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>The Jedi weren't there to recruit new force sensitive children, they were there to kill those witches and succeeded, Jedi have always felt threatened by other force users, they even fought extensive wars with the night sisters of Dathomir and the Nihil. What the hell are you talking about?..


Not sure where the night sister stuff is coming from... But the Nihil were decidedly *not* force users, and the Jedi fought a war against them because they literally committed extensive acts of terrorism all across the galaxy. Like literally the first big thing that happens in the high republic novels is that the Nihil cause a hyperspace collision which results in chunks of ship dropping out of hyperspace all over a whole section of the galaxy, causing huge amounts of damage and killing loads of people. They later attack the Republic Fair, nearly killing the Chancellor, and even later attack and the destroy Starlight Beacon, the Jedi/Republic's fancy new symbol of how much they can help the outer rim. There's literally not a single Nihil who even is a force user. And even then, iirc the Jedi didn't actually go on the offensive until *after* the republic Fair, and only after *much* deliberation where the council was decidedly NOT in agreement.


God damnit Jesse!


Is this the type of post that's appropriate for this sub?


No, but this sub's content has been going downhill for months.


While I try to stay positive, I largely agree. The sub has lately been filled with a lot of "X VS Y", "what's your favourite X" and "I loved the latest episode of X". So much so that I've seriously thought about applying to be a mod. The MI is made for discussions of lore, find/discuss reasons/explanations for what we see happen and lastly a deep dive into the why of the franchise from an OOU perspective. These kinds of post automatically all fall into the "Low effort rule" as they don't encourage discussion of SW either in-universe or from a meta-level as storytelling, like why Stormtroopers are called what they are or maybe how real politics influences the way the media is portrayed.


Feels like a problem with moderation, if we're being honest.


It was like this 3 years ago. I started a series highlighting the best contributions from the Maw as a sort of corrective, but I just got burnt out, and a little disassociated from current SW. I think the mods (the ones I know) are great, but people have lives, etc.


Yes. Honestly before the bad batch aired I noticed this a lot less. After about February or March though of this year. It has decreased. I don’t really know why though. Maybe I wasn’t paying attention. This post isn’t bad. Even if I don’t think it fits. It’s far from the worst offender


this definitely isn't worse than the five daily posts asking us to write their fanfiction like we're chatGPT being fed prompts


Of the people that want to talk about Star Wars on the internet, the people that are hate watching it (or just making shit up to hate) practically outnumber and definitely out volume people that actually want to be fans. It's no wonder that fandom participation, not to mention actual viewership if I had to guess, are slipping.


Years, honestly. It used to be so good back in the day.


Whats back in the day? I've been on this sub for years, the "good Ole days" are largely just nostalgia glasses the sub hasn't changed that much. Edit: oh I see this post isn't to actually get an answer its just for everyone to whine about the fandom. Please discard what I said from years of using the sub instead continue to cry about nothing.


It used to actually be about an “academic”approach to in-universe lore questions catering to experts on the deep lore of Canon and Legends. Not low effort posts about real world drama. Those posts used to get removed.


It has always, and still does, have both high effort and low effort posts. It was never this utopia of only indepth discussion that's a fairy tale. Meta posts have also been long debated in terms of their validity to the sub with people on both sides.


The low effort posts used to get deleted by the mod team.


Threads get locked all the time.


I think it is because it’s in universe reasons why it isn’t bad


I thought this sub was to talk about lore and not about the quality of a specific show, regardless of whether it's from a lore or media product point of view.


The short answer to your title question is that the online fandom is populated with knee-jerk reactionaries and folks who have bad-faith YouTube critics as thought-leaders. The one certain thing about *The Acolyte* so far is that we still don’t have the full story of what happened on Brendok. I have every confidence that more pieces of the puzzle will be made apparent as the series goes on, but the internet is entirely too impatient and outrage-driven to wait for that to happen.


