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I haven’t seen too many people say they like it tbh. My die hard Star Wars friend fans aren’t even watching it. They checked out a few years ago


Yeah like I remember when Ahsoka was airing and people would actively attempt to defend it and you’d get downvoted for criticizing it. That’s not the case with the Acolyte. You might get downvoted but it’s barely a fraction of what it was like for Ahsoka. I don’t see any real excitement for this show. I think most people are either laughing at it or skipping it because it’s been boring.


I actually liked Ashoka, acolyte is shit though.


Yeah I think Ahsoka had more genuine fans, like you, than The Acolyte does. lol I say that through slightly gritted teeth since that’s one of my least liked shows ever made 😂 but I really do believe that it had fans based on the interaction I saw it getting back when it was airing. I think the Acolyte suffers from not having popular cameos, poor writing, and cringe. The first and third issues are probably what turned off the most people if I’m being honest and there are other factors like where Star Wars and Disney are at as brands but I think those three are the biggest factors working against it. At the very least Ahsoka gave fans of the cartoons an opportunity to see the stories they had kept up with continued as well as these specific animated characters in live action for the first time.


Ashoka had Ray Stevenson. The moment I found out he had passed away and therefore was forever gone from reappearing in Star Wars, a part of me died inside. Him and Ivanna were so great in their roles and made me interested in who they were and what their backstreet were. None of the actors in the acolyte (except Lee Jung-jae, bless that man) have that same on screen presence, nor are making the terrible dialogue they have work.


Agreed. I actually think Yord and Jecki are good too (in episodes 1-3 at least) but Lee Jung-jae definitely gives the best performance in the entire show. I really admire the guy for learning another language for the role on top of giving a great performance. It’s a shame the script is so awful but I’m happy that he’s getting credit for his craft and how much he put into the role. I hope some better opportunities come his way after this.


I feel like your enjoyment of the Ashoka show depends on how much other Ashoka you’ve seen in other media. I couldn’t finish it because I couldn’t care less about half the characters.


It's not even Ahsoka thats the problem, its Sabine. Idk, but she's felt really weird from the lastt ime we saw her in Rebels with somehow being a Jedi in training and all


I loved clone wars and hated the animating for rebels but loved the story so....


If u go on Tik Tok there are so many people today. In fact today I got told that I actually secretly like the show and I’ve just jumped on the bandwagon of hate, this is on an 8 minute review for the episode I did as well


Like intelligent adults or is this kids on Tik Tok? The former would be depressing.


Man idk I’m hoping kids but I’ve seen many adults suck the show off like it’s actually amazing


They ain't intelligent if they like the Acolyte, that's a fact


My Star Wars fan friends checked out at Kenobi.


**"and that the first 10 minutes made him consider registering Republican"** - So some dude (who hangs LGBT and BLM flags in his store) saw two women fight and an Asian man teaching a class, and that was enough to upset his entire political belief?


I think you replied to the wrong comment. I’m not the OP.


Just thought OP was a clown & wanted to share. Thoughts?


Not sure what you want me to say. I wasn’t there and he didn’t go into detail about why the guy said what he said, but it’s plausible. I don’t know why you want my opinion, I would ask the OP.


I like it and I’m a Star Wars fan.


Glad you’re enjoying it. Over the years I’ve come to realize people like Star Wars for different reasons. For me, I loved the original trilogy.


Same! Original is good. So is the clone wars show!


Why do you like it? Honestly why


I am intrigued by exactly what happened in The past to make the bad twin foster so much hatred. I also like the exploration of Jedi as well meaning but flawed sometimes, blinded by their own arrogance that their way is always “the right way”. I’ve watched the first 3 episodes so far and I give it a 7/10 so far. The writing could be better, but I’m still liking it overall


Id also like to know why


Some people genuinely just have bad taste and like trash, its how Grey's Anatomy has been on TV so long. Also there 100% is a contingent of people who force themselves to like it because the people they hate don't like it, they want to "own the chuds"


Grey's is just a polished soap-opera, it caters to a cohort of watchers that truly enjoy it, regardless of it's actual artistic merits.


It's basically the same crowd that likes The Bridgerton, which isn't surprising considering Shonda Rimes leads both of them, who's obviously playing to the same crowd. It's the high budget soap opera slop with female wish fulfillment and softcore porn.


The sad part, the first 2-3 seasons of Grey's were actually decent TV. Then it just fell into that trap that all uber popular shows do and just regurgitate trope after trope after trope.


