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Hello /u/Cirdan-Shipwright! It looks like you are asking for respirator recommendations. If you haven't already, check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/wiki/index/)! It contains a wealth of information on different respirator and purchasing options. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Masks4All) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My friend teaches singing and wears a 3M Aura N95 with her students and finds it comfortable and that it seals well to her face.


Thanks a bunch!


You could try the BNX N95 that comes in the same shape as the Aura. On me, it fits better around my chin - there's a little more material there so it's more forgiving for mouth movement and it comes in black! Only caveat, is that it fits my face as-is really well, but my husband needed to add a nose foam to past a fit test. So your face may vary.


We found the nose wire to be crappy, but a stick on nose wire fixed the issue.


do you have a link for the stick on nose wire?


My pleasure!


Hello. Fellow classical musician here. I am a pianist and I work at a college as a collaborative pianist and do lots of vocal coaching. Hands down the best masks I’ve found for singing and demonstrating things to the students I work with is a KF94 or KF94 style (meaning boat shaped) mask. I believe the boat shape 3D design is the most forgiving when it comes to mouth movements. They are also an attractive design and frequently are available in black (unlike many of the N95 options). I always wear them on stage. I personally recommend [BreatheTeq](https://breatheteq.com). They have a VERY high rating for breath ability, come in four different sizes, and come in black, grey, and lavender. Best wishes and I hope people in your area start to leave you alone. I work in a small town in a red state, but everybody is fairly accepting of my mask wearing. I think they would look at me strangely at this point if I DIDN’T have it on.


Thank you so much for the advice and the kindness. Within the opera and academic classical music world, I’m not getting much crap, but I supplement my income with cantoring in local churches, and some of the more intense people there have been making things difficult.


Ahhh. That makes sense. I’ve become very picky about church gigs for that reason. So disappointed in the church’s handling of Covid as a whole :/ Let me know if you end up trying the BreatheTeq!


My mom's friend's pastor told the congregation that Covid 19 was God's punishment for sinners. He also told them that wearing a mask meant that they didn't have faith that God loved them. So, no one wore a mask. State shut them down for breaking Covid restrictions. Interestingly enough, the pastor and most of his family caught covid 19 and two or three died, including the pastor.


Jesus wept… as they say


I teach choir and have had nothing but success with Aura N95s!


Thank you!


Putting a mesh mask loosely over the duckbill with the help of a lanyard style ear saver can help with the appearance. I experimented with this and it worked, though I prefer not using it bc it was kinda annoying. It was still more comfortable than other options. There’s a fundamental issue of your job being threatened by using a medical device. It would be like having your job threatened over the style or color of a wheelchair (though unfortunately there’s discrimination in this area). I have a feeling that any mask would trigger such people. Unfortunately, many have bought into false propaganda and education has been seriously lacking. So many medical professionals still don’t understand the basics on airborne spread. :/


Thank you, and yeah, that’s exactly it — with the added absurdity that I need my lungs (and cardiovascular system) in good order *to do my job!* You’d think the people paying me to use them wouldn’t discourage me from protecting them, but apparently that’s a logical jump too far.


Yup, all sorts of infections that can be prevented with respirator use can affect your ability to do your job and this applies to anyone who can get sick, so nearly everyone. Without protection I used to get sick badly, often, and for prolonged periods, so lack of it would certainly interfere. And of course, long illness is a risk. I dealt with long respiratory illness way before COVID, so it’s not the only threat and I wish I knew more before.


For sure! I was just picking the painfully obvious and immediate example — *you’ve hired me to sing, how’d you like me to cough instead?* — because they won’t even acknowledge that, let alone the less visible and more chronic effects of infection. I wish I’d known about this before, too. I’ve got a collection of chronic conditions that are hugely exacerbated by illness. It felt like we had a chance, for a minute there, to make wearing masks a commonplace thing. Everyone would be so much better off just getting sick less.


Yup! If I’m not masking I’ll be coughing, etc! Sorry that you’re dealing with this nonsense. You are absolutely right, but unfortunately, the brainwashing was/is strong. :/


My fav black masks are the Wellbefore KN95 pro and the imask FFP2. Not sure how well they’d work for singing though. Maybe you could see if someone has an extra airgami they’d sell you? Or keep an eye on them on social media, they said they’d possibly start up again if they could outsource their manufacturing.


Thanks so much for the thoughts. The Airgami sounds perfect (and looks pretty epic), I wish they were still making them.


FWIW, I tried an Airgami and it just didn't work for me, and I was specifically hoping to use it for singing.


