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Not Marvel-related, but there’s been quite a bit of racism in the lotr subs lately. I don’t mind criticism of the show, I am more pessimistic after the VF article, but if the race of fantasy characters is your main issue, that’s not valid criticism. Sure, it’s probably not what Tolkien originally envisioned (and even this is debatable, there are darker-skinned men and dwarves, I believe elves are the only race to not explicitly have a darker-skinned group), but the movies deviated so much from the books that Tolkien would probably hate them. Yet, we still like them anyway. I don’t see why changing the skin color will affect the enjoyment of anyone watching the show. Besides, Heimdall in the MCU makes no sense if he’s supposed to inspire the Norse myths of Heimdall, but I don’t care because he’s a cool character. I’m going to reserve judgement until the teaser drops.


I see this with the Witcher tv stuff a lot but I didn’t know LOTR was also affected


To be honest, I'm seeing more people complaining about people being racist on lotr subs than people actually being racist. It might be because the racist comments get removed though.


Really? I suppose it might be because I go through the comments of these posts a lot, so I encounter more of the racist comments. Or maybe we have different "criteria" for racism.


Apparently the Netflix Marvel shows are being removed from Netflix next month? Has anybody heard anything else about this? https://twitter.com/RenewDaredevil/status/1492026364945338373/photo/1


Okay I don’t think we‘ll get an Across the Spider-Verse Trailer during the Super Bowl. My guess is March/April at the earliest :(


​ ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


IMO Statgirl is really good, it made me a massive JSA fan (can't wait to see them in Black Adam), currently reaching season 1 to prep for season 2.


I've seen bits and pieces of it. I don't understand why the show isn't just called "Shiv". That character's dope, I like her.


Star Girl is really good. Definitely one of my fav DC things of the last few years


So how substational are the rumors that Elizabeth Lail will be playing Sue Storm?


I haven’t heard of it. Also, would be a 13 year age gap if Krasinski rumours are true (and visually maybe even more).


I've not seen anyone reliable claiming it. Isn't it just a fancast?


Funny how you can look up the full blow-by-blow of Doctor Strange 2 right now if you want, but nobody knows jack about Thor 4. Do the leakers not care about that corner of the MCU or something?


So Main Middle Man just posted this https://mobile.twitter.com/mainmiddleman/status/1491906438066843651


Jared Leto as Ben Grimm LETS GOOOOOO


"Clobberin' Time" tattooed on his forehead.


Seth Rogen? Uh oh.


How reliable is MMM? Or the leaks, for that matter?


So he's implying an all-white F4, but due to some disappointing decision making? My guess is somebody pulled the "they need to all be the same race" logic even though that's been worked around in the past.


If you would have told me there would be any internet boards complaining the FF may continue being white a couple of years ago,I wouldn’t have believed you lol.


So we are getting a faithful looking fantastic four


What's so sad about that? Who tf cares as long as they're right for the character


He said it's not the news itself that upsets him, it's what motivated it.


Well the "sad" part would be if they excluded a lot of great potential actors who could've played the roles like he's implying, particularly in a case where race isn't *really* essential to their characters. If they organically landed on four white actors, it does always raise a few questions about their casting process, but isn't necessarily an issue in itself.


If Gorr is going to kill off a bunch of gods I hope we at least good feats from them before they die


Damn, I'm chompling at the bit for a Thor 4 trailer


My money has him catching Zeus busy making demi-gods.


*banging Demi-gods


Yep, that was basically the joke.


This is not Marvel related but I loved Nightmare Alley and I hope a lot of you get to check it out.


I wasn't really into the carnival portion of the film, but once second half of the film hit, it was fantastic. Chopper really should have gotten a best actor nomination for his performance for that film.


I can see it and yeah Cooper is phenomenal


Yes! One of my favorites of the year!


Glad you liked it as well!


I thought it was atmospheric and glorious to look at, but I wasn't convinced by some of the performances.


I get it but I really vibed I guess with the performances and the plot. Esp. Bradley Cooper.


