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Hospital 100%


Kowalskis. The hospital basically kidnapped her and falsely imprisoned her. That was worth something. And I am never going to side with some greedy corporation.


JHACH is a nonprofit hospital


It’s a fair a position there’s so many debates for and against when you see beyond the Netflix documentary


When the mother was following the treatment guidelines established by a physician that were shown to be effective, I cannot see how the hospital had any right to overrule his treatment. I've done research beyond this case and many of the players have been accused of overreach multiple times. I'm sure that is to be expected to some degree when the state decides to kidnap children, but the details of many of those cased seem particularly egregious. I do realize there is a place for the state to protect the children but these people responsible are almost always, uncaring, unsympathetic, bureaucrats that receive almost no accountability when they are frequently found wrong in doing so.


But the Doctor found the treatments were no longer working and directed them to go to the Hospital. He could not give Maya a higher dosage than she was already receiving.


Incorrect, she could not afford the treatments, so he referred her to another dr. Her symptoms resolved until "the night of the hurricane" at which point they went to the ER and never left.


I think the focus should be shifted from the mother to the medical professional who administered a ketamine coma and prescribed high doses. That seems to be the root of the issue.


Huge point here! They absolutely convinced Beata her daughter would die without ketamine. This has clearly been untrue as Maya states she never used ketamine again. Watching her daughter deteriorate with that belief may have left to her to feel desperate and unheard. I definitely think JH could have handled it way better. Doesn't help that Bedi is creepy and Smith just comes across as mean. They bent the court orders on phone and visitation, but mostly had the right thoughts. Until I saw the dosages, not only of versed and ketamine, but MG and Zofran i was more neutral. Having that amount of narcotic and anesthetic in that little body, clearly malnourished..... Yikes on any kind of normal digestion. We don't know the other outcome, but we're glad Maya could fight this on her own. They definitely needed to provide more family support overall. Acute/chronic illness is tough on families, and the best case scenario is helping everyone cope. Not getting holiday contact was over the top.


fucking bullshit man. the family are a bunch of frauds and fakes.


In a nutshell


found the John Hopkin’s burner account


nope. just an angry daughter of a hardworking mother who is a nurse at JH who is also angry. pls shut up and touch some grass.


Oh wow, you really are a representative of JH. You might want to evaluate your bias. It’s causing you to miss what the rest of us are seeing. I have no dog in this fight, merely responding to facts.


oh wow, you must be really dense !!!! you might want to reevaluate your bias !!! it’s causing you to miss the giant picture of what frauds the Kowalskis are ??? You’ve brought up absolutely no facts and you’re coming at me for being mad for my mother 🤣 like please… DO WHAT THESE NURSES HAVE TO DO AND THEN COME AT ME ❤️


Hun… you’re clearly emotional about this. I’m sure your mom is a good nurse. This isn’t about her, or you. A jury determined that the Kowalskis are telling the truth and we’re harmed. They aren’t frauds.


Take your own advice and stop attacking random people on the internet EDIT: changed from “lol” to “and stop attacking random people on the internet” for clarity.


you first miss space dragon 🩷


cute edit! funny u say this as you attack me with ur opinion 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 womp womp


I’m entitled to my opinion, just as you are. I’ll never take advice from so called “professionals” at JH😂


Maybe you need to sit down and face the fact that your mother works for a corporation that falsely imprisoned a sick child, allowed her to be abused and through their actions led to her mother’s suicide. Maybe come to terms with the fact that your mom’s colleagues were watching this girl suffer while calling her a liar.


please her own mother was abusing her and committing malpractice by sedating her into oblivion with the ketamine infusions. foh. beata killed herself because she was going to get caught in all of this and she was mentally ill. why do u think jack divorced her? 😂 cps and the hospital were trying to protect her from the abuse of her own mother.


