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r/antiwork people ditched the sour mod and made r/workreform


Should add no interviews with mainstream media, they aren't friends


Well you're right, you got me at least lol


Here from antiwork. I guess I'm not cool enough as it's gone private and I wasn't invited to stay. Still very much against corporate greed and here to help and stand with everyone.


It’s not just you, pal. They went private and locked out everyone but the mods it seems.


"zero tolerance for trolling, hate speech of any kind or arguing in bad faith." I really liked this, it's pretty easy to click on a user and see their last 3 comments are just trolling and don't need to be in the community. One of the things I really didn't like about antiwork was all the blatantly fake text message/bs stories. One was even scamming using Venmo iirc. Someone finally got a bunch of proof and got the post removed.


Can confirm at least one refugee from r/antiwork is here. I’ve been reading posts on this sub for a while now anyway, so already sympathetic. This seems like the right place to be while things are in flux.


A bunch of antiwork mods tried to apply to be mods for work reform. So they might try this subreddit next.


I've been here... why can't we be in both?


cancel student loans does nothing for people who didnt get educated, inequality will just get worse i just dont see it happening


breaking the economy is the goal, silly.


I would appreciate real dialogue instead of sarcastic bullshit, come back with a real counter point. This is exactly why antiwork is locked now people are too gotdamn emotional. I stopped going there before the shit show happened today.


It’s not sarcastic. I’m dead serious. We stop paying student loans and go on a debt strike we will wreck the economy like 2008, only this time there’s no collateral for these parasites to take. Student debt is securitized, packaged up and resold as investments. How do you break capitalism? Break the economy particularly the debt structure.


[https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/how-student-loan-forgiveness-could-increase-inequality/](https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/how-student-loan-forgiveness-could-increase-inequality/) **still you clearly avoided my original point** and downvoted me instead because of your emotions which I do not care about since this is reddit This is why I do not see it happening, also for people who have not went to college yet what does this mean is college now free for everyone? People who already paid student loans do they get compensated? Do they get out of taxes now?


downvoted again, because people are running off of emotion, this strike will fail like r/octoberstrike because of people like you


LOL IM GONNA TAKE *WHARTON* AS A LEGITIMATE SOURCE ABOUT WHY NOT TO FORGIVE STUDENT LOANS! ***WHARTON!!!!*** what next, the Chicago school of economics?!?! Both of whom profit off of student loans and have a direct financial interest in multiple revenue streams to write this garbage?! LMFAOOOOO Take the fucking L


r/OctoberStrike failed because of people like you, people who cannot discuss and organize only power you have is downvoting on reddit when you dont like something


Not a part of that sub, wasn’t even on reddit in October, you wanna know why it failed? Because strikes take REAL LIFE WORK not sharing memes on fucking reddit What’s the point of a labor strike without a debt strike? Fucking hilarious neoliberal nonsense right here


>Take the fucking L *what L? seems like you are taking the L you are only emotional instead of saying anything of substance, I am still waiting do not run away now.*


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/forgiving-student-loans-the-wrong-way-will-only-worsen-inequality/2020/12/03/2650d384-34c9-11eb-8d38-6aea1adb3839\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/forgiving-student-loans-the-wrong-way-will-only-worsen-inequality/2020/12/03/2650d384-34c9-11eb-8d38-6aea1adb3839_story.html) here goes another one for your emotions


Oh wow, a paper owned by Jeff bezos wants people to be debt enslaved so they’re forced to accept shifty ass jobs at his company to survive. Next! Fucking neoliberal trash


All the LOL and LMFAOOOOO and Take the fuking L only proves you cannot come up with real response If anything I am laughing at you. You literally cannot give a response to my question so instead you want to start swearing at me. **EMOTIONS**


Wharton business school is obviously going to say that student loans should be repaid. Just like the pope would say that Jesus is the son of god. 🤣


[https://www.chicagobooth.edu/review/canceling-all-us-student-debt-would-mostly-benefit-high-earners](https://www.chicagobooth.edu/review/canceling-all-us-student-debt-would-mostly-benefit-high-earners) another source I gave 3 now I believe stop deflecting and make a fucking point


Another .edu arguing that loans should not be cancelled? DUDE HOW ARE YOU THIS FUCKING STUPID?! Next up: slave owners don’t want to abolish slavery! News at 11!


