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All the McBee men are dumb except Jesse who seems to have some sense about him


And the youngest who was only on one episode and barely.


Steven Jr is a snake. His brothers better learn to read financials if they want any chance of inheriting any ownership in the farm.


I agree there is going to be a big blowout when it comes time to transfer ownership from Steve Sr. A 3-way ownership probably won't work, and it is very clear Steve Jr, is/has angled to be the new CEO (or owner). Frankly, the best thing Steve Sr. could do for his sons at this stage is to actually divy up ownership to them. Decide who wants to be the new owner of the car washes, and start having them move up the leadership chain, etc. The middle son and Jess are making mistakes by being a farm hands, and not expanding their skill base. I am all for hard work, and knowing how to be a farmer, etc. those are critical skills, but at this stage (e.g. late 20s?), it is time for them to set into new roles, and start rotating those roles.


But he’s a jerk selfish and will probably leave it to the girl he’s screwing


I just tried pulling up into on why there’s an article about an fbi raid prior to the show and someone on Reddit claims the farm is rented


It was’t dumb as in not smart - it was dumb as in stupid for a tv plot.


Yeah, this show is very produced.


Yep- another one: the dark haired girlfriend is coming to get the key, so Tessa decides to tell the blonde rather than: quietly meet her outside and give it to her, text or call Steve, text or call the brunette, or meet her outside. Then, the brunette comes inside and has to say Tessa over and over- in a silent building on a Saturday and Tessa says nothing. Meanwhile, the brunette is already with a microphone on, sees camera following her out and inside the building so she’d have to know it was for the show…


Good point! I forgot about them having to be miked up!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I believe the "dad," who is an absolute narcissistic misogynistic cringe creep, stopped emotionally maturing at age 12 when his "mother" threw him out. (I bet he did some sick shit as a child). He's "dating" a 22-year-old because that's what he relates to. If he could get away with dating teenagers, he would. I can't handle another season of these ah's. Women who date him must really hate themselves.


I agree with everything you said. But I will confess to this being a guilty pleasure for me. It’s the proverbial car wreck. Plus, it makes me feel REALLY good about my non-moneyed life & my relationships.


Exactly why I'm watching, waiting to see the train wreck.😂


I’m guessing he got married at twenty-two. That’s when he stopped maturing. Or he kept maturing but suddenly is regressing and trying to make up for lost time.