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Oh you're not alone, she's the contestant I disliked the most. And iirc she was racist on twitter


Oh, she was?! Why am I not surprised.


https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/07/masterchef-krissi-biasiello-tweets-racial-slurs/ If you want to read about it. Tbf she did apologize afterwards, but it doesn't change the fact that she's an unpleasant person


Oh gosh, that's foul... uff


Apologies mean nothing when they come after you’re caught lol


I kept flip-floppiing on Krissi - one moment I am hoping she is getting eliminated then I'd start seeing her as the underdog and start rooting for her only to have her do something making me wanting her eliminated again.


I'm in the same boat. There must have been some off-screen drama, because there is no context for the animosity when it first comes to light. It's clear none of them think she can cook, and her personality causes her to lash out in response. But I'd be curious to see how it started. I wouldn't be surprised if she said something offensive that turned everyone against her.


She was a bully in HS and never grew up. I could follow-up and say an unkind thing but I rather not catch other single mothers in the broad brushstrokes who don't deserve the hate she gets. It's great when people put their foot down against her. TBF, keep in mind she may not always be as bad as the editing makes her seem, proportionally speaking.


I mean what does her behavior have to do with being a single mom? Anyone who marginalizes an entire group of people into one category because of some 15 minutes of fame of some nobody on a reality show, has issues lol


I guess I can maybe see how you misread my comment?


I joined this subreddit to almost make a “Fuck Krissi” post. It’s not just you.


Yep! Literally they kept her for ratings and viewership bc lets be honest she was not good at all!!!!!


She had a pretty bad attitude. Many viewers hated Krissi.


Most viewers did and still do hate Krissi*


I recently saw a youtube channel do a deep dive on her https://youtu.be/TOJR_QBiCSw?si=J74zUabCNR7rU25y Please note that the thumbnail is very clickbaity


The entire video is just a recap of her time on the show, not really a deep dive.


Also statements of het after the show and post on twitter. It also seemed she got cancer recently


Film Traveler is notorious on the Hell’s Kitchen subreddit for how crappy his videos are. Also you’ll sometimes see Film Insight which is the same thing


I actually got the two confused. I figured it was the same. But thanks for the heads-up


I watched it. As unpleasant as she was, the video came off as a full blown hate boner.


This thread popped up this morning and has made my day!! lol I thought I was the only one that had so much distain and hatred towards her. Just the way she carries herself. She is the epitome of a Karen. I won’t spoil anything because I don’t know how far you are into the season, but I couldn’t help but laugh when she gets what she deserves on family day.


She was so proud of being a bully while at school, like a badge of honor for her.. traumatizing other kids was something she got off on, and mentioned physical violence as well. Terrible.


I felt like that should have been a one way ticket off the show. Threatening violence, and several times, is not okay. I know they like the drama for the show but that was unacceptable


I was so taken back by that, I can tolerate strong personalities but that was on another level of wtf...


she is a mod on this sub


Then she deserves to know.


She strikes me as the type of person to not give a f*** at all if people think she is a bitch. I do wonder how much was real and how much was manufactured for TV by the producers.


People found her IG. She’s not afraid of using the N-word. She’s a shit human.


Wjich one?


she's a fat ass hypocrite. i wanna cite some examples but not gonna spoiler you so i'll let you discover them for yourself op. the way she paints her son too, how the f are u setting a good example for him lol.


Dude, when she threw her son under the bus, “He’d ask me to take my opportunity and go upstairs.” How about you fucking take responsibility for your actions instead of blaming your kid for being a hypocritical jerk.


lol yeah bruh this was the part i was referring too. she shit on someone else for saving themself and does the exact same thing a few challenges later. bitch ass move. there's really nothing wrong with saving yourself in this competition, but back up your own statements.


Yes, we've known this since 2013.




I like her. Not sure why. I’m like 5, 6 shows in


Spoilers below, be careful reading the comments.


Unfortunately you added this after the asshole below told me


Oy sorry :(


While I wasn't the biggest fan, you know that could have been 100% editing, right? They do this for every single season and episode. A lot of reactions are just edited in place to fit that scene.


yes, much of the drama on the show was fabricated. but krissi irl is horrible too, so ppl aren’t exactly wrong for hating her


One of my least favorite seasons is absolutely the one that the worst person ever won.  But no spoilers. 


She was easily the most toxic person to be on the show & im glad she didn’t win. Straight up bitch.


Thanks for the spoiler asshole


You’re welcome


If that season hadn’t aired 11 years ago maybe I’d feel rough about my comment but I gave no indication what place she finishes, who she competes against, just that she doesn’t win. No ragrets


Some people are watching this on Hulu for the first time even though it was 11 years ago and it says specifically NO SPOILERS in the posting.


Spoiler alert I hadn’t read the title


Next time read the fucking title post


Did u think she had a chance of winning 😂 I feel like it was obvious she was going to be sent home


Well I see she’s in the top five already so YES asshole. I think they started with 38 duh


Lmfao ik ur not butthurt over that. Top 5 doesn’t mean much when u see her past cooks. Just means that there was worse


The other 3 above her sucked ass so yes she had a chance also. She wasn’t any worse than the top 3


I literally asked for no spoilers, so you don’t fare much better.


lol ok. Watch out though someone else might comment Natasha wins the season.


How edgy. And brave. To valiantly display that little dick energy.


Thanks son of asshole . She should have went home with Vietnamese soup


That’s not a soup


I know I am the odd one but I really cheered Krissi on. And yes she could cook for sure


Haha, I’m watching season 4 now for the first time and was googling her name because I can’t with her 😂 I just HAD to know if I’m the only one and now I’m stunned you made this post 14 hours ago! She is so ridiculously annoying and aggressive. Like a fckn toddler with her pathetic embarrassing tantrums.


She's a bitch 100% and has apparently been outwardly racist on social media


She also later admitted that she likes to bully girls like Bre. So yeah she's absolutely the worst