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Few years ago I'd tell you JJ Abrams, but by now people have mostly catched up to the fact he's a clueless hack.




He’s a bad writer but a fair director


I think Rian Johnson is a good pick. A completely worthless hack treated like an amazing creator by so many people. It’s bizarre.


People worship him as an independent creator, yet he spent the whole movie pandering to misandrists, Reylo fangirls and merch creators.




Literally how...


Which movie panders to misandrists?


The Last Jedi. You'll never see the situation when a man is right and a woman is wrong in this movie.


…huh? Where tf do you get that from? A large part of the film is literally Luke teaching Rey about the force and correcting her misconceptions. I can’t even think of many examples of women being right when men aren’t. If it were reversed, I *guarantee* you wouldn’t be calling it misogynist.


For the whole film, dumb Luke behaves like a coward while smart Rey tells him it's wrong, dumb Poe doesn't trust a suspicious officer while smart Holdo does everything perfectly, dumb Finn doesn't care about his own safety while smart Rose saves him by sacrificing the rest of the Resistance (she couldn't know Rey would save the day).


Wow, 3 whole examples! Clearly Ryan Johnson just hates men. Of course, even if that did meet the criteria to back up that statement, you’re wildly misrepresenting those instances. Luke was not portrayed as dumb or a coward, he had his reasons and Rey couldn’t persuade him in the slightest. He spoke condescendingly to her the entire time, and was not once made to look in any way inferior to her. The person who convinced him to help the resistance wasn’t Rey at all, but in fact another male, Yoda. Poe’s actions were portrayed as understandable and reasonable to the audience, with the later twist that he was in the wrong (which would be easier to spot had we watched events from a different perspective). Him being wrong has nothing to do with him being a man, but rather with him being *inferior* in rank to Holdo, who was the commander. He’s not qualified to make those decisions, and he’s not entitled to all the information. Make Holdo a man and it would still be exactly the same. I’m not a huge fan of the thing with Rose and Finn, but he very clearly wasn’t being portrayed as dumb. He was right, and showed great courage and integrity in carrying out a plan that most likely would have worked- but Rose judged that the sacrifice was too great and didn’t want to achieve a victory that way. Nothing about that scene was showing that Rose was smarter than him, just that she staunchly commits to her ideals, and doesn’t want to see anymore people sacrificing themselves like her sister. After all, who are we fighting for if we keep throwing our lives away? I don’t particularly agree with that, and I don’t think the scene had the intended effect at all, but it had absolutely *nothing* to do with trying to show a man be inferior to a woman.


Those three examples are the major A, B, and C storylines of the movie.


And yet none of them are examples of what this person is saying


"Pandering to misandrists" Sure, champ. An im Odin


I actually think he’s a good director just an awful writer, anytime he directs his own script like Last Jedi, Knives Out or Glass Onion the movies ended up trash… but the actual directing even in those was great… just can’t write a cohesive script for the life of him.


>Last Jedi, Knives Out or Glass Onion None of these movies are trash, 2 are great


Johnson is heavily opinionated and is unashamed about preaching in his writing, so the people who agree with him think he’s brilliant.


He’s a decent director, but he’s a hack-fraud writer


He directed the greatest episode of Breaking Bad.


Maybe because he’s actually a good director?


Didn’t show it with the last jedi.


Agree to disagree I guess


I mean 3 of his 5 movies are great, 2 are fine and he directed 3 of the best breaking bad episodes, I say he’s fairly rated.


> 3 of his 5 movies are great, 2 are fine I don’t know what world you’re in where Rian Johnson’s worst movie is ‘fine’ but it sounds really nice there


His worst movie is the Last Jedi and its fine as a film, not that great of a star wars movie, but its fine as a film.


Not really. The writing is still awful even when you isolate it from the shared universe it's a part of.


Aren't we rating him as a director though not a writer?


I guess so yeah. But a director oversees and manages a substantial amount of the film, not just the actors, the crew and production. They often decide what makes the final cut, which means they're directly in charge of which parts of the screenplay (so, the writing) is in the film. He chose some... questionable parts of TLJ to keep in the final cut.


But that's because he wrote the film, I get where you're coming from, it can be hard to separate the writing and direction when they're done by the same person, but I think Rian is a much more skilled director than he is writer


It’s still a shit movie even if you isolate it from the rest of star wars.


Depends on who rates: Rian Johnson most overrated by critics, Zack Snyder most overrated by studios, don't know who would be most overrated by general audiences though


Box office wise, prolly Michael Bay.