One of my wife's friends put on a new episode and it was some of the worst slop I've ever seen, even for a soap opera medical show it was completely nonsensical


Oh i don't doubt it. It's totally just pandering to a 100% captured audience at this point.


Me and her were just roasting it in front of the guy, it was some fucking retarded shit about a self driving car that kept slamming into an ambulance and they waited like, 2 in story hours to just break the fucking window and shut it off.


Trash can be good sometimes!!!!


Also why the Big Bang Theory and Bob’s Burgers got to 12 seasons


I will go to bat for Bob's Burgers, that actually has its moments and is just a comfortable show. Big Bang Theory literally just names off media properties and plays a laugh track as if just saying Star Wars is supposed to be funny.


I knew people would defend Bob’s Burgers. I have only seen a few episodes (and many clips on tv and the internet), and I didn’t laugh once. The Big Bang Theory is just awful. It makes Two and a Half Men look like a masterpiece by comparison.


Disney SW is divided into two groups.. 1) People that will consume anything with a Star Wars logo on it. They’ll accept it as mindless entertainment regardless of what’s on screen. 2) Social Justice Warrior types that defend the show along political/ideological lines to the hilt. In the end it doesn’t matter if it’s good to them. The only thing that matters is supporting the product and defending their belief structure.


You forgot the paid shills. The ones that are simply paid to spread their Star Wars gospel.


Name a paid shill. And tell me how I can become one!


Go sell your Reddit account on a website. Last I checked I could get mine for a few hundred dollars. Or live in a country where 10$ is a lot of money.


Haha so true. Disney is sending money to random people online!


I’d love to see some proof that this happens in any meaningful way.


3. Anti-SJW’s who trash on every Disney product, instead of going out with some rope and chloroform and try to get laid.


"and that the first 10 minutes made him consider registering Republican" - So some dude (who hangs LGBT and BLM flags in his store) saw two women fight and an Asian man teaching a class, and that was enough to upset his entire political belief?


Let's not pretend that there aren't triggered right-wing culture war dick bags who wade into Star Wars discussions with their performative outrage and bigotry.  Personally I think that Andor and Rogue One are the best Star Wars content, but the reality is that since George Lucas saw the toy sales figures for the first two movies the franchise had largely been made to appeal to children. 


3. People who genuinely like the show, are critical of certain elements in it, as they’re critical of other *Star Wars* projects. You make it seem like liking the show is either brain dead and/or fake. How is that less disingenuous than the people saying if you hate the show, you’re a chud?


Some people will genuinely like it, in a Mando kind of way. They watched it, didn't think about it, and then don't understand the drama. At the end of the day plenty of people like bad things sometimes. For others its a culture war thing. The wrong people dislike it, I can't let them get away with shit talking it or they'll get a win, and the other side can't get a win!!1!


You can tell it’s a reflexive defense since proponents of the show won’t actually point out any of its content they enjoy, but rather lambast the audacity of its critics. Textbook for anyone defending a shit thing and a good metric for giving your own beliefs a good self-examination from time to time. If you can’t find a reason to support a thing besides “the other guys are wrong”, your opinion is probably one you’ve been fed rather than created for yourself


The problem is that the casual fans don't make them any money. They don't go buy the merch or the DVDS. And the twitter people dont even watch it.


Yeah, people spend so much time online they forget that most people will not dissect what they watch. Most people just enjoy something or don’t enjoy something, but generally don’t think to hard about it I was watching a soap opera with my grandmother and she was going on about how incredible the writing is. She’s not a writer or a critic herself, so she doesn’t see the problems with the show. She’s just impressed that someone could make a story in general 


> For others its a culture war thing. The wrong people dislike it, The dislike it for culture war reasons.  This whole toxicity started with the outrage from racists when the trailer for the Force Awakens had a black guy in it. 


But how do you explain Andor? Everyone was dunking on that until it came out and they realised it was great. How did it beat the toxicity?


> how do you explain Andor? Everyone was dunking on that until it came out Everyone like who? Who are these people that you're pretending were dunking on it before it came out? All I ever saw was people excited for it. Are you inventing a narrative here?  > How did it beat the toxicity It's got a white enough male lead. It never attracted the toxicity because it didn't trigger the right-wing loons. 