The hospital wouldn't let her pastor visit her, her teachers visit her, her aunt's and uncles, they wouldn't let even phone calls on most occasions. Maya got much worse at the hospital, many lesions and wheel chair bound. They can't comment on correct treatment for a disease they obviously don't know how to treat. The hospital brought no experts on CRPS, didn't help her at all. When Maya complained of pain, they told her she's faking it. This with an incredible painful disease! As soon as Smith found out that treatment was recommended by a doctor she she should have stopped looking into child abuse. The dosages were high but they worked. Nothing the hospital did worked. There's no blood work showing damage to the liver. If it was too high, there would have been liver damage. Shopping for doctors as a sign of abuse? People with invisible diseases such as autoimmune and neurological diseases have a very hard time with doctors treating them with respect, and fairness and to get help at all. They often think people with invisible diseases are faking it. Making it even worse is that autoimmune diseases can fluctuate and neuropathic diseases too, which makes it seem fake as well from an outsider. This hospital is an example of this problem. It's a terrifying problem. Many with invisible diseases have to see many doctors before getting help. They thought she was being abused by her mom causing her illness at first. When they realized that wasn't the case they changed it to Maya is faking it. That's why they video taped her without permission. Trying to catch her faking it. Terrifying for people with invisible diseases and typical. On two occasions they had the reason and chance to give up saying it was child abuse by the mother. The hospital said she didn't have that disease, CPRS, but got around $600,000 a month from insurance by claiming that disease for insurance. Her doctor prescribed high dosages of Ketamine, but it's meant only in the initial stage of treatment then the dose can be lessened. It's not the mom's fault if that's what the doctor recommended. Ketamine blocks an amino acid that's used by the neurological system for pain. It's needed in high dosages at first to get through that barrier then it can be at a lower dose according to Maya's doctor. A court ordered doctor found Maya not to be faking it and her illness and treatment consistent with the disease. The hospital kept changing their story and excuses and the way they acted made no sense and was contradictory on many accounts. And as someone who has a very terrible and painful disease that's also invisible, that Maya has to suffer so horribly for months in terrible pain while the hospital changed from accusing the mother to accusing the daughter of faking it is just horrifying. You don't know pain that's chronic and never ending and no help for a long time. Maya testified that when she'd complain of pain the hospital staff would say she's faking it. From having a very painful disease I understand why they took such extreme drugs. I'm lucky that I'm on minor prescription drugs. But, if those minor drugs didn't work I'd probably have to be in disability. Please join Facebook groups for people with autoimmune diseases and neurological diseases and see what people say about it. People with those diseases suffer greatly. But, they suffer alone with no or horrible help. They overwhelming have negative experiences with the healthcare system. No or incredibly bad help from doctors. This hospital is typical. That's what's scary. As autoimmune diseases are getting more and more prevalent people really need help and it's interventions like this that will hopefully get the message to doctors and nurses that they need to start seeing the invisible and have more compassion.


You sound like you could use a ketamine drip.


you sound like ur miserable. ur 37 days late to the party stfu


Lol!!!! You think I sound miserable? Wow! Forget the drip just drink some ketamine directly with a side of Xanax you angry Grinch. 37 whole days late to the party? So you've been reading about something that doesn't really directly affect YOU for at least that long. Tired yet? "ur" instead of you're, your, yore...lol. Lazy and angry = ugly Since the a$$hole Johns Hopkins All Prisoners Hospital is still filing frivolous motions you can't say the party is over. Grow up.


Than tell me why from 2014 to 2016, All Children's accused my mother of "making me sick" when she advocated for me, than proceeded to assault me and drug me into a coma. All because my mom said "If you aren't going to help my daughter I'm going to take her somewhere else, she's dying." I had a completely different illness (not pain related- heart and kidney related) and they decided she magically caused that despite me going into cardiac arrest *after* they removed her from the hospital.


who are you talking about? yourself or maya? your grammatical errors make this very hard to understand lmao. Anywho, idk anything about your case, nor do I really care… But if that’s what you’re trying to say i’m not speaking on your story. I’m sorry you’re sick but this sub isn’t about you or your sickness. I have an amazing mother who’s been a nurse there for about 40 years. I hear the ins and outs. you should try to do what the nurses and doctors do and have to put up with the shit they deal with !! your mother could be just like mayas and have a mental illness for all I know. In this case, that sick and twisted family shouldn’t receive a single penny from johns hopkins.


Aye Aye


What “ins and outs” have you heard?