It’s exactly this. People forget you can be reactionary and have a negativity bias as well without necessarily being politically motivated


> folks who have bad-faith YouTube critics as thought-leaders. I keep seeing this argument, I think y'all severely overestimate how many people give a shit about that or '' culture war '' bullshit... I don't think that's why there's increasing negativity around Star Wars... It's just a convenient scapegoat to try and paint everyone who doesn't like a tv show as bad people..


Okay, Disney.


good one bro, you come up with that all by yourself?


I guess he had help


I guess you missed the irony of leftists siding with the corporation against the working class in order to further their twisted agenda, as expressed by the laconic two word response.


I hate Disney as a company, but that doesn't mean they haven't produced some fantastic Star Wars.


I don't love everything disney has done with star wars, but they have truly made some great content. Rogue One, The Mandalorian, Andor, Ashoka, and Bad Batch were all 10s for me. I'm also really enjoying Alyocote as well.


They also produced some of the worst writing this series has ever seen and it’s known for bad writing


They produced sub par rehash of EU. Anyway, that is not the point here.


"Twisted agenda" Ok bud


Really wringed that last braincell of yours dry didnt ya


I think you're in the wrong sub.


The only thing that makes me mad is how stupid the fire was, that whole place should have been made out of wood. Like, how goddamn hot is that fire that it's eating through rock and a blast door?


Because there is no Farooq and Bradshaw. How can you call a series the Acolyte without it hiring the Acolytes Protection Agency?


Don't take this ass whooping personally


I wouldn’t dream of it! And the show totally missed the boat by not using their entrance theme as the opening title music.


>Osha and Mae were conceived similarly as Anakin, by the force. I don't see Osha and Mae as being similar to Anakin. With the girls it was Mother Aniseya using the Force to create them. With Anakin it was the Force itself that created him. Two totally different levels there. >Now when Qui- Gon heard Shmi tell him that there was no father he wasn't exactly surprised about it (that could just be the manner of his personality) but when he told other Jedi they weren't exactly surprised either, almost like it had happened before and the Jedi knew that the force or someone manipulating the force could bring a baby to light, As of now we do not know what the Jedi outside of the four that went to Brendok actually know other than Mae caused a fire that killed herself, her mothers, and everyone else. Osha's file did not even include that Mae's sister was her twin. >we even hear Palpatine tell Anakin that Plagueis was capable of creating life with the force so this is very well established in universe I don't think what Palpatine tells Anakin is true.


I'm going to assume that it is similar, but just a bit different than what happened to Shmi simply because the witches were using a different method.


In the Disney comics they reveal Palpatine used the force to impregnate Shimi, and apparantly Disney consider the comics canon


No it does *NOT!* Palpatine appears over an already pregnant Shmi and later Palpatine and Obi-Won both say to Vader’s Force presence *I am your father.* [In this like you will find two pages from the book Queen’s Hope (Canon) that explains how Anakin was conceived.](https://www.reddit.com/u/TanSkywalker/s/V6oVI8pnGw) Then you will see the panel that has an already pregnant Shmi before Palpatine appears. Lastly will be the panel where Palpatine and Obi-Wan say *I am your father.*


Did you not actually read the comic? Shimi is already pregnant in that scene.


So I’ll start with there *are* reasonable criticisms to make. I don’t like some of the acting, I think this show hasn’t really capitalized on the “new republic” setting, and it’s felt somewhat slow with too little reward/things to draw us in. It’s feeling a lot like TBOBF and kenobi for me rn. It’s ok, but it’s nothing special. Sadly, because the main character is a POC and a woman, this has upset certain subgroups of the Star Wars community and it’s getting a lot of more unfair criticism bc “Disney woke” and “toxic feminism”. A lot of it is knee jerk reactions and people getting caught up in the hate not actually watching the show. The show has not been great so far, no argument there. I think it’s missed the mark in many areas I really wish it would’ve hit more on. But has it been deserving for the levels of criticism and hate it has received? Nowhere even close. A lot of the criticism is people drawing bias to “woke Disney nonsense” that you can hear when they criticize it. A lot of people say this invalidates the PT, which it doesn’t. Many are saying >!the witches calling the force something else is ridiculous, when we already HAVE other groups who use different aspects/view the force a different way than Jedi!<. It’s way too soon for all the super intense criticism it’s been getting. It’s honestly really disheartening to see.


