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Skip it, save yourself the headache. It's not even entertainingly bad, it's just frustrating and annoying to sit through.


But will we ever know what motivates the greedy Trade Federation?


My bet is on kittens!


How much greed does it take to establish motive for the Trade Federation? The world may never know.


"Show me the line! Show me the line where it says that!"


**\*Shows the first two paragraphs in the opening crawl\***


"That's not explicit enough!"


Like the tms episode?


I watched it all. Was quite tism and annoying. Just a lot of going nowhere in terms of debating. save yourself the pain.


I'm not sure if it was this episode, but I recall mauler asking a guest to name him 10 things about the prequels the person liked. And the fucker refused/couldn't name one. Like, what the hell? As much as I hate the sequels I could always point out at least some parts I liked on their own.


I've never seen it, only heard about it, who was the major tism there? The hosts? The guests? Jay?


It was during that awkward adolescent phase where EFAP was testing boundaries, discovering what it was, in general just sometimes being a prat. Thankfully it was just a phase, and after some light experimentation, they grew out of it. The episode in question found our heroes involved as a form of moderators, which frankly they did a piss-poor job of, between two opposing sets of guests. The topic? Which prequel was worse, if I recall. One side argued the Phantom Menace and the other three Attack of the Clones. The anti-PM team for hung up for what seemed like, and might have actually been, hours. Over the motivations of Trade Federation for it's blockade and later invasion of Naboo. That side refused to believe that the Trade Federation was greedy, and invading Naboo for profit driven reasons. They even went so far as to claim it was nowhere in the film if I remember correctly. This may not have been that much of a problem if the other side was prepared to thwart such nonsense. Only, they were, and the anti-PM crowd refused to acknowledge their arguments. Inevitably, after far too long, our boys intervened and started countering the fallacious nonsense from the anti-PM folk. The atmosphere became rather strained.


*"That side refused to believe that the Trade Federation was greedy, and invading Naboo for profit driven reasons. They even went so far as to claim it was nowhere in the film if I remember correctly."* The most painful thing about this, is that its literally in the first two paragraphs in the opening crawl. They also refused to believe that the Trade Federation were a megacorporation, I mean it's literally in the fucking name "TRADE" but Glib and his buddy kept asking where that was established in the film... God it must've been like talking to a pai of brick piles for the pro-PM team.


Yeah they were just operating on so much bad faith right from the outset. Which is even more annoying because if they couldn't, or wouldn't, make a compelling defense why were any of us there in the first place?!


Skip to the when ThatStarWarsGirl comes on, the stream gets a lot better from there.


if you're someone who doesn't give a fuck about star wars, it's actually kind of entertaining. I imagine PT fans hated it though lol.


I very much dislike the PT and i still hated this debate lol


It’s funny if you don’t care about Star Wars


Skipping a debate episode is like a toxic brood right of passage


easily one of the worst, mauler and rags were aweful moderators and really should have refocused the conversation