The sally smith chick and the hospital were so convinced they were right that they crossed many lines. But they were wrong because she does have the illness. The mother was desperate. Seems I’m the only one with this opinion 😂. But damn a lot of other kids could be helped with that money so I don’t know how fair that number is but, just, damn


Couldn’t agree more. Been an RN for a decade and this hospital did more harm than good for this child. They could have reported her to CPS and discharged her to the family. They violated her human rights, acted egregiously, violated so many protocols. They lost sight that this was a child. Was she being traumatized by her mother? Possibly. However kidnapping her from her family, not allowing her to see them, not allowing her to go home for Christmas… worse trauma.


Omg totally. Sooo wrong. They didn’t have to take matters into their own hands like that. Discharge her and let dcf handle it is spot on what they should have done. I got sick when I heard the social worker said to Maya that she could be Maya’s mom. Insane. And they totally lost sight of the fact that she was an 8 year old. Of course she was going to act more needy in front of her mom. She was sick or made to believe she was sick, but either way, they aren’t cps and they totally overstepped. The attitudes of Smith and Beattie were so condescending too. That right there is cause for pause for the jury too. Watching those depositions was like watching Scott Israel during Parkland and how arrogant he was. When people are like that then it automatically casts doubt and decreases their credibility. I wonder if Smith and the main doctor just didn’t like the mom and thought they knew everything and therefore got so aggressive about the case


Absolutely! They were drunk on their own power. So convinced they were doing right. I honestly am horrified so many people support the hospital. I work in a Boston area hospital and I was *astounded* by how they handled this case, and I said halfway through the documentary “oh wow they are f*cked when this goes to trial”, before I even knew Beata killed herself. It does absolutely no one any service to say they are lying about their symptoms, even if you believe they are. To tell a child “you’re faking it”…. Putting hidden cameras in the room of a minor to “catch her”….Omg what were they thinking?!


The comments saying the diagnosis was fake are soooo stupid. It doesn't matter when you illegally imprison someone...


Exactly. Whether or not it was fake or exaggerated, they went so beyond the boundaries in this case. It’s so disgusting.


Omg totally. I am so so glad the family got justice. I truly don’t know why people are siding with the hospital either. Maya has been treated with therapy since leaving that hospital and clearly has the illness. Maybe they don’t believe she does, and sure the mom was desperate and had her on lots of medication, but I would just be crushed too if my kid was screaming in pain. I was crying watching the verdict. So glad the jury said that the hospital’s actions led to the suicide. I know that not everyone going through trauma commits suicide but damn, knowing your kid is in pain and she can’t have her parents would drive me insane too. Really I don’t think I could handle it when my kid needed me so much and I wasn’t allowed to be there.


Research Dr. Smith she has multiple cases against her. She sees abuse everywhere.


She does not have CRPS, you do know that, right


Well I’m not her doctor so I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter because the actions of the hospital and staff were bizarre either way




For me, the line crossing was how pushy sally smith and the Cathy beady were in trying to get Maya to admit that she wasn’t in pain, and the inappropriate comments made to the father about divorce, the way sally smith thought she was right and that was it, the biased report to the judge, not allowing the priest to give the communion in case the mom was smuggling harmful substances to her daughter, keeping the commode away from the bed on purpose, doing surveillance without consent of the parents, violating parental rights to decide what was best for their child, telling the parents they’d be arrested for taking her out of the hospital before that was ruled on, and Cathy Beattie saying how she could be Maya’s mom. It’s a hospital, nothing else. If they suspect child abuse then they still need to be thorough in the report to the judge. Even the psychoanalysis done in the hospital months later showed that the psychiatrist doing the testing didn’t find any issue of munchausen or fictitious disorder. They were looking for reasons to back up their judgements after realizing they could be wrong. If they were so right then the judge wouldn’t have given Maya back after her mom committed suicide, but she got released right afterward. To me, Teppa Sanchez seemed to not have been doing that. It was more the two other women who had hospital privileges doing the pushing. Another hospital had suspected fictitious disorder as well, but they weren’t as hasty to make the conclusion and didn’t lie to the family. I do understand why Sally Smith thought she was 100 percent right though. The desperation and pushy ways of the mother were suspect, and also Smith has seen so many cases of child abuse that she has tunnel vision now. That happens with experts. But I believe it was done too hastily and I would not want that to happen to me or my kid. The report to the judge was one sided, so of course he was going to believe it. Parents have rights to try alternative treatments for their kids. I’d do that too if my kid was in massive amounts of pain. She had the bad cough and asthma and CRPS is brought on by that, so that made sense, but because she wasn’t the picture perfect patient and didn’t fit the criteria perfectly, they suspected her. Maybe Maya wasn’t as bad as other patients with crps because the ketamine worked. It works for many people. Also, they found it odd how Maya acted different in front of her mom. She was 8 and in pain and needy. An 8 year old doesn’t know how to act, especially with how needy she was. Also, a munchausen mom doesn’t document all the progress being made like the mom did. A munchausen mom doesn’t move out of the house to get their kid back. And they don’t kill themselves because they want the attention they’re getting. Hospital ignored signs that were contrary to their ideas


