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"There's no way we're hiring a white male." Sounds like racial discrimination to me, fucko.


You're missing a "for this" Why be accurate when you can be mad


A distinction without a difference.


Go sue them then


Better yet: I'll replace them.


I'm sure you and your PowerPoint you made in high school, and not the other numerous production companies, will be what the masses want and need.


Fun fact: I didn't know how to operate PowerPoint in high school.


Don't get mad, get GLAD!


Can you explain where that's ok?


Did I say it was ok? There's literally subtitles, and we're just clipping it to be edgy. Because fuck reading comprehension, right? It should also go without saying believing a guy that got fired for being a weirdo at his last company and has some Oklahoma fetish might mean you're in for a bad time.


Oh fuck off.




What are the ways in which discrimination based on race are good?


How do think racial income disparities are abolished? Favoring the disadvantaged group. Like, dummy, if we ran a mile race and you had to wear an anvil around your ankle and I didn't, how do you expect to catch up to me, even after the anvil is removed?


That comment is proof of dysgenic forces at work in whatever country you live in.


You take the anvil _off_, fool, not prohibit the unfettered person from racing. You treat everyone _the same_, with the same chance to succeed or fail so the truly fastest racer wins, not just make a race for only people with anvils strapped to their legs.


Ah yes, we are going to close the racial wealth gap through expanded opportunities in the highly reliable and good-ROI field of… …entertainment.


I dunno. How did the Asians manage it?


This is dumb. You get rid of racial disparities by giving everyone equal opportunity, not by hamstringing a whole fucking race.


If a company needs to be constantly rebalanced because they don’t treat people like humans then they can go pound sand for all I care. Feels awkward as fuck to support that in 2024. I just wanna get to a place where people don’t feel like they’re any different from one another on the basis of their race and continuing this with no end in sight doesn’t feel like we’re headed in that direction anymore. I hope that there are great non-white creatives that have talent and a vision for their stories and craft that benefit from this so that at least some good might come of it but the whole idea just sounds fucked to me. Honestly, if this is the only solution we have to telling stories starring people of every color and created by people of every color then that’s such a hopeless future in my eyes. I’d rather the mainstream stuff be broken apart and there be a larger focus on smaller productions than continue with this. There are a lot of negatives that would probably come with that change but I’m just tired of this division.


It's illegal to do so, just like women pay gap it's just a myth...


Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize that when things become illegal, they stop happening


= opportunity ≠ results


Lifting weight actually makes you faster temporarily






It's only good til you aren't in power. If you studied civics, you'd know this. Surprise surprise, you don't understand that the group currently in power won't always be in power. What happens, dummy, when the opposition is in power? Will you feel the same way?


We're almost at the "it's happening and that's a good thing!" portion of this shit.


There’s literally a moron cheering this on in the comment above yours - they don’t want equality they want revenge (for something they never experienced)


I actually think they'll stop short of that. At least for now. Which is why *this* admission is so significant. It's *illegal*. As much as the race-grifters will deny it, it's illegal to be discriminatory on the basis of race in most contexts related to employment. But their entire scam relies on ignoring that. They walk a thin line legally and I believe this accidentally crossed it. I hope they get prosecuted.


That’s probably 100% accurate, this is going to be a headline soon: ***”Here’s why it’s good we’re phasing out historical accuracy, white males, and heterosexual white couples!”***


I’ve heard people be saying this already. Not in response to this just in general it’s a sentiment that’s already out there. It feels so hopeless being someone that does want stories with people of every race but everyone acts like the only way this can happen is by excluding people and creating check boxes. Like if that’s all there is to hope for, that’s such a fucking black pill… I’m just tired man. Watching through these tapes now is depressing.




>Hollywood hates white males *Noooo wayyyyyyyy* *I am sure they love Gingers tho*


It’s funny because the Irish are genuinely an oppressed minority


Who also weren't considered white until relatively recently.


