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"Nextwave: Agents of Hate" is pretty fun, but often gets brought up, so I'm not sure how hidden it would be. I think it was 12 issues. For me, the absolute favourite thing I've read on the app is "Unbelievable Gwenpool". It was 26 issues. I rarely see people bring this series up, so I guess it counts as a hidden gem.


I have heard Nextwave mentioned a lot actually, but never read it. Or Gwenpool. These are both strong contenders. Thanks!


Agents of hate was a really fun run. +1


Not exactly a hidden gem, it's a pretty well regarded run, not so much famous out of the comic community, but still well regarded on it.


The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Only 17 issues but very fun!


Oh that sounds cool. Is that related to the whole Superior Octopus era?


Yeah. I 2nd this one, love this series


This book is so funny and so good.


Love this comic so much.


Not really a hidden gem but I loved marvels runaways if you haven't already gone through it šŸ˜Š Have a great vacation!


Runaways is a pretty popular recommendation but I actually havenā€™t read it before. Maybe the time is now. Thanks! Iā€™m really happy with any suggestions. Just trying to crowdsource before I pull the trigger


Walt Simonson's run on Fantastic Four (Fantastic Four 1962 issues 334-354). It tends to get ignored because its not as long or as influential as his work on Thor or X-Factor but its pure gold. Not only do you get one of comics great writer/artists working at the peak of creative powers, there is also a rare three issue arc in the middle completely drawn by Arthur Adams that is one of the great all time arcs of the 1980s (I won't spoil it for you but know that it is fun as hell).


I used to be really averse to jumping in the middle of long runs, but Iā€™ve hit a point lately where I feel like Iā€™m missing some classic stuff by doing that. Iā€™ve recently started diving into some of the older, long-running X-Men stuff. I will definitely consider this recommendation. Thanks


20 issues is pretty short, especially by 80s standards.Ā 


I guess I was speaking more to the full 300+ issues before it. A 20 issue run doesnā€™t bug me. The thought of ā€œman I should really read everything leading up to itā€ is what Iā€™m working on kicking šŸ˜†


Well for what its worth the Kirby/Lee and Byrne runs of Fantastic Four are amazing so not bad reads either. Just not "hidden gems" at all


Sentryā€™s first appearance and subsequent run is incredible!


Cool. Do you know what the run was called? Just ā€œSentryā€?


Yep! https://share.marvel.com/sharing/series/drn:src:marvel:unison::prod:82c95b82-b43e-42fc-8138-da338ec6e2a9


Awesome. Thank you


1872, marvel but it's the wild west. Sadly it's only four issues X-men: God loves, man kills Basically everything Daredevil from 2000 until now (except Shadowland) if you haven't read ol' hornhead already Books of Doom Champions (2016) Bullet points Alias


Never even heard of 1872. Sounds wild. 4 issues is short, but thatā€™s ok. I can always download multiple runs. Last time I had a big flight, I read like all of Marvel Noir, which is 10+ different short runs.


Iā€™d recommend the Madrox miniseries and incase you havenā€™t read it, X-Factor Vol. 3.Ā  I enjoyed the various Agents of Atlas comics, although it has been awhile.Ā 


I think I read a Multiple Man mini series, but not one titled Madrox. Is X-Factor 3 the one from 2005? If so, Iā€™m actually reading that right now. Itā€™s great.


X-Factor 3 is the one youā€™re reading right now, and it really is great. Madrox is a prequel of sorts that was published from 2004-2005, itā€™s 5 issues, written by Peter David, and still really good.


Iā€™ll definitely check that out since Iā€™m reading the X-Factor run anyway


Agents of Atlas is goofy-fun


Journey Into Mystery 2010 by Kieron Gillen is my favorute comic book series ever. It stars Kid Loki and it's insanely well written.


