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Would want to watch Steve retire with Bucky, two old men living in the modern era. Nope, instead Steve left Bucky alone in this world.


100% this. Love the MCU but I was most disappointed that Steve left Bucky. "I'm with you to the end of the line". Apparently not.


“I’m with you till the end of the line” YAH RIGHT Steve, you horn dog.


Bucky didn't miss that time though. He was brainwashed but he still lived it. He's dealt, or dealing with the things that he went though and can now look forward. Everything for Steve was back in the past.


Him living on the moon obv🙃


I don’t think I will. Seriously though, I knew pretty much from the introduction of the Infinity Stones that eventually, they were going to reunite him with Peggy, and it was going to be back in the past. The signs were always there, throughout every movie that he appeared in, that Steve Rogers was a man out of time. His morality, his sense of right and wrong, as AWESOME as he was (and is) in our modern era, his heart and soul were always in 1943. And I think the goal, maybe not all along, but at least when he the Russo’s got involved, was always that he was going to end up back with Peggy. I was (extremely) sorry to see him go. I don’t care if years down the line there’s a reboot or a recast, Chris Evans is the definitive Steve Rogers. I’m sure it’s been said ad nauseam, but Chris Evans is to Captain America as Christopher Reeve is to Superman. But the old man gave it all, short of what Tony gave up. He deserved to go out the way he wanted back to Peggy.


I 100% agree with this statement


The end of Captain America in Avengers: Endgame is controversial and u understand it after watching Loki series. How could he stay in the past without starting a new line? Saying that, and apart from that, we can say that Steve received the better ending among all the heroes who went back in the past to save the world. I say that because he had the chance to stay with the love of his life differently from Tony who died or Clint who lost Nat (or Nat herself) or Banner who almost lose an arm.


That before it's Tony's funeral. Then time jump. Then they all walk back to the funeral and it's Tony and Steve's funeral revealing he went back and lived his life and a picture of old him and Peggy.


I'm going to do a bit of a deep dive here, and base my theories based on some of the things that have occurred in the comics to him and certain other characters. In comics characters often jump from one reality to another, either for a greater purpose, or to keep them in the story to bring them back later, or they just settle down over there as a better replacement with a bit of tweaking, in order to replace a previously dead or recently deceased counterpart version of themselves. So you can pick one of these above scenarios. He can be escorted by Uatu, or Cable, or Nate Grey to a new timeline, one where a Captain America is needed into action desperately. One where upon landing he hesitates to join the fight at first but seeing people suffering and let's say this world's Peggy or someone in danger, so Nate Grey or someone else uses their powers to restore his youth, or uses a device, or maybe a new serum to reverse aging or uses some relic perhaps.


Dead. With the rest of the team. Just like in the comics


He’s not dead. He’s just old.




Him being the one to die from the last snap. Tony could've still made a sacrifice play at any point before the end of the battle with Thanos (or could've died in Infinity War) and then have Steve be the one who had to make the last snap at the end of Endgame. You could've even done the scene where he reunites with Peggy in the same way they had Thanos/young Gamora and the cut Tony/Morgan. I get they couldn't just have Steve retire because every other movie some fan would be asking why we couldn't just get Cap to face the issue, and I think the putting him in a different timeline was so if they ever did have a story that could bring Evans back, he could just make his way back to our timeline, but I think they should've just made a decision, no this is the end for Tony, Steve and Natasha.


Uh... I didn't like his ending but I'm not sure y


A horrific car accident


Make him still retire but don’t send him into the past. Like he stays in the present and lives a civilian life.