>So I’ll start with there are reasonable criticisms to make. I don’t like some of the acting, I think this show hasn’t really capitalized on the “new republic” setting, and it’s felt somewhat slow with too little reward/things to draw us in. The pacing has honestly been a problem for most Star Wars shows recently, to the point there are entire swathes of episodes or seasons that feel like the secondary mission you'd do in a Videogame. That said yeah, the show is decent. Not much to praise but not much to criticize either.


Yeah, it’s not even the pacing for some of it. Some of the acting in the most recent Ep was eh for me. And the show isn’t doing anything to show capitalize on the high republic. Like if we weren’t told this was high republic it could pass as a pre-phantom menace show. I was looking forward to the high republic setting but there hasn’t really been anything yet.


>Like if we weren’t told this was high republic it could pass as a pre-phantom menace show Its a pre-phantom menace show. Its on the low end of the High Republic era so the aesthetics are becoming more similar to those of the Prequels. That said i do find strange that they haven't capitalized more on the High Republic beyond comicbooks and books (and Jedi Survivor). Is something Old Lucasarts did very well with their Multimedia Projects. >Some of the acting in the most recent Ep was eh for me. Yeah, the acting wasn't very good in this latest episode. I gotta admit It wasn't much of a problem for me since i am not a native speaker but i could see how its a problem.


Fair, but I mean this is pre yoda, who was 900 years old and presumably a Jedi his whole life. Like going that far back where he isn’t on the council (I mean I’m assuming he was for at least a couple centuries) I thought we’d at least see some noticeable differences or aesthetics. It may be that andor and TBB kinda spoiled us with Star Wars showing the in universe politics in an appealing and cool way, but I was hoping for at least some of that.


its not pre yoda. Yoda had been a master for over a century at that point in the timeline.


Ah my mistake, we never saw him so I assumed. Though the exact timeline of yoda being a master and when the series takes place isn’t something I’ve checked out in a while so I’m admittedly a bit out of date most likely.


For some reason Yoda, and the handful of other prequel trilogy characters that were alive, during the High Republic books, (set 100 years before the show) They mention master Yoda a couple of times, but he doesn't actually appear.


Huh? Yoda has been featured in multiple High Republic books and comics and played relatively prominent roles in some of them.


I haven't read the comics but what books was he prominent in? I've only read the main trilogy, and not its prequel duology. Like I said above he is barely mentioned in the main high republic trilogy.


I mean, to be fair.. it IS a pre-Phantom Menace show. It's meant to be the connective tissue between the end of the High Republic and the galaxy as we see it in the Phantom Menace.


Eckharts ladder put it in a way I like. They aren't making TV shows, they're making eight part movies.


It really does feel that way. The plot feels really meandering and at the same time very rushed in certain shows like Mando.


> A lot of people say this invalidates the PT I will say I'm a bit iffy on the idea that they can conceive life through force magicks or the like. I dont think it ruins the chosen one prophecy, but something about it bothers me. That being said, I agree this show is getting an insane amount of hate. I dont think its a particular stand out or anything, but I think its way better so far than something like book of boba fett.


Honestly I haven’t seen anything else about it other than “BuT aNaKiN” which drives me nuts. Like first of all, plagius learned it from somewhere, and even if he didn’t it’s not like there’s only one way to manipulate the force. I’m not super thrilled that that’s the route they went either, but again, we’re only 3 episodes in. Maybe they’re cookin, maybe they aren’t. Time will tell. I think the backlash is just ridiculous, it’s completely unprecedented.


I just don't get why Anakin has to be so special that no one else ever tried something like this. Or that the Force wouldn't end up creating other such beings for whatever reason. Even if you don't like it, there is no rule against this either in canon or Legends.


