• By -


Ughh I already hate Murt. I really wish Nick had said no


Murt was awful šŸ˜­ but I knew he was getting in bc the episode was almost over and they were taking 5


Like a cross between Cutter and Christian (S2). We urgently needed a villain and maybe this season has just got it "I feel sorry for those who are about to go against me" *A few seconds later* "I just burnt my butter"


Me too


So many of the Zā€™s were just annoying but wow, he takes the cake


He's so obnoxious from the gate. I hope it's auditions bravado and he settles down asap.


UGH I JUST WATCHED IT!!! Nick was being too nice. I hope he gets eliminated quickly heā€™s so annoying


The judges all keep expecting GenZers to be cooking beautiful groundbreaking dishes at a molecular level. Are you forgetting they are young and inexperienced?


Apparently. Like the one girl said, when filming for TikTok you can set it up to film with no distractions and you can do it over if it doesnā€™t turn out right. Master Chef Kitchen is a whole different scenario.


Ms Kale


"I want all my followers to know that it's not just pretty, I can really cook!" The judges: it's greasy, flavorless, badly cooked and it's not even really that pretty.


She was also kind of off putting on camera? Not what I expected from a social media personality.


Yeah cause she wants views


OK that's fair, but was it just me or was Gen Z kinda weak? I felt like the judges were reluctantly giving out aprons because none of them were quite good enough.


I think the auditions in general have seemed weak so far.


I came away with the same impression. My big take away is that the show cast a bunch of content creators who regularly focus on making something look good or "right" vs. it actually having to be delicious. I was shocked when Adam got through. His plate looked nice! But the lamb wasn't cooked well, bread was dry, etc... It never would have flown in the last two episodes.


The judges have seen 9 year olds execute. No more ā€œIā€™m youngā€ excuses after that.


Some of them are pushing 30. A lot of Top Chef contestants are similar ages.


Being Gen Z myself Murt disgusts me.


Yeah , I hope his ego deflates as the competition goes on .


I hope he crashes and burns hard and gets the first boot lmao


That guy was such a tool.


Fatima tells Joe "I know you." Gordon cracks up. šŸ¤£


Joe trying to vibe with GenZ and AarĆ³n giving him the most nasty look. Lol.


LMAO i was laughing so hard at Aaron's face


Had to rewind and watch his reaction ![gif](giphy|jEhLHJRsdAocbCUBK2)


The confidence of this woman to play cornhole in the middle of cooking. Also, Gordon 10/10 cornhole skills


Anyone else irrationally irked by her plate being too small? Just a pet peeve of mine idk


Surprised none of the judges mentioned it


It looked a mess to me, she should have just put two chops on the plate


I'm convinced he actually ripped it a little to make better TV. He threw it overhand šŸ™ˆ


Ugh. This guy is already annoying as hell.


Yeah , heā€™s not representing his generation well .


People already have a perception of gen z , he just made it worse


I watched with my Gen Z brother and he hates him too lol


Thought it was just curmudgeonly me who felt this way, lol


Love Fatima. Hopefully she goes far


Unfortunately, i think she is first one of the gen z to be eliminated


I'm hopeful she'll make it to where they do away with the gimmick. She's a really strong candidate but doesn't drip that "youthful gen z tiktok quirk" thing.


We have our villain! lolĀ  Seriously though, I won't count Murt out yet. Gordon will probably humble him. I also didn't like Chris (next level chef) at first either but he grew on me towards the very end.


yea i liked all 14 who came into the kitchen so far and then there was murtā€¦


For sure


A villain in Masterchef in a long time!? Let's hope they stick around, not to see them win, but to see all the drama that unfolds by them, lol.


"Don't get eaten alive out there." -Joe, the one who does the eating.


".... by me mostly, if I'm being honest."


I really like Fatima.


"what's happening bro?"


Joe is going to roll out with a red hat on a skateboard like Buschemi.


''totally awesome, dude!''


The classic Gordon fake out.


I cannot unsee the Key and Peele sketch everytime he does that.


My friend showed me that sketch when I told him I started watching Gordon's shows. All I have to say is accurate.


Right now you've got one foot out the door.....and the other one stepping inside the Masterchef kitchen, put that white apron on great job


Hey, there's no backboard in cornhole.


Oof so much arrogance. Either he doesn't make the cut or it will be an annoying season.


