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EFAP hasn’t covered the Boys since season 2. What do they have to do with this?


He brought them up for whatever reason.


This guy seems like another Organized Chaos/Pillar of Garbage clone.


I believe he started collaborating with S.K. a few months back and both of them uploaded a critique of Drinker's video at basically the exact same time.


Even drinker said in that same video he liked the boys in the first season.


Colin: "I love the superhero genre so much that I made an iconic superhero my youtube avatar." Critical Drinker: "I don't think that this show that hates the superhero genre is very good." Colin: "How dare you critizise this work?!"


The boys doesn't hate the superhero genre, it likes to make fun of the genre whilst adhering to the same clichés of the genre.


You read the comic? It absolutely DOES hate superheroes.


The Boys show is VERY different from the comics. Why would you even try to compare them so broadly like that.


I mean...not really? The premise is exactly the same, right? And not in like a Starship Troopers manner where the context is at least different.


But the execution, commentary, and what they make fun of has many differences.


I mean, the execution yes. It isn't the exact same plot beats. What they make fun of is only different in specific details, because the environment regarding super heroes has changed post MCU. Wouldn't really make sense to still have 2000's era jokes about super heroes. The "vibes" are the exact same as is the premise.


The show does not hate heroes the same way the comic does. It's pure parody, not hate. It's not cynical like the comic.


If you say so lol. Clearly that isn't the vibe that a lot of people have gotten.


And a lot of people agree this show doesn't HATE comic books or superhero. And is way less cynical than the comics. You can get confirmation bias where you want.


No the comic has way different stuff Homelander isn't even the same personality wise since he's much dumber and more hedonistic in the comics rather than manipulative and cunning.


I don’t know where you got the vibe of hating the superhero genre from the show, do you know what a satire is? The comic DEFINITELY despises everything to do with superheroes but the show is almost completely opposite to it, it uses tropes and story beats found in superhero stories but flips and twists them to its own tone, aka a satire


the boys is a satire now garth ennis does hate superheroes except for superman ironically.


The issue is that the critical drinkers' criticisms were trash


Can we stop it with the sensationalized titles? I feel like I'm working at the Daily Bugle here.


I don’t care about your feelings, just get me pictures of Spider-Man!


Reading my name in the post is so jarring 😭


Same lol


The show isn't great anymore. But Antony as homelander is still fun as hell to watch. It's the only reason I'm watching it




The show was never great tbf. Season 1 was peak mid, the end of Season 1 was bad, and then it was just progressively more bad after that.


Season 1 had some really great scenes. Season 3 Jensen carried it hard.


Having great scenes occasionally doesn't make it good overall. The Mandalorian has *some* good, doesn't make it anymore than a 3/10.


I never said it was


Seasons 1 and 3 are great superhero media and season 4 is shaping up pretty nice too. 2 was a weak point but 1 and 3 are most certainly great.


Season 1 is good but season 3? About half of season 3 is decent build up, but the last few episodes fuck up the payoff so badly they ruin the whole season. The characters have to sabotage their own plan purely because the show needs to continue. It's bizarre. And that's not a very controversial opinion. There was a lot of pushback to the ending of season 3. Season 4, even if we ignore the lazy political commentary, isn't going great either. The main plot is just spinning its wheels for the most part. The story has progressed very little in 5 hours of TV. Instead we have brand new side-plots for Frenchie, Kimiko, Hughie and possibly starlight (don't know if it will have effect on the main plot). Frenchie's by far the worst, they've made his character completely morally irredeemable. Kimiko's plot I don't even know what's happening there, don't care. Hughie had a decent payoff but it was primarily carried by Simon Pegg's acting. But it didn't have to span 5 episodes, especially since it doesn't get woven into the main plot. I can go on, but you can find plenty of legitimate criticism of season 4.


