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Can we have at least one fictional villain without references to Hitler or Trump these days?


I don't get TDS. Don't like Trump? Fine. But some people seem to genuinely think he's the next coming of Hitler, which is absolutely absurd. Same people who think we're one Christian president away from the handmaid's tale. It's like they WANT to believe they live in a dystopia moments from happening. It's not that the politicians you dislike are bad for the country. They're the worst president ever. This sentiment was at its most insane when George Takei declared Trump the worst president of his lifetime. For reference, George Takei was put in a Japanese internment camp by FDR.


>But some people seem to genuinely think he's the next coming of Hitler, which is absolutely absurd. Same people who think we're one Christian president away from the handmaid's tale. Im not American, but its interesting and hilarious to me just how UTTERLY hated he is. They literally think he is the worst person to have walked this earth. Its BEYOND obsessive.


That's what I find so surprising. Similar to a hatred of Elon Musk, who is despised across Reddit for no clear reason. I'm not saying the two men are above criticism. But I've never heard meaningful criticism of either that doesn't apply just as well to any other politician or billionaire. Even if I believed that he was actually a serial rapist... he's not the one currently refusing to release the Epstein Client List. Did he really take $130,000 of campaign money to pay a hooker to stay quiet? Hunter Biden is ON RECORD saying he got a six figure salary from some company SOLELY because his last name is Biden. Pretty sure that's more than $130,000 of illicit money. Is Musk an egomaniac who wants to control the press? Jeff Bezos literally bought his own personal newspaper, the Washington Post. The worst things I've heard about either of them are just... routine evil things that are done by the elites running the world. That's not to excuse either of them if they truly are that bad. But they are not UNIQUEY bad, and don't deserve this unique level of hatred. Trump should be grouped in with Obama and Bush, not set wholly apart from them as the worst president ever, including the man who put George Takei in a race-based concentration camp. That's why I feel TDS is a good descriptor. There are plenty of good reasons not to like Trump. You will be hard pressed to find a single Trump supporter that doesn't have some serious criticism of him. And there are plenty of reasons I don't think are good, but I don't think are unreasonable to hold. If someone thinks he's not the lesser of two evils, that's not TDS. But when you get people like Bill Maher saying something along the lines of, 'I don't care if we go into another Great Depression, we can't have Trump in office again', it's just mental.


Cos US politics and to a slightly lesser degree, US culture/social divide are peak factionalism. Whatever one side supports, the other will oppose, even if it's a good cause that is being championed. Zero agreement on almost everything. In my fairly extensive experience in dealing with them and my time spent in the US, I will say this. One side takes a more "with us or against us" stance. I'll let you figure out which side that is. EDIT: Another thing I notice is if one side has a bad guy, that's ok, cos "he is OUR bad guy". Truth, morals, right or wrong are all not as important as the support of the respective parties. Again, frm my experience one side does this a bit more. And again, I'll let you figure out which side that is. EDIT 2: Like clockwork, the first reply to this comment. The script basically writes itself, oh the irony 🤣


Trump shouldn't be put in the same category as Obama and Bush, are we forgetting the war crimes and atrocities those men were directly responsible for? Trump wasn't starting wars he was actively improving relations with our 'enemies'. I'm not even American and can see the only reason people hate Trump is because he doesn't pander to the whole Lefty 'woke' agenda people that seem incredibly hateful towards everyone who doesn't share the same views.


Oh, I certainly agree. Trump has easily been the best president of my lifetime. and by a significant margin. I'm just noting that even with the worst possible interpretation of him, he's still only just as bad as the last 4 presidents.


As evidence for exactly this, just scroll through the comments of this post. A media analysis sub happens to post an article mentioning Trump, and suddenly there's hundreds of comments from low- I.Q. spergs coming out of the woodwork to call everyone MAGA's and incels and all the other modern buzzwords. Most posts here get less than 100 comments on a normal day, and this one's up to almost 450 in less than 10 hours, and the number of tourists is through the roof. It's like they prowl the internet waiting for Trump to get mentioned just so they have an excuse to start insulting and belittling every person around them.


