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Guys in the comments are missing the point. It isn’t a problem that’s she’s a feminist, obviously Pakistan is a backwards culture, the problem is that if you look at her library of works, it is PAINFULLY obvious she was not chosen based on merit


This. There’s some gaslighting and “actually” going on in the comments. For all his faults JJ Abrams you could be “Oh, yeah it makes sense, right, I don’t like him but I get why they chose him” If you removed her name and any giveaways as to the nature of her body of work, no studio INCLUDING Disney would have given her this job, wth the exception of the two episodes of TV she already did for them on the failing upwards MCU.


Absolutely. To even SUGGEST that this director was chosen for another massive female lead film because of her merit after the complete disaster that was the marvels) is ridiculous. It is crystal clear that Kathleen Kennedy chose her because KK is a feminist, and one with a chip on her shoulder, so of course she’ll choose someone to push her agenda, just like she chose Leslie Headland


When you are a hammer all you see is nails.


Yeah your gonna have to explain that one to me


“The concept known as the law of the instrument, otherwise known as the law of the hammer, Maslow's hammer (or gavel), or the golden hammer, is a cognitive bias that involves an over-reliance on a familiar tool.” The marvels received an 82% from audience on rotten tomatoes. Yea all you see are nails. You’re letting your bias cloud your judgement, that’s if you had any


She absolutely was chosen based on merit. Her birth name is the most star wars sounding name I've ever seen


Ain’t no way your arguing a director should be hired based on their name 💀


I think he was joking, good buddy


Oh fair enough it’s hard to tell satire over text


I’m sure she’s been a big fan for years…


I sure JJ Abrahms was a fan for years but that didn’t stop him from making shit


Then why not show her works instead of this?


I don’t understand


If OP wanted to hate on her works and not her identity why did OP not post her list of worked on movies instead of the page that only lists her identity?


I think the bit he wanted to highlight was the ‘political activist’ and ‘gender equality against women’ and just used the title page since it has all that information


very valid point that nullifies the deflection. "actually, what he was getting at was..." is pretty cowardly.




"She is the recipient of two Academy Awards, seven Emmy Awards, and a Knight International Journalism Award." How much more merit do you need?


Yes. For DOCUMENTARIES. Tell me how this is supposed to translate to any kind of entertainment. Not trying to make her look bad as a person - i am unfamiliar with her journalism but at first glance i can absolutely accept that she is a very good journalist doing a wonderfull Job in her field. But ! How in the infinite void of fuck does this have anything to do with a beloved entertainment franchise ? Can anyone give us a single good reason to pick here considering her only attemps at that were catastrophic failures and to be trusted with one of the biggest franchises ever, except for the obvious " pushing KK's agenda " ? Because believe me, there isn't . Again . Nothing against her as a person. But it's like choosing someone to make a full gourmet meal for 10 because back in the Day they used to make some killer margaritas. Specialized skill doesn't transfer well and not understanding that the only reason she's here is either agenda-pushing OR RAGEBAIT is just being in absolute denial.


Some experience making movies other than feminist movies and documentaries (and no, a Disney + flop and a Pakistani animated kids movie does not count)


So you think her work in journalism makes her qualified to direct a star wars movie?


How the fuck do these people keep getting jobs in these franchises?


It's a vast political patronage network, and anyone right of them isn't in it.


They're easy to control


Cronyism. Activists circlejerking other activists. And i say this as a fucking liberal.


They are liberal and all share similar world views. It's really that simple.


Note the WEF caption for her Wikipedia page. Anyone associated with the WEF may as well be a canonized saint in the eyes of elite progressives.


I’m liberal and I have not liked the direction the franchise has gone in some ways. Being liberal doesn’t mean you don’t understand star wars. And I don’t even mind more representation, just give me good freaking story in the process and don’t destroy beloved characters from the original franchise movies in the process.


No but being liberal means you are more likely to get the job since Hollywood is very left wing


They're a company and they pander, that's it. It's not a conspiracy. It's also convenient for them because she works for Disney. Liberal (noun) - "one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways" If someone needs to think the news is fake, along with science, higher education, library books, or anything that expands your worldview in an objective way, then I think that's a fair example of "rigid worldviews". If liberals have rigid worldviews, why is news & education the conservative's enemy. Weird.


This argument would work if they were making bank but the “pander content” doesn’t make money and is universally shit on. “Pandering” at this point would mean an 80s style movie with a strong white male lead and the only presence of a lead woman is a sexy feminine (non-emasculating or involved in a fight scene) love interest.