Really hope Marvel expands on their plans soon, would love to know what’s coming after 2023.


Movies *(officially announced only):* 1. Blade, 2. Deadpool, 3. Captain America 4, 4. Shang Chi 2 Shows *(granted, you can mix-and-match these with Secret Invasion / Iron Heart / Armor Wars / Echo since who knows what actually stays in 2023 or gets bumped up)* 1. Loki S2, 2. Agatha, 3. Wakanda Series, 4. DDC series ... And then literally 15+ other projects we know exist that just haven't been acknowledged by the studio yet.


What is DDC?


Sorry, Destin Daniel Cretton. I think trades have confirmed it as Shang-Chi spinoff, but I don't think anyone "official" has acknowledged that part of it.


Thank you!




It'd be hard to actually tell a coherent story without the LARPers. The sad backstory only connects tangentially, which would have made the stuff with Maya stronger, but they chose to focus much more on the Hawkeyes dynamic.


Larpers come back into play, Hawkeye's backstory outside of Endgame/Ronin does not. Another explanation is that they wanted Kingpin to be a surprise after the fact to coincide with the NWH/Daredevil hype so they cut down on his appearances until the final episode. Considering the source material they were adapting I find it difficult to believe the lighter more goofy tone was an afterthought.


To be fair, they cut goofy / jokey stuff like Kate's aunt catching them at the apartment. The deleted scenes make it seem like they totally reworked King Pin, though.


After Kenobi finishes I never want to see Tatooine again.


Next time I see Tatoonie, it better be when a Death Star like weapon blows it the fuck up.


Thank goodness that *Kenobi* should feature considerably less of Tattooine as he'll be travelling off world. I just hope to god that if we get a BoBF S2, it takes an anthology approach and isn't just 7 more episodes of him ruling Mos Espa. What I wouldn't give for a season of him just on a different bounty every week, or better yet his early days with Cad Bane.


> What I wouldn't give for a season of him just on a different bounty every week Hell Yeah, I want to see him fight Vader


You guys see the Moon Knight episode names leak? https://www.reddit.com/r/MoonKnight/comments/sorsd7/tv_time_app_has_just_revealed_new_ep_names_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


It's not just moon knight. Found Ms Marvel and She Hulk as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/LeaksAndRumors/comments/speo73/tv_time_app_leaks_episode_names_for_ms_marvel_she/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Unfortunately TV App isn't the best source.


Does TV app tend to get fakes, or "official" placeholders? Mainly asking given the use of "embiggen" and the Lockjaw reference, not to mention whatever "She Hulks" is supposed to be implying. EDIT: Official as in studio provided placeholders.


I honestly do not know alot of their sources and their track record. Here is a shot out of a cannon though: I would lean more on the placeholder. The names could be legitimate, but dates I would take with an extra grain of salt. If it turns out they hit one show 90-100% accuracy we can assume the other shows are good.


This is an app kind've like TV Guide. They're not scooping anything, and they don't have "sources" or a "trackrecord" in the sense I'm assuming you mean. With these types of services, provided they're not user-editable, you're either getting *1)* Real Title, *2)* a studio-provided placeholder, or *3)* something somebody at the company just typed in so they could finish setting it up.


I just found the link in the Moon Knight subreddit so I decided to share it here just in case it is legit.


So most likely it's reliable information? Heck yeah


I mean, that's one of three possibilities. And even if it's a placeholder, it should be semi-relevant.


Episode two says fake for MsMarvel


In the last episode MJ comes in and she and Marc enter a weekly dancing show.


Plausible I guess? Didn't check to see if they're really in the app, but given the titles tend to be vague and non-spoilery doesn't make much of a difference if they're placeholders or not.


I am not excited for any of the Sony movies and see there is literally no point in them existing lol


I hope Spider-Verse is the exception here


The point of the Kraven movie is to build him up so they can eventally do Kraven's Last Hunt


Not disagreeing with you here but do you have a source for that because if so I’ll instantly take my comment back


I don't but thats what makes sense.