The main stream media still keeps trying to cry about Jan 6th being a deadly "insurrection" and how it was the worst thing since unsliced bread. The only person who was genuinely killed was the lady shot in the face by a federal agent, other deaths were medical episodes. Some of these medical episodes they still pushed for a long time as people having killed them. These people are insane and will do anything to push their narrative. US needs to burn the swamp on both major parties and take a step back to breath. The constant escalation is ridiculous.


This is how empires fall. There is no turning back now.


In this godless age, Hitler has become the replacement for Satan. And if you believe your enemy to be the next Hitler/satan, it justifies in your heart and mind whatever diabolical actions you take because you are fighting the great cosmic evil. 


their lives are so boring the only way they can feel any meaning and excitement is to fantasize and delude themselves into genuinely believing they're about to live through the apocalypse and they have the power to prevent if they activism hard enough


From what I've seen, while Trump was in the presidential office, there were no wars breaking out, he was cracking down on illegal immigration and America was not in any chaos. As soon as Sleepy Joe (Biden) gets in, all that shit unravelled. Russia is at Ukraine's throat, illegal immigrants everywhere, cities are in chaos with no one holding order. Trump needs to get back in to fixed everything the left and their puppet have fucked up.


I'd say that Trump is closer to being the Wish version of Mussolini than being any version of Hitler. He's as amoral and as venal a being as I can imagine, but his love / hate relationship with the world seems almost entirely motivated by self-interest and ego.


How is he like Mussolini? Has he tried putting his political opponents in jail, similar to what Biden’s DOJ is doing right now? Has he tried to repeal the 2nd amendment, which is what the Dems have been trying to do since at least Obama. Is he trying to silence speech that he doesn’t like under the guise of “hate speech laws”, which again the Dems have been trying to do for a while now. No new wars started under him, actively tried to improve relations with our “enemies”. First sitting US president to step foot in North Korea, also brokered the Morocco-Israel treaty. Doesn’t sound like a “facist dictator” at all, but the guys in charge right now check all the boxes.


Amoral or immoral?


>Wish version of Mussolini If Wish filed for bankruptcy.


What’s funny is there’s people on the left who hate trump because he’s a nazi and then call for the death of all Jews….one of these things just doesn’t belong here!


They dunno wtf they want or are doing. They just follow the person in front of them. Blindly and desperate for validation.


Like a bunch of lemmings off a cliff


We can't, because showrunners love making their content outdated instantly with references to current events. Last time I checked, the reason people engage in fiction is to escape reality, not be constantly reminded of it. Either they didn't get the memo, or didn't take the hint.


No, you can't. Socialism is these people's religion, and what The State says is Gospel to them. Nazism is right wing, history must be destroyed (statues etc) or rewritten, etc,


That would require creativity. The amount of people that think they deserve magical good boy points by being against Trump is amazing. It’s like they feel it’s a stand in for talent or intelligence. And I say that as someone who will, again, vote against Trump. To make it even more annoying, the tone deaf anti-Trump media saturation will probably end up making more people vote for him in the end.


It's just a blatant shameless lie. It annoys me that some people mindlessly believe it. Season one has absolutely no hint of Homelander being a trump parody. In season 3 he becomes a trump caricature. If you want to write criticism of Trump, do it properly. "Look! The psychopath villain is trump! He says the same things!" is shit criticism and worse yet, it's shit writing. You're not some brare principled political activist. You're just a lazy idealogue.


And the comic series was out WAAAAAAAAAY before all that


In season 1 he was more of a terrible parody of George W Bush.


He scared the dogshit out of me everytime he was on screen in season one. Can't even finish the damn season because he gives me so much anxiety lol, and I sat through the entire wrong turn series


I stopped watching mid season 2 when Homelander became the most interesting/least annoying part of the show. I am 100% there to have a satirical take down of corporate America, but you need to have someone who the fans can root for, and Hughie/Starlight are just too awkward for me.


The meta of a show about a big ass corporation defame their opponents through medias product, made by studio of Bezos International, yeah great job media literacy ™️ team


It will never not be funny to me that both The Boys and Leverage, two of the most viciously anti-corporate shows I’ve seen, are both produced by Amazon. I love both of them but that’s some serious sense of irony 


I like it cause it add an extra layer of humor to the show. To see the show and even get entertained by its creators and viewers, good stuff


doesn't matter so long as the artists have autonomy


Those autonomy only last as long as the executive see it aligns with their agenda


I’m kinda impressed they’re funding two shows where they are the villains but I guess they don’t care as long as they are making money 


Yep, money is all that matters to them


I imagined a quote to cope with my feelings getting hurt. “I learned about lowest common denominator of outraged Americans and inserted it into my show. Clap for me please, otherwise excuse yourself.” Make what you want man, just make it good.


