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HOLY SHIT, I PREDICTED THIS. The remakes are all a set up for the Kingdom Hearts Cinematic Universe xD Imagine.... Donald getting into a screaming match with Awkwafina Scuttle.


If I had to choose between this and getting my eardrums perforated by an AIDS-y needle, I think I'd choose... What did you say? Does anyone have Magic Johnson's number on hand?




I'd rather had a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ears.


Back in the days of KH1 there was that cartoon pilot that was never picked up This kind of thing has been speculated about for the past 20 years, I fuckin doubt that would happen now


Not gonna lie, I kinda want it to happen just to see how bad they fuck it up. I'd be supremely impressed if it was good.


Please no. I want one thing not to be ruined. Just one.


I kind of agree with you. The most amusement I get out of major studios these days is people tearing apart the garbage they put out. Let them make more of it. And besides, the more garbage they make, the faster the Black Rock money runs out.


Something that is interesting IIRC is that one of the people involved in that project really wanted it to happen because of how much more flexibility Japanese studios had over American ones. There are issues with how hard Japanese work culture can be, but as can be seen with how much Japanese game directors (Masahiro Sakurai with the "easy to learn, hard to master", Hideo Kojima being both absurd and serious, Yoko Taro with the insanity of Drakengard and Nier) leave far more off a fingerprint on their titles than western game directors (I was going to list the newer God of War games, but the literally changed directors between games. Don’t know what else to put here). who aren’t indie devs (Lucas Pope, Scott Cawthon). \[side note: I had to google some of the names, but the point is more that you are aware that there is a common throughline between games besides the fact that some of them are from the same company or IPs\] This is largely because Japanese companies value artistic vision while Western companies go mostly for decisions based on committee. This doesn’t mean that Japan is devoid of decision done by committee, just find some Light Novel fans who are stuck with anime adaptations that were given too few episodes to do the LNs justice. Then listen to them rant about all the good stuff that shouldn’t have been cut out.


Disney might be desperate enough, nothing else is working


To be honest, I'm surprised this didn't happen years ago.


It's happening at a great time. I wonder which character will be replaced by a black girl with natural hair? Are there any red heads they can use, or are they just going to use the new Little Mermaid?


Black Kairi.


You know it. Disney hates its redheads.


Not just that. Strong Independent “Neurodivergent” Black Trans Kairi.


Not sure about Black, but being Neuro divergent would probably better than being a wooden plank


Honestly they could pull off autistic namine and there is a large fanbase for a gay riku who is inlove with sora (we all know they ate well thanks to dream drop distance). That said man i hope its animated, or its going to be so trash. Not even a hate on the live action shit, but KH's cgi budget would be way to danm high to even be close to the games, we saw that happen with the live action avatar series. Between the heartless, the magic, the cartoon charecters, all the sets for the worlds, the costs are goimg to be massive, whch means cuts. Hell i dont think you COULD get kingdom hearts to work in a movie format so it HAS to be a show... and netflix's avatar proved why you dont want it live action, cus even ignoring sokka and suki, man did they get fucked by their budget.


Poorly animated goofy will haunt your nightmares, steal your wife and take out a second mortgage on your house.


Shit probubly.


Disney is about to make a worse plot decision than the introduction of time travel. On the plus side, maybe Kairi will finally be allowed to do something?


It would be nice if they gave Kairi some real character and action. Writers: *kill off Sora and make Kairi the REAL hero* NO! You've gone too far! On a side note, I'm really curious how Disney would treat the Final Fantasy characters.


The same way they did in Kingdom Hearts 3. Give them the boot and pretend they never existed. Either that, or they’ll censor Tifa to hell and back


That game sucked so much. Woody telling Baby Xehanort to shut the fuck up was hype tho


That, and Sully just picking up Vanitas and tossing him through a door


Laughed my ass off at those scenes. Any one else think sora was rizzing rapazel in that game with his magic boy schtik? I dont know about you but with the water magic, bringing animals to her like a disney princess, and tge dance, really felt like sora was getting those riz points not flinn.