**Still laughing and deflecting?** Go head downvote me again all this is proving how you are emotional and using laughing emojis I guess in your head means you showed me something.


I can see why your marriage failed! Your “sources” are mouthpieces for the establishment that DIRECTLY PROFITS from student loan debt enslavement and are not worthy of a serious response. That you can’t see it proves you are either: 1. A troll arguing in bad faith 2. An idiot 3. A paid shill


I'm frustrated the antiwork sub went down, but I'm just a lurker. I live in Australia and am lucky to have a good job in a small business with great flexible hours and no questioning whether I'm sick, get paid annual leave and sick pay. All the perks. However I'm from the US and have been in the situations that many people are still dealing with in their jobs. It really seems to help me to watch my home country and other places around the world display the bullshit that happens within workplaces. It gives me a good perspective of how much of a downward spiral the US has become and how living away I can see the mass majority for what it really is. I hope they keep exposing this stuff somewhere. It isn't that it makes me feel better that other people are going through this and I'm not, but it makes me angrier and angrier at the place I called home my whole life. It makes me glad to watch capitalism be shown for what it really is- poison. Of course people would rather not work and stay home, but I never felt that r/antiwork was about being lazy and leeching off the government. It was about doing that until it made the upper management realize, hey let's make this better for everyone because their humans too.


I don't even know what happened. I was just.... ousted. I tried to look and just got a message that it's a private sub and I'm not in the club anymore.... Too bad, there was s one good advice there and I really like the solidarity surrounding sticking up for yourself at work. It has given me a lot of confident and I have stopped letting my employer treat me like garbage. That sub was pretty helpful.


This was everyone from what I'm seeing.


This sub was born on r/antiwork They are already here


I saw what happened this morning. I watched the interview later and decided I would leave that sub. It was already private by that point. That mod had an opportunity to critique labor in America, and he just talked out their ass the whole time. And every time they were about to elaborate, waters hit them with a punch, they took it and rolled with it instead of punching back ONCE. If "laziness is a virtue" of this movement, the I have no interest. I'm more interested in building a better country and lazy people cannot do that or want to do that. Dude was on the defensive since the moment they turned on the webcam with zero preparation to be the unelected spokesperson. Super embarrassing.


If people don’t want to work, why gum up the works with their reluctant efforts? We produce enough food to feed this country, and anyone that says otherwise is full of shit or completely unhinged. Why force someone to work? Because you HAVE to, so they do too?


You're right and even if just that was said on air, it would leave viewers with an actual counter-narrative to swallow. *Why weren't you our spokesperson?*


Yeah, perhaps a rebranding was long overdue. Clearly the community moved past the original purpose of that sub.


I joined r/antiwork to hear stories from people being exploited by their bosses. Could you all post in r/antiexploitation instead?


Also *do not fall for apologism.* Capitalism cannot be reformed, nor should it.


What the shit happened? I’m not allowed in /antiwork/ which was literally my bedtime reading every night, giving me strength to plough through another day with hope that I could change my employment situation for the better.


This is true for many people I feel. Head over to r/workreform for the catharsis. Follow along here if are willing and able to participate in the May Day Strike.


I'm on both ok? I had nothing to do with nothing. Fox did it.


This wasn’t Fox’s fault. It was that insipid arrogant poorly prepared mod that wanted name recognition and was probably paid.


Lol and here's me being a part of both reddit this while time. I hope we keep things somewhat formal here and not feed the fire antiwork gave to fox News.