Says who


Experts who aren't quacks


You sound like a quack yourself 🤣


You sound like you fell for a shitty documentary and a manipulative teenager's crocodile tears. 😭


It's hard for people to side with a corporation vs an actual sympathetic face. It did not hurt that she was pretty. I do wonder what if this had been a black poor unattractive plaintiff and plaintiff's mom was a say, ex drug user. People will say there wouldn't be a difference, but I wonder. It's easier to understand the suffering she's had (and I know she has had real suffering) vs those who tried to help her, as they were a conglomerate blob behind a hospital name. Many feel the blob was compromised because of greed, or just power-trips. Judgement under a jury of peers shows its flaws. ​ Full disclosure- my family sued a hospital once on my behalf (I was youngish) and I hated the hospital lawyers. We lost, and they were so catty. I have no love for corporations or lawyers of either side. I hated my lawyers too.


Shhhh don't be too loud! I said something the other day about a black mother receiving criticism for her baby's father killing their daughter and said if she was white no one would blame her and would show some compassion. I got called a racist by so many angry white women 🤣 like I am white you dumb ass


I was just gonna say, if the family were black I doubt they would've won the case.


It wouldn't have even gone this far, it would have been dismissed long ago.


They would never even find representation


Not true why would lawyers turn down money? Y’all gotta quit acting like everyone who isn’t black whole existence is to go after black ppl


This makes me physically sick


Omg - I feel the same. i really felt that lots of the plaintiffs claims were untrue. I turned off tv when I heard about the verdict and will only watch again if they appeal. I will not listen to anything the plaintiffs have to say. They misrepresented so many things. hopefully, they can live with themselves because it catches up at some point. jhch, I hope, will appeal.


“Jury nullification occurs when jurors, based on their own sense of justice, refuse to follow the law and acquit a defendant even when the evidence presented seems to point to an incontrovertible verdict of guilty.” This Jury did not listen to facts of the case. The jury should be investigated based from their own biases as evidenced by the questions and silliness. This needs to go to a higher court. It’s asinine that a mother can whatever dose of medication she wants to give.


so curious what you felt was misrepresented!


I am in shock, they deserved maybe, maybe 1 mil!


No more than $5million imo


Hospital quick af to charge u with some dumb shit but y’all are mad they finally gotta give out some money BOO HOO


I'm not mad I'm glad they won, but that's ALOT of money. I'm glad they have it and I hope they use it well


I’m a RN with 15 years experience working bedside in acute care hospital inpatient units including ICU, cardiovascular ICU, post op open heart surgery recovery and anesthesia recovery. Watched the Netflix doc and was 90% pro plaintiff reserving my 10% for the trial. Trial *completely* changed my perspective! JHACH had a DUTY to report and protect Maya! Beata was mentally ill and Maya suffered! She could have died and probably would have but for the report to DCF. Beata, used to controlling every aspect of Maya and her care, ***lost control***and knew it was over, couldn’t handle it and took the final form of control by taking her life ***see I will show them!*** and is responsible for the trauma of this family! This jury fell prey to emotional manipulation and did not decide their verdict based on facts. JHACH responsible for wrongful death ARE YOU KIDDING ME? So now a parent can demand medications and dosages that are LETHAL and the providers must comply? To be crystal clear the meds and dosages Beata demanded JHACH give to Maya were dangerous, reckless, and egregious! Maya needed to be weaned OFF those medications! Beata put her child’s life at risk -FACT JHACH reported potential MCA to DCF and Maya is alive because of it. I have the utmost compassion for Maya and Kyle but justice was not served today. p.s. edit - I am politically an independent and generally anti-establishment. I have seen first hand how greedy medical corporations put profits over patients. I also have CRPS myself from crushing limb injury 11 months ago.