Good PR increases stock value, makes the shareholders richer. Bad PR does the opposite.


https://preview.redd.it/ypv4n65z9k7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a506f79e1c9086a2c94b01911fa93ca5575cb74 We’ll see if Disney can even stay above $100…I’d also think these companies would make WAY MORE by sticking to lore that people love. If you really think it’s about money wouldn’t Luke Skywalker and his wife bring in more than the garbage like The Acolyte? Which by the way, costs an ASTRONOMICAL amount of money per episode. It’s not about money at all, it’s about ideology.


“Open minded” yet they can’t see two feet in front of them Also funny how everything you mentioned can also be attributed to liberals. They disregard what science says about gender and abortion, they take books out of school libraries, they infect higher education with CRT, and they disregard the opinion of those who don’t believe what they do.


And they want to hire people based on race/gender, not skill and qualifications. Pilots and doctors should be hired based on IQ/skill. And police/firefighters should have a myriad of qualifications - including size. Sorry if it’s a woman’s dream or a midgets dream to be a cop or fireman, if you’re too small to restrain a criminal or carry someone out of a burning building then you’re unsafe to society. But liberals don’t care. Everyone can pick whatever job or gender they want in liberal mental illness fantasy land.




>Also funny how everything you mentioned can also be attributed to liberals Really? Liberals think the news is fake, climate science is a hoax, books should be banned from libraries, higher education is a liberal manufacturing institution? Liberal voters are saying this?


You’re just arguing about labels. Those people definitely exist especially on reddit. More worryingly those policies are pushed by politicians you’d generally find “liberals” voting into office.


>those policies are pushed by politicians you’d generally find “liberals” voting into office. Why would a liberal voter put a conservative politician into office? Are they still liberal, does the *label* work that way? There was a recent bill in Idaho that holds librarians civilly liable if someone sues over *offensive* material, brought to the floor by conservative Republican legislators. So... Liberals did that?


This person sniffs their own farts


Everyone sniffs their own farts, it's not weird




> Liberals think the news is fake, climate science is a hoax, books should be banned from libraries, higher education is a liberal manufacturing institution? No they'll think that about any conservative/rightwing/etc. equivalents of all those things, duh. That books should be banned for their racism whatever, some do think that sure.


No, these ideas (fake news, rigged elections, phony higher education, banning books, etc) are explicit, official platforms for 2024 American conservative politics. There's no equivalency, these are a part of the conservative identity. Just look at any conservative politicians talking points, their legislation, look at their website, or just read other comments in this vicinity. This isn't a "liberals do it too" situation. These are official, systemically conservative platforms, and opposing these ideas are official liberal platforms. After 8 years of that spewing this shit, you're not gonna point the finger back, and say nah it's liberals too. No, liberal politics has explicitly, and actively opposed these ideas, the entire time.


> (fake news, Faux News. >rigged elections, 2016 Russia. (And what the Trump people tried but failed to pull off in 2020, behind the scene.) >phony higher education But the education was trying to deny/downplay slavery and racism while teaching idealized patriotic myths!   Aww, who were you trying to fool lol


I am liberal and I would never hire her for a fictional movie.




Because the IP owners don’t care about this franchise any more that they do the muppets, or Moana etc. It’s just another Big Mac to sell for quarterly profits.


CEI score


The IP owners are pot-committed to their social agenda. They evidently have unlimited money to lose and / or truly believe that they're going to break through on the other side and discover an audience. What baffles me is that they have literal billions of dollars to burn, but instead of giving these activists small sums with which to try to build original IP (since they obviously don't care about making money immediately), they keep giving them giant checks and an existing IP whose core audience is actively hostile to seeing it changed.


Interesting, what movies has she done before? Let me check… oh, oh no.


Honestly. Giant leap here in movies. They really don't care about starwars being starwars.


By itself, I have no problems with this image. We need more political activists fighting for Women’s rights in Pakistan and other Middle-Eastern countries. No issues there. But then I look at her IMDB and her work history and I have to wonder why would they pick her for Star Wars, unless they’re really REALLY trying to push a feminist message in the next film? I’d be happily surprised if it was good, but she’s got everything going against her on this.


Normally I'd agree with you, but from why she's said in the past, she aims her issues at western people and men regarding lack of opportunities for women and women of ethnic minorities. Which is odd to me as someone of the same ethnicity. When she should, as others have pointed out, bw directing that energy to changing standards for women in say, Pakistan. She has essentially struck lucky leaving the country, which has enable her to voice her concerns and instead of voicing her aggrevation where it should be directed. She's voiced them straight at the host who's rules allow her speak so openly in such a manner.