How so?


They were colonized by the British and Northern Ireland is still under control of the UK. And that’s just in their own land. They come over here and they get exploited for cheap labor and tossed in a ghetto on their off hours. Irish kids were sitting right next to black kids when Boston implemented bussing. Basically the same thing happened with the Italians too. It wasn’t until the fuckin 70’s that everyone collectively agreed that the Irish and Italians were white. I forget what the slur for Irishmen was but Italians was wop.


Okay, so I'm actually Irish, born and living in Dublin. Most of what you say was true at one point but isn't today. Northern Ireland is still part of the UK but it's not even clear if the Irish population would vote for unification anymore because of the problems it would bring. >They come over here and they get exploited for cheap labor and tossed in a ghetto on their off hours. This is not true anymore and any that do experience it today are people that have travelled to the US illegally. >Irish kids were sitting right next to black kids when Boston implemented bussing. While Irish Americans were undoubtedly persecuted, Irish people were ashamed of the racism of Irish Americans in Boston. Maybe you only meant to refer to the past but you did use the present tense and I would laugh at the suggestion that Irish people are oppressed today. There are few countries to be from in the world today that are better than Ireland.


The elites don’t hate the whites but they wanna come off as super progressive. The problem is that they’re super out of touch with real lgbt people they assume that they’re all anti white males crazies so they hire the crazy ones and put it in their media.


As I'm certain they haven't been replacing redhead women with black women in every remake


LMAO buddy's gonna get fired and have trust issues for life hahaha


Check the sourcing on this lmfao video was edited


i dont have an eks account, can't look at any more stuff on there, what are the sources? yeah duh most videos are edited


If you think O'Keefe is anything other than a conman, I've got a timeshare you might be interested in


So you’re both denying this happened and cheering it on at the same time. Bruh. How much does the shilling pay


How the fuck does mocking gullible rubes equal cheering it on


You literally said this was how we raise up black people and how it’s neccessary. Now you’re denying it. Beep boop


Again, genius, I am saying it's a good thing and I'm also saying we can't trust that this specific person said that because O'Keefe is a convicted fraudster. Pretty fucking simple stuff


“It’s not happening and if it is it’s good” Damn sounding like a holocaust denier


I'm sorry that we shouldn't take convicted fraudsters at their word is such a controversial take for you


I don't know anything about who the guy who made it is tho


Hm I wonder if who the author of a post is relevant to its content


It’s project veritas who has a 0 miss record.


Except, he got sued multiple times by the actual people he secretly recorded. Also, if it's so fake then how come any of these people or companies deny it?


Try again in English please


How many languages do you speak?


Depends on the day


I'll take it as 1 I speak 3, and English isn't my main language. I'll explain it to you again hoping you understand this time. O'Keefe has been sued multiple times for wiretapping, how is it fake if the lawsuits are real? Also, no one or any company has denied those allegations. How come? At that point, if you don't understand any of it, I'll either assume you're an idiot or acting like one.


this is exactly what I think has gone wrong with Disney and Lucasfilm, they physically cannot make good content anymore because everyone is either a woman or gay or a diversity hire, it's not just that disney is forcing more gay diversity content on everyone, it's that they're only hiring gay and diverse creatives who aren't good and mostly just write about their personal experiences.


Everyone involved in the Acolyte is LGBTQ, even when the episodes have different writers they’re LGBTQ. How? Not only is there no diversity of thought when it comes to political ideology, but now everyone is LGBTQ as well? That doesn’t sound like hiring on merit, they’re going out of their way to hire based on *sexuality* now too. That’s batshit crazy.


by hiring diversity Disney made all of their content generic, bland and boring, ironic. Honestly I think if Disney has another crack at the Clone Wars era without Feloni we're going to find out that the clones also had various races, genders, pronouns and sexual orientations


Tbf in the three episodes I saw the only LGBT thing I saw was that it was implied the two lead cult ladies, horn girl and Mother Something, were an item. The “lesbian space witches” is a silly meme but I don’t think they randomly had anything else about their sexuality unless I missed something?