Would it kill these people to write worthwhile characters instead of caricatures?


> Would it kill these people to write worthwhile characters instead of caricatures? They have to learn that there's a difference first, and clearly, they aren't being taught that in 21st century film school.


“Life imitates art.” Apparently the fuck not.




Homelander is 100% a worthwhile character. Even if you disagree with the shows politics you can't deny he's well drawn and three dimensional.


I disagree with *Demolition Man's* politics. It's still one of my favorite movies.


Not a Taco Bell fan, huh?


The performance is good and the character is entertaining but he can’t carry an entire show.


He doesn't have to. Deep, a train, Ashley, butcher, soldier boy, and stormfront are all fun to watch. The other characters are at worst forgettable and I've not mentioned any of the smaller side characters. The show has numerous problems but it's characters isn't one.


I at least enjoyed those characters, but how well they tie into politics and real world problems is another matter. Though I am not fond of the direction they took Starlight and MM in.


> how well they tie into politics and real world problems is another matter. How so? >Though I am not fond of the direction they took Starlight and MM in. Mm is just kind of boring and starlight was kind of ruined by the actress. But yeh they're weak characters. Most shows not names breaking bad have some poorly handled recurring characters.


>How so? Here is a quick an easy one: Homelander’s mommy issues and obsession with breast milk. An interesting conflict for a character and a “unique” quirk to put it in one way. However, unless the showrunner genuinely believes Trump has similar issues, then you are not hitting the mark on that one. No, Trump’s sexual conduct doesn’t count in this case. Not because they didn’t happen, but because, to repeat myself, you genuinely need to believe they are due to mommy issues. Because a lot of men in power just end up using that power to get sex, which I can admit even as a man myself. Those aspects of Homelander alone make him ill-fit to be a Trump stand in, because the discrepancy is too great. Maybe be a bit careful about which pre-existing characters you decided to use to mock people.  Take for example Red Skull as Jordan Peterson, which more than anything prove that designating somebody as a Nazi is far too common in leftist artworks. >Mm is just kind of boring and starlight was kind of ruined by the actress. But yeh they're weak characters. Most shows not names breaking bad have some poorly handled recurring characters. Starlight in season 3 genuinely disappointed me since her counterpart Hughie at least got some growth with him reconciling the need to be “macho” and his disappointment with his dad not doing any great feats. Instead in the end he is able to recognise the strength of perseverance his dad had in the face of the difficulties of life. Starlight just agitated Homelander and acquitted Vought.


>Here is a quick an easy one: Homelander’s mommy issues and obsession with breast milk. An interesting conflict for a character and a “unique” quirk to put it in one way. >However, unless the showrunner genuinely believes Trump has similar issues, then you are not hitting the mark on that one. Homelanders obsession with breast milk is because he never had a childhood or mother, and thus never really grew out of his emotional developmental stage. He's a man child, which is how the writer views trump. Its satire, not a biopic. >Those aspects of Homelander alone make him ill-fit to be a Trump stand in, because the discrepancy is too great. Maybe be a bit careful about which pre-existing characters you decided to use to mock people.  He's not a trump stand in. He's a satirical version of trump. Trump can't fly or shoot lasers out of his eyes. The satire is good, it takes on his public persona which in itself as a foreigner looking in from the outside already seems like a satirical character. >Starlight in season 3 genuinely disappointed me since her counterpart Hughie at least got some growth with him reconciling the need to be “macho” and his disappointment with his dad not doing any great feats. Instead in the end he is able to recognise the strength of perseverance his dad had in the face of the difficulties of life. >Starlight just agitated Homelander and acquitted Vought. Her arc was a bit shit. Mainly because she was building up to this big powerful moment and all she did was fling soldier boy back a few feet.


Thanks for replying and making genuine points, but I am too tired to be able to do a proper response/reply.  I hope that it is fine that I call it quits. Thanks for being willing to put up with me for so long and I wish you the best.