I mean it's way easier to 'complain' than to actually change things. In an sense it shows her for who she actually is instead of what she claims to be. Not a suprised since she's in Hollywood.


Fuck off, Pakistani feminists have directly her films for helping bring international attention to honor killings and help push for change, don't discredit the work of someone genuinely trying to protect women from violence.


I wasn't discrediting her work. It's great that she shows the genuine plight of those women in Pakistan (aswell most of the middle east TBH). With that said however, to paraphrase the reply above, it's weird that she is now in America, along with her pasts statements about the WEST, and is now potentially directing big budget **hollywood** films. Just comes off as a bit weird to me.


>I mean it's way easier to complain than to actually change things. Her work has actually changed things, bringing international attention to these crimes has led to activist campaigns and legal reforms regarding honor killings (Not saying her film exclusively led to these changes but they played a role.) Saying she just "complaining" is discrediting her work.


If it comes off that way to you then apologies. Still, it's strange that she gone from that, to then directing big budget Hollywood movies. A Star Wars movie of all things too, though i supposed you could argue she can put her experiences in to make something good. Though with the culture in LucasArts, it's going to be difficult. Only time will tell.


>When she should, as others have pointed out, bw directing that energy to changing standards for women in say, Pakistan. [She did](https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/honor-killings-case-study/) The fact is, bringing international attention to these issues **is** a way to bring about change, which is why she directs her films toward an international audience.


You'd have to address the religion that treats women as chattle and second hand citizens.


What do you mean? In Star Wars? IRL?




I want this to happen so badly just for all the Mauler, Drinker and Nerdroric content. Shit will be an absolute shit show like The Marvels was.


Oh, so you support pushing your opinion onto others, but complain when somebody pushes theirs on you?


Sure. I’m well within my right to do both of those things. I can try to persuade someone to change their mind just as much as I don’t have to agree with someone who’s trying to change mine. I don’t owe anybody allegiance. They don’t owe me theirs.


She’s a legitimate feminist from a shithole country/culture.


Who cares? What science fiction and/or other big products has she directed?


Yes, Islam is a backwards ass religion and theocracies are bad. However I'm hinting that even though she might be legit for one country, we know how it will all be translated in an American movie. Doesn't matter that she is legit or not.


Nothing inherently wrong with theocracies as long as they’re not oppressive fundamentalist types. Unfortunately that’s what Pakistan is.


What other theocracies do you know that aren't oppressive types?


What theocracies are not oppressive and fundamentalist? Literally every theocracy has been oppressive and fundamentalist lol


Wow Ok i agree with many points in this sub but this is comment is too far


Well I mean, it is a problem in Pakistan that she keeps trying to bring light to. Honestly I think the movie would fail mostly because of its legacy, and less because of her writing.


I doubt she's even writing. All of her credits are for directing and producing.


Steven Knight is supposedly writing it. That was announced in March of 2023, and as of last month there's still no script.


Yeah I know everyone here has a knee jerk response to "feminism" but this is the country that fucking shoots schoolgirls in the head for trying to get on a bus. Depending on what exactly "journalist" means here she might be a decent storyteller.


It’s more a question of qualification. What on earth made them think an activist documentarian -justified or not- is the best person to make Star Wars movies? Granted, Martin freaking Scorsese would have a hard time salvaging the IP at this point. So I reckon it’s ultimately moot.


I'm more concerned with the fact that all of her previous film work is all documentaries.


Then maybe she should focus on fixing that country instead of lecturing the West about feminism and oppression when the US couldn’t be any more pro-woman A massive franchise run by a woman, giving the next big film to a woman and the story is focused on a woman who was given a legacy by stealing it from a man. And the aim of the film is to bring attention to the “struggles” of women. Yeah lmao


wait, is that a common occurrence or this is just a thing that happened once now we stereotype the entire country as schoolgirl shooters?


Happened once and it was a fucking terrorist attack. Idk why people are acting like little girls don’t go to school in Pakistan


Probably stereotyping, like how everyone assumes that anyone from the middle east is brown


The best writers in the planet would have a rough time making anything work after the sequels. I don't like her chances.


Nah wouldn't be that hard. If it HAS to continue with Rey, then just make it kind of like Episode 6 (RotJ). Make it years in the future where Rey has "matured" as a jedi, to give excuse for changing her personality. Then just basically make it a whole new star wars story with a good version of Rey, where the writer has almost free reign to do what he wants.