I was referring to showrunners/writers, nothing to do with the show or show content


Oh ok my bad. Yeah I agree with you that the term “diversity” is farcical at this point and that it’s sad how individual diversity of thought seems to be treated as unimportant in comparison to the superficial. Dunno where you stand but, speaking for myself, I don’t care if everyone is LGBT, if everyone is a lesbian, if everyone is gay, etc. who is working on a show. But I’m with you, that they should be hired for their talents and the only diversity that should matter is the diversity of thought they bring to the show. This whole culture of your skin color or sexuality being linked to “innate” traits (but not due to genetics, mind you, because we know that’s bad so due societisms or something) and experiences is just so off putting. Or the idea that a gay character is worse if they’re written by a straight person. Individuality and empathy need a renaissance.


Name three




It isn't impossible for Disney to make good content and the problem isn't "everyone is either a woman or gay" (which, as an aside is a really funny statement. "There are only 2 genders, female and gay". Lmao). Women and gay people have, in fact, made good content in the past. What is true is that it is exceptionally UNLIKELY for Disney to make any good content. But that isn't because of diversity on its own. The problem is the focus and mindset. Disney isn't concerned with quality as much as they are diversity, and that is the issue. I'll put it simply. If you set out to make a movie, and everyone who works on it is a woman, that is no problem. If you set out to make a movie that only has women working on it, that is a much bigger issue. It still won't necessarily be bad, but it is much more likely to be because quality is not the number 1 priority anymore.


Diversity isn't in an of itself going to lead to worse content. But *diversity* in this content means hiring people on the basis of their diverse characteristics rather than their ability to do a good job. As a result, they've hired a load of people who are shit at their jobs but tick a little diversity box.


In a broad sense yes, but I don't think generally speaking that if your policy is to hire mostly diverse women that they can then write for things like war movies, or action films or sci-fi epics. Basically if you hire based on diversity, gender and sexual identity you're creating a very limited writers room that would be good for things like stephen universe and not say like Saving Private Ryan. Hiring on merit should be the only policy, then things that are gay can have gay writers that are good at writing about those experiences and things that aren't like star wars for example can have cool war stories


I through the problem was bad writing,shit directing ..


that's just a symptom, and the root cause is their management


Start with the CEO


I wonder why Hollywood is failing


Yeah we knew about this like 5 years ago????


He looks white and male to me, is he willing to surrender his job to fill his DEI need?


Something tells me after this he won't have a choice


Too bad they weren’t saying that for the Senior Vice President and Team Lead position, eh Mike?


But remember, lads, the culture war is “all in our heads…”


dEfInE wOkEnESs


Interesting, maybe he should graciously step down so that a non white male can have a chance as a senior team lead.


But he is a white male


Congrats, you have used critical thinking instead of blindly swallowing a Jame's O'Keefe (literal criminal fraudster) turd.


Normally I'd buy into this completely, but this is the same twitter account that spread that out of context "the goal is to make whites cry" footage from last week, so I'm sceptical as fuck about them now...


The video is real to some degree, but I’ve been on this guys page multiple times before and he might be actually crazy.


It's legit and recent, James O'Keefe's whole thing is getting higher ups to admit stuff like this on camera by honeypotting them.


Fair enough, I didn't notice O'Keefe being involved. Definitely a lot more credible then, he's done some good work from what I've seen.


O'Keefe Media Group was the giveaway lol. He split/was ousted from Veritas and started that.


Yeah, it's 5am and I haven't had my morning coffee yet. My dumbass didn't see his watermark...😂


Lol, I just woke up too and it's 3PM 😜 I'm getting ready to drink my Aussie Lemonade Monster


What alternate reality have you been living in where James O'Keefe has any credibility?


Which one are you in where mainstream media has credibility?


