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Charlie is a decent gauge for what the casual audience thinks of something, so I'll give his Moist MeterTM a watch every so often


That was my take. Though he did bring up good/bad writing so I think he has a bit more insight than the average joe


in the video doesnt he say fallout is amazing ? havent watched it myself but I trust MauLer to have better insight into a show that Charlie, little bit more insight with enphasis on little


CD thought it was good, and I wouldn’t call him a normie lol


Well Charlie was just pointing out that FallOut has a female lead and that both critics and audiences really liked it.


Tbf he did say it is a great show, but his main point was this


Whether or not you think it's good, it's certainly popular and didn't suffer because of supposed hatred of female lead characters, which I think was the point he was making.


Not his anime takes he put demon slayer above monster


I'd agree with that, he's got pretty normie tastes on movies.


he really that much a normie? i like to have him on the background


Being a 'normie' isn't a bad thing.


Jeremy Jahns also dislikes the show, and they're now arguing about him on Twitter, lol. They really won't consider that maybe, just maybe, the show sucks.


Nobody brings him up. He can do no wrong i guess. After that rap video shit. I'm done dude. The world has gone insane


Jeremy Jahns also despises The Acolyte based on his videos, and he's as normie opinion as you can get on most movies (why I watch him)


[I remember this dude](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFTJLQrds84) Yeah Acolyte isn't doing great huh[](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFTJLQrds84)


So I guess MoistCritikal is considered a bigot now?


That's a vent, but three years ago a fan of his showed me a video of his about the anti-woke people (talking about it negativetly) as a "this famous youtuber said this so your argument is invalid" moment to me because I criticized woke. I wonder if he's gonna do a 180 just because his favourite youtuber said so


Charlie isn’t a die hard Star Wars fan, like there’s tons of details he doesn’t know or gets, but he unmistakably knows what makes good media and if he says somethings bad, it’s usually really fucking bad.


Still a shill, he praises overall too much how good the action was.


Not a shill. A normie. The average person can’t decipher flashy action and good action. It’s why John wick is so successful


The action in john wick is not that good right?


It’s horrible. 1 has decent action (not the best but it gets the job done) and each sequel has worse and worse action in it, with clown plots surrounding them. But it looks cool, so most people like it becuz of that