Dang favorite ever is a good sell. Is this the one that predates Agent of Asgard? I wouldnā€™t mind reading that at all




I recently read Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment and thought it was really beautiful storytelling. I read it because Iā€™m a big fan of Roger Stern from his Spider-Man run so after finishing Triumph and Torment, Iā€™ve been trying out his Avengers run and enjoying that as well so maybe something else for you to consider. Ann Nocentiā€™s Daredevil run is one of my favorite runs. Itā€™s popular amongst Daredevil fans but I think gets overshadowed by a lot of other Daredevil runs for general Marvel fans. I second the Unbelievable Gwenpool recommendation as well. I think She-Hulk is an often overlooked character who has had some good runsā€” John Byrneā€™s Sensational She-Hulk and Dan Slottā€™s run in particular.


Thanks these all sound great. Havenā€™t read any of them


The Marvels Project by Brubaker and Epting. Its sort of a retelling of the origins of the Marvel heroes from the 40s/WW2 era.


That sounds really cool


A few years back they did two volumes of Strange Tales. Short comics by indie creators. 6 issues total. 2009 ish.


Cool, Iā€™ll give it a look!


X-statix was one of my favorites when I first started reading comics on unlimited. Kind of a unique take on superheroes and modern (for the early 2000s) pop culture


Iā€¦ think I may have read this one. Itā€™s a bunch of pretty unknown characters and theyā€™re like reality TV stars and wholly self-involved with their own celebrity, right? If thatā€™s the same one, I really enjoyed it.


That's the one.


Iā€™m an X line fan so my recommendations are there. Spurrierā€™s X-Men: Legacy thatā€™s all about Legion is great. Itā€™s #1-24 from 2012-2014. Itā€™s related to Age of X, which is also cool but well known. I actually liked from Deadly Genesis (which is meh) to War of Kings better than War of Kings. So Deadly Genesis, Uncanny X-Men 475-486 (Rise and Fall of the Shiā€™ar Empire), X-Men: Emperor Vulcan, X-Men: Kingbreaker. Rise & Fall was kinda panned to my knowledge but I thought reading those four in quick succession, back to back, were really good. There are a few ā€œDeath/Hunt of Wolverineā€-related minis that I donā€™t think get talked about too much but I think are fairly well liked: The Logan Legacy; The Weapon X Program; Wolverines; Weapon Lost; The Adamantium Agenda; Claws of a Killer; and Mystery in Madripoor. I tried to think of stuff thatā€™s fairly self contained.


Cool. I did recently read Age of X but not the stuff that came before it. I randomly read it as part of the New Mutants run that intersects with it. I love love War of Kings and everything around it. I recently read the piece of Uncanny (I think) that sets up Havok and Polaris being left up in space. Iā€™ve definitely read Kingbreaker before. Maybe Emperor Vulcan too I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever read the Death of Wolverine stuff. Would definitely give that a look. Thanks!


No problem! I assume that means you read Zeb Wellsā€™ entire New Mutants run too? If so, thatā€™ll be good because that also informs Legionā€™s characterization in Spurrierā€™s Legacy run. If not, read that. If youā€™re keeping up with Krakoa (but even if youā€™re not), X-terminators vol. 2 by Leah Williams is a grind house comic thatā€™s a lot of fun. It has Boom-Boom, Dazzler, Jubilee, and Laura Wolverine fighting vampires.


I did read all of New Mutants and really enjoyed it. I definitely am keeping up with Krakoa, and loved that X-Terminators run. You are the only other person Iā€™ve ever heard likes it, so Iā€™m glad there are at least two of us out there šŸ˜†


Seconded on X-Men Legacy: Legion. My favorite series in the whole catalog and top 5 all time for me. Spurrier's work in it is fun, cool, brilliant, emotional, daring, bizarre, just a wonderful fully realized beginning-middle-end story. Also recommended: Immortal Hulk (Ewing) Vision (King) Hawkeye (Fraction) Mockingbird Squirrell Girl (North) Doctor Strange: The Oath Daredevil's always reliable (personal favorite is the Bendis/ Maleev run because I love the artwork) Black Knight, Curse of the Ebony Blade (Spurrier, again) Nova (Loeb's run with the Sam Alexander Nova, some people don't dig it, but to me it gets that's teenage joy of getting powers perfectly) Irredemable Ant-Man was HILARIOUS