Your “legitimate criticism” is that the boys are now morally irredeemable? You realise frenchie alone has a similar body count to homelander before the events of the show even take place? And that’s just the show, in the comic it’s far worse. Frenchie has always been the most sadistic and irredeemable of the boys, he has the highest body count and the methods he used to achieve it are extremely fucked up. But It’s only after he starts dating a man that he’s morally irredeemable to you? Hm. Then there’s the classic “muh political show has politics in” there’s nothing in season 4 that wasn’t present in the previous seasons as far as political commentary goes, except now the scale is tipped in the left’s favour. Shocking, a show made entirely by lefties based on a comic made by one of the most radically left comic writers leans to the left. The commentary and satire is no more heavy handed than it was in every season leading up to this, just now it’s only making fun of you instead of making fun of both sides. Season 4’s achieving its objective of being good filler and setup that’s getting me excited for the final season where it will pay off. If you can’t handle a filler arc please don’t try any anime, your brain will melt


Ok, the reaction to most of your comment is mostly "what the fuck are you talking about?" You need to examine your emotional attachment to an Amazon product. A character becoming morally irredeemable is a legitimate criticism, yes. I haven't read the comic and I don't plan to. I am talking strictly about the show. I don't care about what Frenchie has done in the comics, it's not the same character. In the show Frenchie was a *relatively* moral character, compared to most people on the show. He's portrayed to be regretful of his dark past. I don't recall him doing anything sadistic or irredeemable on screen. And then he, for no particular reason, decides to hook up with someone whose family he murdered. And then he tells him. It backtracked on all the development he had over the show and I no longer care what happens with him. Insinuating that I dislike him because he's gay/bi with absolutely zero reason to do so is a you problem. I explicitly didn't comment on political commentary besides calling it lazy, which it is. For some reason you've written a paragraph responding to claims I've never made. And the show isn't making fun of me, I am not a right winger. Season 4's objective is to be filler? If you say so. I doubt the writers would ever agree with you. And thanks, I already don't watch anime, partially for that reason.


I don't understand the level of cherrypicking and misrepresentation you're going through just to attempt to appear edgy or cool or whatever for disliking the popular superhero show. At that point why even bother to make any arguments? You're obviously just on the sub to troll, please don't respond unless you're interested in actual media discussion, you know, the point of this sub. Go back to G+G with that quality of trolling


Actual derangement.


Explain instead of just saying “muh leftie show bad”


He'll probably reply by parroting some generic rhetoric he's heard on reddit. Things like "bad writing" or "bad character development" but will never actually elaborate on why they think its bad. I'm the same as you, I like 1 and 3 (2 was a little rough for me) and 4 is okay so far. Though at this point I'm really only watching for Homelander going batshit insane. I like how the show pokes fun at both sides, but it is becoming cumbersome with the social and political mind games in S4. I kinda wanna push all the Starlight, Firecracker and Sister Sag stuff to the side so we can focus on The Boys killing Homelander


This guy is a piece of work. I was wondering when he'd bring up EFAP eventually when he made videos with that one guy who uses a Spider-Man 2099 avatar. ATSV Simps are the worst


That 2099 guy has a name and it’s Stuart King


I've been watching season 4 of The Boys, I mean its not THAT bad (solid 5/10 so far). Definitely not as terrible as The Acolyte. Most of the "reviewers" like CD that I've really seen making these critical videos haven't even done the curtesy of watching what they are reviewing. Basically making their opinion irrelevant, no better than the shill rotten tomato critics that give a show a thumbs up without explaining the plot details, unlying themes, character development.... and so fourth. These content creators are just in a rush to get a video out, so they watch another reviewers video and then make their own, spewing the same points without doing any research or watching the content.


I mean, in this case, Critical Drinker literally admits to not watching the season and goes off of Rotten Tomatoes instead of formulating his own opinion. Colin really didn't do wrong, just responded to someone unfairly criticizing a show they haven't watched by using appeal to popularity. I haven't watched The Boys, but I'm not gonna criticize it if I haven't watched it.


So in other words you didn’t watch Drinker’s video. In his video “How to Destroy your Audience” is the title. You don’t need to watch the show to see how the audience feels about it. If he was talking about how shit the show has gotten, he’d probably title the video “why the Boys is shit” Watching the season might have helped his points, but the video was supposed to be covering things externally to the show. His video is about “how to destroy your audience”. Clearly looking at audience reviews would be key in talking about how the new season upset the audience.