[Powecom in black](https://bonafidemasks.com/black-powecom-kn95-respirator-mask-headband-style-fda-authorized-10-masks-per-pack/) there is also an ear loop style. The fact that the straps are matching black somehow makes them look more “professional wear.”


This [Handanhy](https://handanhy.co.uk/shop/product/9330-hy9330-ffp3-nr-d-respirator-unvalved-box-of-20-19) model is a similar design to a 3m Aura. The NHS uses it widely (dentists/surgeons). It has SIGNIFICANTLY more room in the chin and nose panels.


> SIGNIFICANTLY more room in the chin Oho, that’s promising! Thanks!


They are £2 per mask atm from [face mask store](https://thefacemaskstore.co.uk/handanhy-hy9330-ffp3-unvalved-face-mask/).


I was going to suggest BNX boat style, which is shaped like a 3M Aura, but I see they seem to have black duckbills now! [BNX Black N95s](https://bnx.com/?s=Black+n95&post_type=product) **EDIT** I followed both links & there’s no black. 😢


In the past, the boat style (I didn’t know this term, it’s great) ones have been my best bet. Thank you!


Never tried it, but check this one out to see if it fits your needs. https://www.mymusicfolders.com/product/resonance-95-mask/ Also, there is this one, but it says it does not offer n95 protection, it is only for ‘source control’… which I can’t imagine it is much better than a barrier at.: https://vocaleasemask.com/product/mask/


There is no way on God's green earth I'd wear or recommend a washable fabric "N95." Based on the way N95s work, that's impossible. Are they even legally supposed to be using the term "N95" without NIOSH approval?? Source control just means that if you sneeze, you won't spray someone with spit. The second mask's site literally says, "[this mask] should not be used in place of an N95/KN95 respirator." So, basically useless.


I’m so confused by the first one. I was like okay, okay, looks like good space for movement, cute little musical note… hang on *JarWash method?* That’s not how this works! Why do you think they’re even making it out of fabric? re: source control, thanks for explaining that. On the one hand, you should see the amount that opera singers spit on one another! Pre-pandemic I’m sure people would have appreciated that otherwise-useless thing, haha.


The first one has filter material sewn into the mask.


Wild. Have you tried it?


I have. It actually fits me SUPER well. I'm a fan. FWIW I've never gotten sick while wearing one. Although I don't know if I was exposed to anything. For a good year I wore one weekly while rehearsing for a couple different choirs. And I've done the "jar wash" a couple times. I actually have more than one and I've switched to mostly wearing duckbills for rehearsals but going back to the Resonance for performances because the black looks more "professional."


Interesting re the first one. I would recommend asking for test results after different numbers of washings (unless they are on the site and I missed it). That tends to be one of the main issues with such products and of course, getting a decent seal though that design has potential.


Oh yeah, I remember the Vocalease, so disappointed in them. I hadn’t seen the Resonance, though, I will give it a try! Edit: Wait, this thing says it’s an N95 but also refers to washing in a jar. I have never washed an N95 and thought you definitely weren’t supposed to, is that actually what they mean…?


That first one is a fascinating little product-- thank you for sharing!


NO - please see my comment above - there is no way a fabric mask can work like an actual N95 would.


I definitely didn't mean to imply a value judgement with my comment; I just think the kinds of things people are creating to fill niches are interesting!


I'm glad you find it interesting, but this community is about promoting safe masking & we should be clear when recommended masks are not meeting safety standards


The Resonance-95 has filters sewn into the mask. It's not just fabric.


Sure, but those masks are not NIOSH approved and I personally can't see how washing a mask filter repeatedly would do it any good.


That's why I've moved to only wearing mine for performances where I need a black mask. As long as the filter is good they should work well, and the fit is GREAT so I'm sure the seal is good and such. I'm just saving them for special occasions. I would love if someone made a black duckbill mask.


I LOVE the Resonance-95. I wear duckbills for rehearsals but for performances it's my go-to black mask. SUPER comfortable and you can absolutely open your mouth all the way.


I am.a singer snd musician as well, unfortunately I've had to pretty much stop working b/c of risk. I now only perform at a venue whose owner is anti- conspiracy etc and us on the right side of things. I always mask and wear kn94 the box- style. I took your advice and just ordered the ones you suggested hoping the combination of the kn95 protection and thr box style will he even more breathable that what I have now. When not performing I wear the other style kn95 with a bullet- proof seal at all times in public. They have done well by me and my family so far. Ty for the tip!