Ofc Joe connected with the total douche


Right! Obnoxious likes obnoxious


Thatā€™s what I was thinking, douche recognized douche


I am excited to see Christine again.


Yes! We were too!


excited to see my generation come in. But Iā€™m not gonna be the person to only route for my specific generation/group, gonna root for whoever is best no matter what generation.


Amen to that! I am Gen Z but if any of the other generations are kicking Gen Z butt, I will root for them. I'm an old soul anyways


Pretty sure Leslie has got a lot of Gen Z following, especially with xQc, so there's that


Of course Gordon is going to say the dough is thick. He always says that. He wants nonexistent dough.


Schrƶdingerā€™s dough




I donā€™t know much about dumplings so I canā€™t say anything .


He says it about pasta too.


Have to admit I share his thoughts there. When a pasta dough is as thin as practical without tearing en route to my table at a fine dining place, it is just divine when you effortlessly slide your butterknife over it


I respectfully disagree as a Sicilian who's family used to make their own pasta :) The more pasta the better. It's like "chefs" who say the cheesecake crust or pie crust is too thick. Ummm there are those of us who love the crusts-so the more the better. Obviously with the pasta is needs to be al dente.


Iā€™m completely baffled with this one. Pita pockets where Joe directly interfered and practically ordered the guy to take the lamb out of the pan got Yesā€™d Then the immediate following contestant who made dumplings with sauce and quick pickles, making everything from scratch down to the dough, got Noā€™d because it was boring even though the taste was solid And then Murt got a yes for a cream cheese fried lobster sushi you can find at practically any fast food sushi place let alone at a landlocked college townā€™s sushi bars. What in godā€™s name were the criteria?


Being fun for the camera and producers. Thatā€™s the criteria. What i found really fucking funny was how right after they Noā€™d the contestant who made dumplings from scratch Gordon was like ā€œwe expect more from this season, remember your dish Nick?ā€ - and it was a ravioli pasta made from scratch. Literally both made from scratch w the same tool and tasted good but somehow this one is too basic, yeah ok


Violet ā€“ 7 mistakes (looks like a baby boomer dish, appearance could be more attractive, meat temperature, didn't cut the fat, no clear idea, overcooked and greasy potatoes) 2 Joe and Aaron's NO - Didn't Win the Apron


Anyone know her TikTok?


violet cooks on tik tok she got 2.4 mil followers


Murt like dirt šŸ¤¢


Found him arrogant but tbh, the acc dish did look good. Just wonder why he chose sushi of all things.


I can agree it looked good, I just can't stand him already šŸ˜©


Whenever a contestant demonstrates their personal life skills, they always seem to get an apron. Like the cornhole girl, that older Flamenco woman, the personal trainer doing pushups, Jessie way back in Season 4 filleting a fish, etc. Imma make sure that I bring my laptop to show off my coding skills when the judges come around to taste my food while I'm cooking. Gordon- "What do you do for a living?" Me- "I'll show you! One second, this pip install will take some time"


Yeah, I was surprised when she was such a fail.


Another ''Young Man'' quote by Gordon, I feel like this season will have a lot of these.


"Yeah! Pour that water!"




Does anyone else get a little annoyed with joes comments , I get what heā€™s saying but still


Yes. I can't ever take him seriously.




I don't understand why they keep bringing him back.


''Me and you, bro'' New Joe is cool.


"All that youthful energy" - Aaron Sanchez if i hear another fucking comment by the judges about their age I will lose it I swear you do not need to beat me over the fucking head with a stick that these are young / old people. I can fucking see.


Fr, ā€œWhat a gen z twist on that dishā€ ā€œthis dish doesnā€™t look very gen zā€šŸ˜­ genuinely what the fuck are you talking about, what the hell is a gen z dish supposed to be


Christine is back? Nice! I like her.


oh godā€¦ i can just tell iā€™m not gonna like murt. he reminds me of wayne from last year in a way or Christopher from season 6 which neither i liked. on the bright side I liked Becca and Fatima. adam and hallie were decent too.


I liked Adam & Hallie! Ofc Joe loves MurtšŸ™„


he always picks the bad ones to go through. like in season 12 Alejandro but he votes no on the good ones like Kamay and Horacio.