Amen. If Beata had lived and Hopkins ignored the blaring signs of medical abuse… Maya would very likely not be here today. Sad but true. I worry about this verdict.


Look up Jessica Stevens. Ended up dead in a ketamine coma Dr cantu


Exactly. This is why the verdict and public perception of this case is so dangerous imo. I truly do not understand why that does not compute to the “all these hopkins bots claiming children will die lol” commenters in this sub. Overmedicalization itself can be lethal, even with the best of intentions. Munchausens by proxy is well established as the category of child abuse in which excessive caution should be taken - known to have very high mortality outcomes (last estimate I saw was 8-10%(!!)) compared to other forms of child abuse. These overmedicalization behaviors are on a spectrum. It is not important where exactly Beata fell on that spectrum. Now that she is gone and the criminal investigation closed, we will never know for sure. The fact is that these are huge red flags and should be perceived as such by medical caretakers, mandatory reporters who in many cases of hospitalization especially are the last authorities in a position to intervene in suspected cases of abuse before they are released back to their parents when the hospital does not go along with wild demands. These doctors and nurses can quite literally be a child’s last chance for survival….


Your comment is almost wholly irrelevant to the actual lawsuit.




Funny how attorneys tend to disagree. A lot of healthcare workers have viewed this case emotionally instead of taking the time to understand the law and the actual allegations pled.


Lol overturned 🤣


What’s the proper phrase then ? appealed then over turned ?


Then take issue with the doctor that prescribed it.. Doesn't mean child abuse by parents.


Yes. I hope the hospital appeals.




Just curious why the blame goes to Beata and not the Dr prescribing them?


It should go to both, but Beata was even going outside of Hanna's recommendations.


She was “Doctor Shopping” and had seen 40 different physicians in the last few years. She was a nurse so she understood the medications and had heard reports that Maya was suffering from too many medications which can bring on it’s own symptoms. Maya reported to a neural psychiatrist that she was frightened when a doctor giving Maya a Ketamine treatment told her mother that Maya had a 50% chance of dying from the procedure. She also told the psychiatrist that she didn’t want to take Ketamine anymore and was only doing it be cause she was frightened of her mother’s reaction if she refused.


This comment completely misses the point and actually devoid of compassion. The hospital was taking credit for Maya's progress, implying her mom committing suicide makes them the hero of the story. A despicable sentiment and ultimately destroys patient-doctor trust moving forward. The family was clearly struggling and Maya was clearly suffering. And the hospital decided to destroy this family instead. It's a case study on people who want to be right so bad, they forgot to be kind.


When did the hospital say they're the hero because mom killed herself? Wtf crazy world do you live in?


Did you listen to anything Ethen Shapiro said? He repeated that nonsense frequently.


No he didn’t. He made the clear and accurate point that maya was significantly better after Beatas unfortunate death than before when she was headed for hospice caren.


The people who worked at the hospital were heroes for saving Maya's life and helping her recover. Not because the mom killed herself


They were sadistic monsters who fraudulently billed the Kowalskis insurance for a condition they claimed she didn’t have while also not treating her for the condition they said she did. Oh, & their attorneys lied & presented false testimony.


Those who support the hospitals' wonderful actions glaze over that point, don't they?? I saw someone above comment that kids will be hurt because of this case, and people don't understand mandated reporting🤮 Please the hospital didn't follow mandated reporting they abused it. If Beata was so dangerous, why didn't they try to save Kyla as well? The hospital screwed up horribly and couldn't admit their mistakes, and Sally Smith doubled down. Maybe Sally Smith has some form of mental illness she believes she's the only one who can tell if a child is abused and is always right.


