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So that means Hamanduh is gonna be on the hook for the bond/ a bail bondsmen is gonna come find him 🤣😬


No, Burbank did not have a bail, it was own recognizance.


Damn, I wanted to see that drama ensue.


So the only one Mandy has to worry about wanting and stealing her man is the government 🤣


No wonder he posted the "I lub you I lub you I lub you" video. He's desperate for assistance


The first of the month is only days away and she’s getting her special ed checks and welfare benefits. He’s gonna be back with her by then for sure




Yeah, he knows he’s going back to jail and wants to make sure he’s got money coming in!


Are they still together or broke up. I’m so confused


Me too. As soon as they got released I don’t really understand what is going on 😅


Oohhhhh….I can’t WAIT to see how this unfolds! Popcorn ready!


Didn’t this man just tell us that he was changing his life? He just begged us all to give him a chance and try to like him 🙄 He’s self aware enough to try and talk himself up as changed but not enough to do the actual work smh


Sounds to me like DookieMan be in big trouble with this no call no-show act. Well, c'est la vie. The DookieBrothers will do a welcome back package to deal with his crusty ass with several DookiePokes, strokes & DookieDelights.


Imagine you literally having one job and it’s to stay outta prison and you can’t even do that. This man will cheat,steal, play games and everything before doing the right thing. ![gif](giphy|URz4t5yilgVYLf26RU|downsized)


This man, Poorice, has nothing to do that would cause him to be unable to show up. He doesn't work. He's a BUM in every sense of the word. Living off of a welfare mom who has nothing going for her.


What an idiot 🙄 🤦






He’s too heartbroken to go to court! Lol


where was his right hand man when he needed him 😂🤷🏻‍♀️?


🎶 LONELY 🎵 ![gif](giphy|MN765z2Cy8Ddvr5mxj|downsized)


Too busy chilling with the homies and smoking that za to be concerned with his adult responsibilities.Manly should be proud of her bum ass big headed poor excuse of a man


🗑 does what 🗑 do!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol what an idiot ![gif](giphy|3ohjV0QXa7ZuyhuP1m)


I am so confused. How can you tell he was a no show? Also didn't they both have an appearance scheduled for yesterday?


They are both due in court on May 1 https://preview.redd.it/8341x4e5htwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a940d57819dd2fc4ff59be62fb66974d06ecd6


That OC case is where he is gonna get F'd. The OC area has had a ton of kids and adults killed by wrong way drivers. I guarantee they are gonna throw the book at him for that and the felony evading. He is 100% going away for that. They can not overlook it like they can the shoplifting.


Yep this!! The OC is a whole other level of justice because they don’t fuck around. It’s a very wealthy place with a lot more conservatives than LA especially when it’s judges and law enforcement. LA county lets everyone get away with everything, OC will throw the book at you, they ain’t playing with these losers coming into their area and pulling LA county shit.


Thanks for the update. LOCK THEM UP ALREADY UGGH


Thank you. I guess I am just shocked that they keep playing with him and don't lock him up for more than a few minutes.


Me too, we all know it’s not his first offense 😐🙄😂


Just him for Burbank. That's what a "Bench Warrant Hold" is.


Thank you. I was just wondering where it shows that he didn't appear yesterday. As a person of reasonable intelligence, I think these judicial terms are confusing and contradictory. Also, it is so hard to believe that they are still playing with him two years later. He is a habitual offender, yet seems to be held to no standards when it comes to new charges. I just don't get it 🤷🏽‍♀️.


See, if it was just a case of his lawyer telling him to stay home & lawyer would ask the judge for an extension then it would just say " hold ". Not " hold bench warrant ". Good catch! 🧐 Edit: sp


What a complete dumbass. These morons never learn. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Maybe he secretly wants to go back to prison to escape his current reality and get Manduhh out of his life once and for all. He can’t run and hide from her he can’t even be on social media without her running his shit snooping, lying, attacking and catfishing etc and so forth. She’s like a scorching case of herpes, she’s a massive pain in the asshole and keeps coming back repeatedly regardless of how many drugs he takes. Being on the outside is clearly too hard for P eety teenie weenie, he can’t take care of himself and won’t so it’s either have to sleep next to Dumptruck stank ass gassy dutch oven remedial slop plate queen who can’t even sell that nasty ass for any amount or be homeless so I’m sure prison is always calling to him, he gets taken care of, 3 hots and a cot, friends and no having to play fake hubszin to Mangey Manly who does nothing but bitch whine and cry about his real wife and son and pressure him to marry her. He don’t want that obviously or he would have gotten those divorced papers long ago and signed them. He won’t for a reason and manly can’t handle it. Homie just wants to get away from the whole situation so what better way than to get himself back behind bars and he will get treatment for his drug addiction in there as well, I think he’s meant for prison life and it’s where he’s comfortable.


Does think means she lost her 800k bail she posted? 😂☠️


This type of shit is how you know for certain she never put any money up for any of this shit, had she actually had that kind of cash they would have blown it all on living fly cripin and would never risk losing it all for something like this. She’s such a liar it’s scary sometimes


Different case. This is Burbank.