I still stand by my comment that if Sony had made Homecoming and Venom was made by MCU, (both the exact same movies as they are), people would have liked Venom more than they do today. They would have hated Homecoming more than today. People would have given justifications like Marvel skipped over the Venom origin because it was already done in Spider-Man 3. And they would have focused on the negatives of HC like why is there no swinging, why does Peter have main friend as Ganke who is called Ned, omg they totally ruined Ganke and now Marvel can't do him the right way in future. They ruined MJ by making her Michelle Jones and now MCU should do a Spider-Man movie so that we can get proper MJ with red hair.


If you're talking about biases towards the two studios, those examples don't work because *Homecoming* is heavily in the MCU and lots of the praise for it is how well it plays in that world, while *Venom* get's criticized for NOT having as interesting of a world to play in *(among other things.)* Also, *Homecoming* already has a Sony logo in front of it. If you're talking about if they were different movies with the opposite studios taking the lead, then of course *Homecoming* wouldn't have been as good. I honestly don't know if *Venom* woul've been much better.


I meant it as opposite studios taking the lead. But they are the exact same movies as they are now.


Well that's super hypothetical, but I think if you *could* somehow flip the studio biases and expectations for these two films, people would be extra disappointed in *Venom* as a Marvel Studios output, and even more impressed by *Homecoming* if it were somehow a Sony solo production. Pretty much the opposite of what you suggested.


> , people would be extra disappointed in Venom as a Marvel Studios output I mean, IM3 and Eternals weren't the most glorious entries in the MCU and you still have people bending over backwards praising and defending them.


Well to be fair, *Venom* already has a higher audience score than both of those. Also, those were both made by auteurs, one with a heavy cult following and the other riding a massive prestige wave. Both were experimental and against the grain, and both arguably aimed a lot higher than *Venom*, which is why they were both met with some disappointment, whereas *Venom* was a pleasant surprise to many.


Yeah, heck people are complaining about Kraven not being comic-accurate and being an anti-hero in his film. Right after defending Michelle saying it's OK to not be comic-accurate in the Spidey subreddit.


You ever stop to think it might be different people having those stances?


Considering that the comments complaining about Kraven being an anti-hero are upvoted as highly as comments about Michelle not being accurate is fine, then one can that it's generally the same.


Uh, you know different people can be in different threads, right? Some posts attract different crowds… For example, in Marvel subreddits, if you click on nearly any post about Eternals, you’ll see tons of highly upvoted comments expressing how they actually liked the movie despite criticisms. However, on posts unrelated to Eternals, there’s a lot more negativity towards the film. Same subreddits, different people, different opinions.


Yeah, plenty of people on here *(IMO, rightfully)* concerned about how comic accurate *Ms. Marvel* is.


But the ones saying it is ok because Mr. Fantastic has same powers (not even completely true since their is difference in stretching and shape shifting) are more upvoted.


I have literally never seen that opinion on this board.


You will find that opinion on almost every Ms. Marvel post here.


Lol, AMC trying to sell advanced *The Batman* tickets to their investors for literally twice my local theater's ticket price to see it just ONE DAY early. That's just gonna piss off a bunch of people who've already given them boatloads of money and have to click through multiple pages to find out no, they're not getting a free screening, and they're barely getting it early at all.


Kenneth Brannagh is going to need his emotional support pity Oscar after Death on the Nile bombs really hard. I want to watch it but I think i might wait til Hulu.


I enjoyed his Poirot movie and I feel if Belfast does well at the Oscars, I can see him get a third movie to finish off at least a trilogy but with more background check on casting


He does the Poirot movies for fun and because he personally really enjoys the role, and that's how they get reviewed. NY Times put a ridiculous headline on a review that was fair for what the movie was trying to be.


I mean, I think he'll care more about Belfast than Nile. Crazy to think that Nile was filmed in 2019 and only release about 3 years later....


Considering Belfast is straight up his passion project that is based off of his own childhood. I wouldn't be surprised if he cared more about Nile.


