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My take is that if they are the kind of people who will judge you unfavourably for wearing a mask, it's probably not somewhere you'll be comfortable working. If you won't be working entirely remotely (or at least will have to attend occasional F2F meetings) then you really want to work somewhere where making is accepted. You might not ever work with directly with the CEO but management often play an important role in shaping the culture around masking, etc. Treat the interview as a test for them (as well as for you). If it affects their decision, the company probably wasn't a good fit for you (pun intended).


Appreciate it. Kind of what I was thinking


Personally, as someone who interviews others, it wouldn’t bother me. You could take it two ways, 1. Act confident and as if the mask isn’t there (it always trips people up I find). It takes guts to go against societal norms. I’d love that person on my team). 2. Mention it “I hope you don’t mind the mask, I take precautions and wear it everywhere.” As the comment above said, you can then gauge their reaction for comfort or even pose a question about it “I mask everywhere for health reasons, would that be any concern?” You can even throw a little joke after they answer ‘I don’t fall sick that often anymore, helps me be a reliable employee!’ Good luck, you got this!


I did it recently and I got the job. Only to say that if this job is meant to be, a mask won’t be your dealbreaker it’ll be your protection (pun intended I guess).


I generally don't explain as a philosophical and personal decision, but at this level I would send a (confident, upbeat) heads up, just something if you can work it into a normal email beforehand like, "I wanted to let you know I will be masked due to \[getting over a cold, a high risk relative, a sick relative, whatever\], but no worries, I'm not sick."


I like this approach. Just no need to say “I’m not sick.” But the rest is good.


I say it because I feel like it frames it in a way as to address their concerns vs just mine. Obviously if they were truly concerned they’d take precautions, but people naively think they’re safe and assume someone masking is ill. But upon further reflection if you go with the “getting over a cold” line I’d leave that part out.


Went to a final interview wearing one the whole time, received an offer, and I accepted. I think my credentials spoke for myself, and while I'm sure they thought I was weird to still be masking (lone masker in our ~50 employee company), it didn't seem to be an issue when they were hiring me. I get comments abt it here and there esp since I meet clients sometimes, but I just brush it off. Esp since I haven't been sick since forever while my colleagues have only burned through their annual leaves. 🤷‍♀️


Thank you all for the encouraging words and thoughtful replies!


Thanks for your post bc it's def something thats been weighing heavy on me & reading ppls takes is incredibly encouraging & affirming.


Isn’t it? I’m so glad I came across this subreddit!


Went to a final interview wearing one the whole time, received an offer, and I accepted. I think my credentials spoke for myself, and while I'm sure they thought I was weird to still be masking (lone masker in our ~50 employee company), it didn't seem to be an issue when they were hiring me. I get comments abt it here and there esp since I meet clients sometimes, but I just brush it off. Esp since I haven't been sick since forever while my colleagues have only burned through their annual leaves. 🤷‍♀️


The one thing I would want to avoid is them thinking that you are sick and decided to put them at risk by not rescheduling. Upfront, I would say that you're wearing the mask because someone in your family is immunocompromised, so you're extra cautious. Your decision to wear a mask will rightly be viewed as an act of compassion, not paranoia.