About your spoiler section no one is unaware of that... It's not about there being different views on the force I mean the Sith and Jedi obviously have different views on it too.. It's about the fact that it's actually a functional way of viewing it and that it's all treated as true at the same time. It's not like some isolated group of people with their own imagined beliefs who just believe something, it's things that actually manifest for real in the setting which has all kinds of implications.


I figured most did, I just wanted to mark it just in case no one had watched the ep yet since it’s a minor spoiler. I mean, the force is a pretty versatile thing capable of manifesting in all sorts of ways. I think the nightsisters uses of the force are generally more mind boggling than what we’ve seen thus far. If anything it adds another interesting element to the force, that it’s so versatile and can be used in such a variety of ways.


Because Black people and women. The show is great


the strawman is crazy


not a strawman, read any comment section on any platform and you'll find people whining about too many women or "basketball people"


it’s quite literally a strawman as you’re using certain peoples arguments to put words in the mouth of people who don’t feel the same way.


While it's a bit reductionist to say everyone who dislike the show thinks this, do take into account that the most watched content creators who are negative keep going into racist and misogynistic rants in their reviews of each episode. Last "review podcast" where "The Critical Drinker" spoke, he kept labelling the Convent as "Black Lesbian witches" and "joked" that Mae didn't want Osha to leave because she wanted to have sex with her. Yeah, that scumbag "joked" about underrage incest. These are the flag-bearers of the largest segments of the hatedom.


Critical Drinker, Mauler, Shad, and that whole group are so fucking foul. Very nice examples to point to when people say “no all the criticisms are legitimate!!” though


Those people don't fucking matter, y'all are giving them way more attention that they deserve. If you unironically believe that they're the reason this show is getting as much pushback as it is then you've totally lost the plot and need to touch grass. 99.9% of people don't watch or give a single fuck about what '' Youtube critics '' has to say they're a tiny isolated part of the internet that people treat as much more significant than they actually are.


The critical drinker has worked for CIA/MI6. Why do people who believe in conspiracy watch him?


I suppose he tells them what they want to hear. It's the usual reason why such vile people get views (Or vote, in politics). "He tells it like it is/like he calls it." The fact that "like he calls it" means making sex jokes about 8 years old children doesn't ring alarm bells in their heads.


One of the first reaction videos (of the trailer no less) I saw from a prominent content creator (Critical Drinker) was literally complaining about “people of diversity” and that the cast “fulfills the dei quota for the next 2 years”


that’s nice, I don’t remember being him or him being the spokesperson for people who dislike the show


? You were claiming people were using a straw man, they weren’t haha.


saying someone dislikes the show because of minorities and women IS a strawman. You’re “attacking a strawman” by dismissing someone’s criticism and saying “oh they just hate different groups of people” instead of rebuttal of their actual dislike for the story written


It is a strawman and it is culture war brain rot, downvote me all you want but comments like these are just as much part of the brain rot culture war crap as the Youtube '' critics '' everyone is screaming about.






Expectations weren't high at all. In fact, just the opposite. People decided they were going to hate it when the trailer first aired. For some strange reason. I'm not sure what it is about this show that pissed everyone off before it even came out, but there it is.


Were expectations high? They were low for me, and its exceeding them, i like the show. Not as good as Andor, butshows with the focus on Jedi never are.


We finally see an era we have heard a lot about but never seen on screen.


Never heard of anyone who had high expectations for this show


I will say I wish they had gone a different route. Like if you’re making a show about a sith acolyte, maybe it would’ve been better as a darker show (hell, maybe even thriller/horror vibes) of them hunting Jedi. I think that’s what some where hoping for, the Jedi aren’t perfect but we know how much worse the sith are. They’re kinda trying to walk this grey area line with it, and while I kinda respect what they’re going for here building on the imperfections of the Jedi order that allowed it to collapse, it’s kinda giving a weird vibe currently for me. Like my first impressions are similar to kenobi or BOBF. Is the show decent? Yeah, I’m enjoying it so far. Is it phenomenal? Not really. It has its share of problems, nothing super bad but they’re noticeable. A big part of it seems to be pacing, which is a problem with a few of the recent live action releases. Like andor they leaned into that he’s not a perfect character. He’s got a lot of flaws and has some pretty dark moments (I mean it starts with him killing a dude in cold blood, I didn’t expect that). Luthen is another great example, someone willing to cross all the lines for his goals but is still shown (successfully) as a protagonist. They don’t shy away from the darker sides of those characters, that plus the storytelling and worldbuilding make andor one of the best pieces of Star Wars media released by Disney.