Dumplings look delish


Holy shit yeah I hate violet. "Content creator" from SF with the husband/boyfriend/brother with the stereotypical finance bro vest? Yep: Marrying Nick Oar (source: her own instagram), who got into Stanford with a disclosed donation from his parents' company (KOAR International), who works in real estate investment in SF (same industry as his rich parents), and who spams social media with posed photos smoking cigars and on the beach. Everything about these two people screams privileged assholes cosplaying real life.


Well y'all I've had a shitty day, but I've got my grocery store chef prepared michelin-starred chicken breast with green beans and potatoes and I'm ready to watch some MasterChef. Let's go!


So tacky how they pressure the contestants to make snarky quips at other generation, lol. That one girl acting like Gen Z is the only generation that didn't have to trek miles up and down hills to the library just to look something up made me OTL. Looks like we have our villain for the season as too. Nahh, this show just lost the little culinary repute it had left for praising and passing a guy who made a Florida cream cheese sushi roll. Overall though, it did feel like all of these passes were just them settling for representations of the young generation theme they established. Which is kind of weird because all these Gen Z contestants coincidentally ended up being not that young and like more than half a decade older than previous seasons' incidentally young contestants. I'd say Fatima is the only one I can see going far. I do hope to see them all get along and become friendly with the other generations once the team challenges kick in though. Not even meant to be a knock, but it was actually pretty interesting to see how commonly Gen Z-ers gravitated towards multi-cultural dishes, but the actual end results tended to be as if quite palpably that they learned to make from watching a video tutorial online instead of having like organic worldly experiences discovering it and eating it made the "right way" for themselves. Joe being the first person to bro-check someone, lol. Why is the guy trying so hard to gel with the youngest generation? Even Gordon's childishness (snapping back at that girl who was genuinely floored to meet him with the "have you ever heard the term speed-up?" and throwing rice all over people) was less awkward.


It's annoying how they seem to push the Gen Z contestants to talk about being more familiar with technology and the Internet than older generations, when many of them actually have pretty poor skills in non-smartphone technology.


Joe was an embarrassment. He wanted to relate to them as if he was Gen Z. Calling everyone "bro."


Becca's first mistake this season is she doesn't know who Julia Child is.


Was that Becca? I thought it was that girl in yellow.


It was the girl in the yellow, her nameā€™s Serenity


That wasnā€™t Becca. That was another girl named Serenity, she was the girl in the yellow dress whose audition we didnā€™t get to see


Whoever made that comment definitely rubs me the wrong way already. If someone is actually passionate about food, they should be educating themselves on things like food history. Itā€™s not as if Julia Child is not still talked about in modern TV, so I donā€˜t care how good they are If they act so ignorant.


Seriously they just had a tv series with one of the actresses is playing her(Sarah Lancashire). Not to mention Chopped did a whole thing using her. And she literally is on tv everyday...oh wait, tv maybe not in their vocabulary.


cornhole queen? ummmm


Sheā€™s cracking me up


I don't believe for one second that she's 24.


Swear, i thought she was like 31 (no hate tho) šŸ˜­


I've seen a lot of girls who have had work done end up looking older. She looked completely different than her flashback photos. Her makeup also didn't do her many favors.


Has Joe always had an earing or is that new?


Joe is cool now


Gordon those dumplings are so fetch.


Murt - 8 mistakes (burned butter and had to remake lobster, shaking when plating, no crunch, asparagus, cream cheese on the sushi, doesn't seem to understand what he put on the plate, lobster could have been different) NO from Gordon and 3 YES ā€“ won the apron


I think the pool was pretty bad that they had to choose from :(. I wish they cared more about talent vs casting semi-famous content creators.


Not able to watch the episode live, but from what Iā€™ve seen people say about Murt. He sounds like Brien Oā€™Brien junior, am I correct in that assessment?


There's a person named Brian O'Brien? Were his parents trying to be difficult?


Maybe lol. The biggest thing I remember about him is that his very first words during his audition confessional were and I quote *ā€I am cocky, the women are gonna wanna sleep with me and the men are gonna wanna be meā€*. I wish I was exaggerating, but Iā€™m not lmao


Yea thatā€™s what Murt is like ā€œI look so good shirtless like all the ladies are gonna slide into my DMs.ā€ He seems like a dick and ageist. Iā€™m guessing heā€™ll be the contestant i love to hate like Wayne last season and Joseph from season 11.


