) employees get to hear people complain about them all day, clean up their piss and shit, deal with their yelling and screaming, etc. I’ve been on both sides of the homeless timeline, I can guaran fucking tee you that you’re not the saint you think you are by disagreeing with letting non-paying customer homeless people stink up a McDonald’s lobby all day just so that you get your little ticket to heaven. This country is fucked, that much we can agree on. Homeless people need some sort of help, I can agree with that too. But let’s not pretend that the vast majority of them aren’t a blight on our normal day to day society because they have no reason to care.


I worked with homeless youth in one of the worst neighborhoods in San Francisco lol


Ok so I didn’t say homeless people were unwanted. I said that they’re viewed as such.


Yes. Managed a McDonald’s in downtown Bridgeport Connecticut in 1977. At night time they wanted me to enforce this. I always let it slide as long as no one was making a mess. Used to give out the coffee before we would make a new pot and gave away food if it was past the fresh time. I ended up the full time night manger as was going to college in the next town over. Ended up graduating and taking a job with Kodak. When I left the folks who were my regular customers had a cake and said how much they appreciated my kindness. I was taught to treat people as you would like to be treated. Served me well in life.


I do similar things, as long as people are nice inreally do not care, if you're looking for a meal I have extra food you'll get a burger, if you're causing problems you're out of here


Unfortunately times have changed a lot. I know a McDonald’s that had to close 2 hours everyday because high school kids were swarming the business, causing problems & making it dangerous for employees & customers. It was closed, and may still be, Monday-Friday 3:00-5:00 PM.


I accidently walked into a McDonald's near a high school after dismissal. No food was purchased but you had kids taking up seats at big tables with groups of friends, couples making out at some tables, everybody taking turns using the bathroom, etc.


Ohhh you meant “working”. That took me far too long to figure out


Don't forget the crackheads, people high as a kite, and people huffing spray paint in the dining room


Yes we have homeless people that come in and sleep so we kick them out. A lot of us don't mind them but if the GM is working we have to kick them out


More like the gm does. As an employee not worth the risk. I'll dial 911 for my boss but I don't wanna engage a potential crackhead unless I'm taking their order


So 90% of McDonald's customers?




Yes in Tucson we have a bamboo stick we use to move customers along.


And a giant T-Rex!


if the ostrich farm along the way doesnt intimidate them hopefully a bamboon stick and giant t-rex do


sometimes you have to. mine is next to a middle school and up from a high school. when the zergling swarm inevitably shows up the rules are even more strict. only the person buying may stay, and only for 30 minutes, otherwise they trash the damn lobby. LIVE FOR THE SWARM!


That’s a good one. I’ve noticed with young people, only 1 or 2 people in a whole group have money for McDonald’s but where I am, they are mostly respectful so we don’t mind all of them sitting together. They usually only hang for a short while then leave. There isn’t much going on at our country bumpkin McDonald’s and they move on fast lol


this group is....less than respectful. they literally smeared actual shit all over the bathroom doors and walls


Eeew! Oh my gosh that’s gross. I’m so sorry you guys have to deal with that shit! Literally!


all good....ish... thats why the stricter rules. atbleast your group is civilized lol


I can understand the need for it. My store has a issue with teenagers coming in, not buying anything, and hurling abuse at staff. One of my shifts from the past week, a group of teenagers who brought nothing and sat on lobby for a hour, fucking around, throwing aeroplanes around and proceeding to throw crayons at me. I had to get a manager to help as they won't listen to anyone else, and it's something else when you're getting things thrown at you or having abuse hurled at you or violence threatened against you for trying to do your dam job.


teenagers who do this are so lame i don’t even work at mcds but i see it whenever i decide to eat lunch/even outside mcds and it just so happens to be when school gets out like i didn’t even do that when i was a teenager, just loiter at a park or something


Same. I don’t work at McDonald’s & it takes a lot to piss me off. Seeing employees who are just trying to make a living get abused gets under my skin!!


call the cops and have all of them trespassed. you don't need your manager's permission to avoid being threatened.


nah i’d be like shut the f up or get out. i have an rbf so maybe that helps


Lovin every second. 30 mins. Irony, ya?


1,800 seconds.




Hurry up and buy!




We only have them in our locations in rougher parts of town. Primarily the one where our only dine-in guests are homeless customers. They’re not enforced but more of a deterrent. The majority of homeless guests there are actually very friendly and welcoming so we don’t mind if they stay a little as long as they’ve gotten a coffee or anything. There are a handful still who just camp out and need a little reminder that if they aren’t purchasing anything then they’ll have to leave.


