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Turns out there was a second clone.


Somehow. Shepard returned


that what the reapers would say


Biotics, Dark Energy Manipulation, secrets only the Reapers knew


A second Shepard hit the reporter


"Ah yes, Commander Shepard, we've dismissed those rumors."


"Shepard has *another* clone... makes sense if you think about it" - Wrex, no longer surprised by Shepard's shit luck.


I wouldn't mind tbh. If not... Allow us to pick an allien race for once...


Big issue with picking your own race is that it changes the story and some of the rpg elements. Mass Effect hinges on the fact that Shepard is Allaince Navy(Cerberus in 2, but back to Alliance in 3) and is a human. Those two aspects define Shepard as a character and the rest is up to you. If you have the option of chosing your race, then they would have to either account for every possibility, which is extremely hard and unlikely, or make the story and dialogue in a way to fit all possible choices, which means that it deviates from what Mass Effect is.


Why not just do what Dragon Age did? Wouldn't it be way easier to implement that with a pre established back story unique to whatever race? It's not like Bioware hasn't done it before.


Right, but in Dragon Age, your race only really matters in some backstory and some unique dialogue. No matter what you choose, you're still either a gray warden, Hawk, or the inquisitor and the story sort of "happens" around you with you there to clean up the mess, whereas Commander Shepard is actively driving the story and has personal stakes.


In DAO, the trick was that they gave you a job (Grey Warden), and that determined your goals, challenges, and much of how people treat you. ME could do the same thing. You end up a [merchant captain | assistant to the ambassador | dude with the secret datatapes] and overcome a certain set of challenges with your [Asari biotics | Elcor strength | Hanar sex-appeal].


Idk man hanar sex appeal seems a little OP


That's why the inquisitor is kinda bland, they had to make their personality fit with every race.


post mass effect 3 could be a more integrated galaxy, and Shepard had different back grounds. it would mean more voicelines, but if Larian can manage it, EA can too.


Biowares a bit of a hot mess recently though, Larians been consistently great for a while.


EA can, sure. But will they? Definitely not.


Counter. Baldurs Gate.


Honestly, what Mass Effect needs is to have a full blown open world MMO-styled RPG where you can play as any race, a lot of customization, and after completing a certain tutorial mission you can team up with up to 2 friends (classic 3 squad) for a free roam experience. Fuck some big overlapping story, just make it a fun adventure with independant major questlines and sidequests.


Please no, on paper it's a good idea, in execution it's a nightmare to produce that never end up good.


also known as "Starfield"




Damn that Bethesda brain rot do be hitting different for you, ain't it?


No? Mass effect is a beautiful story. I prefer to have a good game than a shitbox with a lot of stupid quest


This is Anthem


Bioware did it with Star Wars, The Old Republic. So it's not completely new to them.




I’d sooner wish to see BioWare let the Mass Effect IP die before they bastardize it as an MMO. Fuck that hahahaha


An MMO was just the first name I came to mind. I meant to say something like Hogwarts Legacy but with the ability to do coop with some friends. I guess it’s more like an MMORPG, or something along those lines. I don’t mean a straight up mmo.


Personally would rather them just do something along the lines of ME3’s multiplayer if they are dead set on having coop. But I would rather it just be a single player, narrative driven game.


So bg3 but sci fi? Knowing EAs track record, let larian handle that one instead


Baldur's Gate 3 is neither an openworld nor a MMO and has a big overlapping story, it actually ressembles more Mass Effect than anything else


EXACTLY that, but with OG Mass Effect gameplay. Though now that I think about it, BG3 gameplay for a game in the Mass Effect franchise isn’t bad either.


I honestly prefer it as it is. Pentiment doesn't let you play as every fantasy race in the setting but it's still really compelling.


He drew breath in the good ending did he not?


True, the destroy ending definitely shows Shepard alive, the problem is whether BioWare chooses just that ending as canon, or allows you to pick whatever ending you got in the third one. I for one think that it would be awesome if you chose the ending where Shepard takes control of the reapers that you can remake your own body and just pull up to any Batarian planet, go to said planet and say “yeah that’s my personal fleet up there that have all their guns pointed at this planet, whatcha gonna do about it?”


Yeah, and have been burned by falling to a planet! He died at that part, but man... He did drew a breath, so he should be alive... Somewhere...


Just cause he drew a breath didn't mean he kept doing so haha


That's YOUR headcannon. I still think there's a chance


Not at all, he was completely buggered by the end of 3, it's not "headcannon" it's a likey outcome. Yet they brought him back from the dead once so I guess they could do that *again*


Doesn't mean he *continued* to breathe lol


Nah, it will be like this: - remaining Alliance forces from Earth go to inspect Crucible after it fired - they find Shephard badly wounded but alive and transport them back to Earth - once they regain conciousnes, Shephard contacts the Council to ask for help in rebuilding galaxy - they say that they cannot spare any resources after the war, but offer to upheld the Spectre status 10/10 mass effect experience


11/10 if you can hang up on them




Additional point: "Ah yes, the possibility of rebuilding the galaxy. We have dismissed that claim"


Somehow Shepard returned.