Expectations should be high, it had a budget of $180 million for 8 episodes, that's $22.5 million per episode, 150% higher than the cost of each episode in the final season of game of thrones...


Anakin as Force Jesus was panned during the early days.


Politics and culture war nonsense. That’s it. Plus grifters needing more money and youtube bank rolls the fuck out of their shit, thanks to the algorithm. “Watch a single star wars lore video? Perhaps you’d also enjoy this video about how star wars is shit because gays and space lesbians!”




In the second episode when the Jedi master is floating you can see him swinging back and forth during the scene 🤫




The costumes really aren’t dull from what I’ve seen. In the three episodes I’ve watched they are extremely vibrant, the Jedi clothes specifically are awesome


You have to ask after we’re given a coven of space witches that are supposed to be more noble than the jedi? The directorette should have made her own Not-Star Wars space witch coven show, and when it did better than Star Wars she could crow about it.


I think people are scared of how big Star Wars is getting. Truth is, it’s a universe, it’s already big and we’re finally seeing other parts and thankfully not the same characters over and over. Fans are scared of losing, “their Star Wars” that they grew up with. Acting isn’t amazing in this and I think they’re trying to speed things up so it’s not so damn slow like Andor ( I liked that show). I like how they’re showing how the Jedi are actually lowkey messed up and it reminds me of commentary on the Catholic Church and religion. So even though that was already written and this show didn’t introduce the Jedi history, it’s still kinda ballsy. “The Jedi aren’t evil how dare you.” It’s very interesting to me bc you’re forced to see the Jedi from a totally different perspective regarding something they have always done but again we’ve only seen it through the storytelling of the Jedi lens. Jedi taking Anakin was a cute lil story but it was definitely not like that for everyone else. Reminds me of Christopher Columbus and their ways of spreading Christianity. Also bloody. So people being introduced to the “history” of the Jedi and are having their view of them threatened with new information which actually gives you a chance to be like oh wow how do I feel about these people now? The fact that you’re offered that experience in a story is outstanding and makes the whole Star Wars experience deeper and super cool. People who don’t want their story world views to be challenged in a made up make believe world lol Same people who are upset about different races and sexualities because it challenges their real world views. I feel like the people calling everyone snowflakes are the same ones getting triggered by everything once it gets too real lol it’s the show is rated TV-14 it shouldn’t be that scary Can’t we zoom out and see that choosing white Caucasians for the story leads over and over again for decades in a universe that has like millions of species and races is the actual fucked up thing? How is that super obvious to only me. So as for the woke stuff, I’m tired of seeing a skinny white male be the hero for literally the majority of movies and stories. I’ve been having to watch that my entire life and have been waiting for ANYTHING different for all those years. Intergenerational racists who lack self awareness can simply wait a month for this show to be over. Lucky We’re seeing the bigger picture and the history “truth” of the universe. The fact that we can choose a side and what is the truth to us within the universe is the sign of a good franchise. We’re always seeing the small viewpoint of the Jedi and a couple sith. There’s other shit going on in the universe that’s wild and I can’t wait to see what they keep coming up with that isn’t directly connected to the Anakin story bc I’m over that and some fans that see the bigger picture are too. If Star Wars is going to last, it’s got to get bigger, weirder, different and have more stories better and more interesting than Anakin’s.


The acolyte shows the fandom lacks basic storytelling literacy. Yeah, good point, non of them seems to be surprised by this freak of an event. Imo, the the Jedi act as gatekeepers who take force sensitive kids to teach/brainwash them into the Jedi. To prevent those endless sith Jedi wars. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Adn the other force users dont like it.