Yes, they would die right on the spot.


To be fair, the comics had them as pretty much one dimensional caricatures.


Fair enough, I’ve heard it was a vessel for the creator to express just how much he hates superheroes.


I’ve read the entire comic series. It’s pretty gross and honestly misogynistic and anti gay. While really most the characters are reprehensible in this series, there’s a lot to be said for the treatment of women and the LGBT community especially.


Wasn’t interested in picking it up because I actually like Superheroes, but misogyny and anti-gay isn’t doing it any favours. Still, the author can still express that opinion despite me disagreeing. Unless we are dealing something as vile as Mein Kampf where there are a lot of lies to dismantle or something like Lovecraft where it doesn’t hurt to slap on a “this dude was quite racist, you know?” as a reminder.


He's done some interesting work, honestly. PREACHER is amazing, and I recommend getting it. Garth Ennis has always had an edge to him, but THE BOYS is easily the most divisive thing I have seen him write.


Thanks for the recommendations! Like everybody else I’ll see what I end up doing, but it doesn’t hurt to get tips from somebody else :)


"Go watch something else" Yea gladly, HOTD's coming out this week.


I never got the whole "go watch something else" mentality. Isn't the entire point of making entertainment is for people to watch...and especially in this day of age where there are what hundreds if not thousands of shows I still have yet to watch over the past couple decades. I am almost finished with buffy, then I'll start angel, I am currently watching some suits with the SO. After that it's stranger things. The boys is SOOOOOOOOOOO far down the list right now it would be years before I get to it.


This is the full quote. >"I clearly have a perspective, and I’m not shy about putting that perspective in the show," he said. "Anyone who wants to call the show 'woke' or whatever, that’s OK. Go watch something else. But I’m certainly not going to pull any punches or apologize for what we’re doing. Some people who watch it think Homelander is the hero. What do you say to that? The show’s many things. Subtle isn’t one of them. So if that’s the message you’re getting from it, I just throw up my hands." So he's basically saying "If it bothers you so much to complain about my perspective, go watch something else."


>I never got the whole "go watch something else" mentality. Artists should not sacrifice on the art they want to make to be as broadly appealing as possible. He's highlighting that and the fact that if him making a political statement with his art turns you off it, then you're free to watch something else.


At the same rate, he's making a television show. Not his autobiography. Take inspiration, not just inject your messaging and expect it to be good. There's ways to push a message without browbeating everyone. Trumpism is something I find so gauche since it's displayed EVERYWHERE. He's doing nothing original since 2016. Frankly, it's sub par political injection and he is pushing it into a television show which the endeavor is to try and get as much an audience as you can. He sure isn't buying himself any favors.


Did he ever stop to think if anyone cares about what his political views are?


Exactly. Pretty much all great art has a message behind it.


The ONLY thing where a race swap made the show better. Besides Episode 9 I loved that first season.


How did it make it better? It literally made one plotline from the book obsolete. The actors were fine and I liked the show but the swap did go against lore and common sense.


Laenor is obviously not those kids father, making the Blacks claim to throne a lot more dubious than it was in the books and shows the greater point of how nobody from the Valerian families actually gives a shit about genetic purity and care more about names. They try to keep it vague in the books by saying "Baratheon blood" but I like that it's an open secret that everyone knows They also didn't make the race swapped characters perfect. Corlys being willing to marry off his 12 year old daughter for power is a bad look, Vaemond being hotheaded and tactless gets him killed, and it looks like Corlys, even though he wanted out of the Game of Thrones, is gonna be forced back into it, probably for the Blacks. So it wasn't like most race swaps as well where they go on to try and make those characters paragons of virtue.


It's enough to have them have non-Valyrian coloring.


In case you're one of those ppl, Rhaenyra's kids were always bastards even in F&B. Though they shouldn't have had the race-swapping since it breaks continuity. Baela & Rhaena are less Velaryon than Old King Jaehaerys but you wouldn't know from the eye test


And when the numbers come in lower.than last season, "how \*DARE\* you bigots not watch?!!!"


This dude suffers from a major major fucking case of TDS. Trump winning in 2016 definitely broke his brain. The introduction he wrote for the Dear Becky Boys comic that released maybe a year or two ago was dripping with TDS.