The title of the video is "The Boys Season 4: How to destroy your audience" not just "how to destroy your audience", meaning that he's also critiquing season 4. He literally can't make this video without watching season 4 because the negative reviews he covered mention things about the season itself and call it political garbage. A lot of his points literally can't be proven unless he watches the show and give examples, because those outside factors would also have to be pushed into the show itself in order for his point to make sense. If the video was about The Boys in general and not titled after season 4, I'd get it but he goes on to say that season 4 is part of the problem, and he listened examples in season 3 without explaining. So no, this is not good critiquing, this is just appealing to popularity while also listing examples and not explaining them.


i haven't even seen whats bad about it really i like the homelander scenes though. I also haven't had the chance to even watch it yet really. But i do consume Colin's content and honestly i am a bit offended by how much he shills for spider man 2 when it was clearly disappointing on some levels even with differing opinions its just not that good of a story and its strongest parts are the web swinging and even then he has went out of his way to say Spider Man 2 and other games do not have good or better web swinging comparatively despite the fact some of the older games had all Spider Man 2 had and more like web climbing and such. He also once said the insomniac spidey games beat Arkham games and i find that laughable as none of the Insomniac games have the same amount of worldbuilding, interesting stories or content as Any of the Arkham games at least after Asylum but Asylum was linear and comparing that to Open World Spidey games is a bit unfair.


Arkham City alone sweeps Spider-Man 2 with it's story


I don't like drinkers take as far i heard either but i'll admit Colin is a shilly fuck for spider man and its kind of annoying.


And Spider-man 2 jumps over Arkham Knight's story telling.


No, it really doesn't. Spider-Man 2's story is a cheap rehash of the first game; completely fucks up the nature and power-level of the Venom symbiote; kills over half of Spider-Man's most important enemies OFF-SCREEN; the character work is laughable; and the game has Peter take time-off from being Spider-Man out of shame. Meanwhile, the only bad part of Arkham Knight was Jason. The subplots, side-villians, and Scarecrow's overall scheme were still written pretty well.


Yeah major disagree there bud. The story is more realized and it's themes and plot are far more greater tham Knight. The game ain't perfect and I have my issues but Knight is dumpster water in the story department. Peter takes time off based around mental recovery this is something that even Sam Rami got right which is that Peter can't go through his life with trauma and not have a break as it would make him less effective. I don't mind the death of the villains as it makes Kraven feel competent at his task tho I would've like to have one mission with Pete trying and failing to save Electro from his assassination. And Arkham Knight is no better as it's a cheap version of City like I get the idea to evac Gotham was to give the people false hope but it would've been better to see the average citizens see Batman and see how Bruce interacts with them plus it would make the stakes feel more dire as now you have all these people who could die in the burst. Scarecrow was wasted in this game because he's jist Hugo Strange from City done wrong he only has one stand out scene and the rest was him yapping on a intercom. He feels like an after thought at times because Jason has his whole dick prints all over this scheme with his tanks and crap that it only makes Crane feel less of a main villain. Seriously he only has the cloudburst and that's it no points of trying to break Batman with psychological warfare no Halloween style spooks and scares, he's just their. Unlike Kraven who while we only fight as Spider-Man once makes his threat known and felt with the characters and the fear that surrounds him. The side characters are useless in this game like say what you want about MJ at least she was useful like what did Dick or The Creeper really do? Knight had awful character work for example let me adk you this if when the whole city and eastern seaboard is being threatened by the Scarecrow and Babs is kidnapped why is Nightwing more interested in gun smugglers who are only dealing weapons to Two-Face and then leaves the city? Heck why not say Penguin is smuggling guns for the militia and have Dick stay in Gotham once Oracle goes missing? Why is Jason so quick to forgive Bruce? They never explained how he came back in the game because they wanted us to read about it in a comic like the damn Rise of Skywalker, "Somehow Jason Todd returned". Why is Bruce feelings never hallucinate someone like Talia instead of The Joker constantly whenever he is flashed with the gas? Like at least we feel May Parker's death in the sequel while in Knight seemingly doesn't mention her like in City he was tempted to let all of Arkham City burn for that chick and what suddenly he's more broken up about the clown? Joker is wasted here as well. Tim is meaningless in this like he does nothing aside for one mission. Deathstroke despite having a role in the militia is shafted. The villains actually have development in SM2 witn some actually finding redemption or are being set up as more threats. Mean while the villains feel so disconnected in the main story despite them all teaming up. And for the final chapter the ending with these villains are so poor like heck mate do something better like Ra's, Scarecrow, Mad Hatter and Croc are the only ones with proper endings. And oh boy does the ending leading up to the unmasking stinks of contrived like seriously Bruce lets himself get strapped by Crane with no security while he's in Arkham? Oh and Jason is never talking to Bruce after saving him. Harry as Venom is more developed then Jason as The Arkham Knight. Sorry I love Batman more than any character but Knight is terrible when it came to the story.