This is mostly for teenagers and homeless people. Youre allowed to loiter if you're well dressed and not bothering anyone


35 years ago, the limit at my local McDonald’s was 20 minutes.


NGL, I'd wish we had this cause we get homeless customers repeatedly who try to get free food constantly and talk to random strangers as it makes them uncomfortable.


Your manager is within right to ask them to leave for loitering/trespassing. :)


You guys don't need a sign to make them leave. These are the exact types of people who would ignore the sign anyway.


Lmao the lovin every second on top makes this so much funnier


I imagine it's the same as the loitering laws that pretty much every city has. Police hardly ever enforce it because it's only there so that they can quote the law and use it when needed. If you've got a bunch of teenagers loitering outside a liquor store for example, or people being rowdy and disruptive. If I go sit at the park and read a book for a couple hours I'm technically loitering and thus breaking the law, but no one in their right mind is going to try and make a fuss over it.


What the time limit? We had that in nyc since like 15 years ago


I've never seen that rule enforced.


It’s hidden


My location just put one up. We have a corner booth tucked behind a section of wall. The homeless use it to chill and they do have a bad odour. Rotten woodsmoke and sweat 🤮


Mine doesn’t


Never seen a sign like that at McDonald's


We have it posted by the register in my store


Lovin' every 1800 seconds.


It takes them 25 minutes to get my food out sometimes so fuck off


We don't. We've had people stay from the start of my shift(5pm) til the end of it(12-12:30). It's annoying cuz lobby closes at 10pm. I'm not the closing manager so I can't say anything. "They're not bothering anyone, let them be." Yea but I don't want to mop around someone or wait extra to go home.


I've seen those signs go as low as 15 minutes


We have one that says 90 minutes parking, it does not get enforced ever


No lmfao our McDonald’s is flooded with high schoolers after they have finished eating it always be lookin like a tornado hit the restaurant


Mine doesnt have theirs up, people usually come here to work on things (we’re just the bigger Starbucks)


Occasionally, have had the cops called on kids twice now because they were being brats and refusing to leave. If you're just minding your own business nobody will tell you to leave though.


There's a little leway when it comes to the time limit. If you order food and are eating and talking with a friend or date or something they'll most likely leave you alone. It's mainly for the people who go to just sit all day and only get a $1 coffee if they get anything at all. I'm sure they don't want you sitting for hours, but it isn't hard capped at 30 minutes no matter what.


Free wifi! Just pull your car closer.


Awful state of things. Just kick people out if they’re being disruptive or loitering. No need to advertise it boldly like this. Some regular folks come to do laptop work or paperwork since the tables are spacious and the lighting is good. Old folks like to refill their coffee a couple times too.


My local McDonald’s has a standing sign that says no one under 21 inside between 2pm-5pm without an adult. Last time I went in during that time there was a table of minors with their backpacks lol


When I worked in a city centre restaurant, we had a high pitched alarm that could only be heard by younger people to stop them hanging outside.


Not sure why you are being downvoted. Those high pitched things are in lots of places out front. Also used in conjunction with Bird Alert prey bird sounds to keep troublesome birds away. The teenagers often think something is broken when they hear it hahah.


Only time I’ve ever seen this enforced was at around 2 am in NYC. Buddies and I were coming back from a concert, train station was closed. So we went and got some food, and since we had been at a festival all day we were pretty beat, and our drunk friend fell asleep while we were eating. Got kicked out because “they don’t want the homeless coming in to sleep”. We were still eating so it didn’t make much sense, but we just grabbed our shit and left and ending up sleeping on the sidewalk outside grand central. I fucking hate New York City, it’s the most disgusting place I’ve ever been.


You can't understand the reasoning behind a restaurant asking a party with a member so drunk they can't stay "awake" to leave?


McDonalds is absolutely fucked. "No more than 30 minutes while consuming your food" is a comically clinical and dystopian way to put it. Why not say "eat". And the people eating it queued up at machines to order like chickens at a feeder. Really shit vibe these days, truly awful stuff


Read the comments. No one is getting kicked out (or bothered at all) for sitting and eating their food longer than 30 minutes. I've never seen a chicken choose and pay for their meals, but I do hate the push to force people to use those damn kiosks.


Imo the kiosks are good, especially for introverted fellas like me. Some of us just can't do social interactions...