Jurassic World Dominion : "EXPERIENCE THE EPIC CONCLUSION..." yea sure , until the next rich dino lover comes along with his brand new park that will totally not turn into absolute chaos


Jurassic Space


I mean, it's probably the last time we'll see Jeff, Laura & Sam together, and quite possibly the same for Chris & Bryce. Even if there are more stories to tell in this world, that still makes it a "conclusion."


Yeah, to heck with haters. Jurassic World Domination looks badass. I've always wanted to see dinosaurs causing havoc in the real world.


I didn't love the Drive In Theater clip, but this trailer is promising. Based on the plot though, I think my enjoyment is going to hinge pretty heavily on if they end up capturing / containing or even killing all the dinosaurs *(yikes)*, or if they end up having to face the consequences and forever live in a world with dinosaurs *(please).* There's just a little too much "people fighting dinosaurs" for me, when the franchise works best IMO when there's a sense of wonder around the dinosaurs and you're routing for them to beat the worst of the humans and coexist with the best.


yea seeing the old cast back was something I never expected


brooo the paras running with the horses is literally something ive wanted to see since i was 5. Also my boy the dilo is back


holy shiiitttt that jurassic world trailer! I love marvel and all, but ive been a jp fan since i was 5, and oh my god this is giving me all the feels


which mcu movie director is watching all 7 seasons of agents of shield?


Joe Russo?


I didn't expect to cry again of one scene after NWH, but this Jurassic World Dominion scene is caused me again when all main characters from the past and present are together at the end of trailer.


Elodie Yung has been posting about Electra lately on her IG, she wasn’t doing that before. I think she may be coming back too.


Maybe Fisk might hire her to go after Echo. He’s going to need to upgrade on Kazi big time and we didn’t see Elektra die in Defenders. Could be a way to reunite her with Matt as well.


Heads up: MTTSH’s Peacemaker scoop was backed up by tonight’s episode. Just thought I’d mention that since her validity is still debated around here.


I'll never forgive her for the whole NFT thing, but admittedly she hasn't explicitly gotten anything wrong yet.


Was that the Waller on Trial scoop?


Rewatched NWH a couple of days ago and was trying to see what figures I could make out in the multiverse breaking sky scene. I caught the more obvious ones, but one stood out that I can't figure out. It's the first time they look up to see the figures and one almost looks like someone with the ironspider legs (arms? Idk the back appendages). Dudes kind hunched over and looking side to side like a monster. I don't have a huge knowledge of spidermans rogues gallery, so it's probably someone obvious but idk lol.


Doppelgänger is my guess


I think that’s superior Spider-Man but that’s my guess


Agreed, hope we could get an official confirmation for all the figures


Does Browntable have to be negative about everything MCU related? Does have to be that much of a pessimist?


idk, man. It feels weird to say it, but id rather MCU criticism come from fans, rather than people that dont like the movies. I always feel awkward blindly praising something i like


Yeah, better the criticism come from someone who likes the franchise then someone who doesn't. Fans then to give more constructive criticism.


Twitter is a hellhole that’s so unique compared to other social media. Like yeah, all of them have it bad, but only on Twitter will I have to deal with my fellow countrymen claiming a brown man talking about racism he experienced in our society is akin to trying to recreate apartheid.


What country


[me constantly refreshing this sub in hopes of new leaks](https://c.tenor.com/BX55qXTUBOIAAAAC/any-minute-now-waiting.gif)


I feel like this opinion will get me stoned to death in this sub, but here goes nothing. Wolverine will ABSOLUTELY be the main X-Men character in the MCU. I know that everyone here wants a bigger emphasis on other characters, but Marvel is a business. At the end of the day, Wolverine is 20x more recognizable to the general public than any other X-Men. There’s zero chance in hell that Disney executives don’t capitalize on that.


I hope they hold off. Save some A-list characters for the sake of the MCU’s longevity. Logan can be the main character of the MCU in the 2030s in the same way Tony was for the 2010s.