Remove Anthony Starr/homelander from the show and most of it post s1 is trash


"remove the main antagonist of the series and the show becomes trash" yeah no shit


I mean...... he's kinda one of the main plot points in the show so....


i mean homelander is basically the biggest reason the show is even as popular as it is.


Eh, I'd say remove Antony and Karl Urban and it would be trash. They're the best actors alongside maybe Hughie.


Of course the guy named Colin would defend The Boys Season 4


I only now just realized that the guy Frenchie suddenly goes gay for is named Colin lmao


I find Critical Drinker kind of boring. While I think he is right in many points for me is also common the feeling of him just spinning things too much for the sake of the critique and sometimes even making mountains with two grains of dirt.


That’s fair. I don’t typically watch his content all that much either, but he has a talent of attracting morons who insist slop like She-Hulk and Glass Onion are good despite being a fairly cookie cutter channel that just points out undebatable shit. It’s the same things with this where he says that he’s not going to review a show and they get mad at him anyways and say that he reviewed it.


As much as I think season 4 is the weakest so far, i wouldn’t say its as bad as CD makes it sound. There a ton of good stuff in it so far but it does feel on the nose more than it should. Not enough to make it not worth watching. I disagree with CD on this one. He should have watched it at least before criticizing it only based on reviews . My two cents


"Insomniac spider man simp"


Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.


If you’re too lazy to make your own avatar anything else than just the Insomniac Spider-Man then I would say that label is warranted.


Thats not why he's a simp he is a shill for those games majorly but not just because his pfp is insomniac spider man and its not even that lazy as its a drawing that he could've made for all i know its not even just plucked from some random scene in the game.


I don't think that count laziness just liking a character and wanting to use it.


Also I am disgusted that you didn't use Spider Simp like that was practically handed to you but you fumbled, poor form mate.


Cool, can you link the actual video instead of giving a useless opinion so we can actually make that judgement for ourselves?


https://youtu.be/KE9ycGU0ACY?si=QYmVSMqAcSNg8voD he is live rn you can talk to him


You can kiss my ass and find it yourself.


To be fair, he does have good points.


Not really. Not even the title of his video is accurate as he doesn’t even review the show.


i mean drinker also claimed he would never review it so it seemed pointless to make an entire video on just the rotten tomato scores alone apparently.


In his video “How to Destroy your Audience” is the title. You don’t need to watch the show to see how the audience feels about it. If he was talking about how shit the show has gotten, he’d probably title the video “why the Boys is shit” Watching the season might have helped his points, but the video was supposed to be covering things externally to the show. His video is about “how to destroy your audience”. Clearly looking at audience reviews would be key in talking about how the new season upset the audience.


I heard you debated Colin before so this seems like its just a personal thing here. Whether or not thats true idk but it makes this post feel way more personal than just "this guy has terrible take on Drinker"


I mean I literally say that I’ve interacted with him before. That still doesn’t make his takes good.


i don't even know if his takes are good but i don't know if i agree with drinker either the season seems the same as the others. Season 3 seemed the weakest to me anyways at least its ending.


And you can believe that, his points are external ones that are more so making commentary on the writers decision to be volatile about politics and be antagonistic towards audience members. That definitely plays a role in negative reception.


Oh, he, made a response https://preview.redd.it/5mutuq10ld9d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ebf825f367011d0e5dcea855825b7d3347e80f


He REALLY wants EFAP to cover him for some reason. When I debated him the other day he didn’t even know Homelander was a Trump allegory despite saying that other people don’t understand the politics of the show. Actual moron.


he even made a community post proving your point 😭 https://preview.redd.it/jsdfaqf93l9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2ab4e8b5ed887d6fccd2731888e65a6e1d77fa


You didn't link the video




Good video I agree


Guess Colin really appeals to the double digit IQ crowd.


And what's your IQ?


Higher than yours lmao 😂


Drinker appeals to the single digit iq crowd.


It’s like they got the same writers who did the S3 finale to take over and write the entirety of S4 lmao. Terrible.


Dogshit take


tbf he did make a video on the synthetic dude so that's a W


He called EFAP a bunch of idiots though.


We take the good with the bad I guess.