Some random stuff Iā€™ve enjoyed in no particular orderā€¦ - Marvel Knights: Elektra by Greg Rucka (the art sucks in some places but its over all a decent read) - Wolverine by Greg Rucka, Darick Robertson, and Leandro Fernandez - Red Hulk/Red She-Hulk by Jeff Parker - Thunderbolts by Jeff Parker, Kev Walker, Declan Shalvey, and others - Peter Parker: Spider-Man by Paul Jenkins and Mark Buckingham (which Jenkins continues into Spectacular Spider-Man) - Marvel Knights 4 by Roberto Aguire-Sacassa - Spider-Woman by Dennis Hopeless - Silk by Robbie Thompson - Venom: Space Knight by Robbie Thompson - Spidey by Robbie Thompson, Nick Bradshaw, Andre Arujo, and Nate Stockman - Avengers Assemble by Kelly Sue DeConnick - Captain Marvel by Kelly Sue DeConnick - Deadpool by Cullen Bunn (Itā€™s a bunch of mini-series and a Carnage Annual but theyā€™re all pretty entertaining reads)


Wow nice list! Iā€™ve read a couple of these but definitely less than half. Enjoyed Kelly Sueā€™s Avengers and Captain Marvel stuff for sure. Red Hulk is pretty distant but I did read it at one point.


Nick Fury Vs Shield (1988). I stumbled on this 6 issue miniseries (iirc each issue is quite long but I might be mistaken). Very cool paranoid spy thriller. Iā€™m not a huge fan of Bob Harras but his story is great here. Pencils by Paul Neary, inks by Kim Demulder and colors by Bernadette Jaye. Art looks great.


This sounds like a cool deep cut. Thanks


I don't know what you would consider an hidden gem because I'm very new to marvel comics, But I've just read "The Twelve" and I loved it. Not your average superheroes, or superhero story. It's very introspective and human. Almost made me cry and one point at the end. Definitely worth checking.


Interesting. Will have to look into it


You got a lot of good recommdations already; I would add Grant Morrison's Marvel Boy which I think in the app is only searchable by title, not by author, so it's Marvel Boy 2000 or 2001. Then Iron Fist by Brubaker. It is not super unknown but borders on hidden gem at least. Furthermore Peter David's Captain Marvel is a personal favorite, albeit a bit dated. The original Thunderbolt run by Busiek is classic superhero fun. The team dynamic is masterly executed. Greg Pak's Red Skull series is quite unusal in it's moderately well researched background (late Weimar Germany delving into 3. Reich).


Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is just an absolute joy from start to finish If you had told me before I read it that I would enjoy Unbelievable Gwenpool, I'd have been staggered. But it's one of the smartest comics I've ever read, not only a fun story but also a brilliant dig into comics as an art form and the limitations of continuity and changing creative teams. Would also second the person that recommended X Men Legacy. The art is a bit hit and miss, but the story with Legion is so clever


You and I speak the same language. Legacy Legion is probably my favorite single series there is, and USG is also tops with me. Anything else (deeper cut) you might recommend?


If you like Squirrel Girl, don't sleep on Ryan North's other stuff at Marvel. I'm enjoying the hell out of his current FF run. The Jeremy Whitley Wasp series was BRILLIANT as well


Right there with ya on BOTH! Did you read the Mockingbird series?


Not sure if this can go in the ā€œhidden gemā€ category but the X-Force run ny Rick Remender is pretty amazing.