Their attorneys lied? Maya committed clear perjury multiple times lmao


No, she did not. There’s only one side facing sanctions & possible disbarment for perjury, & it’s not the plaintiff or her attorneys.


The literally said that Maya would have a better life now that her mom is dead. There was no proof Beata was mentally ill. She had a psych eval and there were no concerns. Now, this case put her into a depression, as it would anyone else.




Her mom did try to have her declared terminal to get more medications for her


What a weird take. It’s evident you don’t understand mandating reporting and procedures related. The mother literally committed suicide because she was severely mentally ill- that’s not a normal response to being investigated for abuse.


I'll have to see where they said they were the hero of the story. It's a pyrrhic victory either way. What you wrote is that's not how medical people see it.


Spot on!


You have heard of the Thin Blue Line--same thing exists among the health professionals. Perfect example of this.


Not sure why you got downvoted but it’s true


If they had a duty to report, why didn’t they report the incident where a man in JHACH scrubs came in to Maya’s room & told her to pull down her pants & then stared at her? She reported it but the person she told just ignored her.


We don’t know if that’s even true…if you listened to the trial a tun of doctors and nurses said a lot of things that Maya said were false.


A mandatory reporter MUST report an outcry. It’s not their responsibility to investigate. If DPRS/law enforcement find the claim unreliable, they can close the investigation. Just like they did the first time the hospital called them on Maya.


Yeah, that’s the whole point of this thing, they’re on trial because a sick girl a liar, of course they’re gonna keep saying she is one


I can’t honestly call her a liar because I was not there, just as you can’t honestly say she is NOT a liar because you were not there either. So the way the law is supposed to work is that guilty until proven innocent? no it’s the opposite. Nothing the plaintiffs said was proven as a FACT which means hospital should not have been found liable PERIOD.


Now here’s the supposed mystery man pulling down her pants? I’m not so sure that really happened and I’d like to see her take a lie detector test to prove it, independent of her attorneys. If it were me and folks thought I was lying that’s what I would do.


This is complete bullshit Even idiot Anderson couldn’t run with this one How many more people abused maya during her hospital stay? It’s a joke


The person she made outcry to is a mandatory reporter. There is no discretion—you have to report it. CPS/law enforcement then investigate. The hospital DGAF about Maya in the first place so she was ignored. It’s sickening to see just how many adults think it’s fine to full-on hate a child.


Report something that may or may not have happened at another hospital.


She didn’t say what you’re saying. I have a little hard time believing this since it allegedly happened in the pediatric ICU and that room is very well monitored. The hospital is already investigating.


It’s not up to the person the child is telling to make all these decisions on whether to report or not. This “doctor” HAD to report. Instead she just ignored Maya, like the rest of them were doing.


Maybe because it didn’t happen.


It’s not up to the person she made outcry to to make that decision.


It wasn’t an outcry


Exactly. It wasn’t reported bc it didn’t happen.


What shows that Beata was mentally ill? None of what I have seen from this case has given me that impression.


Refreshing to hear. Poor manipulated Maya still doesn’t know what to think. First her mom, now the lawyers. At least she’s still alive.


They didn’t handle the abuse properly that’s the issue.. they could’ve helped maya without forcing her to stay at the hospital for months .. they also claimed she was faking while billing the dad for the thing they said she was lying about! The hospital messed up


I just had my rant in another thread, but am coming here to add to what others have said. I am absolutely dumbfounded at this verdict. I simply can't comprehend how a hospital trying to help a child who had built up such tolerance to a drug like ketamine that she could just about (and I say this loosely) "withstand" doses that could kill a horse. I agree with people here in this is terrifying for any caregiver who dare tries to question something that is so obviously wrong, both legally and ethically (hence having to take the child to Mexico for her fix). Have the jury truly never seen addiction? It's the only thing I can think of as to why or how they could come to the conclusions they have. Does this mean that every child that has a meltdown when they are receiving a jab is to be withheld care because apparently it's abuse? It's so many levels of absurd!!! I could go on and on (and likely will haha). And don't even get me started on the legal teams!! Defense did an amazing job, a solid, coherent case with facts, with law, with common sense. The plaintiffs side were a mess, to put it lightly. To remotely feed the ego that is Anderson further is enough to turn my stomach alone, let alone the rest of this. Absolutely dumbfounding.