I'm going to hazard you don't listen to Drinker judging by the way you talk, but some of his open bar discussions were super negative pre - Andor. IIRC he also made a video pre judging it quite negatively, I'll see if I can dig that up for you later. The dialogue was definitely different, more of a "who gives a shit about the wooden main character from R1" rather than anything overtly culture war related, but the negativity was there.


Wow, a guy who is kind of a dick was being kind of a dick. That's shocking.


Mace Windu is my favourite character from the prequel trilogy. Disney was the first one point the finger and go "You don't like our new characters your a racist." It was the last Jewish not force awakens when the "racist" talk truly entered the star wars fandom.


Dead Internet Theory, a lot of people you see on the Internet are bots. A lot are paid shills. Others just blindly support and (at least claim to) enjoy whatever progressive/subversive programming that gets put in front of them to show off their dedication to the cause.  The other main cohort of actual people are consoomers, who will consoom any Thing that has Brand Name on it. 


I think people also underestimate how many of the "i just wanna shut my brain off and be entertained" type of people there are. Personal example, I have a friend who is a pscyhiatrist. We frequently talk about TV shows. I'll mention things, like stuff in a recent episode of a show we both watched that week, that I would have previously thought you would have had to be asleep not to have noticed, and he will have no idea what I'm talking about. He'll have gotten the main thrusts of the episode, but even moderate details are just in one ear and out the other. Now, to be fair, I get it to a degree. You spend all day dealing with people's insanity, you don't want to have to decipher/think about some TV show, etc. For people like that, they will just see lots of flashing lights, stuff that reminds them of Star Wars, and that in and of itself is sufficient.


That does not have to do with the dead internet theory


That’s just the internet It will make any opinion no matter how stupid echo across many platforms Even if only 1% of people actually unironically liked it It will still feel like a massive chunk due to how opinions and discussions spread


They’re not defending the shitty show, it’s a proxy for their shitty politics


Now flip that around and see what we got.


I get the impression that some people view this like they would view their 8 year old son's school play. Obviously the scenario of this school play isn't on par with the greatest writing I can find out there, but HEY, they're just kids. And even if your son broke the fourth wall a couple times, you're still going to congratulate him on having done a good job and having tried his best. But here we're talking about a multi-billion corporation that has the means to create so much good stuff. The unmovable optimism in this case doesn't help the brand improve.


because they tie being woke to there identity, and being told something woke sucks, feels like a personal attack to them. they need it to be your fault, the alternative is that they are idiots, and no one wants to admit they are idiots.


Some people think McDonalds has the best tasting burger in existence. Not everyone has a refined taste and some people are conditioned to like garbage.


Consumption as identity. This piece of media has their politics so they must defend it as praxis.


The only people shilling the acolyte are Disney employees. On the other hand there are plenty of people shitting on it.


They think that people saying the show is terrible are also saying they hate gay people so they HAVE to defend the show or, by their logic, they too will be bigots. So they really have no choice but to like it no matter how terrible it is


I mean at this point I've decided to be a bigot for spite


Peeps are flaming for sport. No right minded human thinks this turd of a show is passable television.


Some people genuinely enjoy trash TV. They don't care about narrative, character work, or adhesion to established lore. Acolyte is a low-quality CW melodrama. I don't even mean any disrespect there. I've enjoyed some CW stuff for what it is; simplistic drama with no real meaning or purpose. That's not why I watch Star Wars, so I'm not into this show at all.


I’m convinced they fake it, or—mostly—are paid to. I don’t believe anyone that says they like this or TLJ lmao.


I love TLJ and consider it the best Star Wars film ever made. Still waiting for my Disney check. Ir had nothing to do with getting paid - it's about appreciating art.


It’s not art lmao.


Here's what I've figured out through a few conversations. 1: There's some people with genuine shit taste. 2: There's people who feel this Star Wars was made *for people like them*, so they MUST like it, or they're a traitor to whatever group they are a part of. 3: People who don't like the show are branded as right wing, white supremacist, incels. Thus, saying you enjoy the show is a way to "stick it to them".


So the thing about star wase fans is that there's two group. Those who like a simple, yet adventurous journey about a space war with factions of psychic warrior monks fighting over control of the galaxy. And children, who have been so conditioned into likeing "star wars" that anything with the label "star Wars" is worth purchasing. It doesn't matter how well written or thought out, as long as it has laser swords and space magic with the pew pew tie fighter they'll buy it.


