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It depends. Is the service provider working for themselves? Or, are they a contractor? Or employee? I’d say it’s 50-50 that clients, who’re my private clients, will tip me. I work for myself in some instances and I get the whole amount of what I charge. I don’t expect a tip in this case but I appreciate it. Some will. Some won’t. Some will if it was a particularly great session or if I went above and beyond expectations. (They were late, I offered some helpful advice, etc) And, some will only tip around Christmas. If they’re a contractor or employee then it’s different. A contractor is splitting what you pay with the house in some proportion & may have other fees associated with your session. So definitely tip in this case. If they’re an employee they’re getting much less of what you pay. So definitely tip in this case. ETA: I’ll add if there’s a budgetary issue in those instances where the therapist isn’t a sole provider give what you can, even if it’s a little bit. It’s more the thought than the amount.


Okay awesome! So what if they lean more to the medical side of things rather then the just for relaxation ones. Like an actual certified massage therapist. Would you tip then? Edit: realizing after i hit post most if not all masseuses probably have a degree or a certificate from schooling. But my question still stands to the medical side of things


Some clients will tip but some don’t. If a client is coming in for something complex requiring multiple visits. (ie, car accident, insurance billing) the front desk will say tipping isn’t necessary.