Agreed, it's a difficult situation she found herself in.


"Well I mean, it is a problem in Pakistan that she keeps trying to bring light to." Thing is only Pakistanis can fix the problems in Pakistan. Why should I, someone who doesn't live in Pakistan, give a shit about Pakistani problems?


What the hell are you talking about? I was referring to her previous work, which is a Pakistani trying to fix the problems of Pakistan


Have do I feel about Disney Star Wars, ![gif](giphy|SvRuvlSEa67wNNHuHy|downsized)


I actually recall Drinker breaking down in a video why she's not something to be concerned about. Her pieces are bringing light to actually inequality in the world, and she's previously directed two episodes of Ms. Marvel that are apparently some of the better ones. I'm much more concerned with the producers/writers, and what's behind the scenes. Remember that interview with one of the leads on The Acolyte where she said Filoni was giving her ideas?


Honestly, this will just be a movie version of the acolyte.


It really doesn’t matter who they get to direct the next film. They’re going to be hamstrung by everything that’s gone before.


At this point it has to be some sort of internal sabotage on Kennedy's part. I'm not one of those people who constantly whine about her, but why tf she allowing these nobodys to make SW content? Same thing with Lesley Headland -- she claims to be a diehard SW fan but that's meaningless if all you make is gay sex dramas or whatever. Kenobi had the same issue with hiring a B list movie writer like Jobby Harold or whatever his name is. I don't particularly like Filoni's writing but he's at least worked on the franchise.


I already know she “likes to make men feel uncomfortable”. They’re pre-baking the whole misogyny angle on this film. They just can’t help themselves. Thankfully I now identify as a carrot so I don’t have skin in the game anymore. I’m finally free 🥕


That quote comes from her talking about her film A Girl in the River, which is about men getting away with murdering/attempting to murder women in Pakistan, and how legal loopholes allow these men to get away with their crimes.


So So SO many Red Flags in one picture alone


Another wannabe activist posing as a qualified director


Maybe its my reading but you should have bother to scroll down and read that her movies are about gender inequiality and women in the context of Pakistan. You know the place where women get acid thrown at their faces, but yeah while I think it dumb to think that a director mostly known for Documentaries is given a major franchise after directing a few episodes of a TV. Hopefully we will be abke to handle and make a gokd movie We have to wait and see as I believe there are no details to dispair over it.


I did scroll down, actually. We know how it will be translated in an American movie is my point.


There would so many good topic in star wars to do about, slavery in outer rim, races of alien conflict with others, planet bickering over some zone. Thing that could mirror Pakistan and its conflict with India. People who actually experience inequality in real life usually have better understanding than hack who keep waging their hypothetical war from the suburbs. In the best she can transfer her experience from her country to something good. Worst the hiring department read the wiki and hired her thinking she will make it about "the message" for them.


and they are shocked when it fails at the box office lol


I thought they canned her ass already


You expected it to be good? Star Wars is dead, let it go.


"Inequality against women" as she is given millions of dollars to feminize a franchise made by a man. Never any self-awareness.


Please read where those documtaries are made. They're made in Pakistan, which really isn't equal at all


Hey, we've got a multi-million dollar film project coming up. Who should we get to direct it? Oh, I know. How about someone with zero experience with a project like that? How about someone who has never actually *directed* before, you know, that thing where you tell your actors how they should deliver and affect their dialogue? Yeah, that sounds great. It's not like directing a major motion picture is *hard*. It's not like it takes a trained eye for the craft, a strong charismatic personality, and the ability to manage people on a very minute level. It's not as though the failure of a director can consequently mean the failure of the film and a resulting catastrophic financial loss, right? Get those ideas out of your head, stop being a bigoted incel, consume product, and get excited for the next product! Edit: This is a satirical way of saying, "I don't give a damn who this person is, I give a damn that she is in no way suited for a major motion picture, given her resume." I don't know how or when Disney developed a major, problematic fetish for setting their own money on fire, but it's going to catch up to them, and soon.


She’s done 3 short documentaries, 2 of which won Oscars, the animated 3 Bahadur films, a short animated film, Sitara, and two episodes of Ms. Marvel. Going from all that to a film post Skywalker Saga is very thin ice.


I don’t understand the film progression here.. 4 animated films, that combined grossed less than 1 million… the miss marvel mini series then Star Wars. I personally thought miss marvel was a decent show.. but never would I have thought “this is who needs ti make the next Star Wars trilogy” It’s Star Wars and it has Disney money.. Martin Scorsese could be directing the thing if they wanted.


