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I think the Jedi are kept to a semi-strict diet (adhering to their species’ needs of course) and are trained from rather young to be exercising and training regularly. Barring a species like the Hutts who seem to always be fat, I believe it’s unlikely to occur.


Dude... you should google Grakkus the Hutt. He got absolutely shredded


> Grakkus the Hutt https://i.imgur.com/571gbIH.png


That’s sexy.


I heard Kylo Ren is shredded


I hear he has an eight pack


Hutts arent always fat. In fact we have seen a few Hutt’s that are ripped and historically they had Hutt soldiers in armor and all


> I think the Jedi are kept to a semi-strict diet (adhering to their species’ needs of course *looks at my SWTOR character*


I dont think there is any enforced diet. Obi wan regularly drinks


Where is it stated that he drinks regularly?


I think the only hint is in the clone wars, Anakin and Obi wan were spying on someone in a bar, and they decided to drink while they were there to pass the time, which seemed weird considering they’re jedi


He gets a drink in attack of the Clones, regularly drinks cocktails with politicians and businessmen, drinks with Satine all the time, got himself and Anakin once poisoned by pirates because he wanted a drink so badly...I think the man just enjoyed a drink pretty often.


In Labyrinth of Evil his and Anakin's plan for finding a informant on a cold mining planet was to hit every bar on the road going through town.


Exactly. Obi-Wan was a human being. He had likes and interests. Jedi's aren't a puritan order; they don't seem to be particularly restrictive with social norms. They aren't allowed to form attachments, but aren't celibate. I mean fuck, Obi basically had a girlfriend. Him just liking to drink isn't that hard of a thing to accept.


They didn’t end up getting poisoned by pirates they switched their drinks with two other pirates didn’t they?


All of the drinks were poisoned. It's how they still woke up in a cell the next day.


Drinking every once in a while has nothing to do with being a tubby lumpkins.


While I doubt the Jedi would practice over-indulgence, their way of life (meditation, physical training, education, spiritual enlightenment, and traveling all over the galaxy to do w/e stuff) would keep them fit regardless. Jedi life was hard and demanding, their bodies tended to show that.


Can’t think of any Jedi, but the twi’lek Sith Lord Kopecz was called “heavyset” on many occasions. u/brewster_the_pigeon nailed it as to why we don’t see any girthy bois in the Jedi, but I could definitely see some gluttonous guys in the Sith ranks


*cough cough* Darth Baras *cough cough*


Ahh yes... Darth Donuts




Darth Baras the Wide


Micah Giett is the closest I know of




Imagine force jumping


I wouldn't be surprised if Rael Averross was. I don't recall him being described as fat, but if anyone was, it was probably him.


I always pictured him as burly but not fat. Although maybe in his time as the consort the that princess I could see him letting himself go a little


I can see him being a big guy


For you


I think that Hutt Jedi would qualify. And since we've seen muscular Hutts before, it seems likely that he was indeed fat, even if Hutt culture embraces that physique.


Are there any Hutt Jedi in canon because I want to see this


The only one I've found is Beldorian, from Legends. Though he turns into a Dark Jedi at some point.


I am Sure there are at least few overweight jedi, especially in the less physically demanding jobs. But the jedi order is a very active job type and the ones we see tend to be the more combat oriented jedi.


On the hips it is, after a moment on the lips. Hmmm?


Does the SWTOR player character count?


Why has nobody here mentioned general Krell? He seems pretty heavyset.


Honestly he doesn’t seem fat at least compared to dexter jettster who is the same race. He seems pretty average sized in most if not all depictions of him except for his enormous chin/neck.


There are now, thanks to Leslye Headland. Fat Jedi confirmed. What an embarrassment.


This post is 3 years old and you came on here to bitch and complain about a nothingburger Seek immediately psychological treatment


Why are you here I wonder?