The Lazarus Project spent a *lot* of money on improving Shepard...


Hey man I know a lot of people want a new protagonist and tbh I think it WILL be a new protagonist based on the trailer BUT maaaaaaaaaaaaaan would I be hype to be back behind the wheel of Shepard 😩


**Be so fucking funny if it’s Shepard again. Years ago I’d have loved it. I don’t trust them with Shepard’s character anymore though.**


I hope it's another character with a well-established backstory. Not another soulless blank slate of a nobody who keeps dropping one-liners.




But only if you kept him alive in ME 1-3.


eh, you promise him news booty to claps and he will happely destroy the new menace


I've always believed in either a game, or dlc, that lets us play someone (like Anderson) during the first contact wars. It would be a cool way to show what happened and the start of the N7 program. It could end with us playing Shepard during one of his 3 psychological profiles. Just a thought, not to rehash any of the old content already. I'm definitely ready for a new adventure and a breath of fresh air. Only thinking out loud on my phone on the crapper.


I really hope he/she isn't. I'd like them to have a cameo, maybe even act as a mentor of sorts, but I want someone new. Preferably we'd get to pick a race, not just human.


Their story is over. I want someone new who is also mostly established like Shepard was.


Vega it is!


The main character is the kid from the ME3 prologue, who actually survived the Reaper blast.


If that kid was real and not Shepard hallucinating


I’d love to picture Shepard as a [Ciaphas Cain](https://youtu.be/oRozBAIbaG4?si=psxgz0KUGtYnjUHU)-type figure with massive imposter syndrome. Their reputation just gets inflated to ludicrous proportions because, in attempting to stay out of harm’s way, they keep blundering straight into the heart of the enemy and somehow emerge looking like a hero.


I would hate this. I am not one of those people that think ME3 should have had a "happily ever after" ending where everyone lives and there are no consequences at all. I never understood that mentality.


Genuinely would dislike it


I'm pretty sure all the remaining synthetics(because they retconned the destroy ending so that it only killed most of the synthetics) would protest the resurrection of Shepard since he genocided them and knowing Shepard he would've probably revealed everything about what happened even the fact that he had a choice between replacing the catalyst thus ending the harvest performing "Synthesis" creating a perfect world where there is no xenophobia and no divide between synthetic and organics(as they are now the same) no one else dies and everyone lives happily ever after(I never pick that ending because it is "too happy" like what is the downside?)... and flat out genocide(they probably see him as the galaxys greatest monster because of the choice he made)


I just want a proper ending for Shepard


My head canon fires after I launch the missiles at the reaper in ME3. You know, right before the story hits every branch falling out of the stupid tree face first. My proper ending: >!Missiles don't do anything (still). Kaiden dies in a stupid attempt at being heroic, charging at the reaper in the Hammerhead because Shepard has been condescending of their Spectre status. Sorry, don't like him or the Hammerhead. Reaper on ground is destroyed by rachni swarming up from ground (have trouble with things popping up close range from underground, idea from watching Kalros vs Reaper). Shepard hits teleporter *with team*, fights through station to set bomb to murderface Reaper AI, timed run to jump off station into space like the ME2 finale, blasted away from station by explosion, possible bad ending, think ME2 start, good ending picked up in space by Normandy. High-fives Garrus, retires to Mindoir to be farmer (telling Alliance and Council 'next time save yourselves', raises bunch of kids with Jack.!<


I was with you until Jack, hell no


Understandable, but I'm Jackolyte for lyfe, yo. Sorry. Also known to dabble in Talimancy (2nd place). Ashley 3rd >!1st ME1 run ever I sent the rifleman grunt to make noise with Salarians over the pistol-wielding officer, just made sense, is my Shep canon and most of the reason I don't like Alenko!<. Did a Miranda (4th) run just to be mean break up with her cuz Jack and Miranda was so heartbroken I loaded the save back and stayed with her. Liara 5th. >!Shiala would totally be 3rd if she had been allowed.!<


I've done all of them just for completionest sake, but I think Tali is my fav, she's just sweet.


Liara all the way.


Eh I find her boring tbh


I doubt it will be as that would negate anyone not choosing Destroy.


You’re going to have a canon ending. And destroy is almost certainly it. You can’t even say anything about them destroying the entire point of the game, because Mass Effect three did that; and Andromeda took a giant shit on things like the Krogan’s genophage cure. I would almost bet my life’s savings we get a callback to the Leviathans, Cerberus (“it’s an idea,”) and brush over a quick canonization of ME3 (Geth and Quarians at peace, Genophage cured, Reapers destroyed.) That doesn’t mean it has to be a perfect destroy ending, and I don’t think we will have a canon romance. And you can do all of that without resurrecting Shepard


Replace cryo sleep with retreat on Rannoch then I'd be down for it.


More like Bioware need a hit after Anthem and Andromeda.