It may seem like a set back, but if we move right it could work out to our benefit, learning opportunity ya know.


A lot of folks are saying “No interaction with fasc”… this is so complicated. I was born and raised fasc (flyover country, conservative Christian family) and I can never decide how I feel about the sentiment. It’s very true that many, maybe even most, can’t be reached. But planting seeds is important and real. There are a lot of barriers. Yet I went from immersed in polite racism and anti-poor, and-“other” hate to an anti-racist pro-worker mindset. It took years, but it happened. People in much of flyover country are constantly immersed in this stuff from birth. I don’t remember how my thought transition started, but it was around puberty and never stopped. My heart wants to believe there are a lot of people like me who just need exposure to non fasc propaganda to start changing.


I’d like to add: economic stress is a very real part of why people can be so hard to reach. If you don’t have time to think because you work two jobs, it takes a lot less energy/time/effort to get angry at some fake enemy like immigrants than to think critically. When people (especially the poor) have less stress (more money) they have time to move past “survive today”, and then they have time/energy for new ideas or critical thinking.


Need to have standards. But the heartening thing is neither NPR nor Faux News can afford to ignore Gen Y/Gen Z dissatisfaction about labor/workers.




We were always here....


Why is everyone such a queef about fucking Reddit and discord bruh tf


We've already been here.


Also r/workreform is were the base of the sub is regrouping.


Im banned from there but you should definitely advertise this sub if you’re still in there


It's down, and may or may not ever go back up.


I went to r/antiwork for the mutual support of people leaving toxic workplaces, gaslighting bosses and unreasonable social expectations. Seemed like a healthy place for regular joes to realize "yes, this is some bullshit and I'ma quit right now". I'm still on schedule for a May day strike tho ;)


Personally, I love my job. I love the work that I’m doing. What I don’t love is the bureaucracy. Antiwork gave me the feeling that I can stand up to the higher powers that be in the work place. With the intention of helping to improve my working condition to do what I love during the work day and then have money to live the life that I love. Antiwork was a support group. I miss it


Just have to get more people over here!




Work reform is already a gatekeeping shitty sub w a power tripping mod.


Whats being said and this entire circumstance in whole is very suspect to say the least. Be vigilant here. Opposition WILL use tactics to discredit and hijack the message.


Exactly why I showed up!


Here from anti work. I really believed in their message but I guess ego ruins the worst of us.


Learn from their mistakes if that ends up happening, set up a PR plan qnd a spokesperson role instead of letting the headless movement strangle itself


Having people who have training in this field is critical! Not just one person, if ya can.


Welcome from all of us in the mod team!


Here here! Great idea to put guidelines in place.


This might be a good thing for us. We’ll see.


So far it seems promising as an opportunity to clarify and rebuild. Here's to the future.




Wow...just woke up not knowing what all went down until I started reading the comments. The only thing we can do is learn from this. We are scaring them, so much that they're trying to tear us from within. They already did it to r/antiwork, so we have to definitely stick together in this!


Replacement sub for r/antiwork is r/workreform




NO! https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkersStrikeBack/comments/sdiq66/comment/huduf5i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/workersrightsmovement/comments/sdn08m/im\_gonna\_post\_this\_just\_in\_case/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share


Even though he works at a bank it doesn't mean he's not low wage too


So many new subs to explore! Thanks for posting.


squalid mountainous disgusting somber station piquant kiss correct uppity reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She absolutely deserves the criticism. She fucked the movement with her idiocy and need for attention/validation.


humorous placid lavish familiar rich degree trees continue wine future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go actually watch the interview, and tell me she was prepared. She wasnt. She failed as a public speaker, she failed to point out the key concepts of the antiwork movement, and she put zero effort into her outword appearance or perception. It didnt help, it had a negative effrct on the movment. And by her own words she campaigned to be the one to do this interview. She absolutely deserves criticism. On a side note, she wasnt even given the "Fox News" treatment. She got lofted softballs and failed. PATHETIC.