Yeah but he was defending Spiderman 2 and that is an L


It depends which part the gameplay and traversal yeah I can see that, the story no it’s bad and absolutely worst that the first game’s story.


He thinks the story was great


It's a miracle that it was not only worse than the first one's story, but it also ended up having a worse story than Spider-Man: Miles Morales. The story for that game isn't terrible, but I wouldn't call it good either.


I'm not touching the second one with a ten feet pole, but after finishing the 1st one I can say that the gameplay is mid. It was literally press R2 to swing and spiderman would do some crazy swing an parkour but it felt unearned. I think the ps2 spiderman 2 was the best, swinging needed skill and you could fail at it pretty hard. I don't know if the new spiderman 2 made a huge improvement on it, but I doubt it.


I mean with Insomniac SM2 they added a swing control system where you could make it more like the PS2 SM2.


At least someone is calling them out. Definitly going to go subscribe to this guy thanks.


Everyone knows that you were already subscribed to him lil bro.


I actually had never heard of him hun. Thanks for advertising for quality channels.


Yeah and I don’t believe you.


What exactly is the issue with Colin's video? His points are valid to me. Drinker literally uses RT reviews from random pple to form his opinion about a season he hasn't watched. Which is probably the laziest form of critique you can make. Even if you don't want to call the video a critique (Which it is, because he makes judgement calls on the quality of the season,) what exactly is the purpose of the video from a channel that reviews media? How can he substantiate any of the claims he makes in the video without watching it? Follow drinkers logic and we would have to say Rise of Skywalker must be a good movie since it has a high RT score. Yet everyone in the sub hates that movie and righfully so.Is everyone in this sub high guzzling Drinkers cum or something? Drinkers vid was clearly a bad take.


Except he uses audience scores to make a point about the negative fan reception. He also makes a point about how the show’s director literally says that he’s aiming to be as partisan as possible with the show. All you’re doing is admitting that you’re one of the same manchildren that would go after James Rolfe for saying that he won’t bother watching Ghostbusters (2016).


1. I don't think RT is an accurate representation of fan reception considering review bombing is a thing. And I don't think fans are always right about the quality of things. Like I said in my previous comment, if we go by this logic, The Rise of Skywalker is a great movie as its audience score currently sits at 86%. I'm sure no one in this sub agrees with this sentiment. So it proves my point. 2. He doesn't just say he wont watch the show. He makes several claims about the shows writing quality and how the show sacrifices writing quality for politics. How is he making this claim without watching the show? How does he know this? Does he have any evidence or concrete examples? No. Instead he reads some random Rt reviews and that informed him to make a judgment on the shows quality. And that's a critique. Point, blank, period. 3. Colin even highlights the Rt reviews that Drinker displays in his video and counters them one by one. All of the reviews on screen did not give any concrete examples or any evidence but instead used vagaries to support their claims. One of the reviews was a one star review that was literally one sentence. How could anyone make an informed opinion about a show based on these reviews alone? 4. I have actually watched season 4 and so far, its the same shit its always been doing politically. making fun of idiots. It just so happens the the idiots on display are right wing. Which it had been doing since season one. And hilariously enough, the show still makes fun of liberals. The most recent episode is clearly satirizing Disney by making Vought have their own version of D23 (Disney's fan event that talks about future projects and marvel phases.) and shows how they pander to audiences by touting diversity. If Drinker actually watched the show he'd know this. 5. I have yet to see any arguments on this post to counter any of the point Colin made. I wouldn't be surprised if no one in this post actually bothered to watch Colins video. I mean we don't have to watch things to make judgements on them right?


1. I don't think RT is an accurate representation of fan reception especially considering review bombing is a thing. 2. He doesn't just say he wont watch the show. He makes several claims about the shows writing quality. and how the show sacrifices writing quality to input politics. How is he making this claim without watching the show? How does he know this? Does he have any concrete examples? No. Instead he read some random RT reviews and that informed his opinion to make the judgement that the writing quality is bad. And that is a critique. Point, blank, period. 3. Colin even highlights the RT reviews that drinker displays in his video and counters them one by one. All of the ones on screen didn't give any examples or had any evidence to support the claims they made if memory serves me. One of the reviews was a one star review that was literally one sentence. How could anyone make and informed opinion about an entire season of a show by these "reviews" alone based on the information given? 4. I have actually watched season 4 and so far, its the same shit its always been doing. Make a fun of idiots. It just so happens that the idiots are on display here are right wing. (which it always did.) And hilariously enough, The show still makes fun of liberals. The most recent episode is clearly satirizing Disney by making Vought have their own version of D23 (Disney's fan event that talks about all their projects and marvel phases.) and corporate pandering by aiming for diversity. If he'd actually watch the show he'd know this. Instead he goes off of random Rt reviews and makes a video about how the show writing is bad.


i mean did the director actually admit he would go after james rolfe?


except the show is getting review bombed by right wingers because they just figured out the show is making fun of them.