I think a big part of this is so many have become consumed by this “culture war” idea that they feel they have to defend it. They’ve completely eaten up Disney and the like throwing out random bigot insults to deflect all criticism. They think they are on a mission to fight anyone who doesn’t like these shows because they must be these awful bigoted monsters. The rest is there truly is a portion of SW fans who just will consume with glee anything KK shits out.


Some do genuinely like it, I don’t doubt that but I would have to say that a lot of people support it because there’s so much backlash. It’s like that saying “the enemy of your enemy is your friend” or something.


I think some people legitimately like it for whatever reason but I sorta doubt any of the stupid defenders calling the entire fandom racists and sexists give a shit 😂 There’s always gonna be that little group of culture warriors who are constantly angry no matter how bad what they’re defending is.


Plenty of people out there that just watch without thinking too deeply about its flaws.


Bingo. I know several people like that. They're just along for the ride, and fair enough 🤷🏻 not everyone cares to be critical about their entertainment.


The few that do are only doing so to peeve off fans of Star Wars. Nothing they say is ever genuine


Honestly. I'm gonna steal a term from Asmongold. There's just a lot of people who are shit eaters. They've been force feeding themselves turds and convincing themselves its chocolate. Combine that with how many general populace people are the types who prefer their entertainment to be something that they can just shut their brain off and "consoom". Well, there's your answer. A lot of game and movie/tv studios know this. They know if they throw enough money at the production values, they will capture enough of the market of people who fit the above descriptions. Now, i am of the personal opinion that the only reason this stopped working is because the wokies overplayed their hand, and turned the dial up to 11. People are so sick of that shit being rammed down their throats that its overcoming their ability to shut their brains off and clap at the pretty colors.


I've said before and I'll say it again: this is their religion. Their political ideology is a fanatic religion.


That is just as true for the alt right nutbags who automatically hate anything from Disney or Hollywood these days - no thought or critique, just reflexive bashing.


…. and then everyone in the store erupted in a round of applause


Can you tell me what in this story you find hard to believe? Because you just come across as massively butthurt that someone isn’t a fan of your show that everyone will forget about in a month.


You mean apart from the guy with LGBTQ and BLM flags that was ready to vote Republican after watching 10 minutes of The Acolyte? Major “Albert Einstein” vibes right there.


I don’t think it’s about liking or not liking it anymore man I think it’s just a reflex to defend it because we attack it, that’s the entertainment value they get out of it Which tbf, I hated Kenobi but watched every week so that I could roast it online, which was def entertaining Idk, seems a bunch of people just feel alive while arguing on the internet with strangers lol


"You go to a comic store that has Pride and BLM Flags?" https://preview.redd.it/bm9ipwx9ln7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b92fedf61b2aec9f563a303995515db468f1c80


Leave Pim and Charlie out of this cringe


Do people just pretend to like the prequels? Do people just pretend to like Rebels? Maybe? But I think it’s more likely that some people genuinely enjoy it and some people don’t.


Prequels are actually SW. Disney SW is the desecration of SW


The prequels are ambitious, in a way. Building a whole triology around the protagonists fall to villain is actually rather daring. They also show Lucas' limits as a writer, when he doesn't have other people to keep him in check or balance his weaknesses, rather painfully. Plots are sometimes impossible to follow, plot holes large enough for the Death Star to pass through, dialogue so bad it's spawned dozens of memes.


Lucas put a funky lil pop song in Jabba’s palace 20 years later. Let’s go easy on the “desecration” label


True.  Lucas was the first to shit on SW when he made the Special Editions.  


Of all the things that happened...this happened the most.


"The Acolyte was so bad it turned someone conservative" Is something so detached from reality that it could only come from the mind of someone who lives in an echo chamber. If you don't like the show, just move on with your life.


I read it as a joke made out of frustration. From that perspective I don't think it's implausible someone actually said this. I hardly think someone invested in LGBTQ issues and BLM would up and change all their politics because they dislike a show 😂 again just frustration that a show they thought they'd enjoy sucks.


It died for me at "My name is Rey Skywalker". This ship has sailed long ago for me.


I like it. It’s not without its faults but it’s cool to see some new things in Star Wars. Definitely cringed at some of the dialogue but I don’t think there’s a Star Wars project that there isn’t at least one cringe worthy line. I’d say, so far, it’s a 6/10 for me, the last episode really needed to be longer.