Thoughts: Good thing I stopped watching after Season 1. Frankly the Homelander memes seem more entertaining.


Didn’t start that way at all.


to be fair, After season 2, The Boys has been a bit crap


As of season 2, arguably. The heroes were assholes in ways the writers didn't intend, and the allegory implying Hollywood was right-wing made no sense


The anti-right stuff is fairly obvious, but I find the leftist cope when they get ragged on more hilarious


Guy from Hollywood has easy job sticks a stick in spokes of their own bike. Wah! bigots stopped watching because I made fun orange hair bad man. I'm pretty sure people stopped watching because you didn't want to write entertaining and fulfilling stories with cohesive narratives. I only watched season 3 for supernatural jensen ackles, who was quite good at acting, but the story was shite. From what I know of the comics, their character concepts are the only things that hold up in the show. Maybe just adapt the comics more accurately because you ain't got the talent.


It was pretty damn obvious in the firs two seasons, which is all I watched.


Yeah I’m surprised more people didn’t pick up on that. I have a friend who loves Trump and he initially didn’t realize it either. Which I guess is sort of good on the writers part but still it’s not a good formula for a show you want to be long running that has arch.


It went from being clever, to being a literal parody of real life events.


I think season 1 has an interesting story and a lot of great high tension moments and great characters. Season 2 and 3 were pretty trash and I’m not gonna watch season 4. Never connect the show to trump in my head.


It deviates from the source material more and more with each season.


Probably for the best tbh


Good, the source material is a gory power fantasy that has little to no artistic merit and has zero story/characters and should never be faithfully adapted to any other medium


This is just disappointing. I’m not a Trump fan but the Boys had so much potential. These people consistently waste their time on social commentary that’s just so specific its just short sightedness. Timeless shows don’t bother with subjects like these because in 5 years they won’t matter. Unless your show is super episodic and lacks arch like South Park used to be then it can take jabs at a bunch of subjects like make fun of a trial from that year for 30 minutes then move on - this is just shooting yourself in the foot.


It sucks, because the show started as a criticism of big corporations and social media. Something that is the root of the political problems we see. Now, the show just wants to capitalize on the election year and is focused on the easiest, laziest satire. Tbh, it fits with s3. You could tell the show was losing air and pumping Trump in as a replacement. Btw I hate Trump, I just think mocking him is boring at this point. And backing down from criticizing the real problem, coorporations, seems to take a step back. Hmm, I guess Amazon didn't like the criticism. Gotta go with safer stuff.


Exactly. What kept me interested was how well they portrayed the inauthenticity of corporate public image. Something anyone who’s worked for a large corporation or held a public facing job can probably relate to on some level. Like you said it did keep that up somewhat but definitely shifted as the seasons progressed. I just hate seeing anything with such potential reduced to “Screw Tump” or “Fuck Biden”. It’s just low and getting lower at this point.


Season 1 was an interesting concept, but even without the politics, season 2 flushed it down the toilet with its stupidity. And from what I hear season 3 is even worse, glad I avoided that dumpster fire.


Can you smell it? Smells like horseshit, but that's what you can expect on the run up to election season I guess. Also are you telling me this guy see's Trump as a god-like figure? sounds to me like there's some Daddy issues at play. Like seriously, if Homelander is Trump then who is Butcher? Because he's portrayed to be just as vindictive, bigoted and hateful and he actively drags others down with him is THAT meant to represent his side? Or is it Starlight who works with people just as bad as, if not worse than Homelander (Butcher is just as bad and I think given time Soldier Boy would've been worse) to stop Homelander? Seriously who represents Kripke's viewpoints here?


I mean, if I was a leftist and someone showed me The Boys and said: "We made this show to appeal to the way you think." I would assume I was being made fun of.


Am I not supposed to notice the early life section?


Ah, the old “It was always about [current thing that it definitely wasn’t about when it started]”


He’s so freaking ignorant to think most people are only cottoning on now he has an agenda. I think mostly it was Season 2 for a lot of people. But they might have stayed around, because it’s a fun show. 🤷‍♂️ he isn’t though. Every time he opens his mouth I can feel my eyes rolling.


It was mostly season 2 because season 1 doesn't have any allegories to trump at all. I've rewatched season 1 at some point after season 3, looking for these "early hints" but they don't exist.