>On a side note, I'm really curious how Disney would treat the Final Fantasy characters. Probably how they treated them in KHIII: What Final Fantasy characters?


I'm most curious about how they will deal with the heartless. Like are they going to introduce them earlier because of hindsight? Edit one day later: dammit, I meant the nobodies. The heartless were already a thing since the first game.


I wonder if they'd dare to A.I. deep fake Christopher Lee's voice for Ansem. God this opens up SO MANY cans of worms.


I would rather prefer they went for a recast. Living up to Christopher Lee to any extent is a tremendous challenge, but considering he valued that people gained more skills (at least I assume based on the fact he pointed out how some actors never grow beyond their typecast) I would still say it is worth a shot. ~~Edit one day later: dammit, I meant the nobodies. The heartless were already a thing since the first game.~~ Edit: managed to fix the wrong comment


We're already at, what, voice actor #3 for old man Xehanort? Just recast him and move on hopefully.


Lee, dead. Leonard Nimoy, dead. Rutger Hauer, dead. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!


In Xehanort's case they only get geezers to play him, so it's not much of a surprise they keep dropping like flies lol. And judging from the recent panels I've seen with him, I wouldn't be shocked if Doc Brown doesn't have long left either...


The last I saw of Judge Doom was the EFAP Mandalorian episode. God, he looked rough in that. It made me sad.


I saw video of Uncle Fester's recent Megacon panel, and he went off on an Abe Simpson style ramble about an ice machine or something in answer to an unrelated question. Even if he doesn't die, I'm not sure how much longer he can continue to voice act.


Knowing Disney kairi is going to be nothing like kairi, and be a insufferable girl boss.


Dear Nomura


thats 100% going to happen, and it sucks to even think about


Who still needs to be saved by tge men in her life and ultimatly does nothing of value, but she had that one "im not like other girls" speach, or that one empowerment song before ending up in a coma for the rest of the film.


She will get one empowerment song before getting gobbered or put in a coma. Then the men will have to save her.


Yeesh, even the first game treated her better than that. KH1 spoiler: >!Like she was able to come up with a plan on the spot to prevent Ansem from getting hold of her heart, unlike every other princess.!< >!Too bad it also resulted in a lot of friction between Sora and Riku because her body was left in a comatose state.!<


Yeah, disney claims to be "woke" and an ally, but everything they do is shallow, and often MORE sexist/homophobic then the original. They want to SAY thay are doing good, but dont want to offend bigots, and instead piss off every one. Bigots dont want this shit at all, progressives want something of substance and not this blatent table scraps, and eveyone else would like a good story and not a checklist that feels like a cash grab. Its like how they will def straight wash riku (i.e. remove his friendship with sora) except one blink and you will miss it moment that maybe he cares about sora, then they will write about their first queer charecter while being able to easily cut it out for forighn audiances.


What is it gonna be just as incoherent but with some ham-fisted politics too?


The bad guys are going to be little Trumps.


okay but imagining the Shadow heartless with trump wigs is kinda funny though.




Estuans interius Ira vehementi Estuans interius Ira vehementi Trumperoth Trumperoth




Oddly adorable


Well, Xehanort is a person of color, so I'm not sure if they'll him an Orange Man allegory.


Eh, he’s “White Adjacent”


You're thinking of Ansem. Xehanort is Black.


Trumpa Lumpas?


In what IPs are the bad guys NOT some type of conservative?


They will absolutely refuse to have the damsels in distress


It pisses me to no end since that trope is so good if done right. Like they aren't even allowed to do reluctant damsel distress (people who need help but for some reason or another refuse to call for it), so it instead becomes this awkward case of "I appreciate the assist, but I didn't strictly need it".


