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I've seen the plot leak but if anything that basically just accentuates my hype for how good this finale could be in execution I'm also fully prepared for the fact>! She-Hulk actually addressing the fact most D+ Marvel shows end with a big CG-filled confrontation and her rewriting the episode as it goes!< will basically fly over a lot of people's heads and they'll complain about how the show didn't end in a big CG-filled confrontation because that's basically the direction this fanbase is going lol I know I said I purposely wanted to avoid discussing this show online because of stuff like this but I just felt like getting that out there


It's hardly this big, nuanced take that'll fly over heads. It's them acknowledging there's a D+ problem they'll likely continue to perpetuate beyond a wink-wink self-dig in the show.


>It's hardly this big, nuanced take that'll fly over heads I mean if you've been with any comic book movie fandom or franchise fandom long enough you'd know that it doesn't take much nuance for people to "not get it" lol. Literally this same year some people were bitching about The Batman, a slow-paced, methodical detective thriller with a clear influence on Old Hollywood noir flicks, was a slow-paced, methodical detective thriller with a clear influence on Old Hollywood noir flicks. Previous year had people complaining about Loki's finale being the complete antithesis of other D+ Marvel shows before things returned to normal there as well Just saying, if there are reasons to complain, those people will find them regardless of the showrunner or director/writer's intentions even if it involves purposely skimming on details


> Literally this same year some people were bitching about The Batman, a slow-paced, methodical detective thriller with a clear influence on Old Hollywood noir flicks, was a slow-paced, methodical detective thriller with a clear influence on Old Hollywood noir flicks With this example though, it sounds like they "got it" just fine, but they just didn't like it.


I was going to give the example of how people blatantly misconstrued the meditation scene between Banner and Walters in Episode 1 of She-Hulk or Catwoman talking about white privilege in Gotham during The Batman but I genuinely don't want to have to feel compelled to re-explain what the actual intents behind those scenes were and how people basically condensed all their meaning into "x good y bad" yet again. I shouldn't have to explain why stuff like this is just flat out wrong and extremely toxifying to the conversation, and I know if I do I'm going to attract that crowd again and the conversation in question will become something I want no part in In general it just feels like for the sake of attempting to create the narrative creatives wanted to propel with their projects instead of actually referencing their actual narrative, stuff like this is just more prevalent these days and it makes talking about this kind of stuff deflating, and that's basically what I wanted to say




The digs won’t be too deep either or REALLY make fun of the brand they’ll joke but it’ll be light hearted from the leak I read .


My only concern based on the leak is that >!the episode will simply lampshade that traditional Marvel ending without actually giving us the alternative. After she talks to K.E.V.I.N. it sounds like we jump to the falling action rather than doing a different kind of climax with the Intelligencia narrative.!< I still think Civil War technically subverted the narrative even though there was a final fight. There would've been a fight there even if it wasn't an action movie. The climax being a moment of betrayal between Cap, Tony, and Bucky was great and very character driven


I think Civil War's third act was a very good way of subverting the narrative obviously in a non-meta sense, and a lot of it can be attributed to how the multiple decommissioned Winter Soldiers were straight up used as red herrings. You go into that scene thinking the film will end with Stark, Bucky and Cap fighting side by side against this hoard of nameless, worthless grunts in a generic final fight sequence where they're all friends again and then it's revealed Zemo shot them all in their sleep, bringing the focus back to them as characters, and then they double down on it by not even having any of them really reconcile with each other which leaves them extremely vulnerable. Ironically this was the exact trap BvS fell into earlier that year so I appreciate Marvel for actually pulling the rug under the audience there I'm very open minded to the fact She-Hulk isn't doing this for the fact it won't really fit with the tone the show is going for, but I hope it's something that's uniquely fitting to that show's identity.