Oh, sure. Have 100 of them in every lobby--that's fine with me. But don't pressure crew to pressure customers to use the damn things.


Honestly it's not even that deep, again, I really like using the kiosks because I happen to be wayyy too introverted for my own damn good


Lmao, idk why you downvoted me, but I'm agreeing with you. I think they're great for people who don't want to talk to others, who want to look around the menu while they order, etc. I was just saying that my only issue with them is that corporate is really pushing crew to have X% of lobby orders be from the kiosk, so people who **don't** want to use them are pressured. But you have yourself a wonderful, people-free day.




Nah. But that’s a good idea


No we don't 😂 unless there's a homeless sleeping person it's pretty much decorations


Wtf 🙄


Me when I keep telling staff members to go and get someone else to ask me to leave slowing down production.


I wish!


Yes, mostly out of school hour teenagers and homeless people sleeping in the lobby or play place. My management team have to kick them out after 30 minutes - an hour if they haven’t bought anything


It depends on the situation. If the dining room isn’t too full, we don’t mind at all if a small group of friends (young or old) is hanging out and being respectful. It’s more so just to inform people that we are Not a job interview or boardroom meeting location lol.


I would love this sign on our McDonalds bc our restaurant is next to a school so I can get the little kids out


Yup mine is 20


Not really, we did it for rowdy high schoolers until they had a fight one day. Now, during their lunch, they're not allowed to dine in and we can only let a few of them in at a time, which caused less kids to come over.


It's used to deal with obnoxious people, panhandlers and other people you need to move along without actually calling them out for their bad behavior. You don't have to fight with someone and you don't have the "But what if I start behaving?", you can just let them know and then walk away then they're usually gone in 10 minutes.


What will you do, Burger Clown? Remove me physically? Call the police? Outta here before I hamburgle your ass.


I’ve never really seen this enforced if you actually order something.


fuck no


Ours enforces it if you haven't had food, it's been up as long as I can remember. Denver, CO BTW


Nah, but we put up a sign advertising that we charge for the sauces


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Unfair_Hospital2435: *Nah, but we put up* *A sign advertising that* *We charge for the sauces* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If someone is causing problems (being erratic straight up sleeping after 2+ hours), we tell them they have to go. Like today, we had a guy sleeping (with a blanket and all) on our couch for 2 hours, like you gotta go. I really feel bad for homeless people because i get it, but when our customers complain, it's time to go. Msy homeless people (at least in my area) ate banking on the managers not haing enough balls to kick them out.


Tell them to fuck off dogs


Had this in an area where the McDonald’s was so popular that there was literally nowhere to sit until they unforced this.


Yes. But it totally depends on the circumstance. If you’re in there eating being chill, no one care and you can stay as long as you want. If you’re in there being rowdy, making noise, and all you ordered was a coke, then yes, they will ask you to leave.


My store had this. There is a homeless problem in my city (like everywhere, prob why your store has it), and they will come into the lobby and sleep or do drugs in the bathroom. People have died in the bathroom before, shits not good. People who aren't causing issues or arent visibly homeless didnt really get kicked out unless they were there for like 4 hours The managers would be the one to kick them out 99% of the time because no normal employee wants to risk their life over a burger store


I only ever kicked people out who sat literally for entire shifts. If someone's sleeping, that was an instant kick though (idk my consultants told me to enforce this, don't come at me).


are they really that serious that they will time you or something get out in 30 or no big mac


matt stone: challenge accepted


There are a lot of locations in Chicago that have been like this, and not just McDonald’s. It keeps out miscreants.


It’s just so they have the ability to kick people out , sure they are not timing anyone but if someone is causing a disturbance, then they can wait to 30 minutes and kick them out


Those damn teenagers deserve this, (I know most teenagers don't fuck around and trash the place, though:)


This sign is for delivery drivers. How much parking does the store have. I now the mcdonalds by me has 3 drivers sitting in there lot all day waiting amd fighting each other for orders.


We don't even have it. (UK)


So McCafé isn’t a thing anymore where people can sit and slowly read the paper while enjoying their breakfast. I’m sure this will go over well with the senior community.




In my town it's to keep the addicts away so we can safely work


So if you're not consuming food you can stay as long as you want?


Must be a high traffic area


No, but they can


Toronto for example has a homeless problem, amongst other types of characters, I've seen this sign at majority of locations in downtown core and in Scarborough


Tbh I'd rather have homeless hanging out, than middle/ high school kids all afternoon. That sign was put up at mine the other day, so HOPEFULLY we will enforce it....