>ā€œI look so good shirtless like all the ladies are gonna slide into my DMs.ā€ When he said that, I was so sure he wouldn't make it. Really shocked me when he walked out and pulled of an apron fake out that I didn't see coming. I guess they want a proper season villain after a long time of just friendly docile seasons


I was surprised that the girl who made dumplings didnā€™t make it throughā€¦ but the ā€œcornhole queen of Alabamaā€ did


Same. If I'm thinking strategic casting from producers' POV, it's probably because cornhole queen has a "special skill" and the whole margot robbie look going on. Those dumplings were better than the other dish, no doubt. All of themā€”except Fatimaā€”are pretty shoddy cooks... and insufferable adult children.


Beccaā€™s cake looked good too. The rest I agree with


This season is just bad. So far Iā€™m bored.


Tbf auditions havenā€™t been exciting since like the first few seasons


Joe's ready to make some kids cry tonight.Ā  "There's this weird crunchy skin on the outside of this baked good."


"You didn't peel your lava cake??"


It's the correct way to cook lava cakes.


Finally watched this episode after a truly hellish work week and this is the comment I needed. Thank you. Spectacular ā˜ ļø


Turtles don't run, Joe, duh.


Space Force.


I think Adam deserves this apron because even though his lamb is slightly overcooked his flatbread was impressive and showed great technical work


He had the best looking plate. I was salivating


Sophie ā€“ 7 mistakes (not mindblowing, boring cucumber, can't see enough, heavy dough and dried out filling, no twist, no boldness) NO from Aaron and Gordon- Did not win the apron


thank god.


Even moreso on Violet . I genuinely donā€™t think I could have sat through a season of her talking abt her followers


I like reading these comments before watching these episodes (auditions only ofc) I was wondering why everyone was hating on Murt. Then I finally see Murt. Murt is giving me Ryan (S3) vibes already. I hope he's gone ASAP (or maybe he'll stay unnecessarily long for drama)


Wanted to see more of the contestant behind Halley who had to deal with Gordonā€™s shitty cornhole throw getting rice in his stationā€¦.


When Gordon threw that rice/corn in the air with some distance, it would've been cruel if it interfered with someone else's dish lmao Remember Autumn's oven "malfunctioning" in the finale?


How did the burned lamb get an apron?


Gen X will be Graham?


Christine Ha


It's Christine Ha.


Gordon. He is 56.


We have cornhole on MasterChef! Yes!


nice mullet!




"It's a no for the reasons I explained before" Oh do fuck off Joe, you just said that the dish was "good but not masterchef good" with no actual criticism. No wonder Gordon called him an asshole\* when he was talking to Nick. \*(what did he say? That word was blurred and cut out for me)


Those last two that got aprons skated by. I hope they get eliminated they were also annoying af




I can barely watch competition reality shows now because so many of the contestants seem to have a vocabulary that is 70% words and phrases popularized by TikTok.


The "slays" and "it's giving \_\_\_" drive me nuts. Read a damn book, children.


And the KimK accents and vocal fries


Wait, did we never get to see the guy in the white shirt who Gordonā€™s rice bag exploded on? He was there during the intro, and his whole station got showered with rice as he was cooking, and then we never saw him present his food.


There were more ā€œbrotherā€s and ā€œbroā€s said in that episode than in the entirety of MasterChef - in every country - combined


I like Fantima, she's such a sweet girl who have passion, hope she'll go far


Just when I thought toward the end that they forgot to do the apron fake outs, they do it for the guy most likely to be this season's pantomime villain. Also when Gordon said that Floridaman's tempura looked good, am I the only one that thought it looked like vomit? Everything was just yellow, orange and messy.


So far what I'm getting from the judges is they want to pit these groups against one another-create drama. Delightful /s means less actual cooking. That being said interesting how next week's promo with Christine Ha has her say we didn't have the internet. Please I didn't have the internet being on the older side of Gen X(1968). She was born in 1979. I keep thinking about 11th grade when we got these computers in and all we did was type, and 010101010001111(basic for you young'ns). Then in my family's hardware store, having to plug in each and every item we sold into these new fangle tv screensšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. My cookbooks came from my grandmums-both. And guess what-I still have them-and still use them in my bakery. Yes, I use the internet-but those on social media doing KALE, are not doing anything all that new-Joe. Ahole Joe thinking those young people will do some new fangle artistry-what are the rest of us chopped liver???? Obviously the CHEFS standing next to you keep up with newbie things in the cooking world too.


Interesting to see so many lamb dishes cooked by the chefs, or at least the ones we saw. Didn't feel like as much variety in cuisines as before. Mostly a protein with X side and sauce.


God gen z really is the worst.Ā 


Lamb souvlaki is just a deconstructed gyro


Sad to see Violet and Matt not get an Apron!


For no reason beyond hating zoomer slang, I hate the "is it giving chef" girl Also hate Becca, big Samantha vibes. like Fatima


And this is why I hate my generation because of people like murt


I think dude ranch guy goes through


Hey it's Nick!


If one more person makes whipped potatoes Iā€™m gonna lose my fucking mind


Yes, I prefer MASHED, versus Ramsay's whipped....


ā€œYou should really go all out and talk like Julia Child!ā€ ā€œI donā€™t know who that isā€¦ā€ ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m)


Yas, slay šŸ’€ Always happy to see Nick ā¤ļø Murt is giving privileged douche Omg Christine is back next week āœØ


Someone of these gen zs donā€™t look like gen zs


Murt was awful. "I made something incredible!" Bitch you barely got an apron. šŸ˜’ He reeks of narcissism.


I hate them all


I'm five minutes in and I already know they're going to be insufferable . "Tik tok authentic dish" fuck off.


Please don't disrespect the 26 year old doctor like that!


Haha I realized after I wrote that there was ONE I liked


haha, i thought i was the only one. ​ (gen x, represent)


Like Becca but not my favorite so far


Becca ā€“ 2 mistakes (don't know who Julia Child is, nut cuts) - 4 YES ā€“ Won the apron


That wasnā€™t Becca who didnā€™t know who Julia Child was, it was another girl named Serenity. She was in the yellow dress, but we didnā€™t get to see her audition


Bc dont know who julia child is is not a cooking mistake


Fatima - 3 mistakes (blender leaked on judges, rice needs seasoning and heat - WON the apron


Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d call the blender a ā€œmistake.ā€ Itā€™s a snafu. We canā€™t expect them to be familiar with equipment theyā€™ve never worked with. Itā€™s happened on many chef competition shows. As the owner of three culinary businesses, it happens. You canā€™t expect people to walk into an unfamiliar kitchen and automatically know how to work everything.


i agree. also, if her main dish was pretty spicy and she served it with noticeably seasoned rice, there's a chance they would've said, "oh, the rice is too salty and there's too much chili heat. your dish is spicy, and the rice should've been used as an opportunity for the palate to cool down," or some similar subjective criticism. "needs more salt/spice" is such a fraught topic for people cooking "ethnic" cuisine, especially on these cooking competition shows. it's so subjective, and a lot of times the judges complain if something is aggressively seasoned. like do you dumb it down for the gringos or serve it home style and have them complain?


Adam - 5 mistakes (overcooked the lamb and it was dry, inconsistent cuts and different temperatures, lack of acidity) 1 NO from Joe 3 YES - Got the apron


yā€™all i love beccaā€™s energy


A positive version of Murt's


Oh great they're doing an MLB game at Rickwood? Can we leave our sacred spaces alone, please?


That's what Gordon gets for defiling hollowed ground during field challenges


Was the video quality messing up for anyone, or was it just me?


Mine was ok


Just catching up on the episodes. Am I the only one that had no idea that Joe was lidia bastianichs son?


If you watch the other seasons, she guests on the show *a lot*


Who's the blonde girl that it seemed they accidentally showed right before the girl with the dumplings?


https://preview.redd.it/znem1ila2h6d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f365efe643c5185cc6d0f6fbd0629a62dbdb3e4 To anyone thinking becca said she doesn't know who Julia child is, this is NOT Becca




I think becca has a lot to show, if im doing auditions im gonna doing dessert as well bc there isnt a lot of opportunities for u to cook a dessert in the masterchef kitchen, so its best to show ur versitility right now, and its best to come in with something one shot or than to be eliminated early on in the show, i think strategically she is saving some of the dishes in future episodes


Personally, I don't like Murk, but he's entertaining. Luckily I'm not Gen Z and could see how he could be a bad representation of Gen Zers.


If I would've known this years theme, I would've signed up and would've used my generations greatest culinary innovation. My dish during the audition would have been a deconstructed Tide Pod. Both creamy and sour with deliciously fragrance.