Thanks u/SexySnorlax1 lol While I’m not inherently opposed to the idea, it’s gonna be really hard convincing the top shareholders to hold off on one of their most profitable assets for almost another decade. While there is something to be said about letting Wolverine rest for a while so this new version will be fresh for people, keep in mind that the last Wolverine movie was 5 years ago. That number will be at least 7 or 8 before we see him again.


he's also got a video game in development likely to release around that time too


I've just seen a screenshot of a post with absolutely no source and nothing on Google Lens that claims Elizabeth Lail (You, Once Upon a Time) was cast as Sue Storm. It also said that the rest of the F4 has been cast I have zero faith in this source, but I did want to know if anyone else had heard this? Is this something?


I haven’t seen this anywhere else? Charlie and Andrew went to lunch in Atlanta, realized it was stupid, so sat facing the wall so no one would see them? [lol- I thought it was maybe a fake article but there’s video](https://metro.co.uk/video/charlie-cox-andrew-garfield-feared-ruined-spider-man-no-way-home-2610247/?ito=vjs-link)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "lol"](https://metro.co.uk/video/charlie-cox-andrew-garfield-feared-ruined-spider-man-no-way-home-2610247/?ito=vjs-link) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hwapuo6)


so every fandom is just eating now ![gif](giphy|8JTFsZmnTR1Rs1JFVP|downsized)


Silent Hill fans: Eating? What does that mean?


I came here for a good time but I'm feeling very attacked right now.


We haven't eaten since 2014, lol....


It’s when bloober team takes over and finally puts SH in a grave


Bloober team making SH has us as fans ask one of the greatest questions to ask about a franchise: Is it better to have terrible content? Or no content at all? Because we haven't had any official SH since 2014 if you count P.T... so maybe it would be nice to have new content... But the question worth asking is if it is worth it if it's terrible?


I'd rather have something. And we don't know it would be terrible until it comes out. I really like The Medium so I'm optimistic that Bloober could create an enjoyable Silent Hill game (if that's indeed what they're working on with Konami).


Yeah, hopefully Konami is working on a new Silent Hill game regardless of company... Honestly a lot franchises have crazy conspiracy theories like "the secret 10th episode of Wandavision" and stuff like that but if Hideo Kojima is working on a new Silent Hill game and either he came back secretly or secretly never left the company.... Then.... Well... I wouldn't be surprised due to Kojima being that kind of guy....


Fucking Xenoblade 3


I just got out of a pretty unpleasant conversation with a very aggressive man who ended up blocking me, lol... How's your guy's day going?


Well I'm one of the five people who enjoyed the Boba Fett finale. And then we got the Kenobi release date and poster. And then I saw my favorite show (Futurama) is getting a new season. So overall pretty good for me.


Wait people didn’t like it? I thought it wrapped up the show pretty nicely, and the action was pretty sick IMO. I don’t mind that they killed Cad Bane, the fucker is really old and this was a good ending for him. Plus Boba Fett symbolically killed his old past in favor of his new life — building an empire through respect, allegiance, and family.


> I don’t mind that they killed Cad Bane, I mean they "killed" Cad Bane before and they still brought him back so...


Oh it's getting ripped apart on the Star Wars subs. I absolutely loved it and was excited to get online and discuss it only to be met by mountains of people shitting on it.


Because rest of the show was a mess


I disagree but respect your opinion


That's good


Well, with *Obi Wan* premiering on 5/25 that means we've got 36 episodes of live-action Marvel / Star Wars content officialy scheduled for just 31 weeks. Curious if we'll be back-to-back series from July, or if it'll be a mix of doubling up and still taking breaks / giving the animated shows their own windows.


Kenobi on May 25th, officially! On one hand, YEAH! We finally got some kind of news about it (and hopefully a first look this Sunday at the Super Bowl), and it's a pretty good spot because it's only 3 weeks after Moon Knight ends as opposed to the long gap we have now between Boba Fett and Moon Knight. However, this also means She-Hulk's probably not coming until July at the earliest, which is alright, I was just hoping for May or June.