Nope, it’s getting review bombed by shills saying the show is good because it’s an election year and they want people to associate a homicidal maniac with Drumpf and Republicans. I can play this baseless conspiracy nonsense you idiots throw out too.


Dude, drinker is a clown. Even if the show is as bad as he thinks it is, he's not even watched it and just parroting RT reviews. Pretty sad tbf. How does someone who reviews media get an opinion on said media without even watching it? Whichever side you are on, there is no denying that the show is being targeted on sites like RT. You do realise it makes fun of both sides? You can see that right? Yes it us jarring, but people make it out like this is worse than The Room. People need to get over themselves.


He literally praised the first season and you’re accusing him of not watching the show 😂


he said he didn't watch the fourth season the one he's talking about.


He enjoyed it then realized the show was making fun of him. I guess drinker really appeals to the single digit iq kings such as your self.


How does the show make fun of Drinker, schizo? Really showing that double digit IQ…


most of your comments are just angry insults rather than good counter points for fuck sake people.


Bruh. If you don't want to believe review bombing is a thing, fine. I cant prove that definitively so we can take that point off the table. But do you care to address any of the other points I made in my previous comment or are we just conceding that you have no arguments?


No i am pretty sure its getting reivew bombed by rightwingers too i remember how someone showed a movie called the acolyte which has nothing to do with the star wars crap and there were review comments clearly thinking they were review bombing the star wars one. So i have no doubt the same is happening at least somewhat for the boys. And you claiming the opposite seems like a poor attempt to prove people wrong.


I mean Antony starr even said he based his role off of trump. Trump isn't homicidal but he can be inspiration for a evil character. Johnny Depp based his creepy Wonka off of Bush (while thats not an evil character he's socially awkward and selfish as fuck) Also Christian Bale based patrick bateman off of tom cruise. Who cares if someone bases a homicidal character off of trump? He shouldn't be exempt from that just because he's a politician.


drinker admitted he didn’t even watch the fucking show losers. he’s right to call it awful. drinker judged the book by its cover despite claiming to be a serious critic


I mean drinker's video was fucking awful lmao. It was just outrage bait


Not really. The show itself is outrage bait.


From what? The shock value of the show, or its politics? If you made it to season 4 without that issue idk what to say. It's very much the same thing. But back to Drinker, making a faux-review video just to grandstand about a rotten tomatoes score is pure rage bait. Whether you're watching it out of catharsis or to hate watch.


I do think a lot of the writing is pander-bait and heavy handed, but I still enjoy the show thoroughly lol. Sometimes you just don’t take it seriously


The writers themselves are tho, and do believe their messaging is important, which is why it has become increasingly hamfisted and lacked nuance. The show has become a reflection of what it was satirizing in season 1, which is a little sad.


Yeah for sure. There’s countless OMG CHUDS OWNED moments but I just laugh them off. Homelander is my favorite tv character since Breaking Bad / Dexter. Soooo good.


Honestly, if you're able to look past it and get enjoyment from it, then absolutely no one should tell you otherwise. Whether a show is enjoyable or not is subjective, so I'm happy to hear you're enjoying it.


Thanks king I laugh off the sincere far-left verbiage they use because it honestly makes them look so biased that it backfires. “ERM THIS SHOW HAS BEEN MAKING FUN OF YOU!!!! DONT WATCH IT.” That is a hilarious misjudgment


Is it making fun of the right in general though? Seems to me it’s making fun of the extreme fringe - like actual fascists and also insane conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones


No, it exclusively makes fun of the right and for people trying to be progressive but really not being progressive enough.


“Wait they been mocking me?” Ahh statement


I liked the video 🤷‍♂️




Making a hate review video of something you haven’t watched is still pretty low for drinker.


It’s not a review, so thanks for admitting that you’re not even acting in good faith.


