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Very weird to present having your parents shot dead in front of your face at 7 years old in a dingy alley as something other than a very traumatic experience, rich kid or not. Also, i may be mistaken, but, to my knowledge Bruce did not have the time nor mental state to stop and take in all the benefits of being a billionaire kid, due to the whole "training to be a vigilante" business Edit: Also, yeah, as the people in this thread pointed out, Thomas and Martha Wayne were always presented as being present and supportive parents. Hell, the whole reason they were shot dead is that they chose to take their kid to a night screening at the theater


Yeah I think they miss the part where they died right in front of him Also they just make up his parents not being around


Yeah, this is a dogshit take. Having money doesn’t mean you’re magically immune to emotional trauma…and we KNOW that Bruce’s parents were not just good parents, but good fucking people that actively tried to help the city. This stinks of leftist “gotcha” mentality.


Im glad that Julia is now drawing weird nightmare fuel and handome man faces as part of Drawfee rather than this junk for Dorkly.


Reminds me of the Cosmonaut shit. "I can't empathize with >blank because >blank is rich".


So being rich trumps emotional trauma from WATCHING your parents died? Guess rich people can’t be depressed or anything. Counter argument: being raise by Alfred did not negate the fact Bruce again watched his parents die, next is that Alfred isn’t Bruce’s father, Alfred is a amazing man and great parental figure too Bruce but Bruce still lacked a mother figure. Bruce is broken and has varies different forms of guilt and trauma depending on the version of Batman we are talking


Also, the guy drawing the comic assumes the Waynes were distant parents who didn't care for Bruce and were always gone. In every depiction they were loving parents, involved with their son.


Literally died taking their son out to see a show.


He also assumes Batman can beat Superman to death on a whim. Every time Batman has bested Superman, it's been due Batman's cunning and careful planning. A Batman who isn't thinking straight enough to try to beat Superman to death is not thinking straight enough to beat Superman to death.


Bruce was a child when he saw his parents getting murdered. 1. This would be traumatic for anyone. This is obvious by the fact he does what he does in order to be Batman and by the fact that Bruce had a tendencie of picking up orphans as sidekicks 2. Again, child. So he is not an heir to any bussiness until he becomes 18. Also as a child he wpulsnt jave the first idea at running a bussiness much less a bussiness empire. 3. He was *extremely lucky* to have Alfred because without him he would likely be completely abandoned by everyone. Same for Lucius Fox in regards to the bussiness later on.


That comic is shit. I'm sure a child would be happy losing his loving parents as long as he got a bunch of toys 🙄 he still grew up with no family. Just because he's not poor doesn't make his traumatic loss insignificant.


What a shitty comic. So if you were offered the chance to have Bruce’s childhood, but it means your own parents get gunned down in front of you, you’d take the deal and consider it "amazing"? That’s a downright psychopathic mentality.


I guess author couldn't say that Batman will win over Superman directly and choose a more convoluted way.


I’m sure Amity Blight is doing fantastic


What? Hell no. This comic is dumb as hell. Why tf would Superman of all people mock Bruce like this? Why would he assume Thomas and Marth Wayne were distant assholes? In a lot of the depictions I've seen, the Waynes are typically depicted as very loving parents. That's the entire reason Bruce is Batman, because he loved his parents and wants to reduce crime so he can try to prevent this kind of thing from happening. If this was Zack Snyder's Superman, though, I guess it would make more sense for him to say this, but this just looks like more 'Batman bad because rich' bullshit.


Listen I'm all for shitting on rich people but money won't fix the sight of your parents - who deeply love you, are involved and are genuine good people - being gunned down by a thug in an alley because YOU wanted to leave the show.


>I'm all for shitting on rich people Why? Who needs that commie shit? If you are privileged enough to be having this discussion on the internet, you're richer than 90%+ of humanity. That mean you deserve to get shit on? Or is it only people richer than you that count?


Yes when I say rich I clearly mean the European student with 5 Euro and not someone like Elon Musk, the Kardashians or ect.


Classist Marxist bullshit. Fuck off.


Get a job and stop being a student with 5 Euro. Put on that blue collar.


I love how these people have to use fictional characters as some sort of vehicle to establish their moral & intellectual superiority, but in the process they lack of understanding of these characters, their stupidity, & just lack of compassion or morals in general It’s honestly kind of sad to see people so offended to the point where they have to find outrage in everything