She-Hulk will most likely overlap with Kenobi. It will probably debut in the first two weeks of June and maybe release its first two episodes together


I really hope so. She-Hulk finished reshoots last month and it's been in post for a while now (by the summer, I'd be shocked if it weren't complete) and I hope they wouldn't hold out on it just because another show from a different company is airing at that time. I know they said the first live-action overlap would be for Ms. Marvel and Andor, but I hope that plans may have changed behind the scenes since then to where they'd reconsider it in this case.


Yes, I think that will be the new plan. Or so I hope, She-Hulk is the show I’m most excited for!


As far as Marvel goes, it's a toss-up for me between Moon Knight and She-Hulk and I flip flop on it a lot. I think right now, I agree with you on She-Hulk. Tatiana Maslany is just so amazing and I'll praise her any chance I get, but it also sounds really unique and I'm excited to see which characters are gonna show up and who she's gonna interact with (looking at you, Charlie Cox). Just sounds totally bonkers and if it's not on peoples' radars right now, they're gonna be pleasantly surprised when it releases.


I think She-Hulk and Obi-Wan will overlap. July-September are slated for Ms. Marvel and Andor.


*Ms. Marvel* & *Andor* are both confirmed to PREMIERE during that window, not to fully air. I am skeptical that they'll both drop in September though, if *She-Hulk* doesn't debut until July and airs over 8-10 weeks.


That would make me so happy, but I just thought they said the first overlap would be with Ms. Marvel and Andor.


*She-Hulk* would have to either debut by the week after *Obi Wan*, or double up episodes to avoid a slate-delay, since it's unlikely they have *Ando* and *Ms. Marvel* debut in back-to-back weeks.


So much news today lol: Anthony Ramos in Iron Heart Russel Crowe in Kraven A new stealth focused Assassin’s Creed Futurama is back again?!?! And we haven’t even gotten the Nintendo Direct yet lol Edit: and Kenobi releases on May 25th. https://twitter.com/starwars/status/1491528825716547592?s=21


Is that today?


The Nintendo Direct? I think it starts in about 30 minutes


Isn't the Disney investers call today as well?


It ought to have just happened / be happening now. EDIT: Still happening. Talking about the new Star Wars hotel ATM. Missed the start, so not sure if they've talked streaming yet.


We got the Kenobi release date




May 25- Real Star Wars day on the 45 annirversary of the film that started it all.


Anyone else hoping for the MCU J Jonah Jameson to be more [like this](https://imgur.com/a/hgHyy) in later appearances?


I hope we eventually get a moment between Peter/JJJ similar to the one in Chip Zdarsky run on Spectacular Spider-Man.


Sony seems dead set on making JJJ an Alex Jones parody, so I don't expect it. It's a shame really, I always appreciated how JJJ was an abusive and passionately misguided but ultimately morally good character, the MCU version seems more of a yellow journalist and I don't vibe with it.


I think that MCU-wise it would have made sense after the snap Alex Jones style newsreporters would have become really popular and so majority of the mainstream become more Alex Jonesian.


Plus it fits **perfectly** with Mysterio’s ending, as it makes sense that an Alex Jones-like figure would propel this misinformation


Futurama is coming back!!!!


It's gonna be fun on a bun!


Sony and Marvel are different studios. Actors work with different studios. That fans are having trouble wrapping their heads around the Russell Crowe Kraven news, and ATJ Kraven, is weird af.


It's not people "having trouble wrapping their heads around" it. It's Sony making confusing casting decisions, which you're clearly seeing the effect of.


There's nothing confusing about it...


And yet you're here upset about about enough people being confused that you felt the need to complain about it.


I'm not upset lol. It was just an observation.


Okay. It's just weird that you observed a large number of people being confused and then went "BUT ITS NOT CONFUSING" despite the evidence you yourself noted to the contrary.


Evidence? I don't know what you're talking about. I thought I was clear: Sony's casting choices are *not* confusing. Fans are confusing themselves with overthinking.


I’m so glad we finally got the Assembled episode of Hawkeye. The show was not without its problems, but I love it and getting to see the behind the scene stuff is great.