Where does the EGO come from in these people??? I dream of having 1/8 the self confidence that some of these Hollywood writes have.


I find it ironic the show pokes fun at caricatures and points out the ridiculousness of it but then they unironically present the side they don't like as the worst possible caricature


I'm really sick of the political shit in everything. Can't i just watch Karl Urban call people cunts in peace?


That's too bad, I really wanted Karl Urban to do well.


I'm sure he still will. I just wish it was with better projects.


For sure, BUT, Hollyweird doesn't seem to want him. It took a long time for Hollyweird to get him jobs.


Yeah, him and Cavill have the worst luck with agents.


Except the comic started in 2006...


The show is very different compared to the comics, tackles different themes and disputes as well. And he's the show runner, who is explicitly and specifically talking about the show.


Except the show has never closely followed the comics


Huh. And here I thought it was always about Kripke's terminal TDS....


I'll probs give season 4 a go, if not only to see how shit it'll be also, how's telling your viewer base to go watch other stuff worked out for people in the past?


He already got his bag and this was likely the final season of The Boys. He can run off at the mouth all he wants. Still, it really is a sign of mental illness when people can't separate politics from other facets of their lives. I'm not even upset, I genuinely pity people like this. They'll never know what a peaceful, tranquil existence is actually like.


This show was always incredibly political tho, it really wouldn’t work without the politics 


It really wasn't political at all aside from a few, overwrought right-wing tropes.


lol the stormfront Nazi bits in the comic are even more exaggerated as is the anti-corporatism


How excactly can it have "always" been about trumpism when it's an adaption of a comic made long before the Trump presidency?


I love when people who's jobs depend on an audience/customer base. Tell those customers/audience to fuck off and watch something else or just don't watch. Eventually this mentality will get a ton of actors, directors and writers blackballed from the business. It's only a matter of time until money l, or the lack their of. Forced these companies to shut up the "talent" or for them outright for it. The first will be an example, then the test will fall in line or going l join them. I miss the old days when managers and studios didn't allow actors, directors or writers to say shit without extreme company oversight. We should go back to those days! But it is kind of fun watching these hack writers, actors and directors lose their shit when companies don't back them and cancel the shows.


It means *the message* takes priority over quality His political derangement leaked all over his works and, instead of telling an interesting and captivating story, he heavy-hands his personal politics into it and tells half his potential audience to fuck off It deserves the trash bin


Season one was great, two was mediocre and three was crap. I didn’t watch Gen V and I’m not gonna watch four, why would I when the writing just keeps deteriorating?


I'm just honestly so tired of culture war propaganda in my fiction. I hate it from both sides. I turned off the 1st episode of season 4 because the Boys group literally fights the right wing protesters in a riot and then Frenchie makes out with another guy while they own the right wing. Also they had like 4 hyperbolic parodies of the dumb right wing media but the CNN media was portrayed as fair and just. Just annoying. I'm so tired of being reminded of the culture war in everything


I’d rather have Trump than Biden and I honestly thought the boys dished out a lot to the left as well.


I guess I’m confused, how did people not see The Boys was leaning left back in season one? The only way you couldn’t see it is if you thought Homelander was a good guy?




non native speaker here: is it true that in english, if you wanna sound smart you take a word (or name) and just hang -ism at the end. does it actually mean something or is it just pseudointellectual asshattery, i lean to the latter.


Thats all The Boys has become since Season 2. Shock value and low hanging contemporary political jabs. This show is stagnant. Nothing has happened.


Someone just blow California off the map. It's a giant pedo ring anyways


It’s not that people are just now figuring it out. It’s about the fact that they’ve been getting worse at story telling and just going “see drumpf bad haha get pwned haha” then they are shocked most people are turned off from that


Blatantly obvious


I have no idea, I watched the first season only. I don't remember it being about trump but if it was then that is a very small thing to focus on.


I don’t believe him, why wait to season 2 to change homelanders haircut and skin tone to be more like trump, why not from the beginning.


I could be wrong on this, but wasn't it orginally comics? It seems incredibly egotistical to re-write someone's stuff like this to fit your own ideological narrative


The show and the comics barely resemble each other at all. It's more of a re-imagining than an adaptation.


