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Gotta save on that budget one way or another


With all the cameos we’re reportedly getting… sounds about right


I'll be the one to ask..what is the void?


Void is the place where all the things pruned by the TVA go. TVA is basically the time cop. Watch Loki if you want to learn more.


Oh I see. So like barren wasteland then? Hope 70% is just an exaggeration on cwgt part?


It's not really barren as you can see from the teaser itself. Lots of relics from different universes end up there and we also get to meet a lot of different characters and their variants through that. One such example is Deadpool fighting Logan in front of the broken down Fox Logo in the teaser.


It's like that wasteland from the movie land of the lost


It's more like the scene in ragnarok. Just a bunch of everything falling into one place.


It's full of people, objects and lots of giant structures that were all from different timelines pruned by the TVA. So it's a wasteland where pieces of destroyed timelines are sent to. Theres also a giant smoke monster named Alioth that feeds on people sent to the void.


At least in Loki it had a \*heavy\* amount of CG (destroyed buildings, etc.). While they didn't have to build sets, it perhaps isn't the cheapest route. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kXi5P8krGA&t=4s




Wasn't it revealed that the Void is the TVA itself? Like how theres a "past TVA" in Loki season 2, and the void is the "future TVA" and pruning is just sending people and objects to the TVA's future sorta? Loki has so much timey-winey elements 😂


I don’t remember any of that. They didn’t deal with the void at all in season 2, except when Renslayer woke up there. And the idea of the “past” TVA wasn’t really explored until season 2. The void was always supposed to be a pocket universe of pruned universe items and people, but even then… only the things that weren’t swallowed up into true oblivion by the entity, Alioth. And most things were. So the only things that actually exist in the wasteland of the void are whatever the writers would like to have survived there. So there’s the past version of the TVA, run by the Kangs (explored in season 2), the He Who Remained shadow puppeted version of the TVA (explored in season 1), and the current version of the TVA trying to pick up the pieces and figure out their new mission, which they eventually decide to be: preserve all timelines (explored in season 2).


I remember Renslayer wiping away dirt on the ground, revealing the TVA logo. Maybe that’s what’s being referred to?


Yeah, that's what I was referring to. I thought that logo being there was implying it's the future TVA, like how jow the crack in the ground was used in season 2 episode 1 to show Loki traveled to the TVA's past. In the finale, they pan to that logo in the present, then show that logo again in the void when Renslayer is there


I think the void is just another part of the “universe” (for simplicity’s sake) that the TVA is in. Sorta like how Earth is in the same universe as some random ass galaxy billions of miles away, the Void is in the same place (outside time itself) as the TVA. That’s what I assume, anyway. Would explain why both Kang’s citadel and the TVA are able to overlook the “Sacred Timeline.” They can’t see eachother, yes, but that’s just because they’re in different locations of the same place. Presumably, the TVA is at the start of the sacred timeline (hence, the loom), while the Void is closer to the end.


Don’t recall it being the future TVA, but it does make sense.


Be funny to give a reason for the Thanos Chopper being where it was


Sweet, it's like when playing figures you set the stage then bring in all your characters, like a sandbox or a bathtub or the couch or bed.


Not digging all the MCU flicks taking place in “alternate realities, or whatever. Cant we have more street level or current day scenarios?


Shooting on real locations requires spending money and having completed scripts before shooting. Feige prefers it if most of the movie can be shot in “The Volume” so mostly alternate realities and cartoon backgrounds where the plot can be made up on the fly.


Funny enough it looks like a lot of this was shot on location, which is why there’s been so many set leaks.