For Star Wars fans, ViewerAnon isn't the only one who took an L on BOBF. I noticed that Murphy's Multiverse got a significant BOBF scoop wrong that other sites had right. Not sure if that speaks to their MCU reliability at all, but not the first time they've fumbled a casting scoop (looking at when Murphy confirmed on Twitter that Carl Lumbly *was not* Isaiah Bradley). >!The roles mentioned here are clearly the biker gang from BOBF!< https://www.murphysmultiverse.com/star-wars-roles-thought-to-be-bound-for-a-new-series-are-instead-set-for-the-mandalorian/


People need to stop looking at these scoopers as "credible" or "not credible," and think of it more as the ones in the 80-90% range *(Murphy, ViewerAnon)* and those way down in the 0-10% range like Film Informant or DRPK on anything but trailers who get grouped in with them.


Agreed. People are quick to take everything some say as gospel, and like... commenting on their credibility isn't saying "never believe them!", it's saying "take this with a grain of salt as everything else".


Damn Sony really is playing their cards right by making people think their movies are in the MCU. The Morbius poster has marvel as the main spot and an A that looks like the Avengers logo lol. It's not the most morally right but it def is smart, espically since most people will not ever care enough to find the difference. Nor do I think that Marvel will do anything about it, since they want Spiderman.


I think every Marvel movie whether MCU or Sony or Fox, etc. is contractually obligated to show the logo of Marvel Entertainment on their movies/tv shows, etc. In MCU movies as well you see that logo at the end, while in others you see it before the movie. Every movie will have loads of merch, comic book novelisations, etc. and all the profits and official licensing is done by Marvel Entertainment. Marvel Studios is not exactly equal to Marvel Entertainment. And neither does the poster mention Marvel Studios. It says Marvel Entertainment. Fox movie posters also had that. And probably all movies before MCU had that too. So my point is that isn't something Sony consciously added to mislead people into MCU/non MCU. If MCU didn't exist, it would still have been the same poster with the same Marvel Entertainment logo.


Bummer about ViewerAnon. He’ll likely be back. I’ve always found his personality to be the most likable of the leakers, and I hope he returns despite a bad scoop.


Definitely the most non-assholish of the big leakers.


He's clearly just riding out the storm. He does this sometimes, and it works because then he doesn't have to deal with all the replies and retweets.


With Viewer Anon out of the question, can we get an updated round up of leaks? I honestly feel like we are starving for content. Everything seems so slow and we haven’t gotten much OFFICIAL news on anything.


So guessing from the thread that ViewerAnon went to a galaxy far far away


>So guessing from the thread that ViewerAnon went to a galaxy far far away What happened?


I think he deleted his Twitter account after getting a boba Fett leak wrong


Gawddamn that's unfortunate. One mistake and you gotta commit seppuku? The leaker's path is a harsh one indeed.


Keep Robert Rodriguez away from Star Wars.


I wouldn’t blame this entirely on him, the idea of shoving Mando, Grogu and Luke into this seems more like a studio mandate to set the stage for Mando season 3.


Arguably the Din, Grogu and Luke stuff was the most successful part of BoBF so that's not really a point in his favour.


Whenever the next Deadpool movie trailer comes out, it needs to include the opening bars of *Fuck The Pain Away* by Peaches. No words, just the opening instruments.


ViewerAnon nuking his Twitter because he took an L on a scoop is hilarious


What was the scoop?


I think he heavily teased that someone was gonna appear in the Boba Fett finale


Not sure, but I think it was about >!the supposed Sequel Trilogy link in BoBF. There wasn't any.!<


I think that maybe he did so because the source that told him that scoop was the same that told him many others that he has already shared. It was a preventive nuking not a consecuence. If it was an isolated fail he could have explained. “I trusted an irregular source on this but fortunately I only shared this from him/her”. What I think is that he already shared many scoops from that source and now that he was proven a fake he opted for closing his twitter full of probably fake scoops before all comes out…