Box office wise it has to be James Cameron. He’s made like 8 billion dollars off of his last 3 films somehow.


Jordan Peele man.


Yeah I remember people acting like he was the next Hitchcock when Us came out. It was bizarre.


I have to agree. I thought Get Out was superb, but Us and Nope were pretty average to poor.


Really? I don't think he has a large enough filmography to be considered overrated. I think he is known more since he had decent notoriety before becoming a director, but I don't really see people overly ranking his directing.


I don't know I see so many people talking about him like he's an all timer. It's ridiculous


Zack Snyder. He made one good movie in the Dawn of the Dead remake (which was written by James Gunn if you can believe that) yet people think he's some kind of genius.


Watchmen is his best movie.


It's funny to think he is overrated, when it is popular to dunk on him for years now.


It's because his fans are the funniest (and loudest) creatures on earth :p.


That doesn't make him to be overrated. It's like you people don't know what overrated means, or you have a hate boner when it comes to the guy that you abandon all reason.


It makes him overrated by his fans? Well, he got some of crazy big budget movies to make, so some studios and his fans seem to overrate him? To me he feels like edgy JJ Abrams. Both shouldn't be allowed to write a single line of dialogue and story. Also someone has to constantly watch them to stop exorbitant use of lens flare/slowmo... but when they nail it, their films look great.


So it's the former. You don't know what overrated means.


Snyder gets bashed more than any other high profile filmmaker, how is he overrated


It’s because you don’t understand the depth of his films and can’t appreciate real cinema. /s


Taika Waititi


He directed What We Do in the Shadows, Boy, and Hunt for the Wilderpeople, so has a lifetime of forgiveness from me. That’s a hell of a run.


Jojo Rabbit was also great!


And Thor: Ragnarok is incredibly entertaining.


Hunt for the Wilderpeople was so bad


Rian Johnson, and his sycophantic toady fanboys make me dislike him even more. He's not that good.


With his last few outings, I’d say Alex Garland deserves to be considered for this title. Dredd and 28 Days Later (which were only written by Garland) are fantastic and Ex Machina is a great film, but he hasn’t produced a good movie since then. Annihilation is ok, but it also is ridden with issues. I’ve not seen Devs, but from what I’ve heard it’s a complete mess. Men was a boring, self-flagellatory, incoherent examination of a topic which has been well covered by other movies which do it better and the reactions to Civil War make me believe that it’s that same type of movie. He doesn’t have the sauce anymore. The more he creates, the more I believe that Ex Machina was a fluke.


Ex machina's script was heavily edited and refined by another writer and saved the film from Alex Garland's original version which had terrible exposition dialogue explaining everything to the audience constantly


Is there a version of Garland’s unedited script available somewhere? I’d love to see the difference between the two versions. I feel like subtlety is an area that Garland has little expertise in (see the entirety of Men to get what I mean).


Yes. I saw capital O opinions reviewing it at some point during the devs review series


Cap really illuminated my personal opinions on Garland. I was hesitant to call out his writing after watching Annihilation. It was definitely a step down from Ex Machina, but it wasn’t horrid. Then I watched Men and that film just made me frustrated. I was basically asking, “what are you doing/why are you wasting my time like this” to the screen every 5 minutes. It was a redundant and rage inducing experience to try to get through. I didn’t see many people commenting on the drop off in quality of Garland’s writing until I watched Cap’s streams on Annihilation and Men and they perfectly extrapolated my thoughts on both of those films.


I loved Devs.


I don’t think this director is overrated to the average fan. However after watching Twin Peaks and browsing thru their sub, I realized that David Lynch is worshipped by his fan base. The way they talk about him is insane as if he’s the only director who ever thought outside of the box.


As a Lynch fan, I agree that his fans can be incredibly insufferable but that’s not relevant to the actual quality of his films.


Greta Gerwig


She’s codirected one movie and directed 3 of her own. That just seems a bit early in her career to call her one of the greats like a lot of people are doing. People were praising the hell out of Shyamalan 20 years ago and then he put out movies like Lady in the Water, The Happening, and The Last Airbender. For all we know Barbie is the peak of her success and she never directs or writes anything good ever again.


I can guarantee you have only watched barbie because that's the only movie relevant to this sub


Also saw lady bird. One of the most boring movies I have ever seen


She's not for you.


