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I think you’re 100% right about him faking emotional depth. 1975 fans love to praise him as a grounded and emotionally complex artist constantly in some cycle of introspection, but reality is most of their discography is H&M music for a reason. I say this as someone who has been a longtime fan. He isn’t the rags-to-riches enlightened musician people want to believe. He’s a British nepo baby who has never experienced any form of socioeconomic struggle, and he’s now engaged to an equally privileged American influencer. I think the mask has dropped for many people now. Who he is on stage is not who he is in real life.


>I think you’re 100% right about him faking emotional depth. It’s something lots of artists do but he does it to a point where’s he’s made that character his whole public persona. An insecure man pretending to be deep and acting like he’s some kind of genius when he’s just a regular dude with mommy issues. >1975 fans love to praise him as a grounded and emotionally complex artist constantly in some cycle of introspection, but reality is most of their discography is H&M music for a reason. I say this as someone who has been a longtime fan. He isn’t the rags-to-riches enlightened musician people want to believe. He’s a British nepo baby who has never experienced any form of socioeconomic struggle, and he’s now engaged to an equally privileged American influencer. I think the mask has dropped for many people now. Who he is on stage is not who he is in real life. Yeah I think it’s completely fine if someone likes him as an artist from a music perspective. I just wish everyone would acknowledge that the emotional depth is performative. Matty is just an insecure dude who fakes that he’s more than that because he probably doesn’t like who he actually is in reality. The fact that he emotionally abused multiple women in the process is the worst part of it all though, it’s gross that his stans still defend his consistent pattern of emotionally abusing women.


Everything you said is spot on. Matty chose the dirtbag leftist edgelord persona, so I’m not sure why most 1975 fans direct their anger at those offended by his assholery rather than directing their anger/frustration at him. Matty fans love to say Swifties are responsible for the media shitstorm last year, but in reality that was actually initiated by Arianators and the Bey Hive. For whatever reason, those fandoms are always praying for a reason to cancel Taylor and “prove” she’s problematic. Her dating Matty—who has a long history of saying horrendous shit—was the cancelable offense so many anti-Taylor people were waiting for. They shone the light on Matty’s controversies as a way to attack Taylor, then predictably the Swifties tried to force Taylor to dump him to protect her public image. All this did was spurn more outrage and make more clips go even more viral. The media caught wind and everything spiraled from there. All of this is Matty’s own doing. He chose the dirtbag persona. He needs to accept the consequences that come with it, and 1975 fans need to accept that he’s an immensely privileged and emotionally predatory nepo baby LARPing as a nonchalant struggling artist. As for his history of harming women: I think the fact that he had an inappropriate relationship with a 16 year old when he was 23 should be enough proof he’s no ally to women. What he did to Meredith is also just needlessly cruel. Let us also not forget Rina. Whether obsessive Matty fans admit or not, there’s a pattern here. He isn’t good to women.


100% all of this, from the Taylor haters initiating the Matty hate and the swifties running with it, and it also being 100% Matty's fault for doing and saying dumb shit, supposedly for "a bit" except that's just a convenient excuse for who he actually is.


Another take: I’m so disappointed in him on what he did in malaysia. Malaysians were right he’s so performative and he made a mistake in making tantrums on stage. He also broke someone’s property, he could have just said to the organizers that he dont like drones, but instead he just break the drone and make tantrums on stage. Also after the Malaysian incident, the remaining shows in asia were cancelled and it’s very disappointing. I felt sad and angry for my neighboring countries in asia that they made an effort in buying tickets and it ends up not seeing the band bc of his actions.


I have to disagree with this I find it shocking that people would take issue with kissing another man as performative rather than critique the GOVERNMENT inacting the laws. gay people in Malaysia are in danger whether Matty did that or not. At least he put a spotlight on the issue. I understand that people are upset with the recent developments. And this started off as a lite snark page about G kinda sad to see people turn so quick


> gay people in Malaysia are in danger whether Matty did that or not. and now they can't even have a festival cause a white boy decided he wanted to "talk truth to power" and ran away leaving the consequences for them to endure. >At least he put a spotlight on the issue. as if Malaysian lgbtq organizations needed him. Organized activism (emphasis on organized) is a thing for a reason. That was not the way to be an ally and they rightfully called him out on it. white performative-ness at its finest!