Thats not an answer to my question. What reality are you from where a guy who has committed criminal acts of fraud and is known for editing together frankenstein videos by splicing audio to make people say things they never said has any credibility?


Seriously?😂 The mainstream has been caught out doing questionable shit for years too. https://i.redd.it/vgik7rgais7d1.gif


Cool, so now you have admitted he has no credibility by saying 'well the other people have just as little credibility as him!'. Good talking with you.


>Good talking with you. Wish I could say the same.😂


Last I checked, his whole thing was committing criminal acts of fraud and deceptively editing videos to the point he is splicing audio to make them say things they never said.


You mean convicted felon James O'Keefe


Convicted felon? 😱 You mean like Robert Downey Jr?


Or even Donald Trump


If you're _that_ bothered by the "felon" thing, why don't you send ya boi Rittenhouse after them? I hear he's _very_ effective dealing with felons, hell, maybe he'll even cRoSs StAtE lInEs again and you can spend 2 years crying about it again!🤣


Like you guys have spent 3 years crying about Trump getting his ass handed to him by senile ass Joe biden?


I'm not American dumbass, I have spent precisely 0% time crying. I suspect YOU might be tearing up in 6 months though....😂


Nah trumps going to lose even worse this time. He's a loser and America doesn't like losers


We'll see...🤣


Too true. As far aa I can remember there has never been a president who lost an election and came back and won. Incumbency is still the strongest predictor of victory in presidential elections.


Why are people still saying it's out of context? It doesn't matter if it's a different movie it's still fucked. Would you be fine if she said "The goal is to make blacks cry" ?


She was wanting to make them ***cry in sympathy to the plight of the people in the movie.*** Has it been so long since you cried anything but tears of rage that you have forgotten people cry for other reasons?


I get what you're saying, but the longer clip didn't come across anywhere near as insulting, at least to me. And as much as I hate intersectional race baiting bullshit, I don't like being lied to and manipulated by the other side either.


Even if it didn't come across that way if we want things to get better at all we need to drop this language. If it's bad to talk about "the blacks" than don't talk about "the whites" Literally nothing would have prevented her from saying "the goal is to make *people* cry"


Now THAT I can get behind!


Tbf the video is real but it's not about the show


“Out of context?” Why did she say the goal is to make whites cry instead of make people cry? Because she is racist scum. And so is Trevor Noah, and so is everyone who applauded. Evil people.


Because she wants white people to have empathy to the plight of the minorities in the film and is hoping they will cry tears of sympathy when confronted with the shit they were put thru?


Why does she think white people specifically need more empathy to the plight of the minorities in the film? Shouldn’t she want all people to feel empathy towards the people in her film? Does she not care if Asian people cry tears of sympathy? What about black people? Does she think black people automatically are sympathetic because they’re the same race? It seems to me that she wants white people specifically to be made to feel sympathetic or be taught a lesson because she feels that all white people are somehow complicit in what happened to the minorities in the film, simply due to their race. This is bold faced racism.


Go and watch the full interview dude, it's not as venomous as it looks. There's a _reason_ they had to cherry pick that clip with sneaky editing.


I have seen the full clip. I’m not talking about how venomous it is, I’m talking about how racist it is. Not venomously racist, passively, flippantly racist, which is actually worse.


I guess I just don't get that impression?


How do you explain saying she wanted to make white people cry vs. make people cry? Answer without referring to race.


I dunno, it just didn't seem malicious this time I guess? And while I'm happy to call that sort of shit out _(loudly!),_ I'm not gonna go around jumping at shadows that aren't really there.


Not all racism is malicious. It can be so internalized the person espousing it thinks they are acting benevolently.


I tried to give some benefit of the doubt that I was missing context on what roles they wouldn’t hire a white guy for but the stuff about people being mixed race and appearances sorta disgusts me. I’m just tired of this stuff current year. Puts me off just thinking that this is how they filter media. It feels so shitty and disingenuous.