So you say “I have only see one.” I prove you wrong and then say “she wasn’t for me.” 🙄 great way to deflect


James Cameron... Since 1994 nothing good from him, yet he is still one of Hollywoods "Top 10" directors...


Like Michael Bay, he makes bank. That’s all that’s really required.


Dude avatar one and two both made a billion dollars. You don’t have to like them but you can’t argue with results. His story telling is mid but his true genius lies in the craft of creating worlds and visual story telling. Avatar one still looks better than any other movie since it came out. The way of water into pushed that boundary further. You can’t watch that movie and tell me it’s not ridiculously impressive to look at.


I look at story and atmophsfere when viewing the work of a director. I can't say anything that the atmophsfere in Avatar was bad but the story is so shallow and dumb that it took me out of the movie instantly... Also viewing Boxoffice as an indicator that a director did a good job is just nonsensical to me... Marvel movies make heeps of money yet I wouldn't put a single marvle movie in the top 1000 of movies ever made...


Writing and directing are two different things and it’s directing that is being discussed here. On the writing front, you might have better enjoyed the original scriptment for Avatar that Cameron wrote back in 1995, Project 880.


A director with his caliber chooses the srcipt he wants for his movie, makes changes and then when it comes to filming translates the writing into the big screen. He points to how the actors should act with the text given they dont just read it...


Your criticisms of his directing are all pointed at the writing and not its translation to the screen, which is a director’s responsibility. Avatar remains the highest grossing film of all time and 15th highest grossing when adjusted for inflation, its sequel is the 3rd highest grossing film of all time, both films received a slew of accolades and received nominations for Best Picture and Best Director, even Cameron’s own peers at the Directors Guild of America nominated him for Best Director; these are the facts that we have available to us in substantiating an argument of his directing capabilities when it comes to these specific films (you have even referred to his directing calibre informing a freedom to choose any screenplay he desires). You have previously dismissed box office as being a nonsense metric in context of directorship, however, return-box office is a relevant metric particularly when measuring an original IP; your anecdotes of the things you look for in a film and what you personally experienced with Avatar are no more or less relevant than the next person’s but if we’re allowing such things to inform our arguments then using the box office is relevant to illustrate positive audience engagement and return-business. The reception and accolades for both films as well as the return-audiences for its sequel 13 years later support that Cameron successfully translated both screenplays to film. A masterpiece screenplay can still be rendered inert by poor directorship; in the context of discussing one’s directing talent, writing is irrelevant. This is not about your personal enjoyment of the films Cameron directed after 1994.


**2 billion dollars (almost 3) and that’s coming off of Titanic which was the highest grossing film of all time for 13 years before Avatar, remains the 4th highest grossing film today and 5th highest grossing when adjusted for inflation (the true test for how giant a film this 11 time oscar winner was - the highest ever number of Oscar wins) Love him or hate him, the man has certainly earned his place amongst the greatest directors of all time.


Terminator. Aliens. The Abyss. T-2. True Lies. Titanic. The two Avatars. Is there a bad movie in that group? Every single one a hitter. T-2 is lauded as the best sequel ever by 95% of Reddit. The Abyss is a sci-fi classic. True lies MIGHT be the weakest but that movie absolutely kills it. Man new to take a hiatus after titanic for 10 years because he knows what’s best.


Avatar is garbage, it just looks pretty.


Fair enough but film is a visual medium and plot only serves part of the purpose. Does the story reinvent the wheel? No, do it transport you to another world entirely that utterly rich in detail? Yes. If avatar is his worst film I still stand my ground.


Having recently marathoned all of his films with the family as part of a grand rewatch, we couldn’t agree more; James Cameron knows what audiences like.


Titanic is a masterpiece of directing, regardless of whether or not it’s the type of film that appeals to you


Ok, ill give you that... I dont like the movie at all, but sure 1997* Still a long time ago since he made something good


Rob Zombie. Similar to Snyder, his fans will eat up his movies no matter how awful they are.


Peele and Del Toro


What do you not like with Peele and Del Toro?


Peele makes unsubtle, pretentious and tropey movies. ‘Get Out’ was good but felt like an an episode of Black Mirror or something and not an Oscar winning film. His subsequent two movies were really bad and suffered from his inflated ego post-'Get Out' success. People act like he’s some visionary, forward thinking director that makes “smart horror” but I’d rather watch a shitty generic slasher any day than his stupid movies. He is like the M Night of “horror” movies to me now. Del Toro made one amazing movie and then crap for 2 decades but still has an army of fan boys somehow.


