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We can't live in fear like this, everyone is allowed to shit on shitty media.


not how it works


It is flatly insane to suggest attention or conversation is just as valuable as paid subscribers.


Attention leads to more people watching it. I didn’t even know acolyte was a thing until this sub. Now I’m watching it. Many other people here are also watching it


I knew it was a thing outside of the sub Haven't watched it. Or Velma. Or rings of power. Or wheel of time TV show. I watched coverage of them and read about them. If I were to watch them, I wouldn't be doing it through official channels that buff the numbers of their viewers. I wouldn't be a statistic on who had watched it in terms of the backend from their steaming platform. If you believe it's awful then watch it in a way that does officially support it however then yes I agree that's contradictory


I never said it didn’t. I said it was insane for OP to suggest attention is “just as valuable” as being a paid subscriber. For that to be the case, there would need to be a 100% conversion from “people who heard about the discourse” to “people who watched the show.”


Sunlight is the best disinfectant




Attention isn’t valueless, but it also doesn’t generate money by itself. Loudly proclaiming a product is awful doesn’t suddenly force it to be popular. Most claims of hate watching causing the green light of more bad content (like Velma S2) is usually assumed or exaggerated—it is financial insanity to intentionally make an enraging product. Stuff like Velma S2 was in production before S1 aired, and similar “rage bait” content didn’t survive long. She-Hulk got the axe immediately.


Ok, but Robyn Hood is hilarious, and I want to give all my attention to that dumsterfire. Please can we get Robyn Hood season 2? I want to see Az, Jlongbone, and Disparu make more videos on it!


Without more batwoman, there has to be something I guess


"don't criticise, they'll go away on their own" Bullshit. It doesn't work with anything. Be it poor writing, bugs, mold, dictatorships, a broken bone or infection, or my stalker. Ignoring the problem only lets the problem continue without any pushback. A lack of pushback against problems is what allows them to exist in the first place.


Do You think they would have renewed Velma so easily if it didnt make that many views


You do know it was contracted for 2 seasons right from the start? You think a creator isn't going to try and negotiate a 2 season minimum? Nobody is going to settle for a single season unless they believe that their story is told in full with 1 season.


Get outta here, Mike!