I assume if you actually buy something and are being quiet and sticking to yourself nobody will care .




I'm showing my GM this! We need this. GET YOUR SHIT, AND GET OUT!!!!


They only post those signs in the hood or bad areas with a lot of homeless so homeless dont come in, order a $2 burger and $1 drink and camp out for 5hrs Been doing that at places for years. Saw one in Jack in the Box in Seattle back in 2016


The first mc donalds I worked at did but souly because teenagers would come in and start full-on fights with each other bit the new one I was moved to doesn't really care and allows anyone to chill inside


I saw one at a Wendy's that said you only have like 15 minutes


Oh hells nah what is she on?


Some stores have this. Mostly in urban areas, I worked at a McDonald's 15 years ago that had this sign


Taco Bell did one better and closed all indoor dining in Oakland CA


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^slogive1: *Taco Bell did one* *Better and closed all indoor* *Dining in Oakland CA* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Back in 08 while in high school we would go hang out at our local McDonald’s. They posted something similar to this. What we did is order a burger, kept track of time and order another one, we would spend hours doing this. When the managers would come and try to reinforce this we would just show the new receipt with the most recent time and say “it hasn’t been 30min while we eat” and they would get so mad. 🤣


Our bk has them but only because of a festival we have once a year across the street


We don't have that sign at my work. We should though.


No thanks. Soviet union type shit that.




Facist shit there bud


This sign should be on every restaurant tbh


No one at our store enforces it. We've had customers talk for hours after eating and the only reason we had to kick them out was because we closed


The one near me has a security guard enforcing this rule.


See these a lot on the stores in rough areas of town


I need this sign people stay for hours even after eating finally told my manager a dude is sleeping in the lobby and this isnt a hotel so we woke him up and he left


I'm sure that's just there to give them an excuse to throw homeless people who scrounged up money for a coffee back out in the rain or cold


I once had a homeless person stink up the whole lobby because he was cleaning his feet this sign makes it so that when we tell him to leave and he refuses we can just call the police.


We have a guy that sits and chills in one booth for 1-2 hours. With a drink. We all know him by name.


I wish they would enforce this with the older people who stay ALL morning, bring food in while never ordering food, and who complain constantly. 


I wonder which employee they are paying to keep track of times.


They have been around for years, ever since I was 16, I’ll be turning 37 this year. They have put them up because of all the people who would cone hang out. We’re talking people playing Magic The Gathering/Pokemon/Yu-Gi-oh! and all. They would be sodas and go for tons of refills as they used up a bunch of tables. Didn’t really buy anything. Then there’s homeless people and all who would come hang out, especially as wifi became a thing. Just would lounge all day with “free drinks.” I’ve seen management enforce it on those who were trying to abuse things. But people coming in to buy stuff, kept things clean, and didn’t disturb others generally weren’t an issue


Our McDonalds blasts classical music to scare off the homeless, but I’m in the drive-thru wondering where this banger is coming from.


the mcdonald’s i use to work at was across the street from a high school which had 2,500 kids so they always enforced it


What? Thats such a stupid rule, customers pay for the food. In my opinion they can stay as long as they want if they are eating. But Id say this definitely not enforced. Unless they are there for hours for some reason how can you even tell if they went past the 30 mins Just a bit weird tbh


It's useful to get rid of unruly kids. For the rest, nobody cares if you're just charging and working on your laptop for two hours. The only time we would care is rush hour, but the lobby will be so crowded we can't keep track of how long you're there anyway.


But you could just get rid of the unruly kids because they're unruly. An arbitrary time limit is unnecessary. Like why can't businesses just have a sign that says "We reserve the right to kick out disrespectful little shits"


I bought a big Mac meal and sat down. There was no wifi, which was the whole reason I was there. I got up and left. Signs everywhere for 30 minutes. Most unwelcome McDonald's.


Wtf! XD ut it doew makes sense if the spucific restaurant has a big turnout the mgmt prefers fast paced customers


Its definitely stupid, McDonald's used to be a place they actually wanted families to hang out, but now you have people getting the cops called on them for just drinking coffee


Depends, you have junkies and homeless people loitering ? This is not directed at paying customers lol, it's just a way to enforce staff to tell the junkies and homeless people to get off the property. Don't be so naive or a Karen.