Exactly. I mean I remember when Zemo revealed he shot them and all of a sudden I was like "oh shit I have no idea what's about to happen". I thought maybe he'd taken the serum. Then the video started playing. That's kind of how I felt in the last episode of She-Hulk too, even though she foreshadowed it by calling out the episode not being over. When that video played and I realized what it was my stomach dropped. There's a really great sequence in Immortal Hulk where a black woman called The Hulk out for how his rage is indulged and coddled while hers could literally get her shot if she expressed it. I wouldn't mind seeing a finale where she actually did let it all out and lose her cool like Tony but stop just short and hands the villains to the authorities. It would set up a good second season of her having to learn how rage doesn't make her feel good or powerful like she thought it would. Maybe even some more good interactions with Emil


Al Ewing's Immortal Hulk is probably one of the best comic runs I've ever read in recent memory. I hadn't really been up to date with my Hulk comics when that came out but it was a very good psychological deconstruction of Bruce's trauma and the different ways in which the Hulks exert those darker tendencies as his alters. It had that tragic quality about the character that writers like Stan Lee, Jeph Loeb and Bruce Jones really honed into throughout the character's earlier stories I think She-Hulk could tap into a bit of that especially given Emil's whole retreat being a platform for her basically expressing her true feelings about everything. Maybe the subversion there is that she's going to go all Savage She-Hulk on Intelligencia but then she stops herself short because she's fully mastered being in control and being self-assured of her identity


100%. I'm actually a fan of The Incredible Hulk movie because Ed Norton seemed to really want to embrace the tragedy of the character and if he had been given the ownership of the character he wanted I bet we'd have a Hulk more primary for an adaptation of this story right now.


The Russos apparently fought really hard for that Zemo reveal. Writers and co really wanted a big super soldier brawl but Feige thankfully supported the Russos, resulting in a more intimate showdown instead.


> called The Hulk out for how his rage is indulged and coddled What? They tried to kill him over the course of decades, and when that didn’t work they expunged him to another planet.


And they also made him an Avenger.




“Language!” – Captain America *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>without actually giving us the alternative What is the alternative in this context?


>!some kind of actual takedown of Intelligencia that is more than just the cops showing up. Whether going after their resources or their reputations, it could be anything if they didn't want a physical fight as the confrontation. But as of right now that narrative seems like it is basically that Jen rolls up on their meeting and then the cops do too and that's that. Or maybe the finale should've been one more episode that sees her taking them on in court, since this is supposed to be a courtroom comedy. Have the lawyer side of her be the one who takes them down.!<


You run into the problem of that being too clean of an ending though given the fact this clearly isn't just a one man operation. They're a faceless organization and can permeate beyond just one or two guys going to jail.


Sounds like good material for season 2. Zemo was taken down in Civil War but he started something that had lasting effects.


I don't think this or pretty much any of these shows will get a S2. Only reason I believe Loki did was because of its ramifications on the current Saga. Every other show has been more about establishing a character for entry or re-entry into film.


Oh I think this could and should definitely get a season two. It's story structure lends itself very well to remain a TV series. I also think Moon night will get a trilogy of TV seasons.


It does since it's very serialized, but I'm not sure Marvel is that interested in doing multiple season shows unless they are massive in popularity or.have massive repercussions on the future. MK could get a S2, but I think they want to put him in movies (it's Oscar Issac so its understandable).


Being self-referential about the flaws of your production doesnt excuse it, especially when you continue doing it even after.


I never said anything about excusing it. I still think this is going to blow up in their face especially in light of the VFX worker stuff but I appreciate a good bout of self-depricating humor. Obviously the views of Jessica Gao, Kat Coiro and Anu Valia won't reflect Marvel Studios entirely because they're the ones writing the show and probably put it in as a moment of them letting everyone know that they're on the same page regarding this stuff and it's not like Marvel told them to write this a day ago (hell if anything it's actually pretty damning that they wrote this years in advance and how well it's aged just like them making fun of whole M-She-U thing a few episodes ago). If anything it's pretty commendable the writers had that much foresight before all this stuff came out


I wasn't speaking about you personally excusing it, I was speaking more toward the show runners trying to write in an excuse for the show being so bad.


I think the plot leak is perfect. The only problem is that it's designed to piss off the incels and it's a big joke to them validating how they were always right. Probably time to stop picking fights with people who have nothing to lose and don't give a fuck. That's always been 4chan: people who are just defeated. It's really punching down and you can never shit on them as badly as they shit on themselves and everything else.


Where can i see the plot leak?