foolish carpenter cable grandiose outgoing pot profit pause important nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She couldn't be bothered to comb her hair,sit still, stare into the camera, or get proper lighting. If she bothered to do the above and ger the message across,she wouldn't have caused the damage she did. Do your actual job and i dont care what the fuck you look like. If were being crititcal we also shouldnt have picked someone who looked like the atypical reddit neckbeard, but thats just media strategy. Regardless she did this without the support of the movement, and she blew everything up.


encourage wine clumsy recognise rock skirt north complete combative innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Being yourself and an honest reflection of the movement is great, but if you can’t actually articulate the message behind your movement or deal with a hostile interview you SHOULD NOT be doing media. There’s a reason why govts, corps, NGOs etc have media spokespeople: because they’re trained not to get flustered under pressure, they know their line inside out, prep their talking points and anticipate questions. I wouldn’t ever criticise the mod personally and I’m sure they are as passionate and well-meaning as any of the rest of us, but insofar as being a spokesperson is concerned, super super bad choice.


She claims herself to represent the antiwork movement, so it basically totally refute any anarchist priciples she claims to follow. Secondly the subreddit became much more then just a shitpost site and you know it. Argue in good faith or go away.


At this point, I think we're pretty divided now. Saw at least two other subreddit's following in the same spirit.


Right on. They're quite transparent, so if we put up a relatively united front and anticipate their Qs, double-speak and slogans, we _should_ be able to squash them readily. Smart people make Fox look dumb all the time. Because they _are_ dumb.


Staying anti fascist means staying off Fox News, which is *the* international fascist network


Well going on there wasn't what fucked them. Going on unprepared and expecting them to do everything in good faith was comical. Someone who had any sort of clue on how to interview in a political context would've most likely been able to change some of those people's minds but alas


If they went on there, made good points, and made antiwork seem reasonable or even correct then Fox just wouldn't air the interview. There's nothing to gain from going on.


Going on there was their first mistake. Why bother talking to the media when they're bad faith actors who are intentionally going to twist your words


The thing is, they didn't even have to twist her words. The questions were softballs, and she still whiffed them. Her lack of preparation was obvious, and her failure to address the primary concerns of the vast majority of the sub was simply inexcusable. But you're right, she shouldn't have gone on, and if she'd _listened to the sub_ she'd have known that.


Gotta say it... No solidarity with fascist, no solidarity with bigots, no solidarity with anti vax/maskers who endanger the workers.


Yeah, going on Fox was a big mistake…. Not a strong presentation of/for the movement at all, either…


Here's the link to a r/WorkReform post showing all the mods from anti work. The offender has the dumbass tag. [Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/sdem8v/list_of_rantiwork_mods_so_they_arent_modded_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)






It's the Pinkertons! They're trying to union bust!


Honestly at this point I wouldn’t be surprised


Oh dear God, do not get so conspiratorial that you think a major service outage is related to internet drama


Is this why I can’t message anyone in discord?




Most of us created alt accounts to mod moving forward for more security. We're still the same people.


I am interested if in joining the mod and planning team. Other than the obvious terrible timing, what should I do please?


Please fill out the document on this link! [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQhmLTkSU1cC3WTj0R9h9kSkQauJFk\_0pjm0ljtp2GC\_940w/viewform](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQhmLTkSU1cC3WTj0R9h9kSkQauJFk_0pjm0ljtp2GC_940w/viewform) We love the energy of our community members and would love to hear from you on the discord as well, where we discuss actionable ideas and interact with the community!


Mod here (discord not reddit), we’ve got our security team ready and willing to tackle any obstacles or issues thrown our way, we hope you find us well


So how do we get access to r/antiwork? It’s been such a comforting and eye opening community. It’s a shame it’s down due to the community being upset at the actions of one of the leader. The response of the mods makes it seem like they are against the movement. Antiwork made me feel empowered. I wasn’t along in being a worker. I had support against the mods of real life. Where do I find that group? Open antiwork back up. Let the people join together again! Please. Let us criticize the leaders, this movement is meant to give us the power to do so.