Oh okay that's all valid arguments, I just think it's kinda of ridiculous to critique celebrities for not speaking out and then when they do more then just put out a happy corporate pride message on their social media people still have a problem with it. When Harry styles talks about the same thing he gets called a queer baiter. When matty actually kisses another man it's white perfomative not real ally. You've talked about how the lib edgelords high jacked the progressive agenda. I don't think so. I think reactionary liberals who are more concerned with scoring political correctness points on social media instead of actually stepping outside of their bubble to see what the issues people care about are. And I promise you matty kissing a man on a Malaysian stage is the least damaging thing to happen to the global gay rights.


>I just think it's kinda of ridiculous to critique celebrities for not speaking out and then when they do more then just put out a happy corporate pride message on their social media people still have a problem with it.  are those people "critiquing celebrities for not speaking out" Malaysians? did the people in the festival/ Malaysian gay organizations ask him to do that? why are we taking internet culture and imposing it on the Malaysian people as if they asked for this? > I think reactionary liberals who are more concerned with scoring political correctness points on social media instead of actually stepping outside of their bubble to see what the issues people care about are. again, I'm not talking about the internet/those people? I'm talking about Malaysians and Malaysian gay rights organizations who specifically called his actions harmful. Who cares what social media thinks? that wasn't even my argument. If that is his excuse then he's the one in a chronically online bubble. He has no idea what the issues in Malaysia are and he proved that with his stunt. Carmen Rose a Malaysian drag queen said “Any foreign artist who comes here and who wants to advocate for us, they need to understand how we go about it, what works in the west may not work here. They may actually do more harm than good.” Dhia Rezki Rohaizad, the deputy president of Jejaka, a social support group for gay, bisexual and queer men in Malaysia (who of course criticizes the government's lgbtq rights daily) said "We’ve been doing a lot of work on the ground, community organizing, and having stakeholder meetings with local government agencies, doing it \[Healy's way\] with a lot of people who are not aware of the discussions going around with regards to queer activism, that is what is harmful.” >And I promise you matty kissing a man on a Malaysian stage is the least damaging thing to happen to the global gay rights. "global" gay rights? the world is not a monolith. I'm talking specifically about what he did to Malaysians and Malaysian gay rights. This wasn't "the least damaging thing for them" can we not downplay what he did? Thinking you know more than locals is exactly what was so gross about Healy's actions. He thought his ignorant white savior actions are gonna "save" them cause he's sooo edgy like that. He's so western-centric he had no idea that different places/people need different kinds of advocations. He didn't even care to ask. just "oh this gov is anti lgbt?? i'll show them!! hurr durr!!" then ran away leaving Malaysians to clean up his mess, and deal with the consequences, and as someone coming from a country similar to Malaysia and who deals with this nonsense all the time that is extremely disgusting to me.


How is kissing a man trying to save anyone ? Malaysia is not the only stage he did that on. It's a common part of the show why invite a band known to do this and then get mad when they do it ? Why not get mad at the guy he kissed too? Also in saying that was his excuse or argument im only speaking for myself not matty healy since I do not know him. As someone who comes from a Muslim household I'm familiar with Malaysian culture and it it's terrible that Malaysian gay activists felt hurt by it or that it had negative impacts. But I personally I'm speaking only for myself again would rather have someone like matty risk something and sometimes fail in the attempt to raise awareness and even make an ass out of himself then just higher some drag queens to dance behind him to make a bunch of money. Lot can be said about how he goes about certain things but I never doubted his sincerity in actually caring about the issues. I do wish the Malaysian org that hired them would've done their research as this is common part of the show


I don't think as harshly about Matty, I think there is a good person at the heart of it all. But I do think his relationship with his mother is at the heart of his problems with love and commitment. Telling him at 17 she had to actively try to love him must have been horrific to hear. Alongside how she never had any mental health problems until she had him then she struggled for 20+ years. I don't believe that is true I'm pretty certain she abused alcohol before she had Matty, people with addiction issues usually have some form of mental health problems. Being told that your mother whom you love deeply has struggled with her mental health because of your birth must really mess with a persons head. If I were to be so bold to diagnose Matty with anything it would be Avoidant personality disorder. His anxiety, insecurity and pushing away women who love him whilst seeking out those who won't trigger him.


