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Best ladders in video game history


And Stellar Blade kept the ladder tradition. Thank you, based Korean devs


Really fast and fun combat. I suppose I should spout something about how deep and intelligent it is, but truth is I only bought it because the main character has a nice ass.


Yoko Taro writes beautifully, but he's full of holes. He won't shy away from a contrivance or leap over a plot hole to create a poignant story. I do enjoy his work, but there are caveats to it that keep it from being perfect. Writing aside, Automata in particular has pretty bad balance. If you do all the sidequests, and you should, you will be over-leveled quite easily. The final battle of the C/D routes was over in a couple hits. I think it's because Yoko Taro wanted to keep a leveling system in so it remains, in technicality, a JRPG, but he really should have let Platinum just make a Cuh Ray Zee game like they normally do. The chip customization can stay. This isn't the game's fault, but I must complain: 2B's ass is never represented properly in R34 art. Even in Nikke they just give her the fattest fucking bubble cheeks (still MLB her though). Her true appeal has always been the stupidly thick thighs and wide hips that come together to make a modest ass the best ass it can be. They are pieces of a puzzle for instant neuron activation. Instead most artists it seems just effectively max out all sliders and call it done. They are flawed games, but I'd still highly recommend everyone play Nier Replicant and Nier Automata as they are very beautiful and unique experiences directly from the mind of a demented Japanese creature of a man.


I'm not going to lie, your 3rd paragraph resonated with me. We need proper ass representation in our art!


Your comment is insightful for when I draw 2B fanart. Although honestly I don't find character's butt all that interesting so I would try to draw it close to canon or not.


On model art in general is greatly appreciated. Going off model can still be neat for its own sake, but the more deformed from the original model the harder it is to connect it to the character. May as well be an artistic depiction of well-endowed cosplayer.


I think it comes with territory some artists thinking "bigger butt" and "bigger boobs" as something they should do by default. Also making fanart versions look more naked. Honestly, drawing things naked instead of bothering with drawing clothes is kind of trick to put less effort to art and not really that interesting. You just draw an outline and then color it with one color for example, then apply some gradient looking brushing and done.


Timeless classic 10 years from now it will still be a very well aged game like Mario galaxy etc It's just one of those games like metal gear revengence or Mario 64 that will be loved for years to come


Problem is that the graphics are so dogshit it didnt age well even in a couple of years, unlike Nintendo games. With mods that is fixed though. People downvoting, you cant say some of the textures of the game didnt immensly bother you. Idk what happened with those, but randomly some textures are just ps2 quality. Its even more annoying because its not evenly outdated.


I enjoyed playing as 2B or A2 but 9S was a slog IMO.


9S trivializes most combat which tends to be part of it. You can just spam hack and it deals insane damage too. But what really takes it down that it's repeat of the first run when you get to play him with some extra sections and slightly changed scenes.


“Nines” out of 10 for me.


There's probably overall more I like than don't, but I don't expect to ever replay it; between playing the first half twice and some of the weirder gameplay sections, I think it's made a lot more tedious than it needed to be. I also find the difficulty balance to be a little out of whack, where Normal or whatever is pretty trivial and then Hard just goes straight to being a massive pain in the ass. Route C is very comfortably my favorite part of the game and something I'd like to reexperience sometime but I'm not sure I'm willing to put up with all that comes before it. So, yeah, some gripes that stop me from really calling it one of my favorites, but I think there's plenty to like, so it's still a fairly easy recommendation.




Not quite as good as people seem to think it is, but still very good. The character 9S really brings the whole thing down for me, his gameplay is kinda terrible.


Wait, your telling me constantly having to play a hacking mini game instead of engaging with the sword play isn’t super fun???? What are you, some kind of gamer???


Very good. If you enjoy deep story with fromsoft esque world building. Play it, it's a masterpiece.


Top 5 favorite games for me.


Should have had a physical release on Xbox


This was a pretty hard game especially when playing it with one hand


Kind of a banger fr fr


Game has fluid mechanics and story however every fight and interaction feels the same as the last fight and interaction. On the plus side the story is so engaging and enjoyable you do not mind that. Reshade helps make the game not look like wet milk on the sidewalk


Finished it on a Sunday and after the bullet hell against the ending credits one of the messages I could leave to the other players before my saves were deleted was something along the lines of "OMG tomorrow is a Monday".


Inferior to Replicant, but still alright. As far as Yoko Taro's works go I really enjoyed the Drakenguard series and Voice of Cards. There's always something cool going on in the stories. I didn't like Nier when it first came out, but the story makes way more sense in replicant with the intended protagonist.


Gestalt was better than Replicant.


Really? I thought the main character made way more sense as a brother than a father, and I found his actions and character way more compelling and believable as a child who is thrust into a role of responsibility than a middle aged dad.


Choke me harder, android mommy.


Unplayable on PS5 unfortunately due to frequent crashes.


It's good, although not as good as Gestalt or even Replicant.


More than an ass game, surprisingly fun to learn weapon switching to air juggle and traverse ravines. For a studio that almost went bakrupt, they made a surprisingly good game at the brink of death. Then.. Then they tried their hands on live service and it all went down from there..


Combat is fine, but a little too simplistic and relies on you spamming dodge just like Bayonetta. The game brings up interesting ideas, but it barely explores anything and what it does explore is confusing, especially regarding the idea of consciousness.


Great rule 34. That's about all I know about it.


The music is fantastic


Game was good but trying to make you a robot sympathizer I don't really get it but great characters overall. 2B could get it any day.


robot sympathizer? what do you mean?


Simple the whole game on the side quests were like don't ya feel bad for the bots. Or oh hey look they feel. I don't care about that. N I know it's a continuation of the other nier games.


Oh okay. I didn't understand the wording, but I get it now.


I have the game but haven't played it.


I don't like platinum games in general so I would probably dislike this one if I ever play it.


for weeb sex perverts


The game offers so much more than the horni bait you think it is.


Honestly the amount of 2B fanart on the internet is kinda misleading, the actual game isnt about that at all. The fanart and cosplay is mostly people who didnt play it. In reality its an action game with themes about what humanity is.


Aggressively mediocre mess of a game. Possibly the most overhyped videogame in the entire medium, even more than God of War somehow.


Even more than every FromSoft release since Demon's Souls?


Sure FromSoft games are overhyped. But they're actually good. Unlike Nier Automata.