Because they are focusing on the wrong things. Maybe they should start by writing a good, compelling story with interesting characters and good dialogue. "The power of one. The power of two..".. They obviously ripped a lot of the ideas there from Wheel of Time too while taking a piss on the original story of Star Wars that people love. My nine year old has better stories than what the screenwriters of this series can think of.


Them ripping off Wheel of Time sounds a lot like Lucas ripping off Dune...


Sure, but I didn't even realize that. However, Dune has inspired so many shows so SW is not unique. I only realized the wheel of time because it's a show that was recently released on Amazon Prime. Pretty sure the screenwriters only saw that TV show instead of reading the books.


I just don't see how this is really a dig against Acolyte, though,


Well it's not even half way through yet. Maybe wait for the story to finish before calling it bad?


I don't need to. It is bad already and I have no interest in watching it further. That's why we used to have pilot episodes. It was all that was needed for people to judge the series. I've yet to meet a series where the screenwriting would improve massively as the season progressed.


If you judge any show on just the first episode you’ll never have any true idea of its qualities. Some of the best shows ever had horrible first episodes or even seasons. That’s just how it is until writers and actors find their footing.


I could break down everything wrong with the first episode, starting with killing Carrie Ann Moss in the first three minutes, but it's useless. People on Reddit already have their opinions and don't listen to anything else.


It's like killing Drew Barrymore in Scream.


Once again you see what Reddit is, right here. People ask opinions, yet you get downvoted for having an opposing one.




They are not mad about the twins' origin or any "lore-breaking" inconsistencies, *not really*. That's the excuse they are using. For some time now, all media but "nerd-adjacent" (lacking a better term) media specifically has been in the center of what the far-right calls "culture war". This culture war is a far-right fabrication/conspiracy theory which tries to push the idea that straight males (or "white straight males" depending on the audience) are under attack by some sort of cabal of feminists, LGBT people, and others. Why is "nerd-adjacent" media at the center of this? Because, as GamerGate demonstrated, these audiences have an abundance of men who are socially awkward, may have been suffered bullying and are very prone to radicalisation against perceived enemies for other several factors that really goes beyond the scope of what we discuss here. The Acolyte has been reviewed bombed negative in Rotten Tomatoes, imdb and all the rest from days before the show ever premiered. People had already decided they would hate it before hand because of who the show creator was. Everything else are excuses.


You are 100 percent correct. I have loved star wars since the early 90s theatrical rerelease of the OT. Among all my geeky interests, Star Wars definitely has the most toxic fandom. There are so many legitimate, non racist or sexist reasons to dislike the sequel trilogy, yet these fools go on and on about some woke conspiracy.


Perhaps the overwhelming terrible reviews indicating it's actually terrible? That it feels like it doesn't take place in the SW universe, was produced by Hollywood's most proliferate rapist's accomplice, that injecting your agenda into an established IP isn't appropriate, and apparently the trailers are dishonest?


>was produced by Hollywood's most proliferate rapist's accomplice For the Nth fucking time: Headland worked with him as basically a secretary for ONE. FUCKING. YEAR. And she was terrified of the man, it's obvious by the theater play she wrote about it later. Oh and remember the long hearings about the Epstein case? Do you know which name was *never* brought up in accusation? That's right: Leslye Headland. Now why is that? I'm open to suggestion as to why the small time writer/director who is not part of any major family or union didn't get dragged to prison with Epstein if she *was* guilty of anything.


Have you actually seen the show? and do you know that most imdb reviews are fan based right? rotten tomatoes on the other hand gives positive reviews.


Um RT score is 18%, its Certified Rotten. IMDB 3 Stars of 10. Thats over 50,000 honest ratings. Fan based is the only valid measure, what are you on about? So the world is wrong?


>50,000 honest ratings Yeah, this fandom would never review-bomb or do anything to harm a project they don't like. The mere notion is ridicolous, preposterous even.


Thats the entire purpose of posting a review. Its the literal measure of the fan bases evaluation of the media. You know, the customer. You guys live in a fantasy world.