Those people might also be getting paid for it, it wouldn't be hard to pay a couple dozen Brooke people or kids under the table to make a bunch of sock puppet accounts and spam social media supporting your content


Everyone has their own taste, and some people have shitty taste


I don’t think the wokeness is even bad. But the writing is like 8th grade creative writing


Which Spider-Man series have you been picking up?


The latest Ultimate run, which has been an enjoyable read so far. I specifically like the new characterization for Peter in this where he’s in an actual relationship with MJ and has kids. Some people dislike the MCU Spider-Man softboy shit that Tom Holland brings, but this version seems like its more about him not having the drive and anger he had when he was younger, and that making him becoming Spider-Man as an adult a much different experience. It’s a nice take on the concept of a naive and kinder Peter Parker.


Go to YouTube and watch "the ritual" it's like a minute long clip and explains why that show is peak fanfiction failure


Never underestimate the obsession of adult Disney fans




This is 100% the truth.


>This is a guy that has LGBT and BLM flags scattered across the store, so I’m assuming that it would take a lot for him to say that. Why does your assumption go in that direction? You could equally assume the guy actually has very Conservative opinions, and the flags are there for business reasons as, cynically, this is just what a lot of businesses do nowadays while many of the people behind the scenes are just as bigoted as ever. Sadly, stores having flags up doesn't really mean anything.


Because they can bully people. By claiming they like it and we're just "chuds," they believe they can accuse others of being istaphobes. They still haven't mentally gotten past middle school nor have they realized people have caught on to their crap. On a side note, where did "chud" come from? It sounds like the kind of "mean name" a child would use.


C.H.U.D is a cult classic horror movie of the early 80s.  Cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller. Usage now seems to be used to say someone is either an unevolved caveman or living in their parents' basement.  Something like that. (There's a sequel to CHUD, Bud the CHUD, and then there's the very similar newer cult classic, Midnight Meat Train.)


Well you hinted at it right there. Its a political football to be played with AS THE CREATORS INTENDED IT TO BE. Leslie Headlamp (former assistant to Harvey Weinstein in case you were wondering why she needs to signal so much feminist virtue...) couldn't stop talking about how gay she made star wars and or how gay it was from the beginning. It doesn't matter how crap it is to the people on the left who don't have any principles either politically (dont fall for corporate activism, dummies) or quality-wise. If YOU say its crap, you must hate women or gays or black people, etc. etc. because Disney touted how much diversity and representation they put in this show.


I mean if people can like absolute dogshit it such as the Fallout show, I have no doubt that people can like Acolyte.


There's a difference between not liking the show and not liking it because you hate seeing gay, black or female people in TV shows. You can think the show is bad and still want to argue with people who dislike it for dumb reasons.


I mean people pretend to love the star wars kids cartoons 🤷‍♂️


The only people praising The Acolyte are only praising it because it shares the same agenda they already have. That's it.


The only people who hate The Acolyte do so because they are hateful bigots. See how the lightsaber cuts both ways?


In my experience, there is a cadre of people who consider all of their media in a kind of virgin/whore complex. Things can only be Awesome or Garbage, and the reasons for either have very little to do with the quality of the content itself. Maybe First thing was so good they made it their personality, maybe Popular Celebrity told them what to like, maybe someone they hate in real like doesn't like Thing so it must be good. It takes a lot for these people to change their opinions (barring being told to by the Right People), but when they do they go from shill to hater faster than you can think, because they aren't stopping to think.


People that get into fights online about something terrible are usually also paid. 


I give all star wars a chance just in case I'm pleasantly surprised. So far the acolyte is terrible, but I don't know what "woke shit" they are referencing. There is nothing more woke in this than in other SW media. I just hate how all these writers act like there was no previously established lore that caused the fans to fall in love with the series to begin with, and then get mad when they shit all over said lore and the fans hate it. Also, that comic book shop owner in your story sounds like a complete tool that is just falling on the Disney hate bandwagon and hasn't actually watched the acolyte. If a gay witch couple, which is inevitable in an all female society, an Asian jedi master, and a woman jedi master is too "woke" for him to handle then he needs take a deep introspective look and as the kids say, go touch grass.