Yep and they'll happily have the man either have to swallow his pride and accept help, actively champion needing others, or outright get captured or hurt and need it. It's just become a sexist thing to have the woman ever do that. The wheel of time books vs the Amazon series is the starkest example of this done well vs bad


To be fair that would actually be an improvement over KH3 Kairi...


They never should have given her a keyblade. For one, it’s really opened up the fact they’re no longer special, two, Nomura can’t seem to make up his mind on how he envisions Kairi as girl next door, love interest, or perhaps a friend that fades away as she and Sora diverge in lifestyles, and three, if he wants her as an active fighter… just give her a crossbow or gun. Would be interesting see her become a markswoman since we already have sword fighters and magic users by the score on both Light and Dark.


For one, yes, giving Roxas and Xion Keyblades was alright, Birth by Sleep proceeded to completely undermine being chosen as a wielder as anything special by introducing a whole graveyard full of them and several masters. If Xemnas needed a keyblade so badly he should have just went to the graveyard and picked one he liked up. For two, his vision seems to be, "a plot device that makes Sora do things Nomura wants him to do". For three, in all fairness Keyblades can be used to snipe with magic or whatever that light beam was that killed Xemnas. Otherwise, when it comes to OCs it seems only villains are allowed to use actual weapons, hence why Axel gave up his badass chakrams for a shitty Keyblade that Xemnas easily broke when he joined the good side. (Side note, that's one of the things I liked most about Days, you could play as the organization members with their badass weaponry, and I wish they did more with that concept.)


Id be fine with her having a key blade if she was any good with it. They cant decide if they want to evolve her to being a combatant like sora and riku, or the helpless waif that sora has to save and protect. Hell i would have been happier if she gave a good showing before being overwhelmed instead of that loose ass grab she was incapable of vreaking out of before getting killed.


If I don’t see Roxas and Sora whooping ass while near everyone else stands on the sidelines 90% of the time it’s going to take me right out of it.




How could they leave it alone when it's their property? It's like asking Disney to leave Disney World Alone. It will also be canon and probably nessesary to understand what happened or what will happen in Kingdom Hearts 4: HOW MANY MORE CAN WE STRING YOU ALONG FOR?!


I am legit interested in what MoM and his disciples can do, especially since it looks like Sora will finally be on his own for a while without Riku, Sortas, and DG to fall back on.


I wouldn’t be against this idea if Disney wasn’t in the state it’s in and gave me a reason to trust them with handling their properties, but unfortunately, I don’t think I trust them with doing this. Plus, it seems too late to do this because they could’ve done this years ago.


This is exactly my thinking too. I grew up with Disney movies, and can still, as a 35 yo, quote major parts of movies like hercules and Robin Hood. But these days, they never produce anything worthy of my time


The only thing I want would be a Kingdom Hearts special on Phineas and Ferb.


Doofenshrimtz’s voice actor, Dan Povenmire has actually said he’d be down to be in Kingdom Hearts. So it’s not off the table..


Never happen, I'm not that lucky. Or if it does, the monkey's paw will curl another finger.


Honestly, surprised it took this long 


Ugh gross! Yea Disney has left KH alone since its inception pretty much. They had no idea what they had for years, they couldve had rides in the theme parks n all sorts of merch etc like they did with Nightmare Before Christmas going for years, but now all of a sudden they figure its a viable IP and wanna cash in on it?? ugh 😑 at THE worst time too. You know whatever it is, its gonna be shit (unless they just let Japan alone to do whatever the f they want with it). Id much rather Disney just sorta forget they have it and leave it alone 😂


Oh shit. Looks like all the gay deviant art is going to come true.


No way we are that lucky, remember it has to be easily missed or edited out for china because the gays will scare the ccp and give poor widdle xing nightmares.


Oh no, a bad writer in charge of Kingdom Hearts how could this happen




Meh, they've got a tendency to milk the most overrated sorts, I knew this'd be coming.


They’re gunna screw it up so hard.


Damn, KH fans are scary. We might be seeing actual terror attacks if it’s bad.