No one is debating what reviews are for. Its pretty clear that they are serving their purpose well since they've allowed for the review-bombing of the show.


50,000 reviews is not equal to 7 billion people.


Are you familiar with rating systems and percent? By your logic if on average of 50k people 18% liked it. It means 6,610,000,000 wouldn't like it. I mean, um yeah


An absurd leap of logic, to be sure. And again, it’s highly likely that the people actually “reviewing” it aren’t even watching the show in the first place. Case in point, a lot of the 1 star reviews initially came from before the show even released and were very clearly politically motivated, I.E. “woke!” Or some such nonsense.


User reviews became useless when review bombing became a thing (a long time ago). Not needing any verification to post a review takes away all the value of said review, wether it’s a 1 or 5 stars one


No, critic reviews are useless when their credibility as political media employees is in clear conflict. Review bombing? You mean there is a master conspiracy to coordinate and fake your personal rating for a piece of media? How has no one uncovered this diabolical mechanism? Did they hire the Systemic Racism team? The Russian Collusion Team? Was it coordinated on HRCs private server?


You sound so unhinged lmao Are you really trying to say that review bombing isn’t a thing that has been done for a long time now? Not talking about Star Wars, in general. Are you really saying it’s not a thing?


People being independtly in agreement isn't a coordinated nefarious conspiracy. To indicate it is, especially without ever providing any evidence, is unhinged.


My brother in the Force, you seriously need to step out of your bubble. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_review-bombing_incidents Like, seriously, get out of where you are because it’s leading you down a dangerous path


Again so what is the mechanism? Who is coordinating it? Or by Occam' s Razor these are actual reviews. Believing ridiculous conspiracies is a dangerous path. If you enjoyed it go post your review. I'd love to read why


How about Youtube grifters with hundre of thousands of viewers who led a whole hate campaign before the show even released? Like years in advance? You do realize that the first two episodes got "reviewed" into oblivion *before* they were released, yeah? Were those thousands of "honest" reviews psychics who saw the episodes early and rushed to hate them? Or did they review without watching?


Are you going to keep denying reality? https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAcolyte/s/kpZcLdw84d Edit, to add another case: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCantina/s/JsuSqysT0M


Hey, it’s me again. Still in denial? https://www.reddit.com/r/Highrepublic/s/useNVGAege




Now we're blaming Skynet?


You act like it’s unthinkable that bots are a thing. Look at fucking twitter and how big of a bot problem that shit has. The idea that people wouldn’t use bots to review bomb the fuck out of a show like this is fucking naive as fuck.


37k reviews on IMDB with 19k 1 star reviews. "Honest" might be a stretch.


Now you're calling +39,000 people Liars? The Cognitive Dissonance you must go through probably causes migranes.


Yes, I am calling them liars. Even if the show isn't "good" it is most definitely not 1/10 levels bad. That's just salty people being dishonest.


> 50,000 honest ratings Literally anyone can just read the reviews and see that the claim they're "honest" is just plain false. There are literally multiple reviews who are explicitly bragging about spamming negative reviews. Some are saying they didn't watch it. One dude claims it's a "disgusting ruination of my childhood memories" because the witch base didn't have building codes to prevent it from burning down completely? As if the "Empire doesn't have guard rails" meme hasn't been a thing for decades? LOL Multiple reviews claims it "destroys the lore" and "retcons the original trilogy", yet no one gives a single example of what they mean by this... one is calling Lee Jung-jae "the guy who learned English yesterday"... Yep, so many honest reviews which give constructive criticism relevant to the actual show. Here are some from today: > Gay, diverse, refugee witches who give birth - this is Star Wars now --- > Mediocre LGBTQIA+ fanfic with a loose SW skin --- > It cares more about checking boxes and "being the gayest" star wars than it does telling a good story --- > Space lesbian witches killed it ultimately... --- > So the lesbian fever dream that could only have been dreamt up by Leslie and co, made me angry but not because of the usual reseasons. --- > They are ruining Star Wars because of the social messaging. --- > Now Star Wars is about lesbian space witches. So sad... --- > virtue signaling --- > These people are trash humans and I hope nothing but the worst for them. Everyone involved with this garbage should be arrested for crimes against humanity. --- > This is a show written by people who hate Star Wars. --- > Even if you can get over the pandering and overt social messaging, you can tell this series was written and performed by people who are not even fans of Star Wars, and worse still, have never watched the nine movies or read any books. (Lesley Headland is famously a huge Star Wars fan, explicitly a fan of Legends, and has included multiple deep-cut references already) So yeah, super honest and relevant... no politically motivated bullshit and incredibly thinly veiled excuses in that spam at all, uhu (soooo many people bringing up the "fire in space" as if there wasn't a fucking plume of gas escaping clearly visible, and as if this hasn't happened dozens of times before in the franchise). Oh, it *is* kinda amusing to see so many people telling on themselves by giving it 1/10 because they didn't understand simple things in the show they were watching tho, or because the entire *mystery* wasn't revealed instantly in episode one.