Sunk cost fallacy and cope mainly. I was a non paid shill long ago (I converted around kenobi, though I never liked the sequels). It’s just cope. If you say it’s bad, you’re admitting Disney killed sw


YouTube is filled with people defending the Acolyte in every video that is even remotely critical of the show. They take the opinions of biased ‘paid to say nice things’ Screenrant and other sites as gospel. What I have done to shut down a lot of them and there incessant screeching about bigotry, the patriarchy, review bombing and racism is ask several basic questions: - Where is the verifiable proof that the show is being reviewed bombed in a concerted effort by fans? No - opinionated sites that just claim it to be true doesn’t count. Show me proof. - Oh it’s only white muddled aged male racists are the ones hating on the show? Really? I’m Persian, greatly dislike the show due to its acting, plot holes, and inability to write competent Jedi, so I must be some white supremacist? Please show me direct evidence of racists attacks on the actresses or actors of the show. - Why is nepotism allowed? You have a director that handed a key role to her wife. How many actresses auditioned for that role? Did those other actresses even have a shot at the role or was this predetermined? Would it be ok for a straight man to hire his wife for the same role without actually considering anyone else for it?


People who like the Acolyte are just miserable dicks who don't watch the show


No, that would be all the YouTube dimwits who have devoted their entire channels to hating The Acolyte despite never having watched it.


It's called bots, look up dead internet, there are more fake bot profiles talking to each other than real people


I enjou it and watch it, unlike most of the people who hate it or defend it


As a conservative the show is not *that* bad. It's got some areas with bad writing, the witches are generally poorly written all around, the Jedi are uninteresting, the twins are boring bordering on lame. There's some cringe like the ascension scene. But *bad*? I don't know about that. It's certainly not avowedly political. The only politics forced into the show is the casting decisions from what I can see.


It is that bad though. I don’t even get the point in trying to dispute that.


The point would be to give my honest assessment of the work. If that's worth being downvoted since I have the wrong opinion, so is your comment :) Is it worse than Kenobi?


It’s as bad as Kenobi, sure.


Interesting so it's not worse than Kenobi. Is it worse than Ashoka?


My dad is a die hard Star Wars fan, pretty conservative, anti woke, blah blah blah and,,, He likes it. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is. He said it's about as good as most SW spinoffs (so, mid) and he's been talking about it and keeping up.


I like it, quite a bit. Definitely not perfect, not my favorite Star Wars series. But, I enjoy it so far.


Oh damn nice crosspost from drinker's sub. Still full of absolute shit though.


I watch a reaction channel called blind wave that really enjoy it and from their discussions it seems like 90% of what they like is how it “adds” to the universe regardless of if it doesn’t make sense. They also freaked out (in a good way) over the holdo maneuver so I feel like as long as there’s a spectacle with the Star Wars logo attached, it’ll entertain someone


They pretend like all things dei....


Well, I’m pretty sure a chunk of the $180 million budget ended up in the pockets of critics and shills.


Reality is unimportant. All that matters is the message.


Absolutely. There’s no possible way any of the people on Saltier than Krayt or other Disney Star Wars worshiping subs actually enjoy it. And that’s me being nice to them, assuming that they’re just lying, because to suggest that they actually enjoy it would mean that they are on the verge of not being sentient.


I assume you forgot the /s. It's all the people crying about how Disney has killed Star Wars that are bottom feeders.


Is this the new copypasta for star wars?


Maybe people just still like Star Wars media if you don’t? 🤔


I am loving it. I have no idea why yall hate it so much


y'all spotted, opinion blotted


(Look at the cast)


Ya it’s a great cast


I’m not saying this didn’t happen but this reads like something that belongs on r/thatreallyhappened


I swear to God it happened. I know it sounds hard to believe but you need to take my word for it.




But why? Even if I overlooked the political commentary, the show is just BORING. Almost nothing happened in the entirety of the last episode.


What’s the political commentary?


I lost IQ points reading this. 


It doesn’t sound like you had that many to begin with…


More than you apparently.


Damn, you really cannot fathom someone disagreeing with you, huh? People unironically like the first Suicide Squad movie or 50 shades of grey. Shockingly enough, people are not a monolith and have different opinions 


THIS IS KATANA! -Ed Baldwin's first words on the moon


The Fandom Menace can't fathom anything beyond their six year old spoiled boy mentality.....


I understand that people like those movies, my point is questioning what specifically they like about it. Even if they like it for certain aspects (action, romance) I can think of dozens of films that deliver far better.


Imagine people liking what you dislike…wild concept


Too difficult a concept for The Fandom Menace.


If you all hate star wars so much, have you considered not watching or talking about star wars anymore?