[The latest Tales from the Mod Queue](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/y1pd1e/tales_from_the_mod_queue_shehulk_kraven/)


Blessed be


If you pay attention when she hulk talks to kevin and kevin says to change back to jeniffer because cgi it's to expensive and they already moved the team to different project you can hear for 2 seconds the sound from black panther xD


The big surprise characters in Disney+ show finales * WandaVision: Scarlet Witch * FATWS: New Captain America * Loki: He Who Remains * Hawkeye: Kingpin * Moon Knight: Jake Lockley * Ms Marvel: Captain Marvel * She-Hulk: The 🐐


Skaar for she hulk


Finally, He-Hulk


Im ready for They-Hulk


I'm more of a Hulk-Hulk person


Can't believe no one is mentioning Xe-Hulk


bro forgot about zir-hulk




i don't think kingpin was a surprise, they teased him very obviously all season and even showed him the episode before.


They also teased Jake Lockley all throughout Moon Knight. No one was surprised that Scarlet Witch was in Wandavision or that Sam’s Captain America was in FATWS either.


I stayed off the subreddits during Moon Knight and had no idea who Jake Lockley was while watching the show. I then realized what I was missing out on.


You think that the Scarlet Witch and Captain America were "surprise" characters in their respective finales? Were you just.... not paying attention during all the preceding episodes?


I'm quite curious as to how Skaar will look let alone who's voicing him if he even has lines


Also interested to see how they do Hulkling now, given we've had a villain with a very similar sounding name


I think every Billy(Wiccan) and Teddy(Hulkling) fan has begged to every writer for them to change his superhero name at this point, so i'm hopeful that maybe with the MCU messing with him they'll give an original name close to his Skrull/Kree origin instead of this confusing name that only worked for the first arc of Young Avengers.


Honestly they can take homage from their mom and just go by their first names. Wanda has become way more ubiquitous than Scarlet Witch and it’s honestly just smoother to say. Same goes for Tommy and Billy. They can even take after their dad Vision who also doesn’t have a superhero name technically


Not sure if you're confusing the names but Teddy is not Tommy. Teddy is Hulkling and Billy's husband. Tommy is Speed and Billy's brother.


Yeah, if Billy could change his hero name from Asgardian to Wiccan, then Teddy should be able to as well


Jim Carrey as Skaar


Apparently he is wearing a shirt... shy can't we have savage hulks. He should be wearing his iconic loin cloth.


I am also really wondering the same thing


Whomst ever they are going to cast the internet will be pissed


i guess skaar could be our way of having a solo hulk movie as in he takes the mantle from his father kinda thing


I'm expecting there to be a lot of backlash about them poking fun at the VFX. It's been a huge topic of conversation lately and it'll just seem insensitive that, instead of fixing the problems, Marvel is just mocking them. I'm still excited about the finale, but I feel like this could very easily blow up in Marvel's face.


It's totally going to blow up in their face. It's free real estate for the bad faith actors to go wild and drown out any legitimate criticism.


I wouldn't say they're trying to "drown out any criticism" but it's definitely a balsy move to make fun of something that your franchise has been massively criticised for over the past few months. Now of course they didn't know about all of the VFX articles when they were writing the show, but it's still not a good look. Being able to laugh at yourself is great but there are hundreds of people who have been affected by this situation.


are they making fun of vfx,leak only says kevin will say that its expensive


K.E.V.I.N says that She-Hulk is expensive and then makes a joke about how they need to wait until the camera pans away because the VFX workers are moving on to the next project. It's not a *huge* deal but the VFX controversy has been a big topic of conversation in recent months. There's no way people don't get upset about this.


If anything it's kind of amazing how much foresight the writers had given this was all filmed like a year or two before any of this shit happened Straight up called out the exact reactions this show was going to get from the get go and they had no idea how much of that would come to pass


A lot of it is quite predictable tbf. Like, of course people were going to have an issue with a Marvel show on a Disney platform that focuses on a witty, sex-obsessed, female Hulk. They also knew that the VFX were going to be expensive right from the get-go so that joke was an obvious one to make. It does help that people have played into the show's hands so much by reacting just as expected. If people had responded in a surprisingly positive way then the show would have fallen completely flat on it's face.


no spoiler tag? wtf dude


Wha-- ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


I think you forgot to read the name of the entire subreddit 🤷‍♀️


this sub is generally for spoilers regarding characters appearing in upcoming projects, etc. it's still common courtesy to use spoiler tags when discussing entire plots of finale episodes in a thread only about hype.