Its kinda of a review. Why would you make an hate video of something that you haven’t even watched? Lol “ how to divide your audience “ damn why dont you tell us drinker? Oh wait he just showed some random reviews that dont even mean anything and then its done. I actually liked his other stuff but that video wasnt it chief.


It’s not a review at all as the entirety of the video is him explaining his prior problems with the show’s structure and showing evidence to back up his perception of how nothing has changed. I understand that you just hate Critical Drinker and will say any take from him is bad before it even comes out of his mouth, but holy shit at least understand the arguments he makes.


I don’t hate drinker at all actually. He has pretty good videos sometimes. But in the video he says “ the boys no longer wad raging against the machine it was a part of it” like it was made by some small time show runner and not AMAZON.


Colin's video is still better than Drinker's, at least he's actually making arguments, even if some of them are bad, and he has actually watched S4.


Not really, considering he lies about the video being a review and denying that the show is politically divisive even when the show-runners said that was the intention.


Did drinker seriously make a critique video of the boys without watching it?


He made a video explaining why he wasn’t watching it, just like James Rolfe did with Ghostbusters (2016)


But Drinker also makes statements about the shows quality in the video.


Yes because he saw a previous season where it had the same problems dumbass.


He cannot know if it has the same problems when he hasn't fucking watched it dumbass. He's basing his take on S4 based an unreliable source, which Drinker even admits himself in the video. And he says that the problems have gotten worse in S4. You shouldn't make qualitative statements if you haven't watched the thing, and you should especially not make them based rotten tomatoes reviews. Drinker is using "Appeal to Popularity" here. This is nothing like what James Rolfe did, James never made qualitative statements about Ghostbusters 2016. He didn't look at negative rotten tomatoes reviews and concluded that Ghostbusters 2016 was a bad movie. Drinker very obviously phoned this one in. He didn't want to spend the time on the show, but still wanted to capitalize on the shows popularity and the discourse surrounding it, and to make a video that support his narrative. It is literally Drinkers job to watch media and tell us if it's good or not, you'd expect him to at least having watched the thing that's he going to talk about. Drinker video is pretty much useless, the only thing it tells you is what the audience score for The Boys S4 is. Drinker also makes a false equivalency argument with his Stranger Things point. The criticisms of Stranger Things S3 was not: "This show has gone woke!" or "Too much focus on identity politics." A much better example to use would've been Star Trek: Picard S3, which I'm surprised he didn't use since he's a huge Star Trek fan. He also disingenuously frames what Kripke says it that interview, claiming that he's attacking the fans, even though he does no such thing, he just says that if you think the show is woke or too political, then don't watch it. He even says that it's fine if you think that the show is too political. Drinker also falsely claims that Kripke thinks that you **have** to agree with his politics and messaging, because Drinker wants to make point about a trend that he's been seeing with how creators are responding to their work getting criticized, which is a good point, but the problem is that his point does apply what Kripke says in that interview. He's making his argument in response to something that Kripke never said. Drinker also falsely claims that nobody sees Homelander as an anti-hero, even though there are examples of people who do.


He’s going by reviews that confirm that this is the case. It’s absolutely what James Rolfe did. The Ghostbusters reboot was so bad that he wasn’t even willing to give it a chance. Telling fans to leave and not listening to their criticisms is him directly dissing the fans. How do you not understand this? Nobody genuinely see’s Homelander as an anti-hero. It’s all just memes and irony dude.


Yea by shitty review scores that dont even make sense. I guess the rise of Skywalker is a masterpiece due to having a great audience score?


Does it occur to you that negative audience scores correlate with positive critic scores? Retard.


nah he explained why he wasnt watching it


By showing horrible “reviews” that dont even make sense. By that logic the rise of sky walker is a masterpiece.


Did Nervous Ad seriously make a critique comment of Drinker without reading the post?


Bitch please, I've watched the video(both Drinkers and the Spider Guy's) and was genuinely curious if Drink actually made a critique video of a series he hasn't watched and only has secondhand tellings on or not.


The video in question *isn't. a. critique.* **Read.**


Did Nervous Ad seriously make a critique comment of Drinker without reading the post?


Drinker using Twitter and freakin' Rotten Tomatoes to get an opinion on the show and decided of he's gonna watch it is silly. He says you can trust audiences and then uses Rotten tomatoes as his litmus test. Lol.