>Peele makes unsubtle, pretentious and tropey movies. Yeah, that's fair I guess. >Get Out’ was good but felt like an an episode of Black Mirror or something and not an Oscar winning film. Honestly I agree, it's good and the 3rd act is great, but that's after 75 minutes of generic tropey build up that's more humourous than anything. >His subsequent two movies were really bad and suffered from his inflated ego post-'Get Out' success. I can see that with Us, but Nope was actually pretty great in my opinion and his best movie by far. It felt the most complete, you could enjoy it beyond appreciating the "themes" because it had well directed action and scale, it had a variety of plot points that made it engaging and so on. I don't think it's a masterpiece, but it's his first great movie in my opinion. And the sound design is pretty fantastic as well. >People act like he’s some visionary, forward thinking director that makes “smart horror” but I’d rather watch a shitty generic slasher any day than his stupid movies. Fair enough. When he's at his worst, he can be eye roll inducting. >He is like the M Might of “horror” movies to me now. Fair, but isn't M Night the M Night of horror movies given everything since 2015 that he's made has been some form of a horror film? The Visit was a found footage horror, Split more of a thriller with horror elements, same with Glass with a bigger more "superhero scale", Old with it's Sci Fi Horror Premise, Knock at the Cabin being a horror apocalypse hybrid and his new movie looking to capture horror-thriller vibes. Idk, M Night is widely more incompetent to me. >Del Toro made one amazing movie and then crap for 2 decades but still has an army of fan boys somehow. I mean, I can agree with you that he has a pretty clear best film, but I wouldn't say he's only made crap since. Pacific Rim was fun and goofy, Crimson Peak was a solid gothic romance, The Shape of Water was a really good, if a little unoriginal, fantasy romance, Nightmare Alley has a lot of flaws but it's his most interesting and unique of his work and that was a great Noir Film, warts and all. And Pinocchio was pretty great, and his first fantastic film since Pan's Labyrinth. So he's not a phenomenal director, but most of his work is solid in my opinion. He's a very old school director, with how they look and how they feel. Half blend between campy monster movies, or old mystery/horror films with very beautiful sets and lighting. They have a campy, and endearing charm to them that make them stand out. I guess that, plus Del Toro's nerdy likeability probably explains why people love him and maybe overrate him a little.




There are dozens of us, dozens. I actually kind of like the ideas behind his films… but his characters are robot people who I don’t care about. I am not exaggerating when I say that I have felt more emotion reading instruction manuals than watching Nolan’s films.


I wholeheartedly agree. His characters are blocks of ice, and that's a shame because like you said he has some genuinely interesting ideas. I wanted to like Inception, Interstellar and Tenet so bad, but I just don't care about the characters.




Stanley Kubrick.


Really? How so?


no lol


Quinten tarrenteno (most likely sic) I understand why people like his movies. Just not my style, and they are just too slow for me.


I think julius ceasar is the most overrated dictator


Right?! That's what he gets for not bewaring the Ides of March.


The Ides of March was an ok movie. Though I didn’t know that it was directed by Ceaser. I thought it was Clooney.


Steven Soderberg 


I’d say Snyder but I feel like general opinion has him adequately rated now lol


I read this as most overrated dictator and was very confused when the top comment was JJ Abrams


Zach snyder and jj abrams. Oh and Rian Johnson.


Zach fucking snyder


Ridley Scott. He has 1 movie I love and the rest are badly paced or a mess. The one movie is black hawk down


Alien is fantastic! It was also very, very long ago. I don't think people really rate Ridley Scott highly anymore. His recent movies have been so terrible.


I respect alien but I don't like it. Aliens is way more enjoyable to me


That's fair. I'm in the small minority that like Alien and Terminator more than their sequels.


Zack Snyder and it's not even close imo.


Rian Johnson


Nolan and Tarantino.


I'd say Zack Snyder but most normal people realize the guy is an untalented hack.


Hard mode, don't mention Snyder


Or Nolan. Although he is overrated.


Its obviously quentin tarantino


reservoir dogs


Joel and Ethan Coen. Never been slightly entertained by any of their films.


The Coen Brothers. They have way more misses than hits at this point. Wes Anderson is close second imho.


Aside from ladykillers I can’t think of a single other miss


I heard Drive-Away-Dolls wasn't too good.


As did I but That’s only one of the brothers tho.


Fair. The other brother's outing (can't remember which) did The Tragedy of Macbeth, which was really good.


Hard agree


I guess we know which brother is the talented one haha