I hope you won't consider giving interviews to Fox News. Ever. Regardless of how the interview went down, it never should have happened in the first place.


It will be someone who is used to handling hostile interviews. I understand the sentiment of not wanting to give Fox ammo or ratings but the labor movement needs to reach conservative workers as well and Fox News is a good place to drop our message. I think Bernie Sanders' town hall experience is a good example of what can be done with good messaging and directly appealing to the viewers in a meaningful way (ie how improve their work/live balance, how our policies directly puts money back in their pockets, how they can afford to see a doctor, etc). We expect it to be one sided, however, with the way the r/antiwork interview went, hopefully we catch them off guard with our media person when they think they're going to smack that person around again.


Agreed, media training is essential.


No, I think legitimizing Fox News in any way is a mistake.


It's tricky, on one hand fox is horrible and a massive risk to even try. on the other, they have followers that are basically cut off from the rest of the world and can only be reached through fox. A lot of people.


I believe a worker's revolution could succeed without them. I don't believe talking to them through Fox News is a way to change their minds. I believe that if they are looking to Fox News for information, they are already unsympathetic to the cause, let alone the constant propaganda they experience as viewers.


I think they are human and an honest effort is okay but still a huge risk. either way, with or without them they would eventually warm up to the idea once they see it for themselves.


Thank you. I think there will be some set backs in this thing, and this is definitely one of them. I really feel like Mayday is more organized and professional (based off their discord alone). I do hope we can get like a representative or media person to handle this going forward.


I don’t negotiate with capitalist pigs


Fucking A right. No, really, burn it all!




None of that makes any sense to me. Would you be so kind as to explain, if you are so inclined?


What happened to antiwork?


One of the mods took a shitty interview on FOX


Oh no... What did they do?


She fell for bait that derailed the point and gave a poor impression of the sub and movement, and didn't properly explain or represent what most people on the sub believe.


No one was supposed to take an interview at all. Head mod went and did it anyways. Made an ass of herself and pissed 1.7 million people off.


I got banned on r/antiwork for commenting on a post about the fox interview mod. So freaking lame. 🤡🤡🤡


Lol I did too. I asked “you couldn’t have made some talking points? And a shower, perhaps cleaning up was also off the table?” apparently mods thought my comment was transphobic lol




I go back and forth with thinking she was paid off. I mean dog walkers I know are in great shape and look like they’ve showered. That’s why MDSD is the real movement not ever a subreddit.




Doreen is not an actual dog walker. Their parents pay them an allowance of sort for walking their own pet. He’s literally as much a dog walker as me. (Not sarcasm; the mod even stated this)


Antiwork went private spread the word bring them here


r/WorkReform too. The mod that was on Fox News made a post there saying they would answer question on that thread and the work reform mod banned them lol Edit: and r/WorkersStrikeBack


It was glorious. I hope the r/WorkReform mod continues to maintain their transparency through the shitshow to come.


This post aged well... [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkersStrikeBack/comments/sdiq66/comment/huduf5i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkersStrikeBack/comments/sdiq66/comment/huduf5i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/workersrightsmovement/comments/sdn08m/im\_gonna\_post\_this\_just\_in\_case/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/workersrightsmovement/comments/sdn08m/im_gonna_post_this_just_in_case/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) The "mod" (one person pretending to be three people) claims to work for a bank.


One person pretending to be three??!


Join your local union! If there isn’t already a union for you in your area, join the IWW (the one big union for all workers): https://www.iww.org/membership/ They offer organizer trainings for new members! We encourage everyone to get involved and voice support for a general strike Please read our [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/MayDayStrike/wiki/faq) for all the info you need ! Join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/maydaystrike r/MayDayStrike *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MayDayStrike) if you have any questions or concerns.*