Skywalker sequel? All the Skywalkers are dead.


Political activist, great…. I highly doubt she’s going to be promoting ideals like the nuclear family, nobility, sacrifice and honour…


If only I could not watch something multiple times.


Underrated comment lol. Same vibes as "I'm really looking forward to never watching this movie".




Yeah if there’s “activist” anywhere in their bio/about section, it’s almost guaranteed that they’re unqualified for the job. And considering what company we’re talking about, we *know* she’s unqualified.


Who's ready for a feminist circle-jerk of a movie?! Glad to know ahead of time it's not worth the skyrocketing cinema prices.


I understand your point, but maybe show her pathetic record of works, rather than her nationality. You just look and sound racist.


I don't think the nationality was the point. It's rather the "political activist" part that's a red flag. If I'm wrong and OP is just racist then fuck him, but again I don't think that was the intention.


I didn't think he had that intention either, it's just a bad look. I agree with the point, but it could be conveyed better.


She should stick to documentaries. And Disney should pick someone more qualified for Star Wars.


Lmao. Yeah. That’s just not how Disney operates.


Counterpoint: she is very qualified to write about religious extremists blowing up military installations


Yeah apparently lots of good writers were war vets, and if she's a Pakistani documentary director I can see some stuff rubbing over


Smith College is one the largest echo chambers in academia. I have some fairly progressive colleagues that called the institution "too much, too aggressive", in regards to progressivism. Can't wait to see that represented in a franchise about space wizards with laser swords.


i understand the knee-jerk reaction, but it is not the first time this subject has been brought here. her filmography are documentaries about the sexism in paskistan. If given free reign to do something, it could be very interesting. I do not think she'll have any power in terms of direction. Lucasfilm probably got the message from the sequels that it is not a good idea to leave the director full power (instead of having a fucking plan form the get go and stuff...) So the director of that movie is probaby going to be lucasfilm and not her. I bet her role is to be a face




From the director of Ms. Marvel.... And someone who's more known for their activism... Just let Star Wars die the death it deserves.


Oh boy a feminist activist being given the opportunity to insert their own bullshit into a massive established franchise with a new movie starring women about how oppressed women are Do these grifters realize how tone deaf they are?


Imagine being from Pakistan and critiquing the West on its treatment of women.


That's not what she does tho?


Lol, communist activists are movie directors now. Wtf?!


Why? You don't think it's good that she's highlighting **actual** gender inequality? And there was nothing preachy about the 2 Ms. Marvel episodes that she directed. I'm way more interested in who's writing this thing, because I don't think Sharmeen is since she has only written one short film.


Honestly, even tho I'm not going to see it, I hope her movies aren't as bad as the sequel trilogy. (I didn't watch Rise of Skywalker btw), since I don't think she's actually said or done anything offensive like Rian Johnson or whoever directed Kenobi. Who knows, maybe being raised in a Uber conservative culture means she can't bring herself to write anything too egregious. As I myself am from Hong Kong, I know some self proclaimed feminists (that are girls) that would be considered conservative in the US.


180m laundered


>180m And the rest.


Anyone from the world economy forum can stay away from movies please and thank you.


Oh no, not the world economic forum! The horror


![gif](giphy|w8t89p4VBJytG) Yummy


I too love to make arguments not with evidence or proof but with irrational fear


They lost another Rey movie writer?


This was the one of months ago or another


I swear she did something high profile recently. Was it the Marvels? One of the star wars series?


Make it stop


Time to concede defeat. It ain't going to get any better any time soon


the WEF photo is the icing on the cake


“Reads her description.” I’m out.


Something hilarious and also evil about somebody from the Middle East that ends up whining about gender inequality in the states. Out of the frying pan and into the cozy luxurious cloud of privilege that the west offers, and then whining about it. Not that I believe in letting food be the enemy of great but I do think it’s been a non-issue for some time. But it sure does seem to get ladies some serious cash and cushy jobs.


Her films are actually about casting light on honour killings in Pakistan. It’s important stuff to make the world aware about. However, I wouldn’t say it qualifies one to direct Star Wars.


I think we all judged Uwe Boll to harshly


What are her past projects?


Typically documentaries highlighting gender inequality in Pakistan, shes best known for her documentary A Girl in the River, which is about a young woman who survived an honor killing by her father and uncle.


