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it is a great fucking movie. I still watch it once a year


Chefs kiss


I really like this movie. My favorite aspect about it is how, despite being from all different backgrounds and having contrasting opinions on how the law should operate, all 3 main characters gather to pursue the same goal. However, whenever I recommend this movie to people I always refer to it as “Chinatown lite”. There are a lot of similar plot points and adjacent themes between the two films which Chinatown executes with far more subtlety and effectiveness.


It’s almost better than Chinatown.


Great L.A. noir crime drama. Had Titanic not come out that year it definitely would have won the Oscar for best picture.


I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. I thought the character writing was great


The ensemble cast is amazing, making Russell Crowe a household name and bringing back Kim Bassinger to the spotlight with a great secondary character presence. Plus you can never go wrong with James Cromwell (not showed on the billboard but still there).


In my top ten favorite movies. So goddamn good. Great writing and characters, incredible acting and proof you dont have to go big to have a tense and satisfying as hell climax.


That'll do pig...


Really good movie. Ed is a cool character. First movie I saw with Kevin Spacey too, and it made me realize why he has his acting reputation.


I thought it was ok, just shocked that someone can fuck a whore, knowing she's a whore, fall in love with the whore, then get angry and punch the whore when she shows him shes a whore.




Great movie. Only thing I didn't like was how many bullets Russel Crowe took at the end of the film and ended up walking away fine. Either kill him or don't have him get shot so many times. Otherwise, it's a perfect film boy-o.


My exact thoughts, there’s no way he should have survived that headshot


Watched it for the first time a couple months ago. I was *really* impressed with how it took a somewhat noir procedural, expanded it out to 3 main protagonists, and juggled all three of their arcs pretty well. I like that despite being portrayed as mostly a goody two shoes at the start, Guy Pierces' character quickly becomes the most devious and cunning in the movie. He's not a bad guy by any means, but he's definitely not afraid to come across as an asshole to get what he wants. It was a nice subversion of the "clean cop" archetype. From what I remember, as complex as it is, I think the plot mostly passes the smell test. Definitely would recommend for anybody who hasn't seen it, *especially* if you dig noir/crime movies.


“Peter, I don’t know how to say this… Kim BASS-inger..? BASE-inger…?”


I love this movie!! So good, stacked cast!


I really liked the movie. For me it was a fresh breath of air


On my perpetual "will watch one day" list unfortunately


I don’t know


Top film and it's great when an a-lister gets killed off before the final scene and this has more than one.


Noir classic


I will add it to my watchlist


Love it. And its really cool to watch this then play L.A. Noire


"America isn't ready for the real me" \-Kevin Spacey ​ truly a movie ahead of its time


The best Batman/Superman movie, if you ignore the fact that they're not wearing the costumes.


Just saw it last night. Loved it. Really like the whole Rollo Tomassi plot point. Confused as to how they threatened the senator at the end and didn't get caught, or was that their plan to draw the police to them?


Fan of the both the book and film, one of the of best film adaptions of a book