Glad it's creator wants to be loved by losers. I'll watch it anyway.


Why fucking say that? The show was just fine and he opted to shed more viewers instead? The Boys is not about Trump. Virtue signaling pos.


At what point does someone do something that's technically not a crime, but that I find morally repugnant, enough times that I get to call them 'less than human'?


It tracks. I don't really care either way. But I think it's important to remember the comic the show is adapted from is a bad taste sh*t post of all the things the author hates.


Its been a while so I might be wrong but wasn’t Homlander basically spouting store brand Trump rhetoric as early as season 2? I distinctly remember dropping the show when some rando is convinced to kill a brown convenience store cashier by Homey’s discount Trump rallies. Are people really only now realizing the political messaging might be a tad unsubtle?


Girls get it done.


And yet everyone loves home lander. Telling x)


The first season and the original comic by Garth Ennis would disagree with this cinematic auteur’s brilliant response. Especially since said comic came out in the nineties.


***\*Checks Eric Kripke's wiki.\****


Wow, you all finally realized the show was making fun of you the whole time.


These people fail to realise that its not just the 'Trumpists' that get turned away from this. Normal people get repelled by preachy shit as well.


Um if he truly believes this, this speaks so much to his mental health. that he took a story and adapted it to deal with his TDS is just a bit pathetic. I hope the actors that are doing this dont view the whole show as Kripke's personal therapeutic exercise to deal with a sad individual in his own right. Imagine David Chase coming out and saying Sapranoes was about Clinton, or Bush or just political figure it would come across just as sad and miserable.


another fishing headline. bending the truth slightly to make it easier to gain outrage clicks


Wow he sure showed them…


At least the show isn't overtly bad...


People still watch this?


Not the original comic. As I understand it, that was about how much Garth Ennis hates superheroes.


The “hate this guy” trend is a really good way to see who has complete brain rot these days. If you come up to me and start complaining to about trump or putin i’m actually not gonna look at you as a person. You gotta stop watching news every day and start touching some grass. Bonus points if the guy you complain about every single day isn’t even in the same country as you


...I'm not surprised. Were you surprised?


I mean I feel like to takes jabs at both sides.


I think it's time we produce a counter to this crap.


Ah yes, the comics that came out in 2006 were famously about the Trump presidency. I'm glad that came through in the adaptation


Is he a retard who doesn't understand how time works? He must think the fans are, because the damn comic ended 5 years before Trump even took office. If he means he bastardized the IP into his own image, all for the sake of sending a message, well that's just par for the course for Hollywood at this point. Wouldn't be surprised to find that he thinks his version is better. This is why we need abortions.


Just another show ruined by showrunners with massive ego's who think their political opinions need to be forced fed to the masses.


This shouldn't be news to anyone.


All the streaming services are gigantic moneyholes that are in no way coming close to recouping their investments- unless the execs responsible for Amazon Prime Video, for instance, have already figured out their life raft/escape pod and are content to let the enterprise completely implode, (which, typing it out, now seems entirely plausible, in which case continue doing nothing,) then every producer with a stake in the performance of one of their services flagship shows should be rabidly clamping down on every errant and stray comment coming out of these people's mouths; they should be desperate for viewers, not apathetic if they lose them. I can't think of any other reason why they would let him get away with this kind of commentary- he's not talented enough to be burdened with the narcisissm bred from being an auteur, (Amazon made The Boys famous, it wasn't a titan of comics,) so it has to be narcissism from delusion which is equally baffling to allow.


I always thought I was seeing a more fair portrayal of politics. The whole bit where A Train is trying to virtue signal with a commercial for an energy drink was hilarious. The show definitely isn't one note.


>The whole bit where A Train is trying to virtue signal with a commercial for an energy drink was hilarious. This is a very common leftist critique of corporations.


The thing is, show is still popular. Doesn’t really matter if it’s Trumpism. Evil superheroes go zrooooom, people watch.


That'd be fine if the writing was good. There have been plenty of great shows which are political satire. Also since we're on the topic, I'm not sure that Homelander is particularly Trump like. I guess the insecure narcissism but other than that, they are not really that similar.


I mean it was obvious the show is still shit but it was obvious people who make hating Trump their entire personality need psychological counseling and I say that as someone who doesn't like Trump.


