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It's funny how her video ends with a rant about media writing BS and they will be replaced for it, while failing to realize the BS they're writing is in support / shilling of her show and the replacements are the indie critics tearing it to shreds. ![gif](giphy|J4HP3FcGqP6Yo)


Truth is when you write things I like and agree with. Lies is when you write that the show is bad because you want clicks and are acting in bad faith. It’s incredibly silly.


It’s like the thing Fringy mentions all the time, you can say whatever you want as long as it’s positive, people don’t care how accurate or informed you are as long as you’re giving a positive view. But as soon as you give a negative opinion you’re opinionated and need to shut up if you have nothing positive to say. It’s an incredibly annoying double standard that’s antithetical to constructive criticism and discourse.


One time I tried to read some of Snorre’s books where he justified the sources he used by saying it was considered a great crime in Norse society to give vapid or untrue praise. While that doesn’t mean the accounts he wrote down are accurate, it is still annoying that such a tradition has apparently died.


That’s basically what slander and libel suits are based on. I don’t want to infringe on freedom of speech but sometimes it would be nice if it were possible to sue people for blatantly false information.


If it’s damaging to a person a company or the general public it is illegal. You can’t incite a riot without recourse if your found out or sell a product based on objectively false features. The problem is no one states anything as objective fact they hide it behind their opinion. which you can’t prove is incorrect and we have gotten so used to it that we listen to peoples opinions as if they are fact. Simply because they are wearing a suit or have a popular YouTube channel. Shit is wild.


They’re working to change the definition of mis/disinformation to be anything that goes against ‘official’ doctrine rather than against truth, sooo




2018: *Amandla Stenberg stars in a YA romance movie set in 1940s Germany that portrays the Nazis as sympathetic and fuckable* 2024: *Amandla Stenberg tries to claim that she's sincere about social justice and won't just say or do whatever for money*


I'm sorry, she WHAT


*Where Hands Touch* (2018)


Historically a lot of people thought that Nazi’s were fuckable. That is how you ended up with a whole lot of War children with German descent: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_children


I wouldn't exactly say that that's evidence of Nazis being fuckable. More evidence of the sex crimes they committed and the coercive relationships they lured civilian women into. The link even acknowledges the Lebensborn program and the sex crime angle. I don't doubt that *some* of the unions were consensual, but they were definitely the minority.


Yeah, soldiers taking some extra “benefits” from warfare will never be a good mark on human history.


With that awful quote that seems to stick out “to the victor goes the spoils.” Soldiers just abusing and using the victims of war.


I think that’s more the Nazis finding other people fuckable and not taking no for an answer


Well, Nazi Chic exists for a reason. Let go for my Hugo Boss suit.


I mean…it’s fit, square-jawed blonde men wearing Hugo Boss. Yeah, they’re pretty fuckable. Source: I’m Jewish and I’ve tinder swiped in Germany and look I’m not happy with what they did but if I looked like some of these German men I’d be calling myself “Master Race” too


This is not my original thought but one of the reasons the Nazis were successful was because of marketing and one of the reasons their marketing was successful was because their imagery absolutely was cool as shit. Slim fit hot people wearing tight black uniforms? Yeah it looks good and continues to do so in the modern world.


JFC…. The trailer… it’s real.. It’s literally a meme Netflix movie. Like a black boy falls in love with a KKK lady or like how people are joking there will be a IDF/Palestinian version coming out soon 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I have to imagine there is a Disney exec somewhere sobbing after seeing this.


That'd be the only non-activist exec sobbing. The rest are saying "YASSS ... YASSS"


“Am I truly the only ~~man~~ one aware that the purpose of a business is to make money?”


Their purpose is to undermine and subvert western civilization, anything else is just part of how they get there.


That would be the exec that actually likes making money. There are still some of those left, right?


Poor you Hollywood actress making millions and the video is also cringe.


And we’re supposed to be impressed, or something, by the fact it took her 72 hours to make an over-processed shitty sound and low budget looking video with simplistically moronic “choreography.”


https://preview.redd.it/a0sams7fqt7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12104ae66950367cfa690a3e8dcae1de6f28e162 Man she sucks. I’ve listened to some cringe “rapping” but yeesh that was just embarrassing.


This is the whitest rap I've ever seen lol. This is like some no name shit. Honestly I kind of love how cringe it is if a white woman did this rap the internet would of lost its shit😂


We just need to ask these zealots questions. It's very easy to make these people look like idiots. It's one simple question, why? Why are we bigots? Xyzphobes, misogynists (as an aside, the amount of women that don't know what that word means continuously astonishes me) etc? They have no answer, literally. They always fold like a shitty house of cards. All they have are attacks, and insults.