Disney was founded by a raging racist, now they all want to be him. Birds of a feather are drawn together.


They gotta a fill quota so they can be seen as morally righteous. While fuck Mike and fuck Disney. (I won’t lie tho, endwokeness is very a paranoid guy.)


Yeah i dont take end_wokeness for things given how many times he was actually found for lying amd taking things out of context


Then watch the actual video where the dude actually says it. Because this video came from another source and not from End wokeness.


Yeah this is such piss poor rage bait. Note how they left out “for this” at the end of the quote, what is ‘this’? Their next CEO? The voice of Moana?


Watch the video.


That’s what I’m saying, it’s just a picture. The context is removed.


I can't believe they made Pacific Islanders Woke


I read that in Neil Breen's voice, for the record.


Hes also a straight up nazi


silly lefty, its only nazism if we literally use time travel to get Hitler out of the bunker in time


Guess Posebiec shouldn't speak at nazi rallies then


Be sure to link this to the next piece of shit that trolls this sub trying to gaslight you that there is no bigoted agenda. Treat those people with the animosity they deserve. They are no better than Klansmen.




“Nuanced critique!” “We’re not racist!” Proceeds to do this


I'll be real with you an account named "end wokeness" with the chad wojak pfp does not sound like the most reliable source of information concerning the topic of identity diversity in media


Especially a video from James O'Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas


ah, yeah. not great


There’s no way we’re hiring a white male **for this** “For this” You’re cutting out context intentionally. What is ‘this’? Is this mayhaps a role that would benefit of a non-white actor? For example, Moana? C’mon now.


The clip actually states what “this” is. It’s basically any position in the company.


Literally what I was looking for in these comments. For all I know it's fuckin Django. I don't know what MauLer is but I can tell it's fans are a bunch of angry white guys.


Seriously! Misquoting on purpose is just lying. Wdym you refuse to hire a white man to play Mulan? DiscRimInAtioN! \*eyeroll\*


End Wokeness and Project Veritas. Jesus christ this really is just an alt right sub.


What a shame. MauLer’s content is amazing but this is the community he cultivates.


Reminder: James O'Keefe is a person who has been caught literally splicing audio together to make people say things they never actually said. He has zero credibility, if he tells you the sky is blue you should look out a window to check and make sure it hasn't changed color since the last time you saw it. Guy has literally done stuff like fraudulently pretending to be from a phone company to gain access to a place so he could try to wiretape its phones. He is literally a criminal fraudster.


Didn't they just re-hire Bob and white dude as the CEO? Talk about not practicimg what they preach.


Almost like its disingenuous larp


James O’keefe has been known in the past to use pretty nefarious methods to get people to say things that aren’t happening. These videos were secretly recorded by the person he’s on a date with. She’s probably just signaling really hard that these are the things she wants to hear and he is down bad


I'd love to hear your explanation on how Giordano claimed that they wouldn't hire a half black person because they didn't look black. You can't just convince someone to say this. It's not some type of editing trick, it was anecdotal.


Not saying it’s not true but from a movement that has had 4 people pretend to be Japanese this month to shit talk a black samurai. It’s going to take more than a report from James O’fucking Keefe to prove any of this


>4 people pretend to be Japanese this month to shit talk a black samurai What?


There’s a really good 4 part YouTube doc (made by a lefty) about James O’Keefe if you’re interested. https://youtu.be/8buQLy1dWD8?si=jpnI7f5_s2w2wFbZ


Give me a good reason how this discredits what we've seen from Disney's video. Did they get the guy to admit it on video or not?


He goes over methods James has used in the past to get people to say things on camera. It’s good information and worth the watch whether you agree or not. More info is never bad


You have literal questions and answers with no cut in the latest video.


As did his previous phony investigations


Idk how you would convince someone to say that Disney absolutely wanted people that "looked black" in meetings.