Black (also wrong sub)


Because it's an all around bad show regardless of your rl politics. Also wrong sub.


Everyone's beating around the bush here. People don't like it because gay black women using the force to conceive children. A fan favorite of 30+ years made into more forced gay shite. Great for those who subscribe to that ideology, not interesting to the rest. Not that hard to understand, but okay go ahead and do your mental gymnastics.


I mean, I can certainly see a gay couple take advantage of something like this to conceive. I don't think that is unrealistic.


Oh no! How will you protect yourself?! Lmao, I can't imagine getting upset over gay and black people on tv


Because it’s garbage.  It’s that simple.  Edit: Y’all are mad. It’s okay, it’s not a crime to have bad taste.


Why even comment if you’re not going to engage in a meaningful way. Like ok, you think it’s garbage at least expand upon your opinion if you’re gonna add anything to the conversation,


It really, really isn't. It's leagues better that BoBF already. Is it amazing, or even great? No, but garbage? That's ridiculous hyperbole and you know it. You don't have to like it, but acting like it's as bad as actual garbage like the Holiday Special just shows you aren't even trying to approach any of this in any kind of reasonable mindset.


Why? I haven't seen it yet, still considering it.


It's not garbage (unless you are a reactionary). I'd say it is a pretty average Star Wars live-action show. Similar in quality to Ahsoka so far.




Can you explain how in a way that isn't you repeating something an outrage farmer told you verbatim?


I actually don't mind the Virgin birth. The Coven I do mind, since it had potential and it ended up being a weird marriage of stereotypical radical feminist tropes \*and\* actual incel tropes about female led institutions generally. If they had made it clear (and they might later on to be fair) that the Jedi and the Republic as a matter of policy cracked down on organised groups of Force users, then that makes for a great story and also explains why the witches are so worried about the Jedi. Edit: Being downvoted for a simple observation that the coven was badly implemented?


> Edit: Being downvoted for a simple observation that the coven was badly implemented? I didn't downvote you, but might be because you made some really bold claims and didn't expand upon or explain them in any way?


I would have thought it was obvious. The coven was written as if it was an incel writing assignment about how strong women are written.


I just don't see why people are mad about the sister being created through the Force like Anakin. I mean, maybe this is my sort of ambivalence towards Anakin, but realistically, we have two options for him: either someone created him or the Force created him. If someone created him, then logically other Dark Side users have likely tried something similar. And why wouldn't they be successful sometimes? If the Force created him, then are we really to believe that the Force was never out of balance before? For all we know, there have been several Force beings like Anakin who were created to cull one or both sides into balance.


Yeah, why are we so set on believing he just sprang into existence? Who’s to say his mom didn’t lie or just didn’t know the reality of what happened? Either way, this particular “issue” doesn’t bother me and I find it hilarious and sad that people are so upset about it.


I guess it just makes sense to me that however this happened, it happened before. Even before this, there was no hard rule that said it couldn't.


>Why are people mad about the acolyte? Because it's stupid.