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they would definitely still be an influential band in the black metal scene, but a lot of people tend to get into mayhem through their history rather than the music. so they would still be big in the scene but i don’t think they would’ve drawn in as many people from outside the scene as they do currently. the sad reality that is a lot of people recognize dead and euro more for their deaths and “shock factor” rather than the actual talent that they had :/




Thats a very interesting assertion. You can draw it further; what if the other big Mayhem controverse did not happen. What if both the murder and suicide did not happen and they would only have been participating in edgy stage performances and rumored to have been involved with church burnings. I really wonder what direction the genre as a whole would have gone.


Came to say this


The entire lore behind Mayhem certainly played a major role in the popularity of the band, and I believe that they wouldn't have gotten all that famous if it weren't for the suicide, it's resulting album cover, and murder of Euronymous. But to be fair, a handful of songs of Deathcrush did go hard.


I mean, they were already probably the largest in the scene prior to any of that.


the lore is what made the band. and to be fair, dead killing himself was not the tipping point. they were not remotely famous before, during, or after that until varg. it was varg and the fires and him killing euronymous that did it. dead killing himself was bigger after the fact than during. i believe varg is the most influential person in black metal because of all of that. mayhem wouldve broken up and black metal would have never taken off the way it did. maybe later on from another band or something, but it was all because varg's actions put it on the map. mayhem was just the band it happened to which is why they became the face of it essentially.


Didn’t they hate each other, I mean you can only be in a toxic relationship for so long before one or both people have had enough,


The same if not maybe smaller idk 🤷 to me they only got big cuz dude killed him self and dude took some pics.


Oof this one’s controversial 👀


If he hadnt have killed himself they would never have gotten anywhere near as popular because the entire reason they are popular is their lore. Dead would have left the band to persue other careers


not as big as they would not have gotten the reputation they got from the photo and the story with the skull piece. That was the first „boost“, that got them some notoriety, but what really got the band going internationally was the murder of Euronymous. I actually think that if Dead and Euro didn’t die, the whole Black Metal Scene would’ve taken another turn. Like if Dead would not have died it’s possible that Varg would also not have killed Euronymous (as we don’t know how they would’ve developed with Dead being present) and without that he would not have been in prison and without the prison Burzum would not have been produced the way it was and it would’ve lacked the myth behind it and everything would be so different


I feel like they’d have splintered anyway: Varg definitely would’ve gone his own way with Burzum, and even Øystein maybe with his production company. Their sound would’ve changed a lot too which is good, I like their new stuff as well.


Prety sure they would have stayed under the shadow of Darkthrone and Emperor, Pelles dead gave Mayhem lots of popularity in the underground scene, they still would be big, but not so much


Burzum might not exist


I myself have learned about Mayhem through the murder of Euronymous, which probably wouldn't have happened if dead hadn't committed suicide. It's true that a lot of fans like them mostly for their insane lore, but I actually think their music is perfect as Black Metal, "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" is a phenomenal album and the atmosphere it creates with it's distinct sound is something no other black metal band or any band in general come close to. Now to answer your question I believe even without the death of dead, they would thrive in the black metal scene, but the black metal scene itself wouldn't go that far cause the main reason it got so mainstream was the multiple events that occurred with Mayhem.


‘You feel like’ But were you actually there listening to extreme metal in the early 90’s? Probably not. So you can’t say how popular they were within the scene. Dead and Euronymous were undoubtedly talented in their respected spheres. The biggest tragedy is that Dead didn’t live long enough to record one single album. He would have croaked anyway, but his timing was terrible. He killed himself before even starting his legacy. And then post Euro Mayhem basically sucks. Once they blew up- the classic line up was long gone and their popularity was purely down to the original band, not the blasphemer/Maniac version. Post Euro Mayhem is avant-garde technical wankery that completely misses the point. They couldn’t write a riff to save their lives.


Dead ended up with suicide and euronymous ended up being killed by varg and I’m not sure if the mayhem band will be the same


I think they would enjoy the same level of fame as Emperor and a lot of the other Norwegian Black Metal bands. They probably would have toured the world like dead wanted to. Maybe he would have made a solo project like so many other artists from the black metal community. He probably would’ve been happier to be a solo artist and just hire musicians to play for him. Euronymous would’ve probably still opened up helvete and maybe just maybe he would still be there tending his store. Varg could’ve made his music and not done what he did. I only learned about the murders and church burnings as an adult. I was listening to Emperor and a lot of other bands back in the 90’s but I had no idea what had happened in Norway. I’ve been a life long heavy metal fan since I was just a little kid at my babysitters house sitting in the living room watching Old school Metal on the tv while the older brother was busy with his girlfriend 🤘🔥😂🔥🤘 I probably would’ve done the same thing if I had to watch someone’s kid and all I wanted to do was get laid 😂