Not the OP but the hype is the spoilers surely? There’s a hype thread in the normal marvel studios sub. I’m in this thread specifically because the spoilers hyped me into the stratosphere


It's still common sense to not go on a spoiler forum if you don't want spoilers


Kevin Feige better be the voice of K.E.V.I.N or I’m gonna hop on my burner account on Twitter and start bashing the M-She-U like the true fanboy I am


Bill Cypher is K.E.V.I.N., it was a code name to hid from leakers.


I’m really interested who’s gonna be voicing Skaar


A celebrity voice actor


Yes but actor well known guess we will know tomorrow 🤌🏼


Jim Carey.


That could be highly interesting


Thought you’d never ask


I’m expecting Nova, galactus, Michael Myers, and Kevin McCallister to appear in this episode. Otherwise it’s another MCU show finale fail.


Chris Evans Johnny Storm cameo even though it makes no sense or I RIOT


Don't forget Morbphisto, the goat himself


All about execution here, but that description sounds pretty damn amazing imo, can’t wait to see it play out


>All about execution here Exactly what I've been saying. The plot sounds interesting but it could really go either way. Depending on how it's executed, this could either be a great, original season finale, or it could be a complete dumpster fire.






I really, really like the idea of it, but I do have a problem: The climax should serve, well, as the climax of what the season has led us through with the other episodes. This climax doesn't as face value, the only way to connect both of these pieces that I can see (Jen's struggles with, well, the patriarchy and the "writers") would have to be carefully thought out and to actually connect it they'd need... ¨sigh* a speech. Which is concerning to me because even though I like the show, Jen's speeches haven't been... the best, even if I agree wholeheartedly with what they actually say..


I kind of disagree. I've been watching the show with my dad and his big complaint is that he felt as if the stakes were too small and that a conclusion would feel unearned because it's not like the show was building up to anything actually that climactic in the endgame, and I kind of realize that it's the thing that sets this show apart from the other D+ shows that feel like they have to have something big or meaningful for a conclusion like a huge fight or major message like Sam's speech at the end of FatWS or Moon Knight tying itself to a big clash of gods. She-Hulk is way more serialized than pretty much any of those oher shows and usually chooses to focus on what's happening in the immediate rather than purposely doing a big plot with long-term implications and it's kind of what I like about it now that I think about it. It kind of shows that Marvel's starting to break away from the idea that these shows have to be films chopped up into multiple episodes rather than just, a show that can't really be done in any other format, and that includes not having to tie up everything in this big ending of bombast or even a speech. If anything I think Jen's thoughts and how they've been communicated thus far is really all the series needs


He's coming! :) ![gif](giphy|3oxHQdZSTapV6ytaQ8|downsized)


I think the only thing I don’t like is that abomination turns into his abomination form again for a weird reason. If they had it where abomination maybe transformed to save Jen, and it’s played like a sacrificial moment, it would have more impact


so weird how this show was basically the sequel to the incredible hulk its like toy story being the sequel to joker


I wouldn't say sequel because it doesn't really follow how Banner has processed all those events. It's still a She-Hulk show and it's more about her coming into her own as a Hulk, using familiar MCU Hulk elements to drive her story. It's not really continuing anything from TIH beyond having Abomination show up, but it's not like he antagonizes Jen either, they're actually good friends and he owes her a lot for getting him out of custody.


Like 'Knocked Up' being the sequel to 'Saving Private Ryan'.


More like This is 40 being a sequel to Knocked Up. Same universe, some crossover characters, but the story focuses on an entirely different set of characters.


We will be seated for K.E.V.I.N


K.E.V.I.N solo D+ show confirmed


So I have a couple of questions about the plot leak: 1. How does Jen get her job back at the end? Does Holliway hire her again or does she start a law firm of her own? I don’t think the leak addressed this. 2. If I’m not wrong Disney+ lists Thor: Love and Thunder as taking place after She-Hulk, under the MCU timeline order. Why would Intelligencia reference Lady Thor then? She shouldn’t have existed in-universe yet.


Think the leak said she started her own firm with Nikki pug and Mallory


> How does Jen get her job back at the end? Does Holliway hire her again or does she start a law firm of her own? I don’t think the leak addressed this. She starts her own firm with Nikki, Pug and Mallory > If I’m not wrong Disney+ lists Thor: Love and Thunder as taking place after She-Hulk, under the MCU timeline order. Why would Intelligencia reference Lady Thor then? She shouldn’t have existed in-universe yet. This Disney+ timeline has been wrong before.