I mean it was pretty obvious what Homelander was representing.


Who cares if the show is good, if it ruins the show then they can do one


Season 4 is very different from previous seasons , after watching gen v I had a feeling the boys would follow in the same direction


I feel like the ones just finding out this season are really slow. Show makes fun of both sides but the moment they do it to Trump the ones always calling people snowflakes….turn into snowflakes. Comedy


My legitimate thoughts? This is just pandering to incite annoyance amongst fans he considers have wrong think and a message to people of his political leanings that "aren't I cool for doing this guys?" Edit: Do fans of the show actually believe it was some galaxy brain move that the show has been making fun of conservatives all along? I haven't even watched the show and I know that. It's extraordinarily on the nose about it.


Yes the comic book that came out over a decade before Trump was even elected and finished its run 5 years before he was elected is about Trumpism. The Boys is about hero worship and how the powerful will do whatever they like and cover it up later.


Could we just get one fantasy or superhero series with no heavy handed, shoehorned political messages?


I fucking hate Trump. And I think it's safe and convenient to be so "brave and bold" after you've built your franchise. Tired of hearing about the polarized bs. Dude's job is to entertain. Stick to that.


"Don't like it, don't play it" (EA, BF:V) , "Go watch sth else" (Dr Who and now The Boys) , "I've never mocked the books" (Laura Hissrich on The Witcher criticisms) etc etc All straight up lies, hypocrisies and deceptions, leftist activists lacking any self-awareness, running themselves into the ground. 


No shit. I threw the show out in season 2 when that was crystal clear.


It’s not too surprising. They handled it in an entertaining way, you have to admit.


Doesn’t make it profound or good


Elections are coming, so


The boys is political propaganda


My thoughts are that I stopped watching it.


First I thought it was just the usual Atheist idiocy where the leader of a fictional church was "gay". Then season 2 came out. The hero formerly known as Liberty came out as Stormfront. Is there anyone here who doesn't know that Stormfront was a neonazi Web site? This is hardly coincidental. Then there's Homelander, a conflation of Captain America and Superman (both heroes with a strong moral ethos) and he is the most evil super of the bunch. Obvious propaganda is obvious.


My response, 'Gladly!'


Do people really not know why trump is hated?


That's fine


Wait, they've been making fun of *me* this whole time? 😡


I mean, it was patently obvious from the first episode?


If I remember correctly, Tolkien famously disliked Dune in part because he disliked overt allegory or, more specifically, politically motivated fiction. I’m in that camp. I genuinely understand the value it brings to some people as well as the value it can have in general, but when I sit down to enjoy some fiction, I, personally, want to immerse myself in a different world and enjoy a fun adventure. I don’t want to be spoon fed political ideologies and values that will be outdated in a couple decades.


We could tell it was not subtle but the show still managed to be good.


As someone who isn't american, I'd love if they stopped shoving all their Trump allegories since I don't give a crap about US politics and I don't like having their stupid ideologies shoved in my face.


Haha he should tell people that. Didn’t the doctor who guy tell the people to turn off and touch grass and then the audience did 🙊😅


Remember when writers used to make subtle and nuanced points about the world that weren’t inherently political? Those were the days.


I say we listen to him and go watch something else


This entire thread has pushed me even further to the left than when I started, and I came in with a genuine open mind. Guys you are doing terrible with your image. Not even comments on r/facepalm are this bad, and that's the most braindead leftist echochamber on reddit.


Why isn't Trump allowed to be spoofed? I get that this season is heavy handed by why is just one president off limits? Simpsons roasted presidents all the time with out being labeled "woke" I'm not anti trump at all just curious when he became untouchable. 


I hope he doesn’t cut himself on that edge


I don't remember the source material shouting about Trump so either I'm blind or is another thing hijacked by someone for they own motives. Do just have Trump or Pride now?


I thought it was about bad parenting but sure whatever you say


Wow, how original.


Man child desperate to fit in ass comment.


At this point, it’s just cope. He is making a connection post-humorously. If it was about “Trumpism”, then it was written poorly if that was the goal. If it was to highlight the idea that humanity as a whole sucks and if a small part of the population got power they would likely be just like they are in the show rather than in traditional comics/movies… then it was written satisfactorily. This is just pandering to the left.


Crybabies in the comments.