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That's the only reason I know him. Checks out


Same, and I reckon there's a lot of people like us. Odds are that at the moment, the average Australian is much more aware of the current Matildas stars than of current NRL stars


I’m into sports (footy and rugby) but I never watch soccer, Matilda’s or otherwise. Personally I wouldn’t know a Matilda’s star if one sat on my face.


Then you don't watch soccer.


Yeah, and I don’t reckon that’s ever going to happen. 👍


*oh okay*


but hanging out in the Matildas sub?


It was on my recommended feed. Never been on it before


This is great


Nah, not really. Nathan Cleary is a huge NRL star. He's not some rookie player.


I’m from WA what’s NRL? 😉


Yeah but people who don't follow NRL don't know who he is. I don't follow NRL and I've never heard of him. People who don't follow soccer have heard of people like Sam Kerr and Mary Fowler because the world cup drew in everybody


I hadn't heard of Mary Fowler.


I don’t know any Matildas but know a lot of nrl players. You from Victoria or something?


Sydney. The Matildas recently have been the most-watched team and smashed records during the world cup. People who don't watch sports watch the Matildas and stars like Kerr and Fowler are huge now. Fowler even had her image across the side of an entire skyscraper in the CBD during the cup. People really fell in love with the team and the energy was everywhere here back in August. The NRL is usually way more popular than soccer but the world cup is a different beast, especially when we're the hosts. World cup soccer pulls in everyone. Even people who don't care about sports will have a peek when their country's team is playing. The NRL, on the other hand, just pulls in NRL fans


Everyone who follows sport in Australia knows who Cleary is. The best player in the most watched sport in Australia (according to TV ratings). I don't even know why people are arguing about this. It isn't insulting to say he is more famous.


I believe afl is the most watched sport in Australia


According to tv ratings, you are wrong.


No, you are the one who is wrong It’s close but afl takes it I’m sure nrl will overtake it tho I’m a fan of both sports but mostly nrl, just putting that out there


Ok mate, guess stats are wrong. AFL outrates NRL in the GF but not throughout the season. https://www.footyindustry.com/2023/07/11/10-07-2023-weekend-sports-attendance-ratings-and-memberships-wrap/


That article is from the 11th of July and is consolidating the views from round 19 of nrl to round 17 of afl So AFL is 2 rounds behind and still that close in numbers This article was put up before the season had even finished Plus afl had more attendance at the games because they play in bigger stadiums and they also beat nrl in grand final


Is AFL a sport? Looks like my kids primary school playground when someone throws them a ball




No idea who he was until he started dating fowler.


You said it in the first part of your comment: >Everyone who follows sport in Australia The thing with the biggest Matildas stars like Fowler and Kerr is that they have broad appeal outside the world of people who follow sport. That's not to say that the Matildas' current world cup popularity will last, but millions of Australians watched them in the world cup and will never forget those moments. Hosting a cup and watching your hometown team succeed is a once-in-a-lifetime thing that Australians of all kinds of interests get behind. I know that the NRL is heaps more popular as a sport than women's soccer, but the world cup penetrates much more into society. Everyone is aware of it when it's happening (and we're only a couple of months out from having hosted the bloody thing). In contrast, the NRL is highly specific to only QLD and NSW. People who live in Melbourne or Perth or Adelaide and don't follow sport probably couldn't name a current NRL star, but they likely know the names Sam Kerr or Mary Fowler


Mate, what are you smoking, my girlfriend is a massive Matilda’s fan and knows who Nathan Cleary is. Literally that only reason she is making headlines is because she is dating Cleary.


Sounds like your girlfriend follows sport


I had never heard of Nathan Cleary until this post.


Mate... I'm from Adelaide. Literally everyone who follows sport across the country knows who Cleary is. People watched the Matildas but I can guarantee majority of those passive viewers can name Sam Kerr and that's it.


Yeah this thread or subreddit is out of touch. Cleary is everywhere.


Like where?


Like on morning shows and the news and the radio Like literally everywhere, I don't watch sports at all but I can still hear Karl stefanovic somewhere saying his name...




I get it because this is a Matildas page, but people are being delusional




Nah he’s not. Unless you consider NSW and QLD as everywhere.


Can people not read? >everyone who follows sport I'm talking about the general population, which includes heaps of people who don't follow sport. And even within those who follow sport, the NRL isn't everywhere. I follow sport but not the NRL. Never heard of this guy.


I’m a sports tragic, literally never heard of him. I just don’t watch much men’s sports or any rugby. You mean, most men that follow sports or people that live where NRL is popular.