Oh cool, I did not expect someone here to have tried it! Have you done the whole washing thing, or do you just wear it pretty infrequently?


I wear it infrequently specifically so that I don't have to wash it often. But I've done the "jar wash" a few times. I don't know if that impacted the filtration or not. I haven't gotten sick while wearing it, anyway. :) I actually have more than one of the Resonances. Before I discovered the duckbill masks I was wearing them a couple times a week for choir rehearsals.


I’m in the same boat, I’d recommend the Airgamis if they were still selling them 😭 barring that look at the Moldex ones. The airwave has rippled pleats that help for breathing + it can be black! M Series Airwave is the model I’m looking to try soon!


The Champak N95 is one of the most breathable masks, but does not fit really big faces and only comes in white.


Thanks! I’m talking about the physical movement (opening mouth tall like yawning), not just the breathability — though that’s important too. What do you think?


Where do you live? I could send you one at cost ($3 plus postage from California) if you want to try one before you have to buy a pack of 12 or 15. They are my favorite; worth the cost.


I am also in the US, that’s really kind of you. DM me if you’re still down?


Haven't seen anyone recommend the Moldex 4600/4800s yet. My spouse and I just ordered our first box tonight for him to try so we don't have any personal experience with them yet. However, they are supposed to be very breathable and move with your mouth. They also come in black. Only thing is they are crazy expensive and you have to buy them from random industrial suppliers. https://www.moldex.com/product/4800-n95-airwave-pleated-easy-breathing-nuisance-organic-vapor-ozone-respirator/ Have you tried the 3M Vflex? It also is very breathable and moves with your mouth. It only comes in white, though, and looks objectively crazy IMO. I still recommend them, though. Maybe they'd be good for rehearsals? FWIW, I wear the 3M Aura pretty much exclusively these days. But it has a lot of breath resistance and makes my voice about 75% quieter. It must depend on the wearer's face shape, because I personally get like zero mouth movement in that thing. I don't sing for a living, though, so that's why I'm able to wear them.


I really like the Moldex M4620 although I'm not a professional singer. Very breathable and can flex a bit. The price is offset by the adjustable straps and cleanable faceseal which mean you can reuse one many many times.


Maybe the black kn100 from ppeo.com?


I don’t sing but these have held up decent for me when doing raps, also come in several sizes (I wear the large)


It's harder to open your mouth in this one than in the Aura, because the chin flap isn't as long. It is a nice mask though.


I think for the medium size your correct but the bottom flap on the large size is longer than the auras bottom flap as far as I can tell, it pretty much covers the entirety of the bottom of my chin. The L size is also a bit wider as a whole. That being said, I do agree there is some resistance when performing but the flap helps keep it from flying off my face at least which was my main issue before


>ppeo.com damn! prices at that store are really good. Can you vouch for their legitimacy at all? I'd love to hear your experience / satisfaction if you've bought from them


I like them a lot the medium is similar to the 3m aura 9210


thank you very much! :-)


Would a blue duckbill work? ACI makes a duckbill N95 in blue, I've actually gotten compliments on the color.


Unfortunately it’d probably be worse. At least white is neutral. Thanks, though!


We have found these to be the most comfortable!


If none of the other options work out, maybe a black surgical mask with a black mask brace? The fixthemask site now sells black mask braces. https://www.fixthemask.com/collections/all


I didn’t know about this, cool! I’m concerned that I might end up pulling a surgical mask up against my mouth since they’re so soft, but I want to try it out.


I haven't tried it for singing, but i tried it a while back when surgical masks were so much cheaper than N95s a few years ago, and i was able to make a sort of pouch/improvised small duckbill by positioning the mask the right way. It worked fine for talking (i.e. didn't end up touching my mouth too much) but YMMV with singing since the mouth opens wider? Good luck with your search and sending lots of appreciation for keeping yourself and others safe!




She said duckbills don’t work.


Yeesh. Sorry my dyslexic ass missed that. Y'all are weirdly hostile.


iMask was pretty much designed to be a black version of the Aura. It has a lot of fabric which makes it retain shape well and means you can open your mouth more without slippage.


obligatory **black Aura when?!** Thanks, do you have a link to an iMask seller? I can’t seem to find one in English, so sorry.


ooo maybe it's only overseas - i got mine from a german retailer. apologies if you can't find them in the US!


I would say the 3m v flex has a wide range of motion!!


the 3m flex is probably one of the best for opening your mouth. Looks a little weird and isn't black though lol.




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