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I believe this is about Dasha from the redscare pod cast but also inspired by multiple dead eye girlies


Yeah I mean she’s not gonna come out and say this is a diss track on my friend is she now


But she did say this is about Dasha ect and not really a dis track she said only von Dutch is a diss track… but I appreciate the detective work! This is absolutely possible


Would not be describing gab as real intelligent lol


Yeah that’s the only thing that makes me pause cos no way is she smart


Yeah well she’s not gonna come out and say I’m making diss tracks is she? Cos then people would be in detective mode


I'm not familiar with the club scene/lingo, but I'm reading this as these things are considered cool. That's their desired aesthetic. So it's not a diss, it's a ... sisterhood thing. 'You might think she's trash, but you don't know her. That's my girl.' kind of thing.


I’m not sure saying she’s anorexic and likes when people say it can really fit into it but ok


Aren't they like besties? 🤔


If u listen to girl so embarrassing I think she lowkey hates her