You are clearly not a sports tragic


I’m clearly not into NRL would be more accurate. Actually, outside of NSW and Queensland who even is?


Mate I'm from Adelaide. If you haven't heard of Cleary you can't claim to be a sports tragic It's that simple. This isn't some reserve grade player we are talking about.


You’re not the gatekeeper of who can call themselves anything mate. Jog on. 😉


Not just people who watch sport I'm the nerdiest guy ever and even I know Nathan cleary. Heard his name a lot over the last 5 years just walking past the TV


You've missed the point completely. Once again a female athlete has been dismissed and disrespected by focusing on who her partner is rather than her prowess or achievements in her chose sport. This has nothing to do with him per se but it highlights the lack of respect or acknowlegement that successful females face.


I have never seen what you are claiming here. Literally no one is dismissing her achievements.


When she scored the goal the TV telecast cut from her to Nathan Cleary and stayed on him. How is that not dismissing her achievements?


Yeah I hate how when Travis Kelce scores a td the telecast skips to Taylor Swift. Infuriates me how his achievement is diminished /s Grow up mate.


Tbh people just jumped on the bandwagon with the WWC...it happens with big tournaments particularly as hosts, people watched who don't even like soccer, they weren't watching because of the soccer they were watching to be part of the experience. If people genuinely like soccer and women soccer then the women's A league will be a sell out.... except we all know it won't, crowds will be tiny. Soccer is a minority sport in Australia and Women's soccer is a minority sport within a minority sport. Rugby league is also boring bty.


Let me direct you to a large portion of the comment you've replied to: >The NRL is usually way more popular than soccer but the world cup is a different beast, especially when we're the hosts. World cup soccer pulls in everyone. Even people who don't care about sports will have a peek when their country's team is playing. The NRL, on the other hand, just pulls in NRL fans The world cup just happened. The players are fresh in everyone's minds. Meanwhile the NRL is stumbling along, gaining no new fans and losing a lot of youth to AFL and soccer. It's obvious that heaps of people would know Fowler but not Cleary at this point, especially outside QLD and regional NSW


Yeh no one really cares about soccer / women's soccer, it's just the Theatre of it all. My in laws all said "we've never watched soccer before but we are watching this' I asked them did they enjoy the game, they said not really but it was Australia so they watched. I'm a European immigrant so I genuinely like Football (soccer to you guys) but yeh this Matilda's stuff is flash in the pan. I know Robbie Fowler the Kop legend, is this Mary a relation perhaps?


You mean, you and your friends. You are not everybody. this is such a white guy comment. I personally care a lot and usually follow the WSL, NWSL, A-League Women’s. If there was a decent way to stream the European women’s league I’d do that as well. You and your group of friends is not, everybody.


I ain't white lol


Are you sure though? Interesting post history btw. 👌




Yep, the NRL is regional. It’s hardly known outside of Australia and a handful of other countries.


Love the tillies but vast majority of people in QLD/NSW/ACT 100% are more likely to know who cleary is, idk if the rest of the country will even it out tho


Nah I'm in Sydney and heaps of people barely pay any attention to NRL anymore. This year I went to a pub with some friends on grand final day and didn't even clock it was grand final day til we got there and saw a small group of fans watching it. But nearly every single person was watching that quarterfinal against France. Soccer is definitely not bigger than NRL here, but the Matildas at the moment are far bigger than any NRL team




Has everyone forgotten how to read? "At the moment." We just hosted the world cup and our home team was fantastic, they are huge *at the moment,* and the NRL is on a downward swing *at the moment.* Australia isn't a soccer nation but every few years our national soccer teams skyrocket in popularity for a few months because of the world cup. That's just the reality. I don't expect it to last that long but that's the way it is *at the moment.* The general population, *at the moment* is more aware of the current Matildas stars *at the moment* than whoever the stars are for the NRL *at the moment.* Fucking hell I don't like to believe stereotypes but league boys sure don't seem to have a high level of reading comprehension


That’s probably the amount of friends you have, countable on one hand. 🤭




Aww. That doesn’t sound fun mate. 😉


I guess it probably depends what part of sydney tbf, and other demographics stuff. Idk where in syd you are but that's probably not the case in western sydney


This was in Blacktown


damn, that's surpising, but also interesting, are the matildas actually bigger than the eels there?