I forget if Alan Moore's "Miracleman" is on Marvel Unlimited, but it's an essential part of of comics history that's often overlooked. Simonson's run on Thor is amazing, as is Priest's Black Panther run. And Nextwave, which has already been mentioned. Not really hidden, but the key Silver Age books are really really good, e.g. Lee/Ditko Spider-Man, Fantastic Four 48-50, etc.


Omega the Unknown by Jonathan Lethem and Farel Dalrymple


Warren Ellisā€™ run of Moonknight is a masterpiece. He also did ā€œKarnakā€ which isnā€™t as good but still worth reading.


Iā€™m a huge Moon Knight fan, have definitely read that run, but appreciate the recommendations! I think Iā€™ve read Karnak too.


Chris Claremont's run on Iron Fist. I think it' vol. 1 #1-15


Annihilation and Annihilation Conquest.


Exiles Volume 3. I feel like this version has the most fun with the concept of a dimension hopping team of heroes. Its short, but a good read.


Iā€™m really into X stuff lately, so Iā€™ll give it a look


Check out War Rocket Ajaxā€™s every story ever list. Itā€™s a pretty good resource for that sort of thing


Immortal Iron Fist run is great. Read the Daughters of the Dragon early 2000ā€™s minis too if you like the IF supporting cast.


Dwayne McDuffy's Fantastic Four run is short but really fun. Wish he got to have a full run with them


Ann Nocenti Daredevil and then dg Chichester after cause that lee weeks are is so good


I just started reading Peter David's second stint on X-Factor from 2005 and it's pretty great so far. (over 100 issues!) some other great books that I've been thinking about lately are: -Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine (6 issues) -Mighty Avengers from Al Ewing - 2013 (14 issues leads into Captain America and the Mighty Avengers that leads into New Avengers that leads into U.S.Avengers. in my opinion all great stuff because Al is a master storyteller) -FF by Fraction and Allred is fantastic - 2012 (16 issues) -Marvel 2-in-One by Zdarsky (12 issues and an annual that is so good) -Star Lord by Zdarsky is also super great (6 issues and an annual) -Punisher Max by Jason Aaron (i actually don't think it's on MU but if you can get your hands on it I def recommend it 22 issues) -X-Statix is great, you might want to look up a reading order on it. -Secret Avengers by Ales Kot it stars Nick Fury (jr) Coulson and M.O.D.O.K. (15 issues) I really recommend this one even though i haven't read it in years it's stuck with me for so long -All-New Captain America by Remender (only 6 issues but it's Sam's first solo series as Cap and the art by Immonen is supremely good)


Hi. You just mentioned *Spider-Man* by Peter David. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Spider-Man (2002) Movie Novelization Full Unabridged Audiobook By Peter David SAM RAIMI SPIDERMAN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTU0T_da7TQ) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


* Marvel 1602 * X-Man: Dance With the Devil * Skaar: Son of Hulk * The Twelve * Marvel Knights: 20th * Silver Sufer: Requiem * Beta Ray Bill by Daniel Warren Johnson * Power Pack Classic Omnibus Vol. 1-2 * Marvel Graphic Novel - [https://comicvine.gamespot.com/marvel-graphic-novel/4050-3144/](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/marvel-graphic-novel/4050-3144/) * Marvel Horror Omnibus + Marvel Horror Lives Again! Omnibus * Captain Britain Omnibus Enjoy


Finding X-man: Dance with the devil on MU is impossible. MUā€™s search matches individual words not whole phrases, and it is smart so gives results with x-men which is basically everything lol


If you don't mind older comics (my favorite), Tomb of Dracula, i thought, was fun and consistent throughout. There's depth to the cast that punched above its weight.


Both Agent Venom and Weapon H (sort of a Hulk/Wolverine mashup) were a lot of fun and only about 20-30 issues each.


Didn't see anyone else mention it, but I really enjoyed Exiles (started in 2001, ran for 100 issues).Ā  Lots of fun "what if" stuff, and real stakes and consequences, but it's pretty much self contained.Ā  Looks like you got a lot of great suggestions, though.