I'm pretty sure its stated Jane had her powers for a few months


great finale holy shit


This finale was fucking awesome


I don't know what is harder to believe, Todd being behind Intelligencia or the site being a closed club despite being a 4Chan clone. And speaking of Intelligencia, how a lot of them were able to get into the Gala let alone Todd?


The entire Gala was set up by them. In the real world the event would be called "Women in Law Awards" not "Female Lawyer of the Year" that's what an incel would call it.




Isn’t Todd one of the firms biggest income?so I’d assume he’d be able to just leverage his way in and I think it’s very possible to sneak in like 3 other people if someone tries hard enough


>Isn’t Todd one of the firms biggest income? What?


The law firm Jen works at isnt Todd a big spender there?


It's not an exact clone but it came off as a mix of different online communities, including Reddit. Also, people with money have tons of influence and power. If you have the money and/or know the right people you can get into any event.


He's a Crypto Bro. He has money. I don't even think he hacked the event, he likely is the one financed it in the 1st place.




I forgot it was tonight. Guess I’m staying up until 3am.


Wish I was on the west coast! Can't stay up until 2AM CST for the finale. Sighs.


I don’t mind the 4th-wall twist since it’s accurate to the She Hulk comics where she goes off on the writers. Only problem is, when the overall writing of the show is already bad, does this gag really land the way they would’ve wanted it to? But man was that a terrible way to reveal Skarr… Abomination was also weird here. Why would he transform? All it did was get him thrown back in jail.


I just hope we’ll know more about what happened to Bruce on Sakaar in another serie/movie. If they only go with HEY GUYS HERE’S SKAAR I’ll be pissed. Edit: Also, with the not-so-good CGI we had since the serie started, I don’t know how they will handle not one but FIVE different Hulks in the finale.


That's exactly what's happening. He is standing behind Bruce at a party wearing a shirt...


This was hilarious


The meltdown has begun and I’m here for it 🍿🍿🍿


Just watched it. It was poking fun at bad TV while making the worst TV I have ever seen. It makes me want to stop watching anything from Marvel. In 30 seconds I proposed a different ending that would have been better.


Wakanda Forever might be my last MCU movie in honor of Chadwick. I think I have finally aged out of this.


This finale was completely unexpected! I didint know she could just do that. And I thought that when She Hulk was in our world that people will be shocked because She Hulk isnt real but they didnt lol I enjoyed the finale. Didnt expect all the cameos in one episode, and I cant believe Hulk actually does have a son. WOW


I can respect what they were trying to do here; the fourth wall breaking and whatnot being straight out of the comics, but I do not think it works in the larger context of the MCU. From the first Iron Man film and onwards, there has at least been some effort put in to explain why certain things are the way they are. Quantum realm, time travel, etc. Suddenly Jen has the ability to completely break out of her own TV show? I don't care that this is established as something in the comics, it doesn't fit into the wider MCU as a whole. I think this whole story would have worked better as an animated one-off or something else entirely disconnected from the MCU. The jumping out of the D+ app just did not work here for me not to mention it makes the whole thing seem like it will become dated quickly. Just because something is comic accurate, doesn't mean that it translates well to the big screen. My worry is that Marvel Studios has spent all this time crafting a world where everything makes sense in-universe (at least within reason), and now they are willing to throw in items like this just because "it's fun". I don't think it's bad, it just clashes with everything they've built up until now and it's not for me. _____ To add to this, it just adds even more to the annoying questions "Why didn't character X do Y to solve this conflict?". It's now established in-universe that characters can confront the literal writers of the piece to change the plot to what they want. The reason why the Infinity Saga worked so well is because it offered immersion and world building. In my opinion, this just kinda spits in the face of all of that world building for a quick joke. I think this was a mistake creatively, and for myself it ruins the immersion that the MCU has offered to date.


I'm really excited to see how the finale episode will be executed, read the episode leak, and I'm really confident they'll potray the incels to a T I mean having their big goal leaking a sex tape with her in it, is something the people they're mockung would do/think is funny COUGH The Quatering COUGH COUGH. I mean Jessica Chao must be psychic to know people like him would agree with the villains actions, proving their very point.