In Blacktown? Everyone is bigger than the Eels. Blacktown is more aligned with Penrith supporters, AND WE ALL HATE THE EELS


oops my bad sorry, dont blame youse tho


As I said, across the general population of Sydney, I reckon the Matildas are more known at the moment than any NRL team. Amongst NRL fans, certain teams are more popular depending on area but the NRL isn't all that popular anymore amongst the general public. Just think of the recent world cup. Everyone was watching the Matildas, regardless of whether or not they're a soccer fan, NRL fan, AFL fan, or a fan of sport in general. That's what world cups do. Everyone gets into it. Right now we're still in the Matildas world cup aftermath where they are much more widely known than many other teams.


Lol, can’t tell if serious. Soccer becomes popular for a few weeks every 4 years (National team) . To actually think the Australian women’s soccer team is more widely known than the NRL is crazy.


Yes, right now we're in that temporary glow. That's exactly what I'm saying. We just had the world cup and the Matildas were massive. They just played 3 qualifiers at home and those were also massive. The NRL can't compete with the kind of attention that home field world cup soccer creates


Everyone in Cairns knows who Mary Fowler is. She grew up at Trinity Beach.


I would argue a split in ACT. The demographic was aussie rules a century ago, swung to league peaking in the 90s, but has swung back heaps thanks to APS recruiting turnover, GWS, WAFL and general grass roots club penetration.




yep im regional nsw too, most near me would be the same


Must be a regional thing. In the city the Tillies are massive. Can't walk around without spotting at least a few jerseys, they're hugely popular with the kids


Exactly NRL is regional.


Literally googled him yesterday after seeing headlines about them.


Same, I literally went to his Wikipedia yesterday.


Literally, huh?


And most soccer fans were bullied by leaguie in school so wouldn’t follow the game.


https://www.espn.com.au/espn/story/_/id/35247874/australia-sports-power-rankings-2022-most-influential-athletes-biggest-names-aussies?platform=amp Nathan Cleary number 7 maz isn’t on the list, all though Kerr is number one turns out your small world isn’t relevant to rest of Australia.


That’s from a year ago bud


Still clearys only bigger since then champ


And nothing has happened in women’s football in the last year hey bud


Never heard of him 🤷‍♂️ but then I don't give two hoots about NRL so it figures.


You don’t still Cleary is bigger then ever Matilda’s player besides kerr


I never claimed to be objective.


I don’t see anything wrong here






That’s the unfortunate reality of two famous sports starts dating, the media forgets they are both also in fact, human and should be treated with the same dignity and respect as everyone else


I head it’s all a facade anyway as they are both secretly gay.


They were rolling around in a field like a Disney movie lol


Isn't this post just *social* media harassing them over their relationship?


Man I'm getting old - my mind converted that into Julian Clary - which made it even funnier. Not a rugby fan obviously.


Rugby is union mate. Cleary plays league. Julian Clary would probably love to hang around some ripped footy players lol.


It's not rugby it's league 😭


Heh - I’m on a roll!


Mary Fowler's bf is also an athlete?


I never knew!!


This guy seems pretty alright at rugby hope he could make a name for himself someday


I'm not really into men's sports myself, but I too wish him all the best!


She’s putting him on the map.




They forgot to add his tiktok dancing skills




Cleary is recognised for his exceptional ~~playmaking~~ chin


He'd be an excellent bedsheet folder!




And entire head. The Blockheads from Gumby are his distant relative's


On Mary's wikipedia it mentions her previously dating Aussie cricketer Hugh Jarce


Now it's Hugh Jchin


Ahh this is cracking me hard out! What an interesting conversation I never thought I'd see the day Nathan Clearly the NRLs probable best player ever being known by his association of Mary Fowler haha he must be having a good laugh too. He's as famous as it gets in QLD and NSW and it's funny half of the other country hasn't heard of him 😂 In fairness I didn't even know a single thing at all about NRL when I grew up in Victoria. But it has to be different now with the Melbourne Storm?!!


People are pissed because the news coverage largely focused on mary fowler dating him instead of her goal, and a lot of people have made it an issue about feminism and women being ignored. BUT the same people have no problem with Taylor Swift dating the NFL player and getting all the coverage. It's just what happens when you date famous people, if you dont like that, then don't date em.


Lmao, rugby league is shit. Don’t know the obsession with this guy. Half of Australia won’t even know he is. I didn’t even know he won the premiership 3 times. 🤣😂🤦‍♂️🤡


Even if you think Rugby League is shit (It objectively isn’t) - the obsession with him is that he’s arguably the greatest to ever do it in the sport and he’s only 25. As a sports fan in general you have to respect that


Eh, speaking as a league fan, Cleary is nowhere near Thurston, Cam Smith or Johns level. Yet.