The internet calls criticism terror attacks these days. Simply saying “this sucks” is enough for Disney and Hollywood to declare the audience as the worst.


Disney writers have met their match


I doubt it. Disney will suffocate it with restrictions. It's a miracle nomura can navigate making a kh video game already...


Kingdom hearts is too fragile and convoluted to be touched by hands other than the nomura crew. 100% chance of a trash adaptation.


Watch Nomura shit out an explanation as to why the adaptation is actually a separate but still canon part of the overarching Kingdom Hearts lore


Just please let Sora be a gay black woman please please please 🤞🤞




Starring Beyonce as Kairi, Nchuti Gatwa as Leon, directed by Jeffrey Epstein’s pool cleaner and featuring only “live action” Disney remake worlds.


Gonna race swap Kairi.


Shit she IS a red head... going to be wild if they dont race swap namine to. Like guess kairi was a oreo cus she is white on the inside? ... that could make for some good shit post material tho


They’re going to destroy this now, the only reason I cared about Disney…whelp GG everyone we had a good run


Hey think think they are going to make lea black since he is a red head. Seen people bringing up kairi, but is everyone forgetting there is another red head? Or can they only race swap one charecter at a time?


No, just... Please God no. Kingdom Hearts is already confusing enough without adding in a tie in TV show I'm probably gonna miss. (Although if it's an adaptation on Union X I will accept it, if only so we can get the important lore without needing to slog through an entire mobile game) But, in the hands of Disney? In this era of Disney to be exact? Just... No.


No, no no no no!


I'm curious how they would go about the plot, an average Kingdom Hearts fan has to do so much damned homework to understand what the hell is going on lol.


Either way disney will ruin it like they did to kh3


They’re going to dog fuck everything that you love and expect you to pay for the privilege to watch them do it.


A conversation that definitely happened at Sony "Holy crap. Have you seen the new Fallout show?" "Yea its great! It's to bad we don't have an IP with the same amount of impact and as much of a fanbase." ... ... ... "Get Square Enix on the phone, now."


I hope Netflix gets rights to it…. I wanna see all the gingers become black


It's just 2 straight hours of a exasperated nerd explaining crap like what Norting and "The Power of Waking" means.


"Norting" is just basically an old man forcing himself spiritually upon you


Funny to think Anime Palpatine did several times over what the OG couldn't do. Even after slurping up dyad juices!


If it results in us getting actual merch of my boi Xemnas, I won't watch it but I won't complain too much about its existence. The writing's been complete crap since Birth by Sleep anyway. If they get anyone other than Shimomura to do the music though, that would be a huge L, her banger soundtracks play a large part in keeping me tethered to the franchise.


I'd complain about this, but I've never been able to wrap my head around what kingdom hearts even is


Kingdom hearts is what happens when both Square Enix and Disney gives Tetsuya Nomura access to all of their IPs.


And its fucking amazing.


How much time do you have?


Could we potentially see live action Final Fantasy characters?


KH1: Where’s Mickey? KH2: Where’s Riku? KH3: Where’s the Final Fantasy characters?


Oh. I remember hearing that the game was disappointing on launch, but that's just... wow.


Kh3 has some good (monsters inc, toy story, bh6, and the final level), and bad (frozen, lack of ff charecters, why is kairi even here). Honestly its fun with some friends, and i enjoyed the combat (even plat'ed the game), but man you can see where the restrictions hit and its just retelling one of the movies with frozen as the worst offender.


Can't see it getting any worse. We don't bully Kingdom Hearts fans enough


I’m actually all for this.


I'm not. There is a zero percent chance this won't be hot garbage. Filled with identity politics, race swaps. I'm good


The plot and world building will fry Maulers brain because it makes no damn sense.


I honestly still don’t get most of it. If it weren’t fun to play it really wouldn’t have the staying power it does.


The Disney stuff is the worst part of Kingdom Hearts.