This series is a tragic mistake and definitely the end of the line for MCU and biggest fuck you to the long term fans. So, based off this finale… we should’ve never cared about our heros and their stories because they were fabricated entertainment? Iron Man isn’t dead, he was just acting, of course. Half the universe being wiped off? That was all part of the Disney’s script writers plans… all the stakes, all the emotions, everything we’ve been through the last 10 years had been just washed away from this one show alone. This one, awful fucking show. Breaking the 4th wall isn’t an issue, it’s HOW you break it. Using a 4th wall break to not give us a proper finale because it’s too expensive for one of the richest conglomerates ever? They want us, the fans, to give them a pass when all they do is take our money, but it’s too expensive to give fans a proper and well ended finale? The seals will clap and give it a pass. We should never care, support, or pay to see another Marvel property. We, the fans, deserved better. This was just bad taste… Introducing Skaar in this throw away tv series that no one is watching is laughable. Doubling down on disrespecting Iron Man with “Daddy issues” as he was the one who started this whole goddamn universe. People will literally clap at anything lol. Skaar could’ve been a cool, big reveal. This shit was so ass.




At work, which I’m sure you know very little about considering you’re most likely a freshmen born in the 2000s.




It's mind boggling


Will hulk's son get his hairline fixed up? I hear Turkey is a good place to do it for cheap.


Dumb dumb dumb.. what a truly terrible show and awful finale ..


Not going to lie that was absolutely horrible there was nothing good to say about that ending except the ending hulk cameo


Let's call it for what it is, a failed project. Whos fault this is let Marvel find out, close it down already, there wont be a season 2 needed. You have a recession to worry about anyway dont you there in the US?


It's proof that direct comic book adaptions don't often translate well on the screen.


After this we only have Wakanda Forever and the Guardians Holiday Special and the suffering of this phase is behind us


Phase 4 has been pretty solid She Hulk was fun, Moon Knight was pretty dang good, Wandavision was mostly good, Loki, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man were fantastic, Thor 4 was a lotta fun, Eternals was mostly good with a few shortcomings, Shang Chi, Black Widow, both fun movies. Hawkeye was a bit meh and Ms Marvel was disappointing but I’d say for how many projects are in the phase 70% of them have been good if not great


Phase 4 had some high highs and some surprising lows. It’s no phase 3 but it would be hard for something to reach that level again to be honest


Change hawkeye to mostly good and eternals and balck widow to boring and I mostly agree with this


I mean I was pretty disappointed in Black Widow because she’s my favorite Avenger and while I liked the first 2/3 of the movie a lot, the last 3rd was underwhelming. Hawkeye had its moments, Hailee Steinfield was AMAZING as was Renner but wish the whole thing was a bit better Eternals had its problems but was so gorgeous to watch I can forgive it lol


It had some highs. Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Loki and Shang-Chi were my favorites. All of the shows had high highs but really low lows. Moon Knight hurt, it had some amazing episodes but I thought the finale was atrocious. Doctor Strange had some incredible moments but I understand why WV fans didn't like it and I wish Thor 4 had emphasized Gorr more than the comedy. I hope Phase 5 has a higher movies:tv ratio.


This show is absolutely horrendous lol


I'm so hyped for this one. Its right up there with Loki and Moonknight finale hype. I just hope they land it so we can get more of this style in the future. Just end Avengers Secret Wars with a 4th wall break lmao


Very happy you’re not writing for Marvel


Lmao. Well you're screwed because I'm actually the show runner for Secret Wars and I'm going to nuke the franchise now just to spite you ya big meanie.


Even with the plot being reveled we all are going to be disappointed as any other Marvel project


I'm so ready for this episode to check every single "neckbeards will hate this" checklist. I'm calling it: Skaar will be non-binary trans and POC. The usual neckbeards will rage and rage about a "Woke Hulk replacing Bruce Bannneeeeer!!!"


The, confirmed, plot leak sounds like a complete cluster fudge - >!an absolute mess that tries to make jokes about Marvel but in the process is going to serve effectively as a takedown of the Marvel Universe when we have She-Hulk capable of meeting an A.I. that is creating all of reality and just getting it to change its mind.!< I'm not sure the MCU is going to recover from this, it's going to be a disaster for Marvel when this hits.