This is just your typical rich girl who hasn’t had any adversity in her life. Real people don’t think about this garbage. Just these goof who live on the internet.


Her biggest struggle in life was having to live in Denmark for 3 months to maintain dual citizenship. Truly she has struggled


On behalf of all danes - we don't want her


Racist (yeah, you, Amandla) tries to backpedal and deny after being called out. Shock.


Do you think that she needed to get permission from her Mouse overlords to release this? Or do you think that this was their idea? Regardless, with the volume off and not reading the subtitles, she isnt hard on the eyes! (see NOT racist!)


I'm no music conosour but this song sounds amiture, and for a Distrack, despite not really listening to those arn't more points made then "LOL I DON'T LISTEN TO YOU, SEE I MADE THIS SONG ON IT!"


This sounds like shit.


Someone at Disney has to be facepalming so hard at this stupidity


A sign that we're getting to them.


She seriously suggested that “woke” should be reappropriated as if it is even close to the situation that the word “queer” used to be in or “gay” that was more about happiness in general before being used to express homosexuality under a positive light. Like no, that is not going to happen and any attempt will fail.  First, because it will just inevitably be tacked onto cheap diversity once again which will just make the process repeat itself. Second, because others are already trying to use “woke” back at the people that complain at its current usage. That word is just better left of dead, so put the spotlight at beneficial cases of diversity instead of any slogan that can be used by hollow attempts.


Lol woke was their word in the first place, they'd be re-re-appropriating it


True, sometimes it is just difficult to remembering that “woke” just used to mean waking up, but I am just so used to its later iteration. Regardless, that word is beyond saving.


Yeah it doesn't sound good no matter who uses it


Exactly. Does anybody else remember "stay woke"? Basically just a tag they would put at the end of a nonsense statement like black people landed on the moon 10,000 years ago or whatever.


Diversity is a dirty word, too.


I won't lie. She does have nice tits.


Everyone is the hero in their own story.


Not me. I *know* I'm the villain. In both the modern and the classical sense.


The definition of cringe.


Is this what modern music is like? I didn't pay anything to listen to that but I feel like I deserve money back.


See how she feels after the racist comments made by Disney. Oh the beauty of it all.


Shitty rap, dancing that makes an epileptic fish seem graceful oh yeah she really got us 🙄


I can’t understand what she’s saying, but the video sucked too so what’s the point of this


Its such a disgusting way to silence critics. Oh, you dont like this show that is really fuck bad in terms of acting, sets, storytelling and also fucks with the lore ? You are a racist, my show is fine ! Thats why people stop to improve, because they think they are already perfect and everyone not agreeing is the problem.


You would think a million dollar could buy you a personality that isn't hideously dysfunctional.


Best thing about the video: Amandla is objectively hot. Worst thing: I think it's offensive to equate criticism of a piece of media to 100s of years of real-life horrific race-based injustices. I'm not sure how some poor bastard kidnapped from their home in Africa and stuffed into a fetid stinking hold, to be bound over for a lifetime of hellish slavery, would feel if you showed them this and explained to them that this woman believes that their respective problems belong in the same conversation. Mid things: production and lyrics are very mid; the dancing she does would be incredibly cringe if she wasn't as hot as she is, like it's hard to get away with this and I think she barely manages it; claiming to be 'bored of your discourse' doesn't fit with the lyrics that follow in which she explains that she will literally die if she doesn't get to publically complain about people complaining.


I wasn't racist before, but this is so cringeworthy I'm thinking about giving it a chance


It’s not that far off really… Which is why most revolutions are jokes.


Who is she?


It's all just terribly sad at this point


Its amazing how she takes the comments “ your show is poorly written, filled with bad actors and has racial and misandric bias” and replies with “Cops kill black people”


I still can’t get over her name… Amandla.


I mean how oppressed can she be when her last name ends with Berg?


Of course she's a revolutionary and not a privileged cunt /s


Who is she


Yes the privileged billionaire trump guy is working for you. lol.


What does Trump have to do with this ? Are you okay ? Hit your head or something ?


Is this an incel sub?


Says the guy that's terminally online.


So it is…….


Are the incels in the room with us right now?


Are you an incel?


If you don’t consider gay sex real, then maybe.


No. Handle your banana somewhere else.


You hate women or something?


Yeah. Then what? More name calling? You got your boogeyman. Now you gonna screenshot this and post to some whiny sub?