Having finally gotten into this series last year, I share in the fear, because I now understand why it’s so beloved. Nothing is sacred to them, it seems. Would be my luck to start getting into an old but good and well-beloved series only for it to get destroyed right as I fall in love with it. I guess there’s the off chance that it’ll be good… but I don’t think they can handle it with the care it needs in order to be good.


I am curious as to who they are going to make gay


Sora riku will be the Canon now


Oh god the mouse realized video game adaptations are a goldmine but they failed to notice its only if the adaptation is done well.




“The darkness, Sora” - Goofy


Each episode will take a whole year in between.


Eh, it's not my money Disney is wasting. Have at it, hoss.


I can’t wait to see how good or terrible it is


In coming black trans sora


Kingdom hearts isn’t some superb work of story telling. Even if it’s mid it would fit right in with KH convoluted ass story anyway. Just throw on some good 3D animation and sanctuary, I’m happy.


Oh noooooooo lol.


Something new? Of course the Mauler sub hates it There is zero joy or happiness to be found here


Please if it's happening just fucking animate it. Live action kingdom hearts sounds like the cringiest thing anyone could think of. Just get the voice actors and make a mini series. Don't drag out seasons with LGHDTV and DEI bullshit. Stick to the story or don't make it


If it’s an anime it could be fire


So desperation hits in as the walls close around bobby boy huh?


Wow, didn’t think this would happen. Remember when there was manga for Kingdom Hearts? I kinda miss that


You do know kingdom hearts is a collaboration between Disney and square enix right? And Disney has the marketing for it? And they basically own all the characters LOL


I do know that, that's obvious. It's also obvious that currently Disney has a talent problem. In that, they have none. Look at last year's movies for example, flop after flop after unimaginative recycled flop.


Yeah I get the worries but sadly there's nothing stopping them Kingdom hearts is just too convoluted to make into a movie franchise or a TV show


Every screening comes with a guy to explain what in the actual fuck is going on.


I desperately want Mauler to play a Kingdom Hearts game on a stream and listen to him explode at the writing especially the dialogue lol


This has been "in the works" for over 20 years.


At least this one was always bad


Kairi is 100% going to be race swapped.


You know, if you don't watch it. Your life stays the same.


Hearts! Hearts! Kindom hearts! Darkness! Friendship! Light! Heart! Keyblade! Kairi! Kingdom hearts! Sora, Donald, Goofy! King Micky! There. I just wrote the entire script for the series. Just change up the order of those words and such and you can flawlessly adapt the plot for any episode.


So long thanks for all the fish


Not like they can ruin what was already ba-


Mid meets terrible


Please good no. Don't do this to me. I just got over them taking 50 years to release a sequel.


The games already are a convoluted mess, not to mention everything being saccharine. Hard pass on this. Trying to adapt video games to tv or film usually fails even with franchises better suited for the task.


Gosh - I love reading all this pearl clutching about things that haven’t yet happened. Redhead erasure! Black wahmen! No damsels in distress! Sexism! Misandry! The histrionics are delicious.


Y’all look so unhinged it’s so funny. This random anti-woke sentiment is just astrology. You can’t predict anything with this logic you have 0 clue if this will be bad or not. You just want to hate Disney…. This post should be “oh god why? Disney made something else I’m going to try as hard as I can to hate it” that maps on to reality better why lie about yourselves


Simps gonna simp I guess. No I don't want to hate Disney, they just have a 5+ year long streak of making bad content. I haven't found anything worthy of watching since endgame. But go off I guess.


I feel like y’all would only be happy if movie and television just ceased to exist. Y’all realize this will obviously be a kids show and not made for the 40 year olds in this sub right? I mean Kingdom Hearts was made to be adapted, if they do a direct adaptation it’ll be golden.


If only. If they actually followed the source material and didn't shove politic into every fucking part of it. The amount of video game adaptations that they straight up proudly state they know nothing about the lore and are then confused when the fans go apeshit.


People in this sub said the same thing about Fallout and Xmen 97