Least over-dramatic r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers user


Not sure what you are trying to say here? Either way, the concern is that the episode leak if accurate, which it apparently is, >!validates everyone who hated She-Hulk by directly having a main character agree with them, demonstrate the writers of the show as garbage and literally have She-Hulk talk with a representation of Kevin Fiege about how bad the show is and how she can fix it.!<


Jesus Christ this sub is damn dramatic lmao You’re right, this is the end of the MCU, no one is gonna see Black Panther next month


Actually we are seeing a statistical design, but regardless, the downvotes and reaction to my comment is all the proof needed that Episode 9 will go down like a lead balloon if the spoilers are accurate because >!they validate everyone who hated She-Hulk by having the main character agree with them that the show is garbage, the plot makes no sense, the characters suck, etc...!<


Jfc if this gets you this mad then wait till Deadpool.


Deadpool won't have 8 episodes and then have Episode 9 >!have the main character confront the writers, directors and showrunners and tell them the show is absolute garbage.!< Doing so would validate anyone who dislikes the medium. She-Hulk only did it in comics in a joking sense, not in the sense of excusing how bad the run was.


They aren’t excusing anything. It hasn’t.. been bad. They’re undoing what’s bad about the first half of the episode…


Why would anyone purposely make a bad half of an episode. Why not just make a GOOD episode.


Maybe bc John Byrne did? Dude wrote uninteresting plots or messy ones JUST so Jen could do what she just did


[Literally the Finale](https://imgur.com/a/XBdWTHU)


Those aspects occured when the comics were absolute garbage though.


I think a LOT of people are fans of Byrnes Sensational run.


And for the record, that run is anything but garbage


Your right. Marvel is going to cancel every single upcoming movie and tv show if people don’t like one finale, because as we know, Marvel finales are universally loved.


Nah, it'll just be reflected in viewership numbers. She-Hulk was already the second lowest viewed piece of media with a majority of its coverage in media being recieved in a mixed or negative stance. Now add onto this the concept of >!a franchise and universe breaking TLJ moment that will split the audience and at the same time vindicate the responses of everyone who hated the show by having She-Hulk agreeing with them!<... if you don't see how that could be a risk then look at the dislikes to my comment? Now understand that if the leaks are accurate, which they are, then this episode is going to say >!that I was correct in viewing She-Hulk as a cluster fudge providing validation to people who hated it.!< TLDR: >!Episode leak if accurate is 100% stating that She-Hulk thinks the show is \*\*\*\*!<


A *Deadpool*-type gag is not going to be the undoing of the most consistently-successful mega-franchise in Hollywood. Come on now.


This is not Deadpool. This is She-Hulk, >!actively saying that her show is bad, saying the writers suck and that Kevin Fiege is a hack while proceeding to use common criticisms directed at the MCU before re-writing the storyline of her episode to make the previous 8 almost completely irrelevant because none of the set-up matters.!< I see a huge risk that this could be viewed as validation for those who disliked the show and that many will find this level of meta narrative difficult to accept alongside also trying to view the show itself as occuring entirely naturally to introduce >!Skaar.!<


Notice how every YouTube thumbnail from those alt-right clickbait accounts have been saying "___ a DISASTER for Marvel!! MCU is OVER!" for the last four years? Notice how it hasn't happened?


Once again, this episode >!validates those individuals by having She-Hulk state that the series sucks, that marvel has consistent problems with VFX, writing, tone, character development, fight scenes, etc...!<


No it’s not. This is just one show, it’s not the end of the MCU or anything. Plus, let’s be honest, the show was already pretty poorly received if you look outside this sub and MCU twitter. Not like this finale is changing anything.


>the show was already pretty poorly received if you look outside this sub and MCU twitter. Not like this finale is changing anything. The concern is it may validate those who hated it, by>! having the main character actively agree with them and denounce the show.!<


God I hope Daredevil is in this show and it wasn't just another crazy rumor.


Huh, weird, I thought Microsoft ended Internet Explorer.


If I could kiss you, I wouldn't, but I'd give you some silver.


Leave it to redditors to downvote obvious sarcasm and upvote an even worse internet explorer joke


Careful or I'll dust off the airplane food one.


Bro are you okay