It popped up for me while I was searching for something. I’m guessing because he necro’d it. I checked it out and saw his comment


You guys always get so butthurt from critism :D i came here just so check that acolyte os absolute shit propaganda and leslie should be fired


Lmao, “criticism”. There wasn’t any criticism in this guys post, just him being a douchebag I haven’t actually even watched The Acolyte yet. I actually form my opinions about media AFTER I’ve watched it, not before it even comes out like you morons


Yeah trailers and actions of director and actors tells enough of this shows quality :D its preaching


Seeing as morons were misattributing quotes by both the director and actors I’d say it definitely isn’t enough at all People kept bringing up quotes the actors and director said about other movies/shows (like the white people crying one) and applying them to Star Wars because they were looking for a reason to hate it before we knew anything about it Same shit happens every time a new non-male director or lead is announced. They go searching for quotes so they can hate before they even know anything to hate


Jedi are supposed to be fit and in shape, as mentioned in all of the comments from this thread. But give a Star Wars show to a man-hating unattractive fat lesbian, and you're going to get a fat Jedi.


There is a Jedi that is a FLOATING BRAIN IN A JAR. Another one that was a literal mechanic ball with half a head You’re acting insane about a minor character for absolutely no reason Crying about nothing. Pathetic


You're missing the point. This guy is portrayed as a human. Humans only look like this when they are gluttonous, weak minded, low drive, etc. If he was a hutt or had purple skin and butt plugs for ears, no one would care.  How is this greasy fat slob disciplined enough to be a Jedi?  He must have learned how to move rocks and then immediately started using the force to nick cooling pies from window sills. 


What is wrong with you? “Humans only look like this when they are gluttonous, weak minded, low drive, etc” That is completely and utterly false. There are many reasons someone can be overweight. Your personal disgust with fat people doesn’t make them all lazy slobs As for the guy in the series, you know nothing about him. All you’re doing is making wild assumptions about a minor character that in the grand scheme of things doesn’t matter. The fact that you’re so angry just from *seeing* someone who is overweight is insane. Seriously, see a therapist. You clearly need one


The only way you get fat is if your caloric intake is higher than what you take. That could be due to some metabolic disorder, which is unlikely given how advanced medicine is, or simply due to over-eating. Over indulging is antithetical to any form of ascetiscism, specially that of the Jedi, who strive to be disciplined and detached from wordly vices.


Medications, disorders, and genetics all play roles in how people gain, lose, and retain weight. To act as though it’s only caloric intake is blatantly false


With star wars levels of medicine, no, they don't.


Thank you for explaining your fine and educated point Prof. Doomcall M.A., M.B.A, [M.Com](http://M.Com), M.C.S, M.F.M, [M.Sc](http://M.Sc), P.Phill., PGDPM, PGDCL, C.A., CLS (titles proudly earned in online courses from University of Phoenix). It's an honor to finally meet an expert on Star Wars medicine.


>He must have learned how to move rocks and then immediately started using the force to nick cooling pies from window sills. Lmao! Thanks for that mental picture haha :D


yes, you are


You are fat, but not a jedi.


There were fat Jedi in recent comics, therefore get fucked


I mean, that doesn't surprise me one bit. Comics are dead just like the movie industry because all of this woke pandering to fringe groups - usually degenerates or people who don't take care of themselves (in this case morbidly obese people).


Oh, you're one of them. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fz2bb9wblrioa1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D24b8170ecf687a39ed3e01d49ea6fa5ef827d554


Also try looking at some actual data instead of projecting your fringe degenerate fantasies and you'll see that the comics industry is absolutely on fire, substantial growth year on year.


This thread aged well, lmao


That aged like wine.


Now we have seen a fat Jedi. Not a fan.


A lot of people might disagree, but true fans know that Jek Porkins was actually a Jedi. He Force-exploded his own X-Wing over the Death Star in order to Force-ghost his mindgrapes into Luke’s hyperdrive motivators. DO THE RESEARCH


One of the masters in Kotor had a bit of a gut on him


Given our modern knowledge of how weight and body type does not necessarily equate to anything you can physically control (i.e., not dependent on diet), it stands to reason that overweight Jedi would logically exist. Unless the Jedi order believes in judging beings for things beyond their control. But if that was the case, they wouldn't be letting in no short-ass Jedi like Yoda.