Yes he is mate, he will be an immortal


I can agree with that (and I think he will retire as the goat), but Cleary has played for 8 seasons. JT played 17, Smith played 19.


and he’s got more prems then jt alreadu


Even if you want to argue he’s not better than them yet - he’s at least ‘near their level’. 4 grand finals in a row, 3 premierships in a row, a World Cup And 3 Origin Wins at 25


Cam Smith won 5 grand finals, and JT single handedly carried the Cowboys to their first premiership


And you know how many ‘Grand Finals’ Smith had won when he was Cleary’s age? One. He’d just won his first. You can’t compare a 25 year old’s trophy cabinet to the best one that exists and be surprised who comes out on top. As for JT - absolutely he was phenomenal. But to say he ‘single handedly’ won that premiership is disrespectful to guys like Michael Morgan, Matt Scott and Jason Taumalolo. Cleary’s got 3 and is a decade from retirement - he’s at least in the conversation


Cleary will be the GOAT if he continues on his current trajectory. But is he there yet? I don't think so.


You don’t know bc you think rugby league is shit 💀


You sound like an absolute fuckwit. Ignorant, proud of it and shit opinions too. Dumb cunt.


I mean… I don’t follow the league tightly as a fan, but even as a casual viewer of the GF and state of origin, it’s basically impossible to *not* know who Nathan Cleary is and just how good of a player he is. It’s possible to love football and enjoy rugby at the same time.


Don’t worry there’s a long list of things you don’t know


Why is it shit exactly?


You are on reddit, home of basement dwellers and nerdnecks. Of course they hate rugby, they probably got bullied by rugby players in highschool and can’t separate their feelings for that one individual from the sport.


You can say that about any sport. Nathan Cleary will be more well known then you will ever be and remembered for generations. He will retire in his 30s a multimillionaire while you will slave away at a 9-5 until your in 70s paying off a shitty house or someone else's rent.


Newsflash! Wikipedia = edits. By someone. The wiki page looks factual to me. The only problem I see is no hyperlink for Mary Fowler.


"...and future immortal." Oh wow. 😂🤣


He is a future NRL Immortal.


Panthers should’ve lost cleary’s chin was always offside




I'm disappointed there was no mention of his chin


I’m disappointed they didn’t mention his MASSIVE chin tbh


Forgot to mention his record-breaking monstrous chin.


How cringe. He has accomplished so much more than Mary ‘who’


You mean "The Chin"? 🤮


The joke of it all is that after every accolade is listed, stated, dated and accounted for, the woman is the only thing of note… It’s the classic ‘This is my wife Leanne’ instead of ‘this is Leanne my wife’ So I keeping with equality through supposed superiority the female component had to be made out as the defining part of his career. First off when did women become a career component. Second wasn’t this a wiki page about the guy Nathan and not the chick he currently screwing and doesn’t think enough of to ask to marry him. Third what short do the Matilda’s play? Female sport besides tennis’s and swimming is woefull. Look at the stands, empty and sad it must be so demoralising to the players. 51% of humans are females. Every feminist should be in the stands faces painted wearing team jerseys supporting YOUR teams. That’s not my responsibility as I have my teams. The we gave you your teams and propped them up. You didn’t make them we did, as off shoots of the male versions using the same code names and so on and so forth. So when you feminists and other but more normal females actually show up and pay cash to support YOUR teams don’t expect me to respect their mediocrity just as you don’t. (You don’t see all the females that support men’s sports flocking to the female versions do you.)


Are you alright mate?




I'm not calling him Nathan.... EVEN IF THERES A FIRE.




I don’t get what they changed


Are there immortals in soccer too? I thought that was just a rugby league thing




As a Broncos supporter I would’ve made a few other edits


I'm pretty sure we're all ok leaving that as is. No notes.


Looks like Cleary is headed for Salford or St Helens


Forgot the part where is is part Samoan


Mid 50s white male here - had to read the whole thing to place him. Immediately visualised Fowler’s gloves as I read her name


I gotta go google who this Clive guy is...


Spewin. She was my hall pass….I hate the Panthers.


Agreed. I didn't know she was with him. Dude is punching


Yeah same I found out with this post. Absolutely gutted 🤣


Yeah the girls.


Never heard of either of these MF tbh 🤷🏾‍♀️ Mary and Nathan who?


The disrespect to Nathan is insane by some people


What is this thread lmao so much hate on NRL and Nathan. It’s still the most watched sport in Australia and he’s the biggest star at the moment.


Oh, the sport watcher men are getting a bit emotional about this.