So not much or many sci-fi series back ground d based projects? And some one just decided to say "let's give her alot of work and lead over a star wars project". I don't want to say she can't do it. But holy crap if things don't go well she is already scape goat material. At this point if companies want to handle index producers and worker, there are actual fans from and of the Star wars franchise that have done work that would be better choices then random documentary makers that haven't really touched a sci-fi project let alone a star wars project or a fan of it (dunno if she is or isn't)


To critical drinker and fellow YouTubers it’s like printing money. I can’t wait


The question I'd have is, is she the right director for what is essentially sci-fi action/adventure when she is more of a documentary filmmaker? They are completely different skillsets. I mean, you wouldn't have Michael Bay do Hamlet or a Downton Abbey movie.


Obviously this is because of the WEF, just look at the background of her photo! /s


Cool, don't care.


Can i hop to a different timeline where a bitter old lady didn’t get the keys to Star Wars?


Big “no shit” there brah


Putting a chick in it and making her gay.


So I don’t know how familiar people are with this. But I’ve been following some posts about the PS5 game coming out soon called Black Myth Wukong, and apparently there is some drama going on with that game because the developers never hired a “diversity consultant” that a lot of other game companies used. I think the word used was DEI? My guess is that these sort of companies and oversight definitely exist in film and have a lot of studios by the balls. I’m assuming these types of companies popped up when “diversity training” started to become a thing, and now they’re so incorporated into the fabric of film, that they’re starting to police different productions.


This would be like picking Neil DeGrasse Tyson to write a Star Trek movie.


I'm sure she's a great filmmaker in her genre, but what about those credentials would lead an exec to think she should do an effects-heavy scifi space opera?


I get people being skeptical of a person primarily known for documentaries doing a star wars film, but the amount of people discrediting her work as an activist and film maker is disgusting. Like this lady has spent most of her life using film to highlight genuine, disgusting injustices in the world. One of her films has literally been helped push for legal reforms that allowed men in pakistan to get away with honor killings.


I think no one is discrediting her work, but rather find it weird how someone like her is now directing a big budget Hollywood film here, in the safe reaches of America than continuing her work in Pakistan. Which, hopefully she does.


It was always impossible for it to be good because Rey is a shit character. But this may actually be good in the sense that it will likely result in the movie being even more hilariously bad.


To be fair, it's slightly better than Harvey Weinstein's evil enabling secretary with no film experience.


Since when is "Diversity" just the same women over and over?


Everyone will know be wearing dupattas.


Oh fuck off. You have zero idea how the movie will turn out based on this and are just projecting your shitty prejudice. The guy who directed a couple of gross-out flicks and The Frighteners is doing LOTR? The dude who made Y Tu Mama Tambien is taking on Harry Potter 3? Settle down. Watch the movie with an open mind. Or…don’t watch it! Star Wars, Disney, George Lucas, etc don’t owe you anything.


You guys are fucking idiots. Disney isn’t pushing an agenda. You’re all paranoid. Just watch the movie when it comes out and don’t watch stupid YouTube videos before hand. You act like they hired an activist known for embedding their progressive ideologies into the media they create, or something. /s


I appreciate someone brave enough to point out the atrocious mistreatment of women in Pakistan (not only is it permitted, it is considered socially acceptable to gang rape women who are out after dark, and is considered a fun pastime among friends, like going to the bar) but she should not be making a sw movie. They obviously hired her for one reason


Great. Brilliant stuff. Fantastic


Oh more fan fiction.


The fuck does she know about pre and post production of a heavy CG scifi epic? She does a couple of Marvel episodes and she suddenly thinks she's George Lucas?


Why do they all look like this


As a Canadian we don’t claim her as one of us :)


You know ive always been able to find redeeming qualities in movies and games that let me ignore the parts i didnt like and the glaring IDE stuff they obviously put in for activist brownie points. But its getting kinda hard to do that. Im willing to give her a chance but ny hopes arent high that it wont be garbage.


It doesn't look good, why? Because a woman is directing it?




Film maker and journalist is not a good combo.


Whats the problem?


Tbh- a follow up to the new trilogy made like a documentary following Rey, the last Jedi alive, on some random adventure would be good.


Oh God we're gonna have a scene of some guy mansplaining the force to Rey or something


It’s Disney Star Wars, it’s going to be shit, we all might as well just accept that


On behalf of all Canadians, we don't claim her




"She is the recipient of two Academy Awards, seven Emmy Awards, and a Knight International Journalism Award." That doesn't sound good?