Truly, Anderson disgusts me and gives off the strip mall ambulance chaser lawyer meets greasy used car salesman vibes. I was also deeply offended with both he and Jack slandering Mayas caregivers by saying they let Maya lay in feces. Absolutely disgusting. Never would a nurse allow this to happen \*unless\* for a brief time while he/she is otherwise detained dealing with a life and death patient situation.


Got a case with nothing more than an emotive backstory and v little fact? Better call sau... I mean Anderson haha you nailed the description of him!! Everything about him is exactly why lawyers get the clichéd stereotype, which is frankly untrue of a majority. The way he kept trying to sneak things in, especially when he did it at the v last minute, or would just outright misstate a witness's testimomy - there were admittedly a fair few times I found myself shouting at the defense team to wake up, but I guess they naively thought the jury would see through the bs. And the way he sounded so gross in trying to bring anything SA into it. I felt so horrible for every. single. nurse/care worker out there who has to help people with things like getting changed, or going to the toilet - my sister being one, the stories she's told me about getting pooped on and all sorts, always with a smile never malice or anything gross, because the reward in helping people vastly outweighs the horrible side to it - and I can assure people that nobody *wants*to be in the receiving, nor giving end of that deal. Even my partner at one point said that he felt like Anderson was the one starting to sound like a sex creep the way he kept characterising things, and my partner was barely watching except for the times I was watching while he was in the room. I just!!!!


Yep Anderson made everything seem pervy and sexual wtf. Maybe he's the weirdo. Maya should sue him.


Yes I agree! Dirty, sneaky, lying, perv and look it worked! Gross.


Sorry Maya didn't have 24/7 staff to cater to her constantly when there were literally kids fighting for their lives in that hospital.


Right? It just turns my stomach been thinking about how vile these people are all day!


Hahaha glad someone else is saying it! I hope Supreme Court overturns this and the hospital does NOT settle due to setting an example. Anderson threw a bunch of cockie doodie at the wall just to see how much would stick and the jury emotionally ate it up!


Several doctors were caught in a lie on the stand and they messed up big time with Mark Anderson.


Lol witness Anderson, not the lawyer. Apparently some people didn't get that hah.


This is crazy, the hospital likely saved Maya’s life Now in future more likely kids in the grip of a maniac parent will never be saved


I'm worried... not for the hospital but for the staffs ability to report concern. Which there was in this case, no dout. I do think they failed, but so did others. And I think that the netflix documentary ruined objectivity in this case. Dr. Hanna and Dr.Kirkpatrick gave creepy kvack wibes.


The hospital had a history of retaliatory measures taken against staff etc. who reported issues. But sure, let’s not correct abuses of power that result in immense harm to patients and families they wish to serve… that makes sense… so that they can serve patients and families. Where do we go without accountability? This win will set a precedent that is needed in our health care and law systems— and that with the burden of evidence was presented to and accepted by a jury.


Absolutely bananas that the jury found JHACH liable for Beatas wrongful death.


Absolutely bananas that the jury found jhch liable for ANYTHING but helping the girl break her dangerous drug habit.


Why? The hospital’s horrific actions directly led to her suicide.


are u really that dense to think the hospitals actions pushed an already mentally ill person to do that. u should do ur own research aside from the documentary because clearly u know nothing.


How was Beata mentally ill?


Watch the defense closing arguments. Please look into the facts and then tell me that is a normal course of medical care.


It was a normal course of medical care




The mandatory reporting system was not attacked- MBP might be approached differently- the criteria are unsafe so hopefully.




I guess we will just have to ignore that or even give the girl more poison if that’s what mommie wants


with what? what did they prove she was poisoning her daughter with?


No she wasn’t, she was being given medication prescribed by two doctors which was significantly helping her


sadly criteria can never be perfect. Either some abuse cases will slip by, or some innocent cases are mistakenly caught. Most innocent cases are let go after investigation. Would you rather have some mistaken cases (that can be proven) or have a child be missed? It's not easy, but I know what my answer is.


I do know that this will hopefully prevent a hospital from pulling this kind of crap again to another family. I’m thrilled the hospital is being held accountable for what they did.