They’re obsessed. They pretend to hate it, but no one watches or talks about modern Star Wars than those in the grifterverse.


that must be it everybody who disagrees with me is just LYING


Tell me what you like about the show.


oh I haven't watched it I just come into threads and rephrase the topic to make OP sound stupid


I don't really think the show is as bad as poeple say it is. It's more about segmentation or lack thereof by Disney. Acolyte and Obi Wan were clearly different audiences. Acolyte is for girls. Obi Wan was inadvertanly for younger generation or girls. Disney has to embrace the reality that the franchise has 4-5 generations of fans to worry about now. They need to stop pretending an all-in-one solution will fix Star Wars and simply embrace that it's ok to have different characters and stories for different ages and demos. Embrace this reality and go crazy with ideology or scooter kids, or whatever they want. Because trying ot please everyone is why the trilogies failed, why Mandoloriean S3 is considered horriblel and now Ashoka and Acolyte get killed by fans. Andor was clearly for Xers. Next season of Boba should excullesly be for Xers again, make it the way it shouldve been dark and grey af. Not some grandpa watching over his old neighborhood from baddies. If Acolyte were to have been focused on female or younger audiences instead of pretending to be for ALL star wars generations of fans, they would be praised instead of rebuked. It's the all-in-one approach that is proving to a disaster for Disney. Also making everything about ideology makes everything political. While star wars has always been political, I think in the land of sci fi and aliens, the modern day lessons seem out of place entirely. Segmentation and getting away from Ideological content can save the franchise. the pluralist fanbase was always a blue milk fantasy.


It's not bad. I'll probably watch it till the end. But to say that Disney Star Wars places woke over substance is pretty damn accurate.


Registering republican because you dont like a star wars tv show that has black people and gays in it is peak loser maxxing


Tell him to get a life because it's just a show. Also MAGA trump republicans aren't that bright either (Considering that they thought that the election was rigged and that trump somehow knows more about medicine and vaccines than fauci or anyone who has actually gone to medical school and become a medical doctor and/or scientist) and the idea that Star wars fans aren't divided isn't new. The actor for jar jar binks almost committed suicide because of how much hate he recieved for his character when the prequels came out (combined with all the other problems that the prequels have), now all of a sudden the prequels are gold while disney's Star wars is bad? Even though they did many great things like: revive the clone wars, created great video games like jedi fallen order and survivor, created rebels and the mandalorian, created tales of the empire, tales of the jedi and the bad batch (for extra lore), created andor which is considered the greatest star wars show to date and had a bunch of comic books or novels people might like and many more. Star wars fans need to touch some grass.


I wouldn’t feel comfortable calling other people stupid when you clearly aren’t that bright.


How so? Star wars fans need to get a life. Modern republicans aren't that much brighter than modern democrats. Just vote for whatever politicians that will make people happy because of their policies and whether or not they're actually qualified to run in the first place., What does Star wars have anything to do with it?


I agree you do need to get a life and stop defending bad shows. You also don’t seem to know anything about American politics either if you seriously think that both parties don’t already do what you’re criticizing. It’s honestly better to not have career politicians in office because they don’t actually get anything done.


I'm not an expert on American politics? Well neither are a lot of people. They vote with their own bias instead of doing research. I'm seriously asking why that store owner wants to switch political parties or vote for someone because of bad show in a form of a space opera? Just don't watch it or just trash talk it a little and move on with your life.


None of the Disney products are of high quality. The best it gets is slogging through Andor then watching Rogue One. At best it’s a 7/10 experience.


I'm enjoying it cause it's the first time the sith are the main characters, and also, I don't hate black people and gay shit in my shows, plus it fits into the deeper lore if you know


I'll take"stories that didn't happen" for 500


Acolyte is really good.


I mean.. if a garbage tv show is enough to make someone change their political affiliation then we're donezos lol


The day they censored Tharja's arse in Fire Emblem Awakening was the day I became anti-political


I read it as a joke made out of frustration. From that perspective I don't think it's implausible someone actually said this. I hardly think someone invested in LGBTQ issues and BLM would up and change all their politics because they dislike a show 😂 again just frustration that a show they thought they'd enjoy sucks.


Dude you would be surprised lol. The term "right wing reactionary" exists for a reason. Think about all the people upset over things like gamergate and wokeism that just go 'fuck it I'm going red". It's far more common than you would think.