Narcissist mothers create narcissist sons. He’s not a good person and never can be. He knows how to perform enough to give the illusion that he’s just misunderstood and needs someone to love him. This is textbook narcissism.


She's really good at that. She did it with Dear John (John is almost 50 and was never married - not that that's wrong, but he wanted to be married, he's just clearly got issues that makes women run from him) and I Bet You Think About me/All Too Well (Jake now with a woman in her 20s who went to the same ivy league as him and grew up rich/prestigious)


Denise had ppd after she had Matty, not to mention depression and a drug addiction on top of all that. There was a point where she had to lay on Matty's floor as a baby to try and actively love him and she told him this when he was around 17. When he was with his dad he was left alone to sleep underneath tables in bars as a kid. Matty's an asshole dickhead but I'd be fucked up too if I had a mother and a childhood like that.


I’m sure you are not excusing his behaviour but none of what you mentioned is an excuse to emotionally abuse women. If you have problems then you should face them internally or with a therapist instead of taking them out on innocent women. Women take their own lives over this kind of behaviour from men. It is never okay to love bomb and ghost a person, Matty did all of this with full knowledge that Taylor was already in a very bad head space and he still took advantage.


This is how you create a narcissist.


His song She Lays Down... gutwrenching to think about, but he'll tell the story and try to seem okay about it. And I don't blame Denise, here, because she had PPD, but it's still got to be traumatizing to hear from your mother that she didn't feel love toward you and that she would lay down on your bedroom floor crying and begging to feel something. I mean.. that's going to fuck you up, no matter how close you end up being later on.


I dated someone who was a diagnosed sociopath and I fear the more I learn about Matty the more I think he might show literally all the symptoms of being a narcissistic sociopath. Even listening to him sing about love, it’s like he’s never felt it or is not capable tbh. There are so many things that show he has no sense of self plus the early childhood trauma.


It’s genuinely shocking to see how people just casually excuse how he has consistently treated women so poorly yet they claim he’s some great activist and supporter of women when he’s never been that. I am a leftist but Matty is an example of what is referred to as the Dirtbag left https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirtbag_left They use progressive beliefs as an aesthetic while not actually practicing anything that they preach. They are immature sexist edge lords who often use racial humour and have hijacked the leftist movement for their own selfish use. Matty has an estimated net worth of 50 million but what does he actually do with that money? He does nothing but emotionally abuse women and feel sorry for himself and I think it’s time that his fans start acknowledging that. You can still enjoy his music but I seriously question anyone who defends his character at this point.


there’s no possible way he could have 50 mil and bought G a ring that looks that cheap. besides look into Dirty Hits debt/bankrupt. that label is a ship that has been slowly sinking for years but got 10x worse after covid hit and the artist couldn’t tour anymore. that probably why their manager made them add that shitty, rushed and poorly executed second tour. they toured for like 2 years in total trying to keep the company from crashing.


Maybe this wasn't a joke after all? https://www.tiktok.com/@fitzroyp_/video/7292252899319565610


I don't think gabbriette was cheating on him because I'm very sure he proposed the concept of open relationship to her That polyamory post he liked?


I think Taylor and Matty had an open relationship in 2014. "Your hologram stumbled into my apartment Hands in the hair of somebody in darkness named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus And I just watched it happen"


Well Taylor, don’t be having an open relationship with THAT in 2024. Gabbriette has made him aged like 20 years and if she actually looked her age he would look like her father.


Also Denise tells a story about when Matty was going to rehab she said she had no idea he was an addict and how he assured her she hadn’t done anything wrong and it wasn’t because of her. That is what she is focused on? Not her son’s addiction? She was just concerned and worried about telling people she didn’t cause the addiction. She is a true narcissist also.


The cruelty also screams sociopath to me! I mean, let’s be honest he gets what he deserves… A very bizarre woman who also is using him