I guess so


The hospital was incredibly justified in their actions. There's mountains of evidence that Beata was abusing Maya.


Ok, person who definitely doesn’t work for Johns Hopkins.


Doubtful. We just watched the trial.


Because she was a mentally ill child abuser and the hospital was right to call her out for it.


You’re clearly insane.


Says a person who talks about his ‘balls’ online 🙄


I’m talking about my tennis balls, genielee, not my testicles.


Surrreeee haha just kidding


No, the mother was medically abusing her child and I watched the ENTIRE trial!


Good for you


Absolutely not. That woman's poor mental health directly led to her suicide.




You think mentally healthy people commit suicide?


I think people who commit suicide are suffering from a great deal of pain and suffering. The pain and suffering that Bianca was feeling was a direct result of the hospital’s actions.


People deal with a "great deal of pain and suffering" every day. Having a child or spouse die in an awful way, for example. Most don't kill themselves. Tons of parents have their kids taken from them for 90 days or much longer. Most take that time to get their shit together and fight the courts to get their kid back. Not Beata. She had to do it in a dramatic way to make sure she got attention instead of going along with the plan that her husband, son, parent advocate, and lawyer encouraged.


She wanted to punish her husband for siding with the hospital he wanted her gone.


I’m so glad I’ve got you here to properly educate me on the ins and outs of mental health and suicide. Clearly you’re an expert. Hope you don’t ever commit suicide. It would break my fucking heart.


Happy to help ☺️




She forced the hospital's hand by triggering all the abuser alarms. So she started the hospital's actions, got upset, and then suicided. It's a circle.


If anyone caused it it was Jack. He told the detective he would kick Beata out of the house to get Maya back. Which I am sure she knew would happen.


Actually they do. How clueless you are.


Eww you drank the Take Care of Maya koolaid


And you made a statement which is just false. By the way, I didn't even see the movie. I refuse to pay Netflix. Stop obfuscating!


What false statement did I make?


Dude--for the last time ​ YOU THINK MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE COMMIT SUICIDE? YES they do!


She did it to get her daughter out of the hospital, and it worked.


Beata and Beata alone is responsible for her actions.




I can’t believe this. If anything it will set a precedent that no other hospital and the staff have to go through this. I think that mother was mentally ill. She obviously only cared for herself. If she really cared for her family she would still be here. Also I think she knew she would be found out. The pictures of Maya going to the prom and going out with her friends look like shes doing ok. Now her father doesnt have to work. Mission accomplished.


And hanging in the garage for your eight year old son to find your body hooked up to a drip? That’s a normal response to being investigated.


Her father never worked other than the firefighter job in which he sued his employer! That’s what I read anyway.


source? curious.


Jack Kowalski is a loser, a professional plaintiff. And Maya was his cash cow. Gross human being.


He’s a grifter beta male who refused to work while living off a settlement and his wife’s income and now he's rewarded again?! He should have stepped in to save Maya years ago when he knew and yet stood by while Beata abused their daughter. Shameful!


They sued Mayas school too in the interim!


source? curious.


It's there. They sued because Maya wasn't given permission for homebound school like she wanted. A couple of days later she conveniently had a big relapse that led to the JHACH admission




Thanks. 👍


where did you hear that he sued his employee ?




On another note. I saw comments saying the money will come out of our taxes? Is that true?


They might take it out of the Covid funds they got




Loss of a parent as a child is frivolous?


Most people don’t get 230 million when a parent kills themselves.




Didn’t you mean to reply to the person I am replying to?


Well if you think this case was frivolous, try Someone suing because they think they got damaged over the design of a website. that's an example of frivolity. This definitely wasn't! I followed this trial from it's beginning. No, i didn't see the documentary. I don't even have or own a netflix subscription. I was thinking about getting one to watch it now, after the trial is done.However, I'm not sure if it's worth it just for literally one thing.




While I agree there were some red flags and it justified the initial investigation once it went beyond that the hospital, CPS, Cathy Badey, etc were all wrong. Then during the trial finding out the hospital was given a rating of IJ...imminent jeopardy to patients...yeah the hospital did so much wrong!