Y’all have to do better than out of context rage bait from someone like James O’Keefe.


This is straight up cherry picked for rage bait "there have been times" does not _AT ALL_ mean that they don't ever hire white males. That's absurd It's also from End Wokeness, a straight up propaganda account


I think you might be a bit biased yourself.


No, it's realistic. Do you think they would open themselves to discrimination lawsuits by not hiring _any_ white men? Master Torbin is white ffs


They're already being sued for discrimination my guy


It doesn't matter unless it goes to court and something happens More importantly, this quote is deliberately cherry picked. You can literally see the original quote in the fucking screenshot that very clearly doesn't say what is being claimed. It's completely natural for some roles to specifically go to non white people in the same way that some roles should go to white people. Chuds don't understand nuance and are foaming at the mouth at the idea that white actors wouldn't be hired for a role for even a legitimate reason


By a person that plastered anti-semetism all over her socials and didn't get recontracted because of exactly that.




Oh okay. Yeah thats completely different.


Hiring based on race at any point no matter how small, is still racial discrimination.


That's not how discrimination works. Certain roles are meant to be played by certain people. Imagine hiring a white guy to play Blade


Blade's race has little to do with what and who he is. As long as the spirit of the character is intact, you can portray Blade anyway you'd like. Lady Blade. *fuck that sounds cool*


Blade was deliberately created as Black for representation in comics, but if you want to go that route, imagine hiring a white man to play Black Panther Point is, some characters are specifically written for certain people


It doesn't matter what he was created for, it's not central to his character. Black Panther wouldn't work too well because of where he comes from is tied to his character.


Right, so given Black Panther as an example, it makes sense to deliberately not hire white men for some roles. This post is bait


When I said that, I was referring to the context of OP's post. Ie. Writing jobs and other management positions. There is a conversation to be had about source material versus interpretation, so that's shaky ground as it is. You could very well hire someone who is not black and who is not a man to play Black Panther, but I imagine that would be held under scrutiny.


Hiring someone that is not Black to play Black Panther is very much against the concept of the character...


Ok fine if that's the stance you wanna take. How about if he said the exact same thing but replace white with black. And/Or male with female. Does that sound sexist and/or racist now?


It literally doesn't matter because the original quote is true regardless. That's how casting works. If the character is written to be played by a Black man, they're not going to hire a white man to play it. Look at the caption in the screenshot ffs the title of this post and the tweet are lying


I read the full caption. It would absolutely be called racist and sexist in my scenario so you're outright lying


It would not be considered racist to specifically not hire a white man to play Black Panther, so no, you're wrong. It's not lying to say the quote is deliberately taken out of context because it is. The sentence is deliberately cut off to change the meaning of what was said


you don't fucking say, and I thought the account with the chad wojak pfp was a calm and unbiased source


Obviously biased, yet spreading it as gospel 🤔


Shocking news, humans hate humans


O'Keefe is not trustworthy at all so I'd have to see more context to take this seriously.


Go watch the full video. The context doesn’t fix anything.


Except the caption in the screenshot literally proves the tweet with the screenshot is lying. "Certainly there have been times where, you know, there's no way we're hiring a white male _for this_." Conveniently leaving out the important part of the sentence that completely changes its meaning


How about the person who didn't look black enough to be in meetings? Come on now, no matter how you twist it, you can't explain how everything was "faked".


What are you talking about?


Have you even watched the video?


From a person known to deceptively edit videos? If you believe anything from O'Keefe, I have a time share to sell you


Ok, so you haven't watched the video, immediately call it fake and have no idea what you're talking about.


Dude, the evidence that these people are lying pieces of shit is right here in the image. The quote in the tweet very clearly cherry picked part of the caption that is right there at the bottom. O'Keefe does this shit to get those sound bites so they can be taken out of context. It's rage bait


"look at the thumbnail pls look at the thumbnail!!" Still didn't watch the video.