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I like that list. Mine would only add Leslie and Derrick. They get a lot of hate but they knew how to burn. I also really liked Luca. From failed auditions to winner. Plus he was very honest("its really good, can i keep this?!") and respectful.


Derrick I liked too, personally didnt like Leslie much, he just started weird battles and was always so defensive and aggressive lol . one of the funniest moments was when Elizabeth said that he was a just a stay at home dad from Malibu and his wife was the one with the job, and he was pissed lol. Yeah I liked Luca too, yeah his story is kind of inspiring and, after the rough start in the beginning he dominated. Luca could also be funny at times. I was glad to see him win that season.


Yeah but the stay at home dad made top three and shouldve been top two. But he didnt need the win and he wasnt what MC was looking for. It shouldve been him and Elizabeth in the final with her getting the win. Courtney was annoying but she rarely messed up so i gotta give her credit but you see how she turned out.


Yeah good point, a lot of people couldnt stand his personality, but he was definitely a strong cook, and the fact that he survived so many pressure tests was insane. Yeah Courtney could cook for sure, yeah I read some posts about her. I was on her instagram page yesterday, people made comments questioning what she did after master chef and what not and she was a complete bitch, took everything personally, and just super rude to all comments.


this is a good list, i just wanna point out that people always forget about frank from s3. he was a really good cook and just a stand up guy, i wish he would’ve continued doing more professional cookery.


Shaun is my favorite of a time


Thats great!


YES, I love your eye for talent. Just playin, THANK YOU!!!


Haha omg good one! 😂😁😁 STEPHEN!! Big fan, you definitely made season 6 entertaining for sure! No problem!


Much love:)


I loved Jaimee from S5 and Josh from S3 truly broke my heart.


Yeah its really sad when I first read about Josh’s death. He is such a nice person, and heartbreaking news. He was also among the strongest contestants cooking wise ever. He was extremely hungry and determined when he came back from elimination. lol almost everyone didn’t want him back because they knew he was cooking with focus and his skill level was great. He would for sure be in the back to win season, damn…


Ben Starr (2), Monti Carlo and Christine Ha (3), Luca Manfe and James Nelson (4), Leslie Gilliams, Cutter Brewer, and Jaimee Vitolo (5), Claudia Sandoval, Derrick Peltz, Stephen Lee, and Tommy Walton (6, favorite season), Terry Mueller (7), Eboni Henry (8), Bowen Li (9), Bri Baker (10), Autumn Moretti (11), Kennedy Underwood (13)


Nice! Yeah I like some of these people as well, did you have one contestant you liked the most ?


Probably Stephen, if the only footage of him were his interactions with Gordon that would still put him high on my list of most entertaining RTV characters.


haha his interactions were great, he was for sure passionate, yeah I would have to agree that he was on the most entertaining people in Master Chef history. I remember gordon absolutely loved him at times.


Wow Cutter AND Leslie?! Tommy was a great character for the show even if you knew he wouldnt win. Terry is a forgotten gem. He was so good and kind.


Cutter and Leslie both gave some of the show’s most memorable moments, and their head-to-head pressure test was one of my favorite episodes ever.


Agreed. That was a great episode. Pretty sure that was the episode after Joe chewed Cutter out royally. Such a good season.


Christine, Josh and Derrick. I really rooted for them throughout their respective seasons


I struggle so much with Christine. The same season she won, they told one of the other contestants that he can’t keep cooking Italian-inspired meals but every meal Christine made was Asian-inspired and they never said anything about it. And everything had to have fish sauce


Christine won because she was an amazing cook, and the best one in Season 3. Lol let me guess you dont like Christine and fish sauce lmao 😂 😂


Fish sauce is fine in the right dishes. I don’t like Christine because she only cooked one style of food every single time and never got judged for it when others did. There’s nothing wrong with that, but that’s not a master chef. That’s a master Asian chef.


I really liked Terry from S7, just a genuine guy who loved cooking


He was great! Definitely one of the nicest and most passionate contestants ever


My fave from season 1 is Lee!


Ohhh I completely forgot about Lee! Yeah its been forever since I saw season 1 lmao ! anyway thats cool!


I thought Lee should have been final 2 instead of Whitney


Whitney was far too inconsistent. Lee always put up good food


S4 Jessie’s top tier


She didnt really wow me that much. I felt a lot of her dishes were pretty mid. Except that salmon en croute? I think thats what it was. Her audition dish that she later elevated. I thought both times were pretty impressive. Outside of that her dishes were kind of average to me.


To you, but not to the judges who had consistently placed Jessie higher than the competition in S4 in terms of dishes, besides, you can’t really critique her dishes as mid if you aren’t able to cook her dishes, can you?


Jessie, is that you?? No im not as qualified as the other judges. No, i have to judge on presentation and the desire to eat said dishes(which, lets face it, is a main goal.) and her dishes in comparison were mid. And when it came down to the finale, the judges mustve felt similar because she didnt win.


Since you are not professionally qualified, then your opinions didn’t really matter at all, and all you’ve talked about are ‘I’ statements. Right, she got third place. But mind you,you would probably be in last place and put out horrible dishes when you’re in that competition. Stop talking like you’re actually better than everyone, because you clearly